Those Duke boys sure do like to jump their car over things...

... General Lee speaking.

πŸ‘︎ 19
πŸ‘€︎ u/djxiii
πŸ“…︎ Nov 13 2020
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What does Bill Duke say when he has an upset stomach?

Gonna have me some Tums. Gonna have me some Tums.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/CallSignSabre13
πŸ“…︎ Sep 25 2020
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Although at times the cops were able to catch up to that orange car on the Dukes of Hazard tv show...

...GeneralLee they weren’t fast enough

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/Eagle4523
πŸ“…︎ Aug 23 2020
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My friend left a party at the Duke of Norfolk's place without saying goodbye.

I couldn't believe he would just disappear like that

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πŸ‘€︎ u/jeremywarne
πŸ“…︎ Oct 07 2019
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I've started a new competitive pun gameshow podcast entitled 'Punnit' and I'm looking for contestants! First two episodes in the comments.

'Punnit' is hosted by myself and played over three rounds. The first two rounds consist of one category (say, Musical Genres & Ailments), with each contestant going in turn and giving their best 5 entries. Such as, HIVy Metal, Honky Tonksillitis, Indiegestion etc.

These two categories are known about a week or so prior so everyone can bring their best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) but the third round is entirely on the spot, with the entrants shouting out whatever they can think of for a category. One of the recent being American Presidents & American States, with OklaBama winning that one.

It's all very much in the early stages but I would appreciate both feedback on the format and people getting in touch if they wanna duke it out.

Here are the episodes:

Follow us too @thepunpodcast

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/PattersonHoodlum
πŸ“…︎ Oct 23 2019
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Nearly all the funniest jokes at Edinburgh Fringe is dad jokes

The winner and the 9 runner ups: "I keep randomly shouting out 'Broccoli' and 'Cauliflower' - I think I might have florets"

  • "Someone stole my antidepressants. Whoever they are, I hope they're happy" - Richard Stott
  • "What's driving Brexit? From here it looks like it's probably the Duke of Edinburgh" - Milton Jones
  • "A cowboy asked me if I could help him round up 18 cows. I said, 'Yes, of course. - That's 20 cows'" - Jake Lambert
  • "A thesaurus is great. There's no other word for it" - Ross Smith
  • "Sleep is my favourite thing in the world. It's the reason I get up in the morning" - Ross Smith
  • "I accidentally booked myself onto an escapology course; I'm really struggling to get out of it" - Adele Cliff
  • "After learning six hours of basic semaphore, I was flagging - Richard Pulsford
  • "To be or not to be a horse rider, that is Equestrian" - Mark Simmons
  • "I've got an Eton-themed advent calendar, where all the doors are opened for me by my dad's contacts" - Ivo Graham
πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ“…︎ Aug 19 2019
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Puny WiFi Names

I live on a street called Wellington and I would love some input on puny wifi names as I got a new router recently. Some other people's on the street are Beef Wellington and Duke of Wellington

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/tuckerchapin
πŸ“…︎ Sep 17 2013
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30 Skeleton puns. Can you handle the skull rattling mayhem?

The Duke of Dance: If i don't stop soon, you're really gonna have a bone to pick with me.

The Duke of Dance: I need to stop being such a numbskull.

The Duke of Dance: help.

Sans: I gotta write these down.

The Duke of Dance: I don't have enough backbone to deal with my own shit

The Duke of Dance: but that's tibea expected.

Sans: I find this humerus.

The Duke of Dance: damn

The Duke of Dance: stole my next one.

The Duke of Dance: I'm not fibulaing you when i say, i'm running out of material. I'm really trying to think of more puns here, but i'm patellaing you, i'm out.

Sans: I don't even know this many bone names.

The Duke of Dance: My cranium is empty. i'm running bone-dry here.

The Duke of Dance: But you'r quite sternum in your wanting of these puns.

The Duke of Dance: don't worry, i'll stop temporalily. Not really tho.

The Duke of Dance: I'm taking these puns to the maxilla.

Sans: Can you make a pelvis pun?

The Duke of Dance: Not really. I can't think of any. So no hip hip hooray here.

Sans: That was alright.

The Duke of Dance: Are you having a femury time?

The Duke of Dance: I find myself sacruming to the need to make puns.

The Duke of Dance: helpican'tstop

Sans: I'm having a pun time.

The Duke of Dance: I'm gonna turbinate my puns, cuz i'm on my last leg-bones here.

The Duke of Dance: i'm getting desperate, you can tell.

The Duke of Dance: I didn't name a specific bone.

The Duke of Dance: Which is almost completely mandableitory.

The Duke of Dance: I have made more puns tonight than i have in a LONG time.

The Duke of Dance: Throw me a bone here, have i made enough skeleton puns?

Sans: There will never be enough skeleton puns. Mind makin' a list for me?

The Duke of Dance: Do

The Duke of Dance: Do you want me to write everything i just said down for you?

The Duke of Dance: I'm quivering at the thought of coming up with more skeleton puns.

Sans: I don't see any arrows.

Sans: Don't be a lazy bones, come up with more.

The Duke of Dance: I'll see you later, my vertebrah.

Sans: Have you any backbone?

The Duke of Dance: I already made that one.

The Duke of Dance: :3


The Duke of Dance: Not so easy coming up with fresh material, is it?

The Duke of Dance: Also, "quiver" is another name for one of your joints.

The Duke of Dance: I'm just really looking at medical sites for this shit.


The Duke of Dance: it's tibea expected. <Favorite skeleton pun, using it again

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 13
πŸ“…︎ Nov 07 2015
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[REQUEST] Safety based team names

I'm looking for a team name that is based on a safety pun or play on words. Currently I have Safety Pins, Dukes of Hazard and Risky Business. This is for a workplace event so it also has to be civil.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ“…︎ Jun 19 2017
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Dadjoked my wife on the fly...

Watching the Tudors:

Her: what's the difference between a duke and an earl? Me: it's mostly based on order of arrival. Her: what do you mean? Me: well one's earlier...

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/irishexpatriate
πŸ“…︎ Nov 08 2014
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"Well, isn't that normal?"

I was complaining to my dad about how a girl from our school with straight Ds got into Duke on a swimming scholarship. He said "Well, isn't that normal?" I looked at him funny and he said, "Shouldn't swimmers be below C-level?"

πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/megannotmeagan
πŸ“…︎ Sep 30 2013
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Discussing the fallic household with my mother and father.

My mother has given birth to 5 boys, no girls, of which I am the oldest. Sitting at dinner after two of my younger brothers duked out, my mother begins...

"There are too many penises in this house!"

Dad replied, "Oh, you're just jealous."

"No, I'm not. I much prefer my boobs."

"Sounds like you're in denial."

I chimed in, "Don't you mean penile?"

I was rewarded with a hearty chuckle from my father and a roll of the eyes from my mother. The signs of a good days work.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/NotYourLocalCop
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2014
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All hail the king.

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Puns, the Duke of Dadjokes, King Phil of Dumphy.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/bishslap
πŸ“…︎ Jan 23 2014
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