My daughter is leaving for college tomorrow…

I was helping my daughter pack her car today, getting ready to leave tomorrow morning. She had a set of plastic stacking drawers wedged into her car, but in getting it there, it had come apart some, so we had to take it out to tape it together better. There was a black plastic bag leaning against it, and in all the wriggling, the drawers tore a small hole in the plastic bag. After taping the drawers, I noticed a small piece of the black plastic stuck to the drawers. I took it off and tried to give it to my daughter, saying, "Here's your hole," but of course she didn't want it, so I put it (you see this coming already, don't you?) in my pocket, and said, "Now I have a hole in my pocket." Her eye-roll was hilarious.

(Does anyone else remember a similar bit from the "Yellow Submarine" movie?)

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/AlmostDisjoint
πŸ“…︎ Aug 17 2018
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My overly dramatic daughter this morning...

is hopping around on one foot and saying it's broken. It's not (as she was running around all day yesterday). She asks if we have crutches to which I reply, "No, but you can get around the house by wriggling across the carpet."

She's protesting, so I ask her, "Well, you DO like Harry Potter don't you?" She says, "Yes," failing to see what Harry Potter had to do with a tender ankle.

"Well," I explain "Just pretend you're at Hogwarts, but instead of being in Gryffindor you'll be in House Slytherin."

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/RickShaw530
πŸ“…︎ Aug 01 2017
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My dad's favorite spooky Halloween joke

My dad told me this the first time on Halloween night back when I was 9. He tells it to this day to any of my cousins, nephews, or any kids that happen to linger too long at the house when he's giving out candy. It's a long one but I have always enjoyed it.

Back when I was about your age, I went on a Halloween adventure. There was an old abandoned house on our street where a series of grisly axe murders had taken place years before. The house had never sold and was left vacant and was left to fall apart. There was a local legend that if you went into the house on Halloween night, you'd be confronted by the ghost of the murderer himself, still looking for more victims to add to his terrifying story.

My friend Tom and I decided to go through with it one year. Knowing everyone would be too terrified to go into the house, we snuck in easily on Halloween night. The place was falling apart inside, the carpet was wet and moldy and the wallpaper was peeling off everywhere. We headed down carefully to the basement down a set of creaky stairs.

At first we found nothing. Just an empty creepy old house. Suddenly we felt as if we were being watched. I was looking through one of the rooms in the large basement when I suddenly heard Tom shriek. I spun around and turned my flashlight and Tom was being chased by something, no someone. It looked like it was the murderer! A crazed man with an axe!

We turned and tried to run anywhere. We were in the basement but couldn't get up the stairs because we were blocked. We ran into the side room which looked like it might have been the laundry years ago. We locked the door and looked for a way out. The only thing we could find was a small window that opened onto ground level. As I climbed out I heard a pounding on the door. I managed to wriggle my way through the window and turned around to help my friend Tom. Panicking, he managed to get his top half through the window when I noticed the pounding stop.

Tom was stuck! I kept trying to pull him up but I couldn't. I pulled as hard as I could as Tom panicked and thrashed even more. I thought something had him caught, but it was even worse. The murderer had gotten behind him and was holding him back! He was too strong for me to overcome and he was pulling Tom's leg!

Just like I've been pulling yours this whole time.

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/TheG-What
πŸ“…︎ Oct 31 2015
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My dad's favorite.

A piece of string walks into a bar, the bartender looks at him and says "Sorry, we don't serve string around here" so the piece of string walks on. The string sitting on the sidewalk really thirsty jumps up and says "Hey! I've got an idea." so he starts twisting turning wriggling around pull out a few loose threads and walks back into the bar. The bartender looks at him suspiciously and says "Hey, aren't you that piece of string that walked in here a few minutes ago?" The string replies "No, I'm a frayed knot"

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/jedijeo99
πŸ“…︎ Dec 16 2013
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