A list of puns related to "Euronext Amsterdam"
(Link). Fellow tontards, now I am officially 100% out of here. It's just too painful.
This is an EU value stock which I really like.
Hydratec Industries owns several businesses in two main domains:
It is active globally, but it is more of a holding that is known under its daughter companies names.
Industrial systems
This consists of three companies:
Plastic components
This consists of two companies:
Revenue and earnings
The management did a great job the last years to improve revenue, acquiring new companies and restructuring them, all while keeping debt under control.
Revenue (in thousands EUR):
2016: 162.374
2017: 169.323
2018: 208.388
2019: 219.607
2020: 217.550
2021: 119.000 for the first half year
Net result (in thousands EUR):
2016: 5.882
2017: 7.129
2018: 8.507
2019: 6.635
2020: 771 (COVID)
2021: 6.674 for the first half year (yes, not a typo)
EPS are in the first half of this year at €5.16
At 29th of October, there was a trading update for Q3:
>The increased revenue resulted in a considerable rise in Hydratec Industries’ profitability in the third quarter compared to the first half of the year.
We can thus expect even higher earnings second half of the year.
Why I believe this is undervalued
Let me cite the CEO in the Q3 trading update:
>“Hydratec Industries is heading for a good year, despite the uncertainties in the supply chains, which have been severely disrupted by the pandemic. This has resulted in shortages, price increases and a drop in demand, a situation we expect to continue well into 2022. As a result of both the shortage of raw materials and shortages on the labour market there is an increasing need for process automation and solutions from our operating companies that save on raw materials*."*
NX Filtration (Euronext: NXFIL), the global provider of breakthrough direct nanofiltration technology for pure and affordable water, will be included in the Amsterdam Small cap Index (AScX) on Euronext Amsterdam, effective December 20, 2021. This was announced by Euronext yesterday, following its quarterly review, based on free-float adjusted market capitalisation and liquidity.
Michiel Staatsen, CEO of NX Filtration: “We are proud that NX Filtration will be included in the AScX Index so soon after our listing on Euronext in Amsterdam. This is an important milestone for our company and further increases our visibility in the market. We continue our focus on enabling the production of clean drinking water from polluted rivers, preventing the discharge of all kinds of micropollutants (such as pharmaceuticals, PFAS and nanoplastics) in the environment and reducing the water footprint of our industrial customers.”
The AScX, derived from Amsterdam Small Cap Index, is a free-float market capitalisation weighted index composed of 25 Dutch funds that are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. Eligible companies that fulfil the velocity and free float requirements are ranked based on size.
NX Filtration was listed on Euronext Amsterdam on 11 June 2021.
I own a SPAC called PSTH in my United States-based Fidelity brokerage account. PSTH plans to distribute shares of Universal Music Group to shareholders later this year. The shares will be listed on Euronext Amsterdam. Will I receive the Universal Music Group shares? Will there be a fee for this transaction? Do I need to do anything special to my account to receive these international shares?
Prosus NV is a holding company mostly and a spinoff from South African holdings giant Nasper. And Prosus holds some companies that are poised to grow.
The extreme discount
So, let's do some maths. Prosus holds around 31% stake in Tencent maybe(I haven't checked recently if anything changed, but it shouldn't). So, Prosus's stake of Tencent is higher than $216B+ even after the sell-off from the Alibaba chinamama news cycle.
Yet the market is valuing Prosus stock at around $175B+. Now, Prosus's other holdings like Delivery Hero, PayU etc is surely not of negative value? Analysts put a valuation of around $30B for a collection of Prosus' e-commerce portfolio. But who knows.
I mean if all of them IPOed in this hot market, I can't even predict what their valuations will be. Analysts
Management knows that this stock is being underpriced for stockholders and that's why they were almost forced to issue a buyback worth $5B just like the holdings company Berkshire Hathway (which is also a good way to own AAPL).
Bull case
A starting point for further research on this company. (pdf)
Prosus is still not included in most of the European ETFs(where most investments go), when or IF
it gets included, the discount between its book value and market value would probably decrease.
Almost no retail investor knows about Prosus. Spreading the pieces of information would definitely help increase its stock price. lol.
It's being said by some peeps(or shills) that the Euro and Yuan would gain against the Dollar for the next two-three years. Dollar has already declined a lot. *I am not sure if the dollar
No fundamentals just plays like pennystocks I shared here before:
Esperite shared at €0,046 now €0,0538 Thunderbird Resorts shared at €0,069 this morning €0,193
Quais as diferenças práticas de transacionar IWDA nas bolsa de Amesterdão e de Londres?
En me renseignant sur les CTO qui pourraient héberger des ETFs comme celui-ci, je pensais que Bourse Direct le ferait mais apparemment ils ne sont pas adhérents d'un programme appelé 'Euroclear Bank', ce qui fait que même si leurs frais sont théoriquement très faibles pour investir là bas, l'investissement est impossible :/
Qu'en est-il des autres CTO ? Avez vous des ressources qui regroupent la majorité des informations sur les frais et l'accessibilité des titres ?
Merci d'avance,
Bonne journée :)
Ik wil maandelijks VWRL ETF (ISIN) IE00B3RBWM25 gaan kopen via DeGiro voor de lange termijn (20-30jaar). Nu is het mij opgevallen dat de volume vrij laag is (rond 6K, dus €74 * 6000 = €444k). Als perspectief: VUSA (€48) heeft een volume van €128k (€48 * 128000 = €6.1M). Voor nu is het geen probleem, maar wat als ik over een 20-30 jaar een groot aantal VWRL ETF’s wilt verkopen en de volume is nog steeds zo laag?
Het gaat om dit fonds: https://www.ishares.com/nl/particuliere-belegger/nl/producten/253496/ishares-msci-emu-small-cap-ucits-etf met ISIN IE00B3VWMM18
Gister kon deze ETF niet meer worden verhandeld op de euronext Amsterdam. Vandaag staat onder het kopje "Beursnoteringen" op de ishares website van het fonds geen Amsterdam meer. Het wordt wel nog verhandeld op de XETRA, in Londen en in Italië.
Ik heb hier 15% van mijn geld in zitten. Wat doe ik nu? Broker is degiro
Does anyone know of a us based brokerage that can trade on the Euronext Amsterdam exchange? I’m interested in buying a specific stock on that exchange with my usd funds knowing there will be some form on fx.
Thank you!
Σκέφτομαι να αρχίσω να επενδύω σε IE00BKM4GZ66 και μέχρι τώρα, χρησιμοποιώ XETRA σαν stock exchange για τα υπόλοιπα ETFs.
Στην περίπτωση του συγκεκριμένου ISIN, έχω μεταξύ άλλων, την EAM με ticker EMIM και XETRA με IS3N.
Έχει σημασία ποιο από τα δυο θα επιλέξω ή να συνεχίσω με XETRA, που θα κάνω minimise τα stock exchanges fees το χρόνο;
Ευχαριστώ πολύ.
Ik ben een beginnende belegger uit België en probeer elke maand 100-200 euro te beleggen in fondsen via de kernselectie van Degiro. Ik wil graag deze maand beleggen in de Vanguard all-world (IE00BK5BQT80) maar deze wordt niet aangeboden op de Euronext Amsterdam. Is dit een probleem? Waar moet ik voor uitkijken als ik de beurs kies?
With the recent change in their pricing (DeGiro goes to Zero), the previous FAQ is out of touch on many points. Some key changes include
DeGiro is an online broker which founded in the Netherlands which provides their service all over Europe. They have local sites for many of these countries but they do not have a Belgium site or office. The reason that DeGiro is so popular is because of their low costs and their ETF core selection. Beginning of 2021, they merged with Flatex from Germany to become FlatexDegiro.
Below table is a comparison between DeGiro and Bolero (a popular BE broker)
TPC = third party costs
This is a new concept, copy/paste from the Degiro data sheet:
"If an order is placed via an exchange or any other trading platform, the total price is calculated from the DEGIRO transaction fee plus the costs of third parties (clearing and settlement costs, brokerage fee, contract note fee, regulatory fee and the execution fee). DEGIRO does not charge the grants and fees of third parties directly, but via a fixed fee of € 0.50. The fixed fee covers all costs charged by the exchanges or trading platforms DEGIRO for the execution of your order. The fixed fee of €0.50 does not apply to Tradegate. "
Regular shares
Exchange | DeGiro (BE-NL) | DeGiro (BE-FR) | Bolero (up to 2,5k€ - above 2,5k€ = higher costs) |
Bru |
DeGiro heeft zojuist een nieuwe tarievenstructuur gepresenteerd.
Op het eerste oog lijkt het een stuk simpeler, maar wel een achteruitgang voor de grotere (passieve) belegger. Met name door de verhoogde allocatie tarieven van 1.2% naar 3% maakt het beleggen met margin een stuk minder interessant. Ook de autofx kosten zijn verhoogd, van 0,1% naar 0,25%. Ik ben benieuwd wat jullie van de actie van DeGiro vinden? Een stabiele broker is het niet echt met al deze wijzigingen.
Berichtgeving: Vanaf aanstaande maandag bieden wij commissievrij beleggen op Amerikaanse beurzen aan. We hebben onze tarieven volledig herzien en geharmoniseerd. Daarbij hebben we een groot aantal variabele prijscomponenten geschrapt. Vanaf 20 december 2021 gelden onze nieuwe prijzen. Afgezien van de commissievrije tarieven, die vanaf aanstaande maandag al ingaan. Bekijk het nieuwe tarievenoverzicht Commissievrij beleggen op Amerikaanse beurzen Om te beginnen, bieden we commissievrij beleggen aan op alle grote Amerikaanse en Canadese beurzen zoals de New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ en Toronto Stock Exchange.
Vast bedrag voor beleggen Euronext Amsterdam Voor transacties via Euronext Amsterdam halen we het variabele percentage weg en rekenen we een vaste commissie van €2,00 voor zowel aandelen als ETF’s. Hierdoor worden de tarieven op grote transacties nóg aantrekkelijker.
Huidige lijst van commissievrije ETF's blijft ongewijzigd Wij bieden u al enige tijd een selectie van 200 wereldwijde commissievrije ETF’s. Deze kernselectie blijft ongewijzigd.
Geen betaling voor ‘orderflow’, geen gegroepeerde orders Deze wijzigingen maken ons de grootste Pan-Europese commissievrije broker voor grote Amerikaanse beurzen. In tegenstelling tot kleine ‘market maker' beurzen, worden deze prominente beurzen gekenmerkt door zeer hoge volumes en lage spreads, zonder verborgen kosten. Door ons hoge handelsvolume hebben wij in Europa een leidende positie op het gebied van tarieven. Wij verkopen uw orders niet, ontvangen geen betalingen van beurzen voor deze commissievrije transacties en wikkelen uw transacties niet slechts één keer per dag af als groepsorder tegen suboptimale uitvoeringsprijzen.
Vaste tarieven op andere beurzen Voor de Tradegate Exchange (de beurs die bredere handstijden mogelijk maakt) en alle andere Europese beurzen bieden wij een vaste commissie van €3,90 per transactie. Voor beurzen in Azië en Oceanië wordt deze vaste commissie €5,00 per transactie. Voor alle obligaties geldt €2,00
... keep reading on reddit ➡M-am inregistrat pe IBKR, si as dori sa construiesc un portofoliu de 2 ETF: S&P 500 (80%) Acc si Europe (20%) Acc, dar am anumite neclaritati:
Care din ele sa aleg avand in vedere ca ambele urmaresc acelasi index? Cea de la iShares este mai veche fata de cea de la Vanguard, 2010 vs 2019. Volumul de tranzactionare nu stiu, dar ma gandesc ca iShares are volum mai mare. O diferenta semnificativa ar fi pretul per unitate, 403 EUR (iShares) vs 72 EUR (Vanguard). Avand in vedere ca in Europa nu poti cumpara ETF fractional, cea de la Vanguard pare mai accesibil, aici poti cumpara mai multe unitati mai ieftin, fata de iShares. Au acelasi TER (0.07%). iShares este mai sigur fata de Vanguard? Deci... pana la urma... what's the catch? Volumul, lichiditatea, vechimea.. ce?
Pe IBKR am gasit doar listarile de SMEA (LSE) si IMAE (Euronext Amsterdam). Daca caut pe IBKR dupa SMEA, vad listarea pe LSE: 5586 GBP (dar asta nu ar trebui sa fie GBX, conform justetf.com?). Adica valoare de 1:100, adica: 55.86 GBP. De ce pe IBKR apare GBP? A doua listare (IMAE) apare la 66.27 EUR de la AEB. Dupa o cautare am vazut ca AEB este: NYSE Euronext Amsterdam. Cum este Euronext Amsterdam? Trusty? Pot sa cumpar de aici (prin IBKR) acest ETF in Eur? Sau sa cumpar in GBP (sau GBX, se poate face conversie in GBX pe IBKR?)?
- iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF: USD
- Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating: USD
- iShares Core MSCI Europe UCITS ETF: EUR
Eu initial am vrut sa tin toate ETF-urile in Euro, doar ca am citit asta:
În situația în care ai cont în EUR și cumperi ETF-uri în USD, intri în contract de împrumut de valută pe care plătești dobândă*. La fel și invers, dacă ai cont în USD și cumperi ETF în EUR.*
O mică observație pentru deținerile de cash în euro: pentru că dobânda de referință la euro deocamdată e sub sub zero, IBKR aplică dobândă negativă la cash-ul în euro care trece peste 100k.
- Cum e mai bine pana la urma? Sa transfer EUR s
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