Bender magnet for booster synchrotron, diamond light source (UK)
👍︎ 32
📅︎ Feb 26 2020
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2D image of a piece of aluminum(about 180 microns) between two cubic zirconia crystals made by a synchrotron-radiation light source (APS)
👍︎ 20
📅︎ Feb 21 2020
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The high-intensity X-ray light from the Berlin synchrotron source BESSY II was used to decode the 3D architecture of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2. This protein plays a central role in the reproduction of the virus…
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Mar 25 2020
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2,000-year-old Herculaneum Scrolls from Institut de France being studied using UK’s Synchrotron, Diamond Light Source…
👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/whatatwit
📅︎ Oct 03 2019
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The Canadian Light Source synchrotron [4,050 × 2,700]
👍︎ 236
👤︎ u/RyanSmith
📅︎ Dec 23 2015
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A new study has demonstrated a method that produces novel light beams from synchrotron light sources, opening up a new way to generate X-ray beams.…
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Aug 27 2018
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'An unprecedented outage': Canadian Light Source synchrotron breakdown cancels research until November…
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/aylons
📅︎ Nov 28 2018
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Come Visit Brookhaven Lab This Sunday and See The National Synchrotron Light Source II

For several weeks each summer, Brookhaven Lab welcomes members of the public to its site. We plan days that include visits to our facilities, opportunities to speak with our researchers, special activities for adults and children, and much more—and it’s all free!

This Sunday, visit the National Synchrotron Light Source II, where scientists use intense beams of light to see the inner structure of batteries, proteins, space dust, and more. Come find out what it means to be a “photon microscope” and why we are so excited about this incredible machine.

👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/beamdriver
📅︎ Jul 29 2017
🚨︎ report
The Canadian Light Source synchrotron [4,050 × 2,700]
👍︎ 60
👤︎ u/RyanSmith
📅︎ Dec 23 2015
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Ultimate upgrade for US synchrotron: Argonne lab banks on beam-bending magnets in bid for world’s most focused X-ray light source…
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👤︎ u/nastratin
📅︎ Sep 11 2013
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[Technology] Coherent Soft X-ray Scattering beamline under construction at Brookhaven's National Synchrotron Light Source II [2048 x 1355]
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👤︎ u/RPBot
📅︎ Aug 03 2015
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Inauguration ceremony for MAX IV, the new Swedish synchrotron light source…
👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/aylons
📅︎ Jun 27 2016
🚨︎ report
Synchrotron sources accelerate: Nature article on new light sources…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/aylons
📅︎ Apr 30 2015
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Gallery: the Canadian Light Source synchrotron…
👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/Snowdog65
📅︎ Mar 26 2013
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Scientists study rare dinosaur skin fossil at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron…
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Snowdog65
📅︎ Apr 26 2013
🚨︎ report
Canadian Light Source synchrotron: The House of Blue Light…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Snowdog65
📅︎ Mar 19 2013
🚨︎ report
Researchers have used synchrotron light sources to observe the electron clouds on the surface of graphene, producing a series of images that reveal how folds and ripples in the remarkable material can harm its conductivity.…
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jun 29 2011
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Synchrotron X-ray sheds light on some of the world's oldest dinosaur eggs…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/Sorin61
📅︎ Apr 10 2020
🚨︎ report
Researchers have now developed a technology using a compact synchrotron source that measures not only X-ray absorption, but also phase shifts and scattering. Tumors that are hardly recognizable using traditional X-ray machines are now visible.…
👍︎ 28
📅︎ Apr 30 2015
🚨︎ report
Synchrotron light used to show human domestication of seeds from 2000 BC…
👍︎ 16
📅︎ Jul 15 2017
🚨︎ report
X-rays capture super-fast nanoscale film: By uniting the world’s brightest synchrotron x-ray source with photography processes dating from the 19th century, scientists have tracked photochemically-driven crystal movements in greater detail than ever before.…
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/Libertatea
📅︎ Jun 09 2015
🚨︎ report
95-million-year-old snake Eupodophis from Lebanon, had vestigial legs! (source in comments with video showing where leg is + synchrotron X-ray image of it) [1558x1614]
👍︎ 51
📅︎ Jun 07 2013
🚨︎ report

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