There was a rather large spider in the garden. I told my wife to guess how big it is.

I told her the (pretty good) guess was wrong, the spider is in fact 8 feet.

The wife tutted, the spider rolled all of his eyes and I walked away, feeling accomplished.

👍︎ 5
📅︎ May 19 2019
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Never thought my dad would do it

My parents are both immigrants from Taiwan and came in the mid 80's. We've always owned restaurants (currently have a Japanese steak house this is important for later) so their English isn't all that bad and has improved over time. I've never gotten a single dad joke from him. Ever.

Que yesterday we are driving home from a family dinner to celebrate his birthday. We all get into the vehicle and my mom says in Chinese "You've got something hanging onto your shirt, it looks stringy. Is that a spider web?"

I respond, "What? That's his pet, he can't raise a pet spider?"

Dad says, "Yeah I raise them really big and fat so we can make spider rolls at the restaurant." (Spider roll is typically softshell crab in a roll with other stuffs for the non-sushi fans out there)

I groaned, chuckled, then reveled in all that was my first dad joke. It was awesome. Thanks for reading guys! Sorry it's so long.

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/DROpher
📅︎ Apr 16 2015
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