Looking for Cybersecurity online master's programs structured like WGU, but with a greater focus on hands on technical work

I like the cost structure, pace, ability to join at any time and not on specific semesters, no schedule /due dates, a push to gain certs while within the program based on classes that also prep for the certs, ease of entry into WGU university), though I was hoping to have highly technical/hands on, like when training/studying for the some of the much more hands on high level protesting certifications. I'd want something more hands on over theoretical, with interesting projects around building different structures from scratch, like an ips or ids, going into malware data science, building malware exes from scratch, practical coursework projects like forensic analysis of memory dumps, and similar levels of projects, though not a heavy workload the the point where I am doing work for the sake of work to pad the curriculum. I'd want to be able to finish early if I pushed hard enough.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/GlowyStuffs
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2022
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Structured vs free-form training programs for beginners?

Which do you suggest? I personally am torn between sticking to a C25k program (the timed sessions mean I have no concrete end goal and I don't like that) vs pushing myself at my own pace in free-form runs. Pros and Cons of both types? Any suggested plans that aren't C25k?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Wild_Daizie
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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January 1st 2022 - I'm running The Ring Fit Adventure Kickstart 2.0 program, a free, structured 31 day training program to help you start 2022 the best way!

So, this is a free 31 day training program to help start 2022 off the right way performed entirely within Ring Fit Adventure! Written and structured by a qualified personal trainer (me), with educational aspects, fun challenges and testing to make sure you're actually making progress towards your goals!

.We start on January 1st at 6AM AEDT.

It'll differ from last year as I'm more experienced and more prepared, and theres more customisation for you - you choose reps and certain exercises based on your ability for a smoother experience. Finally, as far as the goals....YOU get to choose what disciplines we're training!

If you're thinking of taking part, jump onto my YT channel and find the community page where the poll is up to choose from a few different ones!

I'm excited to do this again, I know so many of you really really enjoyed it and I cant wait to kickstart 2022 with you all!

More information on December 15th, including which programs won!

I made a cute announcement trailer too if you're interested: https://youtu.be/v-TLem8_IDQ

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πŸ‘€︎ u/PreciousCinnamon
πŸ“…︎ Nov 30 2021
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Are there structured programs (X months long) like Starting Strength or Stronglifts?

I'm not too familiar with smart home gym equipment like Tempo. For Tempo, are there "long-term" (X months long) structured lifting programs that you progress through before moving onto another program? Like how people recommend starting and just doing SS, SL or other 5x5 programs, for 6-9 months before advancing onto another program. Or are classes on Tempo more of a one-off, where each time you workout you just scroll and pick whatever workout you feel like doing that day? If there are programs, are the just 2-4 weeks long or are there lifting/strength programs that are a little longer like 3+ months

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πŸ‘€︎ u/youtrynewthings
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
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The programs are so bad, but the device is so good! Any class/program recs for structured workout plan?

We got the Tonal two weeks ago and are loving it. Have used it every day, and honestly would use it multiple times/day if my muscles would allow. :)

The one bummer is that the programs are just really the opposite of what I'm looking for. Watching the demo videos (which I think are used for every program afaict?) instead of just being in a workout flow with someone is really the opposite of what I'm looking for. And ironically I find the form guidance and other guidance in them to be less than you'd get in the regular workouts. BUT I'd love to follow a plan where someone is doing leg day, upper body, etc. week after week with break days built in and the like. I could just design that myself but I like being in class with an instructor.

Anyone found any good solutions for the above on Tonal?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/AstroLaddie
πŸ“…︎ Dec 04 2021
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I do traditional paper sketches, but I really want to learn Procreate. It's been hard for me to casually get the hang of it, and I think I need a more structured learning program. Does anyone recommend a good class or anything similar?

I have done a couple youtube tutorials with Flo and have made 1 drawing on my own with reference help, But I feel like I need something bigger, with lessons and structure. Anyone have good recommendations?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/wntrshd
πŸ“…︎ Jan 06 2022
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St. Vincent De Paul of Bend developing 'St. Vincent's Place' structured program to serve homeless - KTVZ ktvz.com/news/bend/2021/1…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/OriginalPNWest
πŸ“…︎ Nov 18 2021
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The Ring Fit Adventure Kickstart 2.0 - A free personal training style structured program performed entirely within Ring Fit Adventure starting January 1st 2022 - Full details now available! youtu.be/0z6c0oVVxBk
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πŸ‘€︎ u/PreciousCinnamon
πŸ“…︎ Dec 14 2021
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because of Go, I can't stand looking at object oriented code anymore. The way the code is structured... class hierarchies... you can't even tell what the program _does_. My eyes cross and I feel like crying. groups.google.com/g/golan…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/rohitkg98
πŸ“…︎ Sep 30 2021
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Master's Programs structured like SNHU?

I am in the Human Services BA program currently and I am projected to finish within the next year ( sooner if I go back to two classes per term). My goal is to be in a Master's of Social Work program, unfortunately SNHU doesn't offer Social work at the graduate level so I will have to find another program. I have really liked the way SNHU structures the classes and it is very user friendly. I am looking for a similar experience that SNHU has provided in an online MSW program and wanted to see if anyone here had any suggestions to look into? I know have time, but I'd like to get going early and see what my options are. Thanks everyone this is my first post in here.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/swannyjohnny
πŸ“…︎ Oct 31 2021
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Structured Training Program?

So I've promised a friend of mine that I'd do this with her in Bigfork, MT next May (the super and/or trail 10k). I'm a bit intimidated TBH and want to be well prepared ahead of time. I work out fairly regularly, but I'm a low-level jack of all trades I'd say. I run, lift, indoor cycle a bit, yoga, do sets of stairs at work, walk, etc. Is there structured plan I can use to help prepare? Is the app worth it?

I should also note that I live in the middle of nowhere, Montana and don't have access to crossfit gyms, etc. We have a workout room at work, but don't have things like monkey bars, ropes, giant tires, (or even a box tbh). Will I be at a disadvantage if I can't do specific exercises to prep? Should I just get really good at burpees?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Red_Moon_Child
πŸ“…︎ Oct 05 2021
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Hey so I am currently training to become an SR in the future but have recently been struggling with workouts that incorporates weight- lifting/cals/ running/ swimming anybody have any workouts they could share or programs they could point me to that has it all structured ?
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πŸ“…︎ Oct 09 2021
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The Structure Theorem for Modules over PIDs is one of the coolest things ever.

When you read the theorem in an Abstract Algebra class on its own, it doesn't really sink in very well. But when you apply it into Linear Algebra for the Canonical Forms, that's when it hits perfectly.

I love Linear Algebra a lot and even took a summer break after my second year of undergrad just to read Linear Algebra at home. There are multiple ways of arriving at the Jordan and Rational Canonical Forms, as several textbooks would highlight. But the Structure Theorem technique is like one of the slickest and neatest ways of getting to the forms.

What I like most about it is how it relates the Minimal and Characteristic Polynomials of the matrix. The Structure Theorem is probably the easiest way to prove that the two are equal if and only if the matrix is cyclic.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/kapoorkhanna
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2021
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DeepMind’s AI helps untangle the mathematics of knots. AI software has collaborated with mathematicians to successfully develop a theorem about the structure of knots. This suggests AI may reveal new areas of mathematics where large data sets make problems too complex to be comprehended by humans. nature.com/articles/d4158…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/MistWeaver80
πŸ“…︎ Dec 02 2021
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Hi everyone, I have a first-round interview for Deloitte's Application and Program Analyst position. I was wondering if you guys had any advice for how the interview would be structured and any tips. I have not had much luck with the job application process so far so I do not want to mess this up.
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πŸ“…︎ Oct 10 2021
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Noom is the first structured program that hasn’t triggered my previous eating disorder.

I’m not sure how to categorize my ED, but I was very restrictive and excessively exercised. I always go back into extremes whenever I’ve tried to even eat healthier or exercise and I am shocked that this has not triggered me at all. The therapy element of it I think helps a lot.. just wanted to celebrate. I don’t have a ton to lose, it’s been more so just learning to eat healthier, but I feel great and my clothes are fitting better :)

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πŸ‘€︎ u/adognamedgoose
πŸ“…︎ Aug 21 2021
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Structured programs

I've been overweight most of my life. 250lb was my highest, currently 215lb 5'7". My wife got me into optavia a few years ago and I got close (165) to my goal weight (150) and maintained it for a while (almost a year) even after stopping the packaged foods altogether. But I slowly gained it back over the course of about a year.

I don't like diets like that, mostly because I don't like other people profiting off my health. I recently came across a program called The Catching Point. I'm intrigued because it's free, but the marketing gives off a sort of Dr. Oz vibe.

Does anyone have any thoughts on it? I know I need the structure of a program like this has to offer, at least in the beginning.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/mailbot100
πŸ“…︎ Sep 27 2021
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Cicada Language -- A dependently typed programming language and a interactive theorem prover. readonly.link/manuals/git…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/xieyuheng
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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What is a good structured program for composing?

What’s the best route to take to become a good music composer? Currently I am learning piano, but I wonder up until what level do I work on it. Is there any books that helped you? Is there any book that covers everything you need to know. When do I make the transition from learning the instrument to working strictly on theory. My life goal is to be a great composer, I am going to dedicate the next 30 years. Sorry to bother, thank you.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/babybuu1
πŸ“…︎ Oct 22 2021
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Structured Writing Program?

Looking for an online writing program that is structured and will help you work through a novel, as I struggle with staying committed and motivated.

Any suggestions?

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πŸ“…︎ Aug 16 2021
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Cicada Language -- A programming language that can help you prove mathematical theorems. readonly.link/manuals/git…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/xieyuheng
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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Does anyone have a structured training program for men for a year?

Hi everyone,

does anyone have a structured training program for men for a year? All the training programs I find are all for a maximum of 12 weeks, some rare cases 16 weeks, but I don't find anything that has an annual periodization. In case no one has them, would someone be able to advise me on the programs to be done in succession one to the other? Also of different personal trainers;)

The goal is hypertrophy with a little increase in strength.

Thanks a lot to anyone who can help me

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πŸ“…︎ Aug 23 2021
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Cicada Language -- A dependently typed programming language and a interactive theorem prover. readonly.link/manuals/git…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/xieyuheng
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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How is a PhD program structured ? Do I need multiple multiple PhDs if my research topic involves different fields ?

Hey Guys ! Hope you had a great day !

How is a PhD program structured ? Like how is everything set up and what a PhD student goes through from applying to a program to receiving the doctoral .

Do I need multiple multiple PhDs if my research topic involves different fields ? Like if my research topic involves Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Nanotechnology and I have a bachelors in Electrical Engineering then will they let me do research or do i need to go to grad school ?

Please help i am just a high school student.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/ChadOfCulture
πŸ“…︎ Jul 03 2021
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Preventing Misuse of COVID-19 Vaccine Medical Exemptions | Recent history with childhood immunization programs shows less rigorously-structured and -enforced vaccination exemption policies are vulnerable to increased usage, relative to narrower or more stringently-monitored programs. blog.petrieflom.law.harva…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/shallah
πŸ“…︎ Sep 10 2021
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Here's a FREE structured group accountability program to help you use technology intentionally.

I created a FREE group accountability program to help people use technology intentionally. The time commitment is just 15 minutes every week.

It's based on a few core principles:

  • Bias towards Action: The attention economy has resulted in too much consumption and not enough action. The truth of the matter is that lack of content is no longer holding anyone back - it’s the lack of action. So, this program is deliberately sparse in content - instead, it focuses on execution.
  • Aligned Incentives: If you don't complete the program, your deposit is donated to charity (not us). If you complete it, pay us what you think it was worth (no pressure). Skin in the game for you and for us: we only make money if you succeed.
  • Community: The internet has eroded small, intimate communities. We bring that back. Your "Moai" builds off each other through mutual support and shared learnings. Doing the work is an individual journey, but it doesn’t have to feel like one.

Join for free here: themoai.org/intentional-technology! Registration closes on Sep 9.

I'd love your hear your feedback, whether you're interested or not!

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πŸ‘€︎ u/signalbeatsnoise
πŸ“…︎ Sep 01 2021
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Structured post-bacc program vs DIY?

Hi all - I'm considering a career change to medicine. I need to complete all pre-med requirements. Between highly structured post-bacc programs similar to the ones offered at Columbia/NYU/Rutgers, versus a DIY approach, which would be the 'safest' option?

It seems like there are a number of advantages to a structured program versus DIY (i.e., linkage, committee letter), but are those advantages worth the higher financial investment? Also: is there any reason to worry about admissions commitees looking more favorably upon non-traditional applicants who complete pre-med requirements within structured programs vs DIY?

I currently work as a full-time research assistant at an academic institution where I would be able to complete my pre-med requirements using employee tuition reimbursement benefits. The other possible advantage of this DIY option might be that the university where I work is very prestigious - if I completed my pre-med courses with a very competitive GPA, would that be a considerable factor for admission to med schools? The biggest downside is that I must be working full-time in order to use my tuition benefits -- i.e., I would only be able to take one course per semester while working full-time. This option would save me the most money (since I would be completing all requirements debt-free), but it would also be the most time-consuming, and I would not have the benefits of finishing with a committee letter or linkage option.

Anyone have any thoughts/advice? Thanks in advance.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/sumonewhoisntme
πŸ“…︎ Jul 19 2021
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β€œThere is no programming language–no matter how structured–that will prevent programmers from making bad programs.”(Larry Flon)?
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πŸ‘€︎ u/wittenxou
πŸ“…︎ Sep 10 2021
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Dzhanibekov effect / Tennis racket theorem demonstration in Kerbal Space Program - a spinning T that flips around continuously. gfycat.com/completeblandc…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/The_DestroyerKSP
πŸ“…︎ Mar 10 2021
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Why is the ROTC program structured the way it is?

Ok first off I understand that the general/minimal basis guideline of an army is Infantry tactics and infantry in general. But why is this stressed so much in ROTC when apparently officers work in offices on Microsoft PowerPoint and we aren’t the ones doing the fighting or digging fighting positions. Why don’t they teach us the actual work we’d be doing as officers?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Different-Ad-2908
πŸ“…︎ Mar 27 2021
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1: A sock is defined as a covering that is well-fitting and stable without garter belts or suspenders applied firstly on the feet that can't also be classified as shoes or slippers.

2: Leg-to-sock ratio is a measurement of how much surface area of the leg is covered by said sock, calculated by SockSA/LegSA. The higher this number, the higher the skill.

3: Patterns of socks can also affect the skill level of the programmer. In order of skill gained from least to greatest, the rankings are 1: Blank. 2: Gradient. 3: Plaid. 4: Polka-Dotted. 5: Vertical stripes. 6: Horizontal stripes. Patterns 2, 3, 5, and 6 must be uniform when the sock is not worn, excluding heel and toe areas. Patterns 5 and 6 must be easily discernable as being patterned from 5 feet away by someone with 20/20 vision.

4: Colors affect programming skill as well. The best base color is white, while the best secondary color is judged by how pastel it is.

5: Buffs are counted seperate from one another and are multiplied by the leg-to-sock ratio before being added together. For example, if you have a non-uniform verital stripe pattern with white and pastel pink, the buff for colors would count but the buff for pattern would not.

6: The wearer must apply a full set for the buff to apply. If they have one leg, one sock is required. If they have 3 legs, they must wear 3 socks.

7: Amputees with leg stumps have their stumps regarded as their full leg, whereas stumpless amputees are SOL for the suck buff.

8: Socks extending beyond the leg (I.E. Onesies, jumpsuits, one-piece fursuits, etc) are counted as covering an extra percentage of the leg area. This brings their LtSR to over 100%, giving them an effective boost.

9: The buff is applied as follows: Adjusted Skill = Base Skill + ((LtSR * Pattern) + (LtSR * Color))

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Cyborgeddon
πŸ“…︎ Dec 30 2021
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How does one learn to make well-structured programs? Mine are dumpster-fires.

So I just (kind-of) finished reading Automate The Boring Stuff With Python, and for the past month I've felt like a big-brained super-hero automating myself out of a job (Data Analyst).

The problem is, I feel I missing something along the way. I don't understand the proper way to use functions, what a class is, why people have multiple files in a program, how/why people use GitHub...probably some other things I haven't discovered yet.

They all seem to be related to organization? Is there a "How To Structure Your Python Stuff With Python" book?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/TheGrapez
πŸ“…︎ Nov 05 2020
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Horner XLE PLC - Can't download a Structured Text program

I'm very inexperienced with Horner PLC's, but have a fair amount of experience with other PLC's. The issue I'm having with my HE-XE102 is as follows: We have an old one of these that is having issues, so I ordered a new one from Horner that I believe is an exact replacement. I uploaded the program via Cscape to my laptop from the old unit, which was programmed in Structured Text, and upon trying to download the program to the new unit, it throws a compiling error and then turns off. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Romish1983
πŸ“…︎ Jul 08 2021
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Is there a program/website that can create and organize lists of mathematical theorems?

I don't know how everyone else remembers theorems, but I personally want some kind of program that I can use like a database for my theorems that I have learned over my years as an undergraduate. This would be used to help my proofs and for me to truly connect all the mathematical puzzle pieces I have gathered over the years. Creating such a database could only be helpful for me to develop into a proper mathematician.

As its very basic, I want an easy to understand program that:

-Can create overall categories

-Is able to create text (a theorem) that I can sort under my categories

As a bonus, it would be nice to also have a program that can search through notes/my theorems for something I am looking for. I plan to split each theorem into a series of 'condition statements' and 'result statements', as many theorems have this structure. Then, if I have a certain setup, perhaps for a proof, I can do a general search for theorems that apply to what I currently have. Perhaps I would also include each theorem's contra-positive equivalent, and corollaries, as well.

There is a bonus bonus point for a software I can somehow tag, or associate, a given theorem, with a proof statement. Perhaps this can be in the form of a 'comment' or some kind of 'sub-note'.

I apologize if I said anything to offend, or am perhaps posting on the wrong sub-reddit. I am not familiar with the landscape of this website and this has been a frequent problem for me. Thank you for your time.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/SumsArentDumb
πŸ“…︎ Jul 06 2021
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structured online arabic programs

hello. anyone here tried or currently taking online Arabic classes (MSA) that they can recommend? Something like ArabAcademy or Qasid Online. Objective is to be able to understand written texts and communicate. appreciate any recommendations. i’m at intermediate level btw. Shukran

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πŸ‘€︎ u/jlearner4
πŸ“…︎ Apr 30 2021
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