I suggested a new name for the planet Saturn to an astrophysicist and he seemed to like it

He said it had a nice ring to it.

👍︎ 27
📅︎ Jan 09 2021
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Cixin Liu wrote a novel about murdered astrophysicists.

It's titled, "The Three-Body Problem"

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/dmdeemer
📅︎ Nov 07 2019
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Which famous astrophysicist used to play sports?

Neil Lacrosse Tyson

👍︎ 13
📅︎ May 10 2018
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My friend suddenly wants to be an astrophysicist.

I guess you could say that he got sucked into black holes.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/355over113
📅︎ Jan 18 2016
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