A list of puns related to "Marta"
Need to take people to the airport and was hoping Marta would remain open as that would be the best choice.
Most immature and dysfunctional sisters on Bravo? Dare I say even more dysfunctional than Kim and Kyle?
First time watching, I don't know why they cast Joanna. Yes she's pretty, but there's little else going on there. The way both sisters stomp and sulk and cry over anything is embarrassing.
Fala pessoal!
Chegou a hora da nossa entrevista com a convidada Marta Minopoli
Marta é formada em psicologia pela PUC-Campinas e é especialista em Psicologia do Esporte pelo Instituto Sedes Sapientiae. Ela é sócia proprietária da empresa Flow Psicologia, que fornece consultoria em psicologia do esporte, e atualmente trabalha como psicóloga na Confederação Brasileira de Atletismo, na equipe de E-Sports Gamelanders, e desde junho/2020 nas categorias de base masculino/feminino e no futebol profissional feminino do Red Bull Bragantino.
Ainda dentro do futebol, Marta trabalhou durante 4 anos (2016-20) como psicóloga do esporte no Desevolvimento da Arbitragem na Federação Paulista de Futebol, identificando as principais habilidades psicológicas dos participantes através da realização de testes e de treinamentos que envolvem a comunicação, o trabalho em equipe, a concentração e o controle emocional (entrevistas individuais, anamnese esportiva, testes de atenção, concentração, personalidade, temperamento, controle inibitório, tomada de decisão, estados de humor, recuperação e manejo de estresse, monitoramento e avaliação em partidas, entre outros).
A profissional também trabalhou como psicológa do esporte da Seleção Brasileira de Tiro com Arco (2011-14), com o objetivo da medalha olímpica nos Jogos do Rio 2016. Entre 2015 e 2016, atuou na mesma função na Seleção Brasileira de Badminton, tendo seu trabalho voltado para os Jogos Panamericanos de Toronto 2015, no qual foram conquistadas 6 medalhas pelos atletas.
Marta também foi psicóloga das equipes de base da natação do Tênis Clube de Campinas (2018-19) e da Ginástica Rítmica ACGRE (2015-20), equipe base da Seleção Brasileira da mesma modalidade.
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... keep reading on reddit ➡imam 21 i u zadnje vrijeme me pegla neki čudan osjećaj što bi se moglo nazvat disocijacija. kad razmislim bolje tak je od početka pandemije. ne pomaže ni činjenica da nemam više nijednog frenda u životu koji je bio tu prije početka pandemije pa je sve nekako novo. upoznao sam toliko ljudi, ostvario toliko toga za ovih godinu ipo koliko nisam za cijeli život prije pandemije, ali osjećaj je kao da sam u nekom filmu i to se dešava nekom drugom. kao da je život nestvaran.
osjećam se kao da je 2019 bila doslovce jučer a ne da su 2 godine prošle. kao da je sve ovo trailer za neki film ili je sami film ili neka igrica u kojoj neko upravlja mnome. radim od kuće i za netom sam preko 10h dnevno pa je možda i do toga i nedostatka socijalizacije mada opet cijeli život sam asocijalan pa sam se prije znao obradovat mnogo čemu.
sad se ne mogu ničemu obradovat. kupim si xbox, sretan 2 dana prošlo me. kupim si prvo auto, sretan 7 dana prošlo me. odjebe me cura u koju sam zaljubljen predugo prođe me za 7 dana. nađem dream job opet prošla sreća za mjesec dana rada. sad čak otvaram svoju firmu i opet isto, kao da to radi neko drugi. ja sjednem i radim danonoćno, nije problem, ali nemam osjećaj da sam to ja ostvario, da se to događa meni.
sve ove stvari koje sam gore naveo su stvari o kojima sam maštao da ću ih imati kad sam bio mlađi. ništa me ne može uzbudit i prodrmat. je li ovo samo odrastanje? bojim se da sam nesretan jer mi fali ljubav i socijalna konekcija sa suprotnim spolom al sam specifičan tip sa specifičnim interesima i teško mi je nać nekog ko mi odgovara. a sve i da nađem, znam da to nije trajno u većini slučajeva i da je rijetko ko sretan u tako dugogodišnjim brakovima i vezama. ljudi i to uzmu zdravo za gotovo. ako je neko bio u sličnoj situaciji, da li vas to na kraju ispuni? jer ove sve stvari me ne ispunjavaju a smatrao sam (u mlađim danim) da će me ispunjavati kada ih ostvarim
I feel like MARTA has been doing amazing and ambitious things under CEO Jeff Parker. When I moved to Atlanta in 2018, MARTA was literally gross. Since then, they’ve deep cleaned all stations, upgraded all the lighting to LED in stations, digital train arrival signs with in-station announcements, Five Points, etc.
I just wish MARTA was taken seriously by the state legislature and had a better funding mechanism so they could be a little more aggressive in expansions.
Imagine if MARTA was aggressive and had the funding to assert eminent domain and extend the red line to Alpharetta, the gold line into Gwinnett county, green line up to the battery, blue line to Stonecrest…force part of the Gultch redevelopment to include space for regional rail…..so much potential :/
If MARTA had even a fraction of what the MTA budget is….one can dream.
##MARTA Faces Tough Choices as it Redesigns Bus Routes | AJC
Hey y'all! It's finally happening! MARTA released its new bus network maps! I saw some of this stuff weeks (and even early versions months) ago, and am so glad I can finally talk about them with y'all!
##New Maps & Explanations Available Here!
Direct Link to Coverage Concept Map
Direct Link to Ridership Concept Map
You Can Find the Existing Network Map Here for Comparison
To be abundantly clear, these are NOT FINAL maps. They are more forming the outer bounds of the system concepts that MARTA is looking at with regards to its network. The final product will be different. How different, or, rather, how close the final network will be to either of the ends of the network spectrum will be dependent on public response. Route and service-level modifications are inevitable.
Keep in mind that this will, by definition, be an exercise in compromise. It is very likely that some people will loose their closest local route. It is also likely that some people will not get the full service frequency that they likely deserve for their corridor. In a perfect world, everyone could have access to fast, frequent, reliable transit. Heck, even in a pretty good world, we could have a combination of both maps, rather than 'either / or'. In the resource-scarce present reality we're in, though, there're only so many buses available, and only so much money with which to run them.
You can participate in all of this public-negotiation by taking MARTA's survey on the designs, and attending meetings:
Meeting Info Here (First one tomorrow Nov. 9th!)
Of course I have personal opinions about these maps, because I don't think it's possible not to, but I would like to offer some observations rather than weigh in what I personally think is 'better' or 'worse' about either set up:
Quick general question - does the scope of GTPD include like… giving rides to students? I’m arriving back on campus at the MARTA station on Sunday with my suitcase and it’s supposed to be raining, can I call GTPD for a ride to west campus or is that not something they generally do? I would usually just take a bus but I don’t believe they run at that time and neither do Stingerettes. Thanks!
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