Neurological disorders/symptoms more common in children with celiac disease (4): Hypotonia (low muscle tone) Developmental delay Learning disorders ADHD Headache Ataxia (affects motor control and coordination) ....
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Sep 27 2021
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the different between developmental coordination disorder and developmental verbal dyspraxia?

If i learn it correctly, DCD is literarily dyspraxia but is that the case then what is the difference between DCD and DVD? Is there more dyspraxia disorder? Is the only difference between DVD and DCD is that one affect motor while other affect verbal? Is DVD part of DCD? Have a nice day!

👍︎ 17
📅︎ Sep 23 2021
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This quack field is trying to make clumsiness a disorder called DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)…
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jun 15 2021
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My son has a developmental coordination disorder and decided he wanted to run a 5k this weekend. Fearing he couldn’t finish and would be upset my husband and I discouraged him. He ran and finished anyway.
👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Jun 17 2019
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Researchers find link between children’s time perception and risk for developmental coordination disorder…
👍︎ 16
📅︎ Feb 11 2021
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Researchers find link between children’s time perception and risk for developmental coordination disorder…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Cealdi
📅︎ Feb 11 2021
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TIL Daniel Radcliffe has a mild form of the neurological disorder developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia). The motor skill disorder sometimes prevents him from doing simple activities, such as writing or tying his own shoelaces.…
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/nuttysci
📅︎ Dec 26 2018
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The political compass but it was born with Developmental Coordination Disorder
👍︎ 23
📅︎ Oct 04 2020
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Struggles with Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia

So I have been Dyspraxic my whole life, most likely stemming from my father who while not diagnosed has incredibly poor handwriting and figits a lot (he's 47 for context) Me on the other hand received my diagnosis in 2009, when I was 8 years old. Such a late diagnosis did cause some troubles when I was in primary school as neither of my parents knew about it and my school that i was in until 2008 didn't either and i was actually belittled by one of my teachers for attention problems, poor handwriting, an inability to sit still and constant figiting about to the point where I would come home in tears everyday and was pulled out of school to be homeschooled. (We were living in the centre of Portsmouth, Hampshire at the time and it was an utter shithole)

We moved in late 2008 to Alton, Hampshire and I was enrolled in a new school and upon the end of my first week, the headteacher called my mum in to see him and said how he'd like to have me tested for Dyslexia or Dyspraxia. I went to my GP that same day and finally diagnosed with Dyspraxia. Over time my handwriting skills have increased (albeit slightly) and I finished my education with relatively decent grades. I know I could have done more in college to get better grades but I think to a certain extent my disorder and lack of assistance in the earlier stages had some knock on effect when it came to my attention span and my constant figiting I.e not being able to resist just moving things around in my hands such as pens, rubbers and rulers.

Now I am 19 and working a full time job in a popular UK coffee chain in Cambridgeshire that shall remain nameless for privacy and copyright reasons but rhymes with Mosta. Even now I still struggle with memory, hand-eye Coordination and an inability to sit still for more than 5 seconds without moving a muscle. It has had some knock on effects and my clumsiness has landed me in hot water more than once. I have also taken up smoking and I don't know if that's particularly common in the Dyspraxic community but it's a mix of the nicotine and that it gives me a chance to do something with my hands and when it comes to work which can get very mentally overwhelming, it gives me a 5 minute break to reset and go back in fresh.

I suppose I'm just wondering if other Dyspraxic people feel the same or can empathise with my situation. I know that there are other people who may feel the same and it's a damn good thing to know because so far my experience with other Dyspraxic people

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/deadyweady
📅︎ Sep 16 2020
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TIL that Daniel Radcliffe, of Harry Potter fame, suffers from a form of "developmental coordination disorder." On a bad day, he has trouble tying his own shoelaces.…
👍︎ 656
👤︎ u/Sanhael
📅︎ Apr 29 2015
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I have Developmental coordination disorder, Can I play PSVr with that ?

I just want some advice about this.

For those who don't know what it is. It is a chronic neurological disorder beginning in childhood. It is also known to affect planning of movements and co-ordination as a result of brain messages not being accurately transmitted to the body. Impairments in skilled motor movements per a child's chronological age interfere with activities of daily living.

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👤︎ u/Cyberealm
📅︎ Apr 04 2019
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TIL In 2008, Daniel Radcliffe revealed that he has a mild form of the neurological disorder developmental coordination disorder. The motor skill disorder sometimes prevents him from doing simple activities, such as writing or tying his own shoelaces.…
👍︎ 253
👤︎ u/wilanc
📅︎ Oct 30 2016
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Im 13 yrs old, and i have Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD)AMA

Dcd mostly affects how well you do simple taks, like walking up stairs, writing, typing, buttoning up a shirt, etc Ask Me Anything

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Mar 14 2020
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[Theory/headcannon] Marinette has Developmental coordination disorder (DCD)?

So anyway I think Marinette, like me, has DCD also known as Dyspraxia, clumsy child syndrome and congenital maladroitness. It is severely under diagnosed especially among females. Hence it is unlikely that Marinette knows that she might have this. However, for my evidence, I will look at points which I find important and compare them against what we know of Marinette. Note however that I don't think Ladybug has DCD because the magic of the Kwami should remove most of the symptoms.

Tldr I will look at symptoms on DCD and see how Marinette stacks up.

Symptoms of DCD

  1. Problems with gross motor skills - General clumsiness A quick google search seems to confirm my hunch that Marinette is clumsy. This seems to be the easiest to establish.

  2. Problems with fine motor skills - handwriting and drawing problems This is the big problem with this as a theory for me (though not as a headcannon) because what we are shown seems to suggest that Marinette's fine motor skills are on point. She appears to have good handwriting, drawing and sewing skills. However, we do not have alot of fotage of this and definitly not alot of footage of this in a demanding time crunch (am not sure if the bowler hat challenge counts). I know that if I write slowly and deliberately, I can write neatly. So I don't know about this one.

  3. Problems with speech Although Marinette is usually able to talk normally unless our resident cinnamon roll is around, she does occasionally slip up. Also, in L'imposteur, Alya mentions that Marinette does not do well when it comes to improvising. This is also uncertain.

  4. Problems with memory We know of at least 2 instances when Marinette forgot to sign things she gave to Adrien. Also, in Le Pharon, Marinette metions always forgetting her things. Also the fact that Alya seems to take a role similar to my best friend of reminding things. Thanks for reading this long, rambly and maybe boring post. What do you think.

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👤︎ u/anaarchist
📅︎ Jan 12 2018
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I am a 17 yo teen and I have Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia) AMA !

I did one on these on r/AMA but I didn't get a lot of questions. I'm posting this here because I have no idea on how to prove it !

Ask away, redditors ! I'll answer as many as possible until this post dies. :)

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Dioksys
📅︎ Jun 24 2017
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Analysis of cursive letters, syllables, and words handwriting in a French second-grade child with Developmental Coordination Disorder and comparison with typically developing children (Frontiers in Psychology, 2013).…
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📅︎ Feb 01 2019
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Is Dyspraxia or Developmental coordination disorder a known disability in the United States or are we looking at a battle?
  • Age 21
  • Sex FtM
  • Height 5'6"
  • Weight 225 lb
  • Race N/A
  • Duration of complaint: School age to now
  • Location (Geographic and on body) Oregon
  • Any existing relevant medical issues (if any) Chronic Motor Tic Disorder, Deppresion, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea
  • Current medications : Not relevant to my question.
  • Include a photo if relevant (skin condition for example)

My son has what we think is Dyspraxia. From the time he started walking he did some things left and some things right. Example, if his siblings were eating with their right hand he ate with his right hand, if they were not there he ate with either. When he went to Kindergarten orientation there was a big drawing pad. He drew the right side of the drawing with his right hand and the left side with his left hand. We just thought he was ambidextrous.

But he was also clumsy. If there was a shadow on the pavement he would trip and still does. He didn't learn to ride a bike until the 4th grade. This was not due to a lack of him trying, or people not willing to teach him. He just couldn't get it. He either misjudged the distance in front of him or just plain fell over. He is still not great at it and he will be 21 in 2 weeks.

He is almost 21 and in college and his handwriting looks like a 2nd grader. This is despite early intervention. We had IEP's he had occupational therapists all through grade school and middle school.

There is so much more. We know he has it. We can't figure out how to get it diagnosed, or if it is covered in ADA for school.

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👤︎ u/KindGrammy
📅︎ Oct 04 2018
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Autistic-type developmental coordination disorder gene?

I'm trying to identify the genes which could cause developmental coordination disorder(dyspraxia). One study hinted at MAP2K5 and CHD6. Several studies have linked MAP2K5 polymorphisms to restless leg syndrome. It kinda makes sense. This gene is responsible for growth factor stimulated cell proliferation and DCD is thought to be caused by immature neurons. Is this the right gene? Are there others? What would be possible ways to increase growth factor stimulated cell proliferation?

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Mar 04 2018
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IAMA 30 year old male with Dyspraxia (also referred to as developmental coordination disorder) - ask me absolutely anything you'd like to know about dyspraxia, being on the autism spectrum, and the impacts it has on every day life.

I've often seen a lot of people confused and somewhat ignorant about the autism spectrum, so thought it would be a good idea to do a completely open AMA about it.

Have no idea how successful this will be, but hopefully I'll get some questions.

Some further reading -


What is dyspraxia?

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Sep 06 2015
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/u/TheMasque responds to: TIL that Daniel Radcliffe, of Harry Potter fame, suffers from a form of "developmental coordination disorder." On a bad day, he has trouble tying his own shoelaces. [+40]…
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/ModisDead
📅︎ Apr 29 2015
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Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): Dyslexia and Dyspraxia coordinationkids.blogspot…
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👤︎ u/datafyed
📅︎ May 12 2014
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Developmental Coordination Disorder

As a young child of 3 years old I was quiet, too quiet, my family had me tested for Autism, thinking I had some sort of disorder. I came out of the facility tested and, they had diagnosed me not with Autism, but Developmental Coordination Disorder, I never understood the meaning until researching it about 10 or so years later, sure explains why I've been such a clumsy person. But is this really neurology playing with me here?

I can remember fracturing my arm at 9 years old, getting tripped by my dog, thrown to the pavement like a Ragdoll. Sure with DCD I have no good balance, but I thought to myself, "Was this supposed to happen to me?"

I can remember falling off my bike numerous times on hills and turning, each time was brutal and hurt like hell. And as before, I thought "Was this supposed to happen to me?"

Each time I fell off my skateboard I thought the same thing. Each time I tripped, thought the same thing. Each time I fell on something wet, I thought the same damn thing. Every time I asked myself the question, I felt like something, no, SOMEONE was playing with me, not my mind, but a person. I heard laughter, not good laughter, but bad laughter, I wanted to be left alone by it, stop it, stop laughing! I don't want to hear it!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

So, people who are reading this that also have this disorder, think to yourself, think about every single clumsy thing you did, and ask yourself, was that supposed to happen to me?

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Nov 23 2012
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Importance of positive self esteem in kids with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) coordinationkids.blogspot…
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👤︎ u/datafyed
📅︎ May 19 2014
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Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): Lack of Physical Activity can Cause Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) coordinationkids.blogspot…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/datafyed
📅︎ Jun 07 2014
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[SLRequest] My Wife has a Developmental Disorder
👍︎ 38
📅︎ Nov 28 2021
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Impact of Anxiety Disorder on Children with Developmental Problems

Choose a mental disorder (choose either an anxiety, mood or conduct disorder) that affects children with a developmental disorder (either ASD or ADHD).  Discuss its clinical features, pr.

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📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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When I see the media saying we use "an offensive term for people with developmental disorders..."
👍︎ 101k
📅︎ Feb 19 2021
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My therapist cannot differentiate whether I have autism or that I have a developmental disorder caused by trauma since I was a baby.

•Recently, I found out that I experienced trauma since the moment that I was a baby till I was 22.

•I have PTSD as well as Complex PTSD.

•I was diagnosed with autism when I was 7.

•I have an ace score of 9 (Adverse Childhood Experiences)

•As I’m going through trauma therapy, my ‘autistic traits’ seem to lessen so much as if my personality is changing. Both my mom and sister told me that I’m different then before I started with therapy.

I’m intrigued by this because it feels to me like maybe I am not starting to have a change in personality but rather my CPTSD was masking my real personality disguised as autistic symptoms Can anyone relate to this?

👍︎ 35
👤︎ u/Alpha9302
📅︎ Oct 31 2021
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During early DNA tests, some newborn subjects were infused with vectors carrying nucleic acids in an attempt to cure genetic disorders. The introduction of contaminated genetic material during the tests would lead to severe developmental problems for some patients. (Photoshop art by Valdevia)
👍︎ 135
👤︎ u/Valdevia
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
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I was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder through out my childhood. I looked it up online and now it's not used as a diagnosis? Where do I go from here?

Through out my whole childhood, I have had a lot of psychological assements done on me. I was diagnosed with a serve receptive language delay, moderate expressive language delay, and PDD. I've always had a lot of trouble learning in school and was held back. I even went to a special needs school when I was young for kingergaten for a whole year. I have some autisic traits such as ......

  • I hate loud sounds, bright lights in rooms and lots of loud noises going all at once (lots a stimulation going all at once is very overwhelming for me)
  • I usually have a special routine I like to make for myself. However if there's change in routine, it freaks me out when there is a sudden change in plans and it ruins my whole routine and gives me anxiety.
  • I had a lot of trouble reading and socializing when I was young ( It took me till I was around 6 or something to read)
  • I have really bad learning diffaculty still till this day, good news is that I got my high school diploma when I was 23 years old <3 But it still makes me sad that it takes me a very long time just to understand something. It also makes me even sadder when I have a teacher repeat certain instructions in different ways and I STILL don't get it :(
  • I don't like making much eye contact , idk why. To me it feels very weird and kind of intimate in a way?
  • I used to be a super picky eater when I was young, and didn't like some of the food tecture which bothered me a lot. I don't have that issue anymore today thankfully.
  • I have very strong hobbies like I love to draw a lot and collect a bunch of stuff like plushies, figures and just a bunch of other things.
  • When I was young, I had a very hard time making friends because of my diagnosis. It took me till grade 3 to make an actual real friend. I still till this day find it a bit hard to make friends in a way :/
  • The other one is a big part, but I have never fit in anywhere my whole life. I've always been the weird kid at school, and even till this day i'm still called weird by a lot of people. Even when I was young, I would like like I was an alien lol I still feel that way sadly .-.

Now that I'm 25 years old, I wanted to learn more about what pervasive developmental disorder is, and become more accepting of it. I even had a doctor from a couple of years ago saying I have some autistic traits. However, when I searched it up online, I saw that it wasn't used as a diagnoses anymore? Because of this, I feel very confuesed and idk what to do. I

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Nov 03 2021
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The Body Keeps The Score, Page 159, regarding a second attempt to add CPTSD (in the DSM-V, Developmental Trauma Disorder) to the DSM.

The chair of the relevant subcommittee writes to the author “DTD was unlikely to be included in the DSM-5. The consensus, he wrote, was that no new diagnosis was required to fill a “missing diagnostic niche.””

I don’t understand.

What’s going on culturally? Why is this not obvious? I can’t help to spin conspiratorial in my head.

👍︎ 45
👤︎ u/Exrudis
📅︎ Sep 17 2021
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Tylenol During Pregnancy Linked to Developmental Disorders…
👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/tahutahut
📅︎ Oct 15 2021
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Report: Pregnancy, childbirth complications cost U.S. billions: At nearly $14 billion, children delivered preterm in 2019 will generate the highest costs, followed by those born with developmental disorders, at $6.5 billion, and respiratory distress, at $2.1 billion…
👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/shallah
📅︎ Nov 13 2021
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A mental disorder or developmental disorder does NOT give anyone a pass to sexually harass/assault people.

TW- sexual harassment ig

I was having flashbacks to high school where this autistic kid (about 16-17) got away with slapping asses and grabbing boobs all for the fact he had autism. He tried it to me and I immediately reported him and his parents were brought in for a meeting.

Before I made the report I of course tried telling the teacher and all they had to say was “he doesn’t know any better”

Idgaf, he HAS to know better. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted or harassed.

EDIT- This is not me hating on autism at all. I respect the spectrum. My point was only saying it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to do bad things such as SA/SH.

👍︎ 447
📅︎ Jun 07 2021
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