A list of puns related to "Aig"
Sain tänään puhelun joka herätti minut, jossa aloitettiin kauppaamaan syöpävakuutusta AIG:lta. Kovana tupakoitsijana tämähän kuulosti ihan kiinnostavalta, ja aloin katsomaan sitä ylös netistä. Olin siinä vähän unenpöpperöinen kuitenkin, joten sanoin että olisin kiinnostunut asiasta mutta olisiko mahdollista saada papereita.
Ei siinä vielä hetkessä vielä tajunnut että "ei ole papereita, ihan suullinen sopimus" ei kuulosta hyvältä, joten sovin että soittaa myöhempänä päivänä. Sitten pääsin katselemaan AIG:n sivustoja kaikella huomiolla ja, no.
Henkilö- ja OmaVastuu Turva, SairaalaHoiva Plus, MurtumaTurva Plus, KotiHoiva, AuronkoMatkat, ja Naisten Syöpävakuutus.
Okei, se on naisille, mutta tarkistin sen varmuudeksi. Siellä lukee että se olisi puhelimitse tehty sopimus ilman papereita, ja "mikäli Naisten Syöpävakuutus ei sovellu sinulle, saat tietoa AIG:n muista syöpävakuutuksista soittamalla numeroon"?
Ja sitten googlailulla löytyi "laajennettu syöpävakuutus", joka lisätään Naisten Syöpävakuutuksen päälle joka tekee siitä yleisen syöpävakuutuksen? Eikä siitäkään mitään papereita itselle. + Ei korvausta jos sairastaa AIDS tai HIV näimmä, ja loppuu kun täyttää 65v.
Ehkä olen talitintti ja vieläkin väsynyt mutta mitä ihmettä, papereiden puuttuminen tämmöisistä asioista on jonkin verran epäilyttävää. Ja jostain syystä koko homma saa muistelemaan että John Oliver olisi tehnyt Last Week Tonight jakson asiasta/yhtiöstä...
En tiedä, vaikka olisikin legit niin silti tekee mieli periaatteella sanoa ei kiitos AIDS+HIV rajoituksen takia.
Day 1 of community building.
AiG is a U.S based project combining Artificial intelligence, video games, and NFT’s. I am the main developer. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
The future is coming fast and it's not difficult to realize it's digital.
We are creating our very own auto racing game. Each car will have an identical NFT. Not only will the NFT’s look phenomenal when your car finishes in the top 3 AiG tokens will be deposited directly into the wallet holding the NFT. The NFT owner does not need to enter the race, view the race or be a part of the race to be rewarded. Here at AiG we understand not everyone is a race fan. We plan to integrate Ai Brains with a complete variety of games. This race game is just the start
With our first game already in development it's easy to see AiG will be headed for the moon immediately after launch.
This is day 1 of building a community and informing investors what we are about. This post only contains the basics: a full gitbook with all the info on the project is on the way.
AiG plans to have weekly community races as well. Where community members will be paired with a car for free and rewarded if the car wins.
The possibilities of this project are endless. What you have read here is only the tip of the iceberg.
Feel free to join our TG. @AiGamingNFT We have pinned a video of apresale nft. Those who participate in the presale nft’s will pay only half as much for AiG tokens at launch We will also be doing a AmA in the coming weeks.
A chàirdean, tha feum agam air cuideachadh!
'S fiù gu bheil mi air a bhith ag ionnsachadh fad sia bliadhna, tha e doirbh leam gach rud a thuigsinn fhathast -- gu h-àraidh san òrain gun fhaclan. Chan urrainn dhomh a lorg air loidhne idir. An cuideachadh cuideigin mi?
Does anyone know how to inject more planes into the sim? I have it set to 100% set in AIGTC, traffic variation to ultra in the sim, and lots of liveries in AIG manager however my airports are still 70% empty.
Completely forgot how awesome it was in P3D.
The installation is a bit harsh but oh when you get it to work!
It's so strange that almost nobody here is talking about this beta release...
pd_not affiliated with them in any way
If you’ve seen Aron ra’s birds are definitely dinosaurs video series. Aron ra completely debunks some guy on his talk claiming the transition is impossible when it is not.
What makes me laugh is their lack of knowledge. It has been recently discovered that dinosaurs had AVIAN respiratory system. Though they claim it is that of crocodiles despite the evidence of air sacs.
There is evidence some therapod dinosaurs were warm blooded. Like the therapod dinosaur with air sac. However, they made a claim I haven’t heard before. It is about the fingers.
Their quote:
One of the main lines of evidence cited by evolutionists for the evolution of birds from theropod dinosaurs is the three-fingered “hand” found in both birds and theropods. The problem is that recent studies have shown that there is a digital mismatch between birds and theropods.
Most terrestrial vertebrates have an embryological development based on the five-fingered hand. In the case of birds and theropod dinosaurs, two of the five fingers are lost (or greatly reduced) and three are retained during development of the embryo. If birds evolved from theropods, one would expect the same three fingers to be retained in both birds and theropod dinosaurs, but such is not the case. Evidence shows that the fingers retained in theropod dinosaurs are fingers 1, 2, and 3 (the “thumb” is finger 1) while the fingers retained in birds are 2, 3, and 4.5“
Thoughts? I am not an anatomist so I don’t know about this claim.
Someone must have thought of this: I use MSFS 2020 (Steam) and always run AIG Traffic Controller and also the Google Maps mod. Is there an easy way to launch all this with one click or do I have to make a batch file with the shortcuts etc? Maybe someone already has one.
Last night I filled my taxes for 2021 and at the end it wanted me to verify my aig from last year. It kept saying to look at line 8b on my 1040 but I only had line 8 no a b or c so I put in what was in line 8. Looking it up now it looks like I should’ve used line 11? I didn’t use turbo tax last year I used jackson hewitt and I was going off my paper work.
Can I go in and fix this or will the irs reject my return?
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