A list of puns related to "Candlestick chart"
Hello guys, I'm learning Rust since now only 3 days and to practice I made this little library that allows you to draw candle graphics directly in your terminal using unicode characters:
I thought it might interest some people so I'm sharing it with you. I'd love to get feedback on it, or suggestions for improvements/new features, so send me some homework pleaseπ!
Hello All!
Look at this candlestick chart with rainbow moving averages....
The currency is NOR (Norway, Oslo)
As long as my mplfinance plot is not called, the table plots properly. After the first instance of mplfinance plot being called, all following table plots are messed up.
fig, axes = mpf.plot(df, type='candle', returnfig=True)
This is how I plot my candlestick chart.
def render_mpl_table(data, title, col_width=8.0, row_height=3, font_size=38,
header_color='#327a81', row_colors=('#daeff1', '#f0f7f6'), edge_color='w',
bbox=(0, 0, 1, 1), header_columns=0,
ax=None, **kwargs):
if ax is None:
size = (np.array(data.shape[::-1]) + np.array([0, 1])) * np.array([col_width, row_height])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=42, weight='bold', color=header_color, pad=6, y=1.05)
mpl_table = ax.table(cellText=data.values, bbox=bbox, colLabels=data.columns, **kwargs)
for k, cell in mpl_table._cells.items():
if k[0] == 0 or k[1] < header_columns:
cell.set_text_props(weight='bold', color='w')
if k[1] != 0:
value = float(data.iloc[k[0] - 1, k[1]].replace(',', ''))
if value < 0:
cell.set_text_props(weight='bold', color="#d66954")
cell.set_facecolor(row_colors[k[0] % len(row_colors)])
cell.set_text_props(weight='bold', color="#2db353")
cell.set_facecolor(row_colors[k[0] % len(row_colors)])
cell.set_facecolor(row_colors[k[0] % len(row_colors)])
return ax.get_figure(), ax
Above is my plot function for my table chart
I'm frustrated that I have to manually look through orders and find the positions for the bot instead of having a graphical interface in the smart trade view tab. I see a horizontal 'buy' indicator and a price, but it does not specify which bot is executing the order and it also does not show any of the subsequent safety orders, stop loss, or take profit.
I'm sure this is just user error on my side-- I mean, surely! If they are charging 100/month for premium then should have this feature.... right? raises eyebrows
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