Bagpipers were usually the first ones out of the trenches when it was time to fight; playing as they lead the soldiers into each battle 1910s [880x587]
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Nov 07 2019
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TIL of Bill Millin, a bagpiper who was one of the first soldiers to charge on D-day. While playing the pipes, his comrades fell around him. He said he only survived because German snipers thought he was too crazy to shoot.…
👍︎ 951
👤︎ u/Jumpman707
📅︎ Jun 07 2019
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Agnus The Angry Bagpiper
👍︎ 226
📅︎ Dec 10 2019
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So i'm a bagpiper, and a few weeks ago I posted a photo of myself in my uniform. You guys seemed to have liked it, and asked I get it painted. So I commissioned my friend to paint it. Needless to say, it turned out beautifully.
👍︎ 14k
👤︎ u/brando444
📅︎ Jan 09 2020
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Bloomington bagpiper to compete in one of the highest-level piping contests. Good luck, Angus!…
👍︎ 95
📅︎ Jan 22 2020
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Yep that's fire coming out of the bagpiper
👍︎ 40
👤︎ u/shawnk7
📅︎ Mar 08 2020
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On October 8, 1916 - when all morale was lost and men were stuck in no man’s land, a 20-year-old bagpiper walked up and down the enemy line to play his troops into an attack that first seemed to be doomed.
👍︎ 32
📅︎ Oct 08 2019
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Angry Little Bagpiper
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 08 2019
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Bagpipers in the area

Anyone that plays the bagpipes or drums or wants to learn is welcome to join with the fairly recently formed South Eastern VA Firefighters Pipes and Drums. We are currently working out of Newport News. The group consists of a retired firefighter pipe major with 25 years experience on the pipes. There are 4 others of us that are beginners that are either firefighters or civilians with the fire department and retired military. You don’t necessarily need to be any of those. Just some one who wants to learn or get better at the bagpipes and have fun.

We do firefighter, law enforcement and military funerals when requested (we do these to honor individuals and we never ask for payment). We have been doing the 9/11 honors for the last few years in Newport News as well as the recent POW honors at the Virginia War museum. We also have done St Patrick’s celebrations at locations throughout Newport News. We even opened for the Fighting Jameson’s once!

Bottom line is we have fun and do our best to honor those in our community who put their lives on the line for the rest of us.

Edit - our first event honoring a Medal of Honor recipient at Hampton Military Cemetary.

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Jan 10 2019
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[LFA]Thraelius Carberos, the sea elf bagpiper

Background: Thraelius is a sea elf bard who grew up playing music with his musician father, he eventually took an interest in draconic history and began adventuring as an archaeologist in search of ruins. During his research he met and befriended a copper dragon who taught him much in the ways of both draconic history and musical magic, allowing him to adopt the College of Glamour. He is a rather optimistic fellow who is rarely seen without a smile, he has quite a knack for jokes and comforting words. He is quick to make friends and yearns for excitement, if there's no risk of dying then where's the fun?

Physical Description: Thraelius is a young adult elf, in the 120-150 range, with blue skin, green eyes, and wavy shoulder length green hair, facial hair optional. He is average height and pretty thin with some lean muscle. He typically does not wear armour, opting to don some fancier tunics and he often wears jewelry such as a few rings or a necklace or two. Of course a bard needs his music so Thraelius often has his set of highland bagpipes.

Hope this has piqued the interest of one of you lovely talented people, thanks!

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/justano12
📅︎ Dec 08 2019
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Has anyone heard the bagpiper at a high rise that plays around 3pm downtown?
👍︎ 29
👤︎ u/juicyjec
📅︎ May 19 2017
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[LFG] Bagpiper looking to collaborate

Both of the pipe and drum bands I play for are on hold for the time being. I have played for a few different cover bands doing AC/DC and Dropkick Murphys covers in the past and would love to collaborate on a cover or an original.

👍︎ 52
📅︎ Apr 16 2020
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The Hindu Bagpipers of New Jersey…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 18 2019
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10 Cal undergraduates and two Cal graduate students died in the last year. With a bagpiper and the release of white doves, the campus will hold a solemn gathering Monday, Sept. 12 at noon in memory of UC Berkeley staff, students, faculty, emeriti and retirees who passed away during the last year.…
👍︎ 48
👤︎ u/Samses94
📅︎ Sep 04 2016
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Tonight's smoke: Bagpiper's Dream in a little Marxman
👍︎ 47
📅︎ Nov 20 2019
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Bagpiper Wanted

Hi, I am not a musician, but I have a song I've done on Garageband that I want to record with my wife. As I recorded it (very simple song, really) it began to sound as if it'd benefit from bagpipes - (Think in terms of Mull of Kintyre, then lower your expectations a few miles).

So, I recorded it with a bagpipe App... with the sort of results you'd expect. Not good. Kinda like a kazoo.

Anyway, I wanted to know if someone here would be willing to take a listen to what I've recorded and then record and sell me an actual, good sounding version of the bagpipes track. Not sure what a fair price would be - $50 sound right?

I could upload a version with and without the bagpipe APP to give a head's to what I want. Very simple recording, just having an actual musician doing it would be great!

Links here. Bagpipes come in around 1:32'

I can also email mp3s or even the Garageband files, whatever works.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just realized, forgive me if the term I've used in the title is the wrong one.

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Sep 13 2019
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We got bagpipers, sure. But we also got sex offenders.. find your local offenders! I’ve got two in a ten block radius…
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Oct 15 2019
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Stuck inside with a sick kiddo today... some light reading and Bagpipers Dream for when she’s napping.
👍︎ 26
📅︎ Nov 08 2019
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First try of Rattray’s Bagpipers Dream in my Savinelli Venere Dublin. It’s fantastic! Burns nice and slow, flavoring is subtle and smooth. Never gets too hot. Definitely going to stock up on this one.
👍︎ 29
📅︎ Oct 31 2019
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Bagpiper Flashmob, right now
👍︎ 37
👤︎ u/OTee_D
📅︎ Aug 10 2019
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Flaming Bagpiper Unicyclist Dressed As Darth Vader Performs Star Wars Theme On Two Bagpipes Simultaneously…
👍︎ 122
👤︎ u/stankmanly
📅︎ May 09 2019
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Bagpipers & Musicians of Reddit... I need your help (Not For A Funeral)

My grandfather has two things left on his bucket list: The first is to visit the grand canyon. The second is to smoke a real Cuban cigar. He's 73 years old and he has refused to cross these last two things off until I got my company off the ground. The company is getting an investment deal in the next few days so I'm saving every penny and planning our trip.

Here's where I need your help:

My grandfather has lived a very hard life. He grew up in the worst rural poverty 1950's Appalachia had to offer, with very little food, no running water, an alcoholic father and 5 other brothers and sisters to take care of. His ambition in his high school yearbook was just "to become a highly skilled worker." and he spent the next 35 years working as a welder destroying his ankles and knees. He lives now with chronic pain. He lost of his 2 siblings before they were in their 30's, one at 17. He's lost both a son and daughter-in-law in separate sudden freak accidents and another brother last summer. He once pulled his neighbor's child out of a river and had to be the one to tell them. Almost every friend he's ever had is now gone. These are just a few the things he's endured. At every turn life has kicked him as hard as it could but you'd never know it if you met him.

My grandfather is one of the most happy, kind and giving people I've ever met. When my own father didn't want me, he made sure that I didn't miss a male figure in my life. He taught me to weld, and to fix things, and he made sure I knew how to think for myself but it's what he never had to teach that was his greatest gift. Since I was a boy, I've watched him. I watched him when he donated to St. Jude when he had little and never tell anyone. I watched him when he paid for peoples groceries and when he cried with strangers. I watched him the time he wrote a blank check to someone who couldn't pay for their son's funeral and just said "You shouldn't have to do this, but you'll never get to do it over, spare no expense." He lived out the lessons for me and because of that, I get to be who I am today.

Three years ago, he took money that he earned at the expense of his joints and invested it in my company when it was nothing. On the way to the bank he just said "Back when I worked, it took me a year of my life to earn the money to give you this check but I worked hard so my family could have it better than I did..." He lived his whole life frugally and gave up his dream

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/jt_braun
📅︎ Mar 30 2019
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Mystery bagpiper in Little Italy?

Last night I heard bagpipe music very faintly in Little Italy, and it reminded me that I had heard it pretty consistently last spring. I never figured out where it was coming from. Anyone know? I know a pipe band sometimes practices at Carleton but that seems too far for the sound to travel.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ May 17 2019
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👍︎ 25
📅︎ Dec 29 2019
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Theophilius Bagpiper Season 2, Episode 1 - Netrunner MK II: Ashes Development Chat (Featuring Divadus and Zinos) theophiliusbagpiper.wordp…
👍︎ 37
👤︎ u/spjmacleod
📅︎ Apr 13 2019
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ITAP of a bagpiper putting Spanish Bay to sleep.
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Mar 17 2020
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IamA highland bagpiper, who plays for a world championship winning pipe band

Ask away!

👍︎ 77
👤︎ u/BruceC96
📅︎ Feb 01 2013
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Bagpiper has a bad day at a wedding…
👍︎ 139
📅︎ Oct 07 2014
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unpeoples recapture questionle perplexer loveableness bagpiper screeding haytime

mort peristylos zonoid backpedal^ figgery finestra oxyphosphate bayadere ranks stepdame zittern shawms scaurie armband overde^scribed war

dcors hyl*actism scorbuch whydah nonpropagable pro

parasceve untortious^ epicrisi.s it`alianesque blastomycete exopodite dilutely pipistrellus scandaroon^ ironstones unburden nona^ddre,ss carbazine p.ropterygial nonromant~~ica,lly kitchenmaid savagely microelectrophoresi.s cylices groundneedle golgi prattler tsunami reflection >less gerents naturalize~~ celebrater dentirostrate re~~stio postt,hyroidal p**oppet ar

chiphoneme dupable heredi, leishmanioid disjunctor sm,orzando banksian u >tilitarianist sheldrakes brookable nargil assidean bondwoman lapidifying unaton >ing paratyphoid^ loppard bunts cistercianism revocability lithosiinae unrank subs^tratose boer.dom rundel variocuopler jacounce credentialed underjaws s.omatenes thoracopagus in.famizing unwarded begrim e >xtol**ed fatso probuilding maximis >es oohs pan >iconograph semiellipsoidal warlords toadeat headhunted pullulating mastigophorous synergist s,uperseminator ducatus qui >sutsch cryptoclimate~~ gallow hondas still**room untransfus^ib.le chlor >ous staia ph.thisical unpleased overthwartways organised coign illhumor nuraghe flumadiddle `bdellouridae spurreies .circumconic

waterwork blastomeric advt churchgoer cadmean suba

uriculate gossipines~~s pentahydrated hamletize cognosce syco

naria stickers underworker skippered debordment ideoplasty halides subseres macintosh thymate ritmaster apodal di^ene sliders nonblundering bunko,ing steprelationship overpowering,ly beguin glottological strangulates causus barbeau unconditionedly spellcraft s^w*atcher noncarbonated adlegiare slurb malenesses m^yxoedema brotulidae gouldian coxswains unmarking agrestical f.o,reguidance retrousse borates simulacre ^informable sync^h*ronical*ly messmates th*rashel vacherin bibbing broadleaves tyres optics griming nunship precognized psyches sergings codgers autocinesis urbanologists anagr.ammatical epiphenomenalism ^toluylenediamine teachi,ngs apilary lotiform` acrogynae unhospitably pr

opugner manganbruc.ite ,elegit quinovose infight glossographer citrean chefdom cananga hodmen arilloi^d encage twibill theatroph >i~~le crosby unco

rrectness prize kisswise lipothymia ^ sericulturist compted beauship prehandling impolite*ness` stabi^l^izes multivolumed toxicodendrol unobserved monst

rify cannibal

... keep reading on reddit ➡

show more
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/stroke_bot
📅︎ Aug 09 2019
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sloppily bagpiper
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/tcpyro16
📅︎ Jul 13 2019
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Halfing Bagpiper(from kobold bard and dwarf monk from mz4250)

I've been in need for a halfing with a bagpipe for a couple of weeks now but I could find any one. What I did find was a kobold bagpiper and a dwarf monk (with glorious hair) in /u/mz4250 's shapeways. So I open blender for the first time in my life, i check a couple of blender guru's tutos, and this is the result (still waiting to be printed)t:


👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/XharkBlues
📅︎ Jun 25 2019
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Need a bagpiper for great-grandfather's funeral Saturday 3/7

Sorry if this is against the rules, please let me know.

I am trying to find a bagpiper to play for 30 minutes at my wife's grandfather's funeral this Saturday morning 3/7/15. He was a WWII veteran and a great guy, cracking jokes right up until the end.

I am looking to honor his Scottish roots with some tasteful bagpiping as the Funeral Mass ends, expected to be around 10:40 or so. I was hoping someone with experience would be willing to do this (I am willing to pay!) for 30 minutes or so as people file out of Church. Amazing Grace, Taps, etc. is what I had in mind.

Thanks /r/Boston!

👍︎ 39
👤︎ u/Irishdud
📅︎ Mar 06 2015
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[LFA] Thraelius Carberos, Sea Elf Bagpiper

Thraelius is a sea elf bard who grew up playing music with his musician father, he eventually took an interest in draconic history and began adventuring as an archaeologist in search of ruins. During his research he met and befriended a copper dragon who taught him much in the ways of both draconic history and musical magic, allowing him to adopt the College of Glamour. He is a rather optimistic fellow who is rarely seen without a smile, he has quite a knack for jokes and comforting words. He is quick to make friends and yearns for excitement, if there's no risk of dying then where's the fun?

Description: Thraelius is a young adult elf, in the 120-150 range, with blue skin, green eyes, and wavy shoulder length green hair, facial hair optional. He is average height and pretty thin with some lean muscle. He typically does not wear armour, opting to don some fancier tunics and he often wears jewelry such as a few rings or a necklace or two. Of course a bard needs his music so Thraelius often has his set of highland bagpipes.

Hope this has piqued the interest of one of you lovely talented people, thanks!

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/justano12
📅︎ Dec 16 2019
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Bagpipers & Drummers of Reddit... I need your help (Not For A Funeral)

My grandfather has two things left on his bucket list: The first is to visit the grand canyon. The second is to smoke a real Cuban cigar. He's 73 years old and he has refused to cross these last two things off until I got my company off the ground. The company is getting an investment deal in the next few weeks so I'm saving every penny and planning our trip.

Here's where I need your help:

My grandfather has lived a very hard life. He grew up in the worst rural poverty 1950's Appalachia had to offer, with very little food, no running water, an alcoholic father and 5 other brothers and sisters to take care of. His ambition in his high school yearbook was just "to become a highly skilled worker." and he spent the next 35 years working as a welder destroying his ankles and knees. He lives now with chronic pain. He lost of his 2 siblings before they were in their 30's, one at 17. He's lost both a son and daughter-in-law in separate sudden freak accidents and another brother last summer. He once pulled his neighbor's child out of a river and had to be the one to tell them. Almost every friend he's ever had is now gone. These are just a few the things he's endured. At every turn life has kicked him as hard as it could but you'd never know it if you met him.

My grandfather is one of the most happy, kind and giving people I've ever met. When my own father didn't want me, he made sure that I didn't miss a male figure in my life. He taught me to weld, and to fix things, and he made sure I knew how to think for myself but it's what he never had to teach that was his greatest gift. Since I was a boy, I've watched him. I watched him when he donated to St. Jude when he had little and never tell anyone. I watched him when he paid for peoples groceries and when he cried with strangers. I watched him the time he wrote a blank check to someone who couldn't pay for their son's funeral and just said "You shouldn't have to do this, but you'll never get to do it over, spare no expense." He lived out the lessons for me and because of that, I get to be who I am today.

Three years ago, he took money that he earned at the expense of his joints and invested it in my company when it was nothing. On the way to the bank he just said "Back when I worked, it took me a year of my life to earn the money to give you this check but I worked hard so my family could have it better than I did..." He lived his whole life frugally and gave up his dreams so that I could live out mine

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/jt_braun
📅︎ Mar 30 2019
🚨︎ report
Bagpipers & Drummers of Reddit... I need your help (Not For A Funeral)

My grandfather has two things left on his bucket list: The first is to visit the grand canyon. The second is to smoke a real Cuban cigar. He's 73 years old and he has refused to cross these last two things off until I got my company off the ground. The company is getting an investment deal in the next few weeks so I'm saving every penny and planning our trip.

Here's where I need your help:

My grandfather has lived a very hard life. He grew up in the worst rural poverty 1950's Appalachia had to offer, with very little food, no running water, an alcoholic father and 5 other brothers and sisters to take care of. His ambition in his high school yearbook was just "to become a highly skilled worker." and he spent the next 35 years working as a welder destroying his ankles and knees. He lives now with chronic pain. He lost of his 2 siblings before they were in their 30's, one at 17. He's lost both a son and daughter-in-law in separate sudden freak accidents and another brother last summer. He once pulled his neighbor's child out of a river and had to be the one to tell them. Almost every friend he's ever had is now gone. These are just a few the things he's endured. At every turn life has kicked him as hard as it could but you'd never know it if you met him.

My grandfather is one of the most happy, kind and giving people I've ever met. When my own father didn't want me, he made sure that I didn't miss a male figure in my life. He taught me to weld, and to fix things, and he made sure I knew how to think for myself but it's what he never had to teach that was his greatest gift. Since I was a boy, I've watched him. I watched him when he donated to St. Jude when he had little and never tell anyone. I watched him when he paid for peoples groceries and when he cried with strangers. I watched him the time he wrote a blank check to someone who couldn't pay for their son's funeral and just said "You shouldn't have to do this, but you'll never get to do it over, spare no expense." He lived out the lessons for me and because of that, I get to be who I am today.

Three years ago, he took money that he earned at the expense of his joints and invested it in my company when it was nothing. On the way to the bank he just said "Back when I worked, it took me a year of my life to earn the money to give you this check but I worked hard so my family could have it better than I did..." He lived his whole life frugally and gave up his dreams so that I could live out mine

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/jt_braun
📅︎ Mar 30 2019
🚨︎ report

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