A list of puns related to "African American culture"
Conservative is trying to paint immigrants as being sex offenders. You see that a lot on that subreddit. They demonize immigrants constantly. Although this thread is about immigrants to Sweden that sub regularly celebrates the brutal treatment of Mexican immigrants to America. They downplay or deny the human rights abuses committed by the American border patrol (such as beating Mexicans up for no reason, molesting children, etc.) and constantly link articles stereotyping Mexicans as being lazy, stupid, sex offenders, etc. They also do the same to immigrants in Europe as well. Conservative has a sort of doublethink where they simultaneously deny racism against African Americans, immigrants, Asians, etc. while regularly posting dehumanizing content about those groups. African Americans get portrayed as criminals, immigrants get portrayed as sex offenders, Asians get portrayed as communists, etc. Conservative simultaneously denies racism against minorities whilst spreading racism against minorities. Anyways, here’s the thread:
Some comments:
Generalizing immigrants as rapists and pedophiles:
“It is all about the votes. Get pedophiles and rapist on your side all while protecting them behind the words Racism if you disagree, got life long voters.”
“Mostly peaceful rapes”
They manage to be racist against African Americans in a thread that isn’t even about them:
“The big one I hear is all sorts of excuses about systemic racism being the reason for the crime stats. Totally ignoring the garbage culture that is self-perpetuated by these communities that encourages violence.”
Oh my… they even bring in global warming denial and COVID denial as well:
“This is an example of why people are starting to loose confidence in science. If scientists are castigated for publishing facts that don’t fit a political narrative they will stop asking questions and only do research that supports the popular fad, even if it’s wrong. You see it happening with Covid and global warming too.”
Advocating violence:
“We need to speed up the enlightenment with a good progressive witch hunt... Burn a few at the stake.”
“That reminds me… I need to buy some more ammo. Thank God I’m an American.”
Conservative is basically the new Donald sub
A large number of enslaved Africans brought to the American South were Muslims from West Africa. How long did Islam persist among slaves in the United States and did unique practices develop as a result? Iirc, Muslim slaves even staged a revolt in Brazil though that doesn't seem to have occurred in the American South. Did Muslim slaves show greater resistance to Christian conversion compared to those who practiced indigenous religions? Did Islam have any impact on African American religion after formal conversion, much as Voodoo and other West African religious practices have persisted to this day.
How do you connect with your culture?
I'm having trouble finding value in my culture, like a sense of not belonging, b/c I feel as if I don't have one forreal.
I grew up in the suburbs, so you know what that means. My mother's side is Louisiana creole, which I feel has a rich culture, but we moved states away when I was an infant so I only ever met my mother's side at family reunions, which we haven't had since I was a child.
My dad fled Jamaica as a young adult and didn't really know his family, he was never prominent in my life either. He connected with me when his sickness began. We always talked about going to Jamaica together but he passed away last year.
I can always go to Jamaica, but without my dad, I'll feel like a tourist lol I don't know patois but can understand bits and pieces. Same with my mom's side, I can always go to Louisiana but I haven't communicated with that side of the family for years, I'll feel like an outsider.
I've learned the most about both sides through reading haha which sounds so lame, but it helps to educate myself on those 2 cultures.
If you're in the same position as me, how did you find that connection? If not, any advice?
If you are born and raised in the United States then you are an American, especially in the working class. We share the same culture, deal with the same struggles. My message I’m trying to get across here is that if we stop being so tribal we might can make a difference. Black or white doesn’t matter we both have shit wages, shit healthcare, and shit education.
Yes White privilege exists. Yes people of color face more discrimination. The 1% doesn’t want us to be equal and fights hard for us to be as divided as possible, stop letting that happen. We are all hard working Americans and we all deserve better, but we are only gonna be better together as the 99%.
I’m from Oakland CA , and this is not a question or anything but I feel like I’m the only INFJ that’s grown up in a black household (yea I’m black) I don’t have any friends or family that are into this stuff ,Nobody I talk to knows/talks about Jordan Peterson and politics / religion(irrelevant lol) , like INFJs are kind of lone wolves but I feel like a real alien at home it’s crazy 😭 , I assume everybody who post on here is white or just not black lol, but do I have any brothas in the building ?? No ? Okay …..🚶🏾
Stephen A Smith is catching tons of heat from sports fans for his segments on USA basketball losing to Nigeria and for saying Ohtani being so good is a detriment to the MLB. Jordan Nwora didn't hold back with this one.
I’m going to NYNY next year and I know nothing so when I see this thing that looks so interesting, I want to make sure I’m staying in my lane as a white person. Also, is it rude to attend as a newcomer and tourist? I get the sense that it’s a little different from just going to any drag show.
I know that African-Americans involved themselves in African politics and Pan-Africanism, but most of the discussion seems to be about the implications on American discourse, rather than Africa itself.
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