A list of puns related to "Dax, Landes"
I feel like Dax says pretty often that he thinks he could safely land a plane. Can’t he just go to a flight simulation type place and find out the answer to this? He could spend an afternoon doing that and either prove that he can or find out that it’s not at all like the controls he would expect to find. I’ve never been to one, but those places must exist to train pilots, right?
I have a rather large number of data tables that relate to each other with a lot of different complex needs.
Our infrastructure is such that our IT team extracts raw data into a datalake and from there I can write scripts to extract it and model it in Databricks. Currently using CSV as the format Power BI reads from (some tables have several million rows so I found this format to be the easiest).
So I really have three choices with some pros and cons to each I'm finding:
It's a little hard to describe but I guess I'm looking for advice on best practice where to put logic between these three. It can't be all in one of the three yet feels like that's the ideal for simplicity.
I recently was playing around with my model and migrated some of the large tables with lots of lookups and aggregates DAX to Power Query with several merges and appends needed instead yielding basically the same table but the processing went from 15ish minutes to 50 or an hour. I'm not sure if that's bad (i.e. is it using less processors but taking longer or taking longer and no longer as efficient).
Maybe I'd be better served abandoning CSV? Should I just have a moderate balance between the three methods and not favor one or the other.
Things are moving very fast right now and it looks like signing day is going to bring a huge haul to Ann Arbor. More info later as it becomes available.
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
Red Terror, Russian SFSR, 1918-1922: 100,000 to 200,000 deaths
Decossackization, USSR, 1919-1933: 10,000 to 500,000 deaths
Hungarian Red Terror, Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919: 370-590 executed
Povolzhye famine, Russian SFSR, 1921-1922: 5 million deaths
Turkestan famine, 1919–1922: 400,000–750,000 deaths
Dekulakization, USSR, 1929-1933: 530,000 to 600,000 deaths
Gulags, USSR, 1929-1953: 1.2-1.7 million deaths
Population transfer, 1930-1952: 800,000–1,500,000 deaths
Deportation of Koreans, 1937: 16,500-50,000 deaths
Deportation of the Volga Germans, 1941: 42,823-228,800 deaths
Deportations from Lithuania, 1941-1952: 28,000 deaths
Deportations from Estonia, 1941-1951: unknown number of deaths
Deportation of the Karachays, 1943: 13,100—19,000 deaths
Deportation of the Kalmyks, 1943: 16,017–16,594 deaths (between 17 and 19 percent of their total population)
Deportation of the Chechens and Ingush, 1944: 123,000–200,000 deaths or between 1/4 and 1/3 of their total population
Deportation of the Balkars, 1944: 7,600 deaths
Deportation of the Crimean Tatars, 1944: 34,000 to 110,000 deaths (between 18 and 46 percent of their total population)
Deportation of the Meskhetian Turks, 1944: 12,589 to 50,000 deaths
Famine, USSR, 1932–1933: 6.4-12.5 million deaths
Goloshchyokin genocide, USSR, 1931–1933: 1.5-2.3 million deaths or between 38 to 42 percent of all Kazakhs
Ukraine Terror-Famine, USSR, 1932-1933: 3.5 million deaths Genocide
Great Terror, USSR, 1936-1938: between 950,000 and 1.2 million deaths
Mass operations of the NKVD Repression of Anti-Soviet elements, 1937-1938: 386,798 executed (NKVD Order № 00447 )
Polish Operation, 1937-1938: 111,091 deaths (NKVD Order № 00485 )
Latvian Operation, 1937-1938: 16,573 deaths
German Operation, 1937-1938: 41,898 deaths (NKVD Order № 00439 )
Harbin Operation, 1937: 30,992 deaths (NKVD Order № 00593)
Greek Operation, 1937-1950: 20,000-50,000 deaths
Repressions in Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic, 1937-1939: 20,000-35,000
Spanish Red Terror, 1936: 38,000 to 72,344 killed including 6,832 Roman Catholic Priests
Repression of Polish citizens, USSR, 1939-1946: 150,000 deaths
Katyn massacre, USSR, 1940: 22,000
NKVD prisoner massacres, USSR, 1941: 100,000 killed
Leftist Errors (Yugoslav Red Terror), Eventual Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1941: 1000+ deaths
Purges in Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1944-1945: at least 55,973 deaths
Forced labor of Hungarians,
... keep reading on reddit ➡Die Deutsche Bundespost wurde 1950 als Nachfolgerin der Deutschen Reichspost gegründet und war zunächst eine Behörde.
1969 wurde dann das Unternehmen DHL gegründet, die Initialen der Nachnamen der Gründer: Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom und Robert Lynn.
Im Jahr 1989 trat die erste Postreform in Kraft und die Deutsche Bundespost wurde in drei öffentliche Unternehmen aufgeteilt: Der Postdienst, die Postbank und die Telekom. Die Deutsche Bundespost behielt dabei weiterhin das Monopol der Breifbeförderung und beim Telefonnetz, mit Ausnahme des Mobilfunks. Alle anderen Dienstleistungen konnten nun auch von privaten Anbietern angeboten werden. Sowohl die politischen Kontrollmöglichkeiten als auch die Einheit der Deutschen Bundespost wurden bei dieser Reform nicht berührt.
1990 wurde mit der Wiedervereinigung auch die Deutsche Post der DDR in die Deutsche Bundespost eingegliedert. Im selben Jahr wurde Klaus Zumwinkel zum Geschäftsführer der Deutschen Bundespost ernannt.
1995 trat die zweite Postreform in Kraft. Diese sorgte dafür, dass die drei Postunternehmen in privatrechtliche Aktiengesellschaften übergeleitet werden. Für die Überwachung der Post-Dienstleistungen (Wettbewerbsrecht etc.) war zunächst weiterhin das Bundesministerium für Post und Telekommunikation zuständig, später dann die Bundesnetzagentur.
Klaus Zumwinkel übernahm weiterhin die Führung der Post und war nun Vorstandsvorsitzender der Deutschen Post AG.
Zunächst behielt der Bund alle Aktien. Im Jahr 2000 jedoch erfolgte der Börsengang und es wurden zunächst 29% der Aktien veräußert. Bis zum Juli 2005 hat der Bund alle Aktien im Rahmen von Platzhaltergeschäften an die KfW abgegeben. Diese wiederum reduzierte im Laufe der Zeit kontinuierlich ihren Anteil am Unternehmen, im Jahr 2013 lag dieser bei nur noch 21%.
Im Juli 2002 erhöhte die Deutsche Post AG ihren Anteil an DHL auf 75% und wurde damit Mehrheitseigner. Im Dezember überniahm die Deutsche Post dann auch noch die übrigen Anteile und die DHL wurde 100-prozentige Tochtergesellschaft.
Am 18. Februar 2008 legte Klaus Zumwinkel wegen des Verdachts der Steuerhinterziehung sein Amt als Vorstandsvorsitzender nieder. Zum Nachfolger wurde einstimmig und mit sofortiger Wirkung Frank Appel gewählt.
Seit 2015 tritt der Konzern unter dem Namen "Deutsche Post
... keep reading on reddit ➡Das Unter r/mauerstrassenwetten besteht wohl zu einem großen Teil aus Spielsüchtigen Personen. Wer nicht süchtig ist, dem ist ggf. ein problematisches Spielverhalten zu attestieren. MSW ist vielleicht eine Art verkappte Selbsthilfegruppe, nur dass mit Verlusten geprahlt wird, anstatt sich gegenseitig zu helfen.
Soweit, so gut.
„Aber u/m-w-n_diversifiziert*,*-Aktien sind doch kein Glücksspiel!“-Stöcker gehen ja nur nach oben!“-100 tAgE gOlD hEbElN iSt EiNe SoLiDe GeLdAnLaGe!“
Höre ich euch bereits rufen und teilweise mögt ihr damit Recht haben. (Edit:) Aber in letzter Zeit machte ich mir des Öfteren Gedanken, inwieweit beim Handeln der natürliche Spieltrieb des Menschen ausgenutzt wird. Neobroker wie die Handelsrepublik oder das Skalierbare Kapital nutzen auch verstärkt den natürlichen Spieltrieb des Menschen aus, wenn auch die Spielifizierung längst nicht so ausgeprägt ist, wie beispielsweise bei RobinHaube in den USA.Ich frage mich daher: Dürfen Banken/Broker unter dem Denkmantel der seriösen Finanzprodukte wirklich alles an den Mann bringen oder gibt es auch Grenzen?Um diese Frage annähernd zu beantworten folgt nun ein vereinfachter fiktiver Sachverhalt:
Der spielsüchtige A sah in einem Onlineforum, dass man mit Knock-Out-Zertifikaten binnen kurzer Zeit extrem hohe Renditen einfahren kann. Er eröffnet daraufhin ein Konto bei der H-Republik, ein Deutschland ansässiger fiktiver Online-Broker. A, der keinerlei Erfahrung mit dem Handel von Derivaten hat, gibt im Registrierungsprozess an, bereits über einige Erfahrung im Umgang mit Derivaten zu haben, er fürchtet ansonsten keinen Zugriff auf die Derivate zu haben.Wenig später zahlt A (via Kreditkarte) 1000,00€ auf sein Verrechnungskonto bei der H-Republik ein. Er sucht nach Knock-Out Zertifikaten auf den DAX und sortiert diese nach dem Hebel, natürlich in absteigender Reihenfolge. Nach kurzer Überlegung entscheidet er sich für 1000 Stk. Turbo O.End Long DAX Zertifikate mit einem Hebel von 215,32 und einem Kurs von 0,999€. Die Gesamtkosten des Handels belaufen sich auf 1000,00€. Emittent des Finanzprodukts ist ebenfalls die H-Republik.Nach rund 7 Minuten Achterbahnfahrt stellt A entsetzt fest, dass solche Hebelprodukte kein Freies-Geld-Fehler sind. Der DAX erreichte die Klopf-Aus-Schwelle und das von ihm gekaufte Finanzprodukt wurde Tage später zu 0,001€/Stk. ausgebucht, sein Verrechnungskonto weist nun einen Saldo von 1,00€.
Da ein Euro nichtmal für den Kauf eines $SEILs reicht, fragt A
... keep reading on reddit ➡Hallo miteinander! Ich habe ein Jobangebot in der Nähe meiner alten Heimat angeboten bekommen. Derzeit überlegen wir (Paar mit Kind) wieder in die Stadt unserer jeweiliger Eltern zu ziehen (da wir für den neuen Job ohnehin quer durchs Land umziehen müssen).
Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: sozialer Kreis (auch Freunde) sind vor Ort, Eltern können mit dem Nachwuchs unterstützen, Mieten sind sehr günstig. Nachteil wäre aber eine Pendelstrecke für mich (Alleinverdiener) von 90 km einfach derzeit. In etwa 6 Monaten könnte ich das Büro wechseln, dann wären es nur noch 75 km einfach. Man hat mir 2-3 Tage pro Woche HomeOffice angeboten. Ist eine Projektleiterstelle in einem DAX Konzern.
Die Strecke ist 95% wenig befahrene Autobahn. Da wir bislang kein Auto haben, stehe ich vor der Frage:
Alternativ fährt auch im 2-Stunden-Takt ein RE mit einer Fahrdauer von 50 Minuten. Allerdings verliert man mit der Bahn halt seine Flexibilität.
Was würdet ihr tun? Danke 😁
Do your worst!
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂
It really does, I swear!
They’re on standbi
Pilot on me!!
Context: Before this bit they were talking about how the media and society ignorantly divides music into cool and uncool, with pop music often landing into the "uncool" category. Dax (podcast host) then gives some examples.
Ed: I mean that's the same for me. That'll be the same for Shawn. We get that criticism. That'll be the same for...
Dax: Taylor? Does she get that?
Ed: I think she did. And I think she then reached a level of success with 1989 where people were like 'oh she can't do it again, she can't do it again'. And I think with Folklore and Evermore, it's soo back in with the cool club. She's now kind of...
Dax: Transcended all of it?
Ed: Yeahh! You can't - like, she's done it again and again and again and at a certain point you (the critics) have to just be like she's really good. Also she's just a really nice person, so that comes out. She'll do a donate to a fans thing here, and she'll do that there, and these things come out. And the media felt like they could shit on her for a bit and then eventually they're like fuck...
Dax: She won
Ed: She definitely won. I don't think there's ever a point where people can be the way they were with her.
(if there's any Ed fan out there you should check this podcast out. Really good, interesting conversations, etc. and no Equals-related promo because Ed himself didn't want to)
Nothing, he was gladiator.
Update - Nov. 15th, 3:30 - Response for Updating Platinum
Hey Tenno!
With Prime Resurgence launching tomorrow, we wanted to answer your requests to (a) add Platinum to the packs and (b) add Accessories Packs with Platinum.
A. The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants. While it is not possible for this first run, we have pages upon pages of feedback here that will be considered alongside the data we’ll be reviewing once the event has finished. Rest assured the importance of bonus Platinum in the value proposition is noted for next time.
B. The same reasoning from A applies to adding Accessories Packs - there is still much to consider for an event that has yet to run, but being the biggest discussed point here we know it is desired. But since we are unable to add a Pack at this point, there is no way for us to add Platinum to a pack that doesn’t exist.
We really want to stress again that this is our first attempt at running an event like this. It has been 8 years of the same Prime Access system and 7 years of Prime Vault, we aren’t reinventing the wheel but we are venturing into an entirely new way to make Prime items available in ways we’ve never attempted before. And this is why player feedback is so vital, we know what your top concerns are and will take it into consideration if we look at a future run of Prime Resurgence.
We just simply cannot commit to any major systematic changes at this time, because of the reasons listed above and because we need performance data to make educated and informed decisions if we run the event again. These may not be the answers you were hoping for, but for the sake of transparency they are the answers we have to give at this time. We also want to make a point of saying that you as a player have the freedom to participate in any form that is most comfortable to you. With far more avenues of access to free-path Primed items with Aya, you can dedicate your time to building up that Prime inventory that you’ve been dreaming of
... keep reading on reddit ➡Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
When I got home, they were still there.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
"The earth is only capable of supporting 5 million humans, any more is a blight upon Mother Earth. No more will patriarchy artificially control mankind and rape mother earth, we shall return to matriarchy that is in touch with our Mother Earth as the castles and fortresses of old fall. The coming death toll is mankind's punishment for the disfiguring and rape of our Mother. We are not doing this to you, you have done it to yourself. All of Nature will turn against you, for you will reap what you have sown." - Paragraph 7, Page 432 of 2641 of the electronically transmitted and physical paper delivered Extinction Agenda Attack Manifesto
The plant-life rustled and shifted in the night. The moon, scarred now and marked with sparkling rippling pools of greenish-white light, stared down at the earth below. The Man in the Moon was scarred, almost unrecognizable, forever marked by the Mantid Attack.
There was a sharp crack as roots managed to snap away another thick slab of atomsite. The pressure changes made the cracked and rippled plain of greenish blue atomsite glass 'sing' in the night. High pitches squeals and squeaks, bass rumblings, and sharp cracks as the eighty mile wide glass settled and popped.
Less than a minute afterwards there was a rumble and the ground shook for nearly five seconds.
The earthquake had more to do with the aftershocks of the planetary bombardment than it did with the pressures in the glass equalizing, but the coincidence was often enough that many survivors equated correlation with causation.
The figure sitting on the upthrust chunk of atomsite, known to most as Lossglass, barely moved, riding out the rumble with the skill of long practice. He, and it was obviously a he, was one of those men who was made large by bone, sinew, and muscle. He was dressed in thick denim pants, a light t-shirt, a sportsball cap, and heavy military boots, a wedding ring on one finger, the ring and the finger both scarred and dented.
He was facing the jungle, staring across the twenty paces of broken up sand where the moss and fungus was hidden. Where hardy grasses peeked up from between the broken shards of glass. One hand was cupping his chin, the elbow on his
... keep reading on reddit ➡I won't be doing that today!
You take away their little brooms
This morning, my 4 year old daughter.
Daughter: I'm hungry
Me: nerves building, smile widening
Me: Hi hungry, I'm dad.
She had no idea what was going on but I finally did it.
Thank you all for listening.
There hasn't been a post all year!
It’s pronounced “Noel.”
After all his first name is No-vac
What, then, is Chinese rap?
Notable mentions from the comments:
Spanish/Swedish/Swiss/Serbian hits
French/Finnish art
Country/Canadian rap
Chinese/Country/Canadian rock
Turkish/Tunisian/Taiwanese rap
There hasn't been a single post this year!
(Happy 2022 from New Zealand)
100,000,000: Extermination of native Americans (1492–1890)
15,000,000: Atlantic slave trade (1500–1870)
150,000: French repression of Haiti slave revolt (1792–1803)
300,000: French conquest of Algeria (1830–1847)
50,000: Opium Wars (1839–1842 & 1856–1860)
1,000,000: Irish Potato Famine (1845–1849)
100,000: British supression of the Sepoy Mutiny (1857–1858)
20,000: Paris Commune Massacre (1871)
29,000,000: Famine in British Colonized India (1876–1879 & 1897–1902)
3,445: Black people lynched in the US (1882–1964)
10,000,000: Belgian Congo Atrocities: (1885–1908)
250,000: US conquest of the Philipines (1898–1913)
28,000: British concentration camps in South Africa (1899–1902)
800,000: French exploitation of Equitorial Africans (1900–1940)
65,000: German genocide of the Herero and Namaqua (1904–1907)
10,000,000: First World War (1914–1918)
100,000: White army pogroms against Jews (1917–1920)
600,000: Fascist Italian conquest in Africa (1922–1943)
10,000,000: Japanese Imperialism in East Asia (1931–1945)
200,000: White Terror in Spain (1936–1945)
25,000,000: Nazi oppression in Europe: (1938–1945)
30,000: Kuomintang Massacre in Taiwan (1947)
80,000: French suppression of Madagascar revolt (1947)
30,000: Israeli colonization of Palastine (1948-present)
100,000: South Korean Massacres (1948–1950)
50,000: British suppression of the Mau-Mau revolt (1952-1960)
16,000: Shah of Iran regime (1953–1979)
1,000,000: Algerian war of independence (1954–1962)
200,000: Juntas in Guatemala (1954–1962)
50,000: Papa & Baby Doc regimes in Haiti (1957–1971)
3,000,000: Vietnamese killed by US military (1963–1975)
1,000,000: Indonesian mass killings (1965–1966)
1,000,000: Biafran War (1967–1970)
400: Tlatelolco massacre (1968)
700,000: US bombing of Laos & Cambodia (1967–1973)
50,000: Somoza regime in Nicaragua (1972–1979)
3,200: Pinochet regime in Chile: (1973–1990)
1,500,000: Angola Civil War (1974–1992)
200,000: East Timor massacre (1975–1998)
1,000,000: Mozambique Civil War (1975–1990)
30,000: US-backed state terrorism in Argentina (1975–1990)
70,000: El Salvador military dictatorships (1977–1991)
30,000: Contra proxy war in Nicaragua: (1979–1990)
16,000: Bhopal Carbide disaster (1984)
3,000: US invasion of Panama (1989)
1,000,000: US embargo on Iraq (1991–2003)
400,000: Mujahideen faction conflict in Afghanistan (1992–1996)
200,000: Destruction of Yugoslavia (1992–1995)
6,000,000: Congolese Civil War (1997–2008)
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