A list of puns related to "Mani pulite"
Inizio premettendo che ho 21 anni e mi sono diplomato 3 anni fa ad un liceo scientifico ed ho seguito un corso (rapido) di storia contemporanea all'università. Una sera stavo guardando un po' di video su youtube quando mi ritrovo ad un certo punto un video consigliato: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pcwbm2gL6k ; un video di un interrogatorio a Bettino Craxi (uomo che avevo sentito nominare in televisione qualche volta ma che sapevo solo fosse un politico) svolto da Di Pietro (wtf ma Di Pietro non era un semplice politico e basta?). Piacendomi i video tratti da vecchie trasmissioni televisive l'ho guardato e ho avuto una rivelazione shock: ci è stato un periodo nella nostra storia in cui ogni singolo partito italiano era coinvolto in pratiche illegali riguardo perlopiù appalti e mazzette ed in questo casino era pure coinvolto (apparentemente) NAPOLITANO? Leggendo i commenti del video ho capito che questo processo era collegato a tangentopoli (evento che avevo sentito nominare ma che non conoscevo esattamente che cos'era), quindi sono andato un po' online a documentarmi su fonti che non so quanto possano essere attendibili; ad ogni modo credo ora di avere un idea decente su cosa fosse questo sistema di corruzione che era presente in Italia negli anni 90'.
Quello che voglio chiedere io è perché qusta storia non mi è mai stata insegnata a scuola? Se non fosse stato per Mentana non avrei mai neanche sentito parlare di questo importante evento della storia italiana, non sapevo neanche dell'esistenza di una prima e seconda repubblica.
Ad ogni modo non voglio urlare GOMBLOTTO, magari sono stato sfortunato io nel mio percorso scolastico, quindi vorrei chiedere la vostra esperienza ed opinione
According to English Wikipedia:
>Mani pulite (Italian: [ˈmaːni puˈliːte], Italian for "clean hands") was a nationwide judicial investigation into political corruption in Italy held in the 1990s, resulting in the demise of the so-called "First Republic" and the disappearance of many political parties. Some politicians and industry leaders committed suicide after their crimes were exposed. Antonio Di Pietro was the main judicial figure in charge of the investigation.
>In some accounts, as many as 5,000 public figures fell under suspicion. At one point, more than half of the members of the Italian Parliament were under indictment, while more than 400 city and town councils were dissolved because of corruption charges. The estimated value of bribes paid annually in the 1980s by Italian and foreign companies bidding for large government contracts reached US$4 billion dollars (6.5 trillion lire).
What was this scandal?
How deep did it go?
How does it effect Italy today?
Is corruption still a big problem?
Hey guys! I am from Brazil and I have some questions for you about the "Mani Pulite". For those who don't know, Brazil is in the middle of a big economic and political crisis. Almost all main politicians of my country are involved in some kind of scandal. A lot of these scandals were revealed by a police investigation known as "Lava Jato" (Portuguese for Car Wash). This investigation is commanded by Judge Sérgio Moro and some comparisons with the "Mani Pulite" investigation have been made. The biggest construction companies of the country are being accused of bribing politicians in exchange of large projects. The president, some ex-presidents, senators and congressmen are probably involved in it and we have no clue when this is going to end. The similarities with the “Mani Pulite” operation are very big and “Mani Pulite” is considered to be the inspiration for the “Lava Jato”. So… I have some questions, hope you can answer at least some of them =)
Did “Mani Pulite” have the support of the population?
Did some parties or companies try to stop it?
Was “Mani Pulite” beneficial for some parties?
Are the main investigators of the “Mani Pulite” considered role models for the Italians? Do they have a good reputation?
Did it help Italy to reduce the corruption? Is Italy a better country after “Mani Pulite”? Was it worth it?
Add anything that you think that is interesting =D
Thanks in advance
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