In the last 7 years has Crimea been assimilated into Russia on the surface?

Roads, car licence plates, flags, statues, etc. Has Russia been able to cover the Ukrainian aspects of the peninsula or have they left things as they were and chose to ignore the elephant in the room? If they have, how long did this transition last?

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/DanQQT
📅︎ Oct 04 2021
🚨︎ report
Over a half-billion smartphones are now measuring atmospheric pressure, potentially providing a global surface observing network of unprecedented coverage: Impacts of Assimilating Smartphone Pressure Observations on Forecast Skill during Two Case Studies in the Pacific Northwest…
👍︎ 23k
👤︎ u/cryptoz
📅︎ Oct 22 2018
🚨︎ report
[WP] It's been 10 years since the dark obelisk was found underneath the Earths surface. After it was found, contact with oxygen resulted in cosmic flora rupturing from its cracks. Over time, half the world's surfaces were consumed. Only ten thousand humans are left, the rest were assimilated.
👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/Pyrowinger
📅︎ Mar 26 2021
🚨︎ report
February 22, 2022 marks the beginning of the end. We all must make a choice.

On February 22, 2022, between the hours of 11:00 PM and 11:30 PM, a previously undetected extraterrestrial object roughly the size of a football field will collide with Earth. The impact is determined to occur somewhere within Central Canada, where it will strike the surface with a force equal or exceeding seventy-five megatons of TNT. Upon making contact, the irregular object will form a sizable crater around itself while its own integrity remains intact. It will maintain its solid state for an indeterminable amount of time, after which it will gradually begin to liquefy, forming what can best be described as a lake of silvery-white substance akin to mercury.

This dormant stage is estimated to last anywhere from several months to a year, during which all surviving government bodies will likely be scrambling to deal with the collision's immediate aftermath. Given the object’s unusual composition, the consequences of the initial impact are difficult to predict, but any and all resulting calamities will seem trivial when compared to what comes next.

An unidentified gravitational anomaly will appear at an approximate height of two-hundred kilometer directly above the crash site. The whole of the lake will be siphoned upwards in a gleaming funnel of silver-white, accumulating in the shape of a reflective, metal sphere. This sphere will then proceed to break down and assimilate all other matter that gets caught in the anomaly’s event horizon, the scope of which will increase in parallel with the mass of its core.

It is at this point that two distinctly different events will play out separately from each other. In one—I suppose you can call it—timeline, Earth is completely swallowed by the anomaly, effectively replacing our planet with an orb of homogeneous matter. You, along with everything you've ever known, will cease to exist, though a fraction of your consciousness may still linger. Best case scenario—you become part of a collective soup of cognizance where all sense of individuality is lost. The other and infinitely more existentially horrifying possibility is that you remain lucid throughout the entire process, only to be trapped in a perpetual loop of mental isolation.

In the alternate timeline, the anomaly will become unstable before the conversion can be finalized. It will collapse in on itself and then explode, sending temporal ripples across our layer of space and resetting everything back to the beginning of January—less than two mon

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👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/RedHotOwl
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 5

First - Previous

ADF Hypercom Broadcast, 17814.31 IE, 17 days since the arrival

I am Admiral Kinna, ADF commander Fenik prime. Under the planetary director's authority, and by my recommendation, the hyperspace mirror has been disengaged to broadcast this message. Please find attached reports of initial contact with the creature. Summary follows.

17 days ago, 17814.14 IE, a magnitude 9 psionic event was detected near Yimtra city. Event was determined to be a psionic gateway, which delivered an enormous creature. It was a mass of tentacles and eyes, with an enormous central beak. Initial contact resulted in 17 fatalities.

The creature generates some kind of psionic static which is planet-wide, possibly system-wide. Opening gateways through this static is impossible. Long range communication through this static is impossible. Even short range psionic communication is taxing. It is always there, scratching at the back of your mind.

Second contact attempted to communicate with the creature, failure. 14 casualties.

Sustained plasma lance fire was ineffective against the creature. A class 4 antimatter bomb detonated at a range of 2km was evaded by the creature.

We lost track of it on the second day. Psionic detection methods are rendered useless by the static. Sensors, scanners, and drones have so far failed to locate it. We know it did not leave the solar system, we can still feel the static.

Reports began to accumulate of people having terrible nightmares. I know how that sounds, but the reports were too numerous and detailed to be ignored. By the seventh day, everyone on the planet was having them, including myself. They usually don't make much sense, but they always feature pain and blood. If you believed experiencing pain in a dream was impossible, I'm afraid you are mistaken.

A new religion has begun to take hold in Yimtra city. They worship the creature and claim to understand the dreams as messages from it. I suspect brain damage as a result of psionic attack when the creature first arrived near the city. So far they have not caused any major problems, but I have ordered their activities monitored.

We cannot find and neutralize this threat. The fleet's assistance is requested. To that end I have ordered the hyperspace mirror to remain disabled until we have your response. I

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Halo Infinite: A Look Back at the Major Leaks and Rumours

Halo Infinite. One of the bigger games I have been looking forward to exploring it's pre-release headlines. Arguably the biggest game of not only the year, but depending on who you ask, is the headline game of the generation so far.

The follow up game to 2015's Halo 5: Guardians was always going to be massive. While 343 Industries let down many fans who adore the story these games have offered, the general consensus is that the game's online component was a near must-play experience.

So, where does this journey take us? An interesting toy leak, some "leaked" screenshots, and rumours of a shadow launch dominate the pre-release this time round.

Without further ado, let's jump right in.


June 10, 2018 - Halo Infinite Announced

Here is the gorgeous trailer.

April 7, 2019 - Budget: Infinite?

Xbox Dynasty is our first major source of information for the game, sharing that the game will have a $500 million USD budget! The article is referencing a podcast where game producer Ralf Adam is having a discussion and is asked specifically about the budget, to where he also confirms that the budget is only accounting for development costs - not including any marketing. This was apparently overheard at GDC, which he allegedly triple checked that it was true.

For comparison, Cyberpunk 2077 is officially the most expensive released video game at $173 million, however there are unconfirmed high budgets for other games. Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 comes in at an estimated 200-300 million, Grand Theft Auto V at $265 million, and Square Enix's disappointing Marvel's Avengers at $170 million. So, what does this mean for Infinite?

Nothing. This is all debunked by Frank O'Connor, saying how hearing something at GDC is about as reliable as the claim that your uncle works at Nintendo.

Outcome? False.

April 19, 2019 - Infinite to Feature Battle Royale

YouTuber Brad Sams has the next juicy claim for the game, cllaiming that now he has overhead that the game will have a Battle Royale mode. It is interesting to note t

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👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/timmmy8
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Over a half-billion smartphones are now measuring atmospheric pressure, potentially providing a global surface observing network of unprecedented coverage: Impacts of Assimilating Smartphone Pressure Observations on Forecast Skill during Two Case Studies in the Pacific Northwest…
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Oct 22 2018
🚨︎ report
Over a half-billion smartphones are now measuring atmospheric pressure, potentially providing a global surface observing network of unprecedented coverage: Impacts of Assimilating Smartphone Pressure Observations on Forecast Skill during Two Case Studies in the Pacific Northwest…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 22 2018
🚨︎ report
Web Novel Personal Recommendation/Review [MegaThread] - V2

Intro: When I decided to share some of my reviews on this sub, I knew the work would take several days, and, at the time, I also didn't have a precise idea about what the outcome should have been. Among the various possibilities, I opted to create a first, rough, draft which I would update multiple times until I felt satisfied. So, here we go! If you saw my previous post know that this one is updated and as complete as Reddit allows it to be.


  • Why only web novels? Because of their nature, they are more accessible compare to books. You can more easily skim through them, discard what you don't like, and move on. At the same time, it's also harder to find proper reviews for web novels, in particular, I find scores on Royal Road to be useless in general. This doesn't mean that I don't read books, on the opposite, on my fantasy progression tier list there would almost be present only books;
  • What novels ended up on this list? My initial plan was to have both good and bad ones, but Reddit doesn't support such long posts. I'm, therefore, forced to have only what I most care about sharing. If you don't see something that should be on the list, but it's not, leave a comment and I'll clarify if I either left it out or didn't read it. At the end of the post there should also be a brief list of not reviewed suggestions;
  • What do I like? I'm an old reader. I'm past the time where I could read and enjoy anything available to me. You could find my tastes to be very needy in some ways and not so much in many others, I'm aware of it.
    I don't dislike many tags, the most notable are: novels with multiple POVs; a pure slice of life; when comedy is central; superheroes; but there are exceptions, ofc.
    On the other hand, immersion and suspension of disbelief go toe to toe for me, and I need to have both to enjoy a story. At the end of the day, a story has to remain true to its context. A System with numbers that don't make sense; a traumatic event that has no consequences; reincarnated adults that behave like teenagers; isekai where the protagonists never, ever, miss their previous happy, safe, life; characters that behave outside of their role; these are just some example of what ruins my immersion and usually leads to abandoning a novel, or at least to lower its score;
  • How do you structure the reviews? I'm not a professional reviewer, I find it hard to stick to a precise and well-organized pattern. I'll try to point ou
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👍︎ 104
👤︎ u/Korr4K
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
Update 30.9.0: Prime Resurgence


Update 30.9.0: Prime Resurgence

A Prime Resurgence is upon us…

Coming November 16 for a limited time, we are launching Prime Resurgence! This event provides Tenno with a schedule of Vaulted Prime releases. The impending War grows near day by day, Tenno. A new (yet familiar face to some?), Varzia Dax, has an opportunity to fortify your Arsenal with Prime items that have long been Vaulted.

We first announced that we are looking at running a Prime Vault event of sorts on Devstream 156 - and Prime Resurgence is just that! It is our first stab at offering an alternative to Prime Vault: A one-stop shop to gain access to Vaulted Prime content and Relics with a fully transparent schedule to allow players time to plan.

Varzia, a Dax from the Old War, will appear in Maroo’s Bazaar November 16th on all Platforms with a slew of Prime goods for you to obtain. You can either purchase Relics from her Wares with Aya (free path) or gain instant access to Prime items and bundles with Regal Aya (purchase path).

What are Aya and Regal Aya?

These are the currencies that are used to purchase items from Varzia!

Aya is an earned currency that is your free path to gaining Prime items through the in-game Relic system. It is a resource that is exchanged for Void Relics and other non-premium items available in Varzia’s wares. Aya is found in Missions (The Void or Bounties) or has a chance of appearing in Relic Packs available for purchase in the Market for Platinum or Syndicate Offerings for Standing.

Regal Aya is a premium currency (similar to Platinum, but not tradeable) that gives you instant access to Prime Warframes, Weapons, Accessories, and Bundles available in Varzia’s wares. It can be purchased in the Market or online storefronts.

We have an extremely thorough Dev Workshop / FAQ explaining how this Event came to be, including the introduction of Regal Aya. Simply put, The Prime Vault program has undergone many changes over the years, all driven by player feedback and requests.

The theme over these changes has been to offer more choice and quicker access to Vaulted Prime rotations. Which is where Prime Resurgence comes in. Please read our Dev Workshop for more information, otherwise enjoy the largest Prime Vault opening of all-time, with a significantly s

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👍︎ 973
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
🚨︎ report
KOS is actually QōS

Qos (Edomite: 𐤒𐤅‬‬𐤎 Qāws, later Qôs;[1] Hebrew: קוֹס‎ Qōs)[2] also Qaus (Akkadian: 𒋡𒍑 Qa-uš), or Koze (Greek: Kωζαι Kozai) was the national god of the Edomites.[3] He was the Idumean rival of Yahweh, and structurally parallel to him. Thus Benqos (son of Qōs) parallels the Hebrew Beniyahu (son of Yahweh).

And Simon uses a bow because of the meaning of QoS...

"Qōs became identified with Quzah, "the archer" in the north Arabian pantheon, worshiped both as a mountain and a weather god. The similarity of the name would have permitted an assimilation of Qōs to the Arabian god of the rainbow, qaws quzaḥ."

The pale green tone of the fishermen's village is due to...

Cloris (from Greek "Khloris" or Χλωρίς, from "Khloros" or χλωρός - meaning pale green, pale green, pale or fresh) in Greek mythology, was the goddess of spring, who presided over the formation of buds and flowers, and from which the winter wind...

Cloris is another name for Flora...

"Chloris was abducted by Zephyrus, the god of the west wind (which, as Ovid himself points out, was a parallel to the story of his brother Boreas and Orithyia), who transformed her into a deity known as Flora after they were married."

"Oh Flora of Blood, Oh Little Ones...Lumenwood gives birth to ghosts 👻

Flora = Moon Presence Moon Presence = paleblood

Flora (deity) is portrayed as a redheaded woman by many artists, Cainhursts are redheads. Alameda Hemwick means the red hair.

Paleblood = Bloodline of Cainhurst

Cainhurst = Caim ( (Blacksmith, constructor ) Hurst ( nest )

The builders of all Yharnam are the kings of the Cainhurst family, the ancient rulers until the church declared them heretics.

"Pledgers to this oath are Cainhurst Vilebloods, hunters of blood who find dregs for their Queen of coldblood, particularly in that of hunters. Yet the corrupt are heretics in the eyes of the Church, thus subject to the wrath of the Executioners." - Corruption "Once, a scholar betrayed his fellows at Byrgenwerth, and brought forbidden blood back with him to Cainhurst Castle. It was there that the first of the inhuman Vilebloods was born. The Vilebloods are fiendish creatures who threaten the purity of the Church's blood healing. The Ruler of the Vilebloods is still alive today." - Alfred

Vileblood = The despicables, blood drinkers, doomed to wander

"The Vilebloods of Cainhurst, blood-lusting hunters, see these frightful things in coldblood. They often appear in

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👍︎ 185
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
🚨︎ report
SERIOUS: This subreddit needs to understand what a "dad joke" really means.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.

Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.

👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
Piggy Bank

Its just paper. Stacked paper adorned with the face of a monarch who has probably never held her own, dependant of course on where in the world you find yourself.

Maybe on your paper there’s an astute man in a curled pale wig, a controversial icon of world peace, or even a collection of animals who would see the paper as something entirely inconsequential.

It isn’t really inconsequential though, is it? It isn’t really just paper.

It’s the source of all conflict, the source of all war and the source of all pain and anxiety for the person who lives without it. It’s something most spend their lives obsessing over, frantically trying to stuff as much as they can into their pockets regardless of who they have to step on to get it.

Money makes the world go round.

I used to tell myself it didn’t matter.

I used to repeat “it’s just paper” in my head every time I watched the last few pieces I had being placed into a cash register. I tried so hard to focus on all the things that are said to matter more. Things that should matter more.

Love. Family. Health.

All the things they say money can’t buy.

The smile on the face of the nomad who prides himself on having nothing.

I wish I had the resilience of that nomad. I wish I could smile at the sun, the rain and all the moments in between. I wish I could be grateful just to be breathing. I wish I didn’t need that paper and happiness was just a natural state of being. Nirvana.

I wish I was spiritually rich enough to not be concerned about being so fucking poor.

But humans aren’t conditioned that way. We aren’t taught to love the earth, or how to survive without subscribing to the societal norms that this civilisation expects. We’re conditioned to assimilate, to want nothing more than the glory of excess.

The nomad is a rarity. People… most people… they want the world. They want as much as they can get, as much as they can stuff into their pockets. They want everything.

I felt the same. I am most people.

I’d never been wealthy. Never got to taste the excess that I so desperately craved. I lived my entire life resentful of the people around me who had money, working every hour under the sun trying to get my own little slice of more. Scrubbing floors and pots and toilets in a convoluted attempt to make my fortune. It never came.

Money stays with money. It can’t buy a brain, but it can buy opportunities. The human race isn’t a fair one, we don’t value the fittest anymore. No. It’s surviv

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 177
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report

Life is exceedingly uncommon in the galaxy; a planet has a roughly one in a billion chance of harboring life. However, with over 400 billion stars in the Milky Way, with at least one planet around most of them, that still works out to roughly 300 planets harboring life. Only a few of these, however, have multicellular life. Fewer still hold life intelligent enough to form civilizations.

These species are, of course, wildly varied in how they evolved. The lava dwelling Igni evolved to navigate the rapidly changing environment of their volcanic homeworld. Moving from one lava pool to another, they rarely stayed in one place for more than a few days as the energy demands of their bodies quickly drained the heat from the pool. Today, they inhabit the galaxy as nomads, trading at each stop to refit their ship to suit their needs.

The Apis evolved from eusocial insects, forming massive colonies in which each Apis is an individual, and yet still connected to the whole. They now exist as one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, their skills at communicating between each other allowing for the fast spread and modification of new ideas and techniques.

The Volare hail from a massive gas giant, scavenging the solid metals they needed for tool use from the rare meteoroid that entered the planets atmosphere. Due to this scarcity of material, it took hundreds of thousands of years from their first tool use for them to advance enough to leave their planet. They now exist as scavengers on a vast timescale. They will gladly wait in orbit of a colony for hundreds of years for some misfortune to befall the world, be it plague, famine, or an ‘accidental’ impact by an asteroid. Then they swoop in, scavenge as much as they can from the wreckage, and move on to the next planet.

As each civilization is defined by its evolutionary roots, so too is Humanity. Uniquely among the galaxies intelligent species, Humans evolved as a predator. Pursuing prey takes a lot of energy, and that leaves little to spare for fueling a complex brain. However, Humanity got around this by evolving as persistence hunters. They simply walked after fleeing prey until it collapsed from exhaustion, and instead used the stores of energy that would normally be used up in an energy intensive chase to fuel a complex brain.

Remarkably, as a predator, Humans are actually one of the species least prone to violence. Predators are often quick to shy away from an unsuccessful hunt; pursuing a target

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👍︎ 329
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
🚨︎ report
The Cryopod to Hell 330: Grand Assembly's Conclusion

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 1,360,000+ words long! For more information, check out the link below:

What is the Cryopod to Hell?

Join the Cryoverse Discord server!

Here's a list of all Cryopod's chapters, along with an ePub/Mobi/PDF version!

Want to stay up to date on TCTH? Subscribe to Cryopodbot!


(Previous Part)

(Part 001)


Founder Dosena folds her hands behind her back. She levitates a meter above the Founder's Platform and assumes a dignified pose.

[Our species faces multiple existential threats. In addition to the Kolvaxians and the Wordsmith, the First Emperor of Demonkind has also made an appearance, shortly following the conclusion of the Battle for Hell Harbor.]

Dosena pauses to allow the other Volgrim to mentally acknowledge her words before continuing.

[Our galaxy is changing. As Founder Unarin mentioned before, during the battle against the Cherubiim, the demons succeeded in momentarily breaking through the barrier of Demon Emperor. We previously believed this feat impossible, yet it seems the demons are also capable of becoming a Founder-level threat, just like the Wordsmith and the Kolvaxians. We cannot remain complacent or assume the elites of our people will save us all. There are only so many brilliant minds to go around, and far more advancements we must make if we hope to weather this storm.]

Dosena holds up her hand. An object materializes in her grasp, one she takes great care not to touch. A faint but noticeable pressure emanates from it, one which all the Psions can detect, though the other sub-species cannot.

[This is a Heroic Artifact.] Dosena states. [It is Solomon's Crown, previously thought lost during Earth's destruction. It is an artifact capable of toppling empires... and through a stroke of good fortune, it has landed in our hands.]

Solomon's Crown slo

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👍︎ 59
👤︎ u/Klokinator
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
🚨︎ report
Encyclopædia Imperialis. A detailed political and economic overview of the Imperium of Man for newcomers to the setting

Author's Note: this was such a nightmare to compile. I had to go through the last 9 editions and carefully select the most recent materials. Where possible, a rulebook was consulted, BL was avoided as much as possible. Anyway. Consider this a mostly definitive compilation of how the Imperial nation governs itself.

Geography & Size

> Spread across the galaxy are over a million planets claimed in the name of the Imperium – a vast number, yet only a tiny proportion of the stellar systems in the galaxy. [--] Some Imperial worlds are clustered around relatively stable warp translation points, often branching out from key hub planets to form tightly knit alliances of trade and mutual protection, such as the Realm of Ultramar or the systems surrounding Terra. The majority of inhabited worlds, however, are separated by immense voids. Isolation and varied environments ensure a wide range of cultures and levels of technological advancement, but so long as the Imperial Tithe is paid – a charge on manpower, manufacturing and psykers levied upon every colonised planet – worlds are largely left to self-govern. Over the ages, all manner of planets have been colonised – cold, airless rocks, sweltering lush worlds and nearly everything between.


National ideology and security

> Untold millennia have passed since Humanity took their first tentative steps into the dark void of space. Stellar empires have risen in glory and fallen in ruin, but always Mankind has endured. Now it faces its most desperate war for survival against an endless onslaught of horrors bent upon the absolute destruction of the Human race.

> [---] > Everywhere the warp touches, insanity and boundless mutation follow, and the twisted worshippers of the Dark Gods of Chaos are rarely far behind. Nor are these the only threats faced by Mankind. Countless alien species teem through the darkness between the stars. They ravage Humanity’s far-flung domains even as they feed their rapacious appetites, or expand the boundaries of their own xenos empires. [--]At any one time the Imperial Guard fight across a hundred warzones and upon ten thousand planets.

> [---] > Yet despite constant calamities, the Imperium did not just endure, it grew. Each year, hundreds of new planets were added to the fold, even while others were lost. Unstoppable in its momentum, the Imperium churned on. Explorator fleets were launched like clockwork from every forge world. Relentlessly, they soug

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👍︎ 199
👤︎ u/Cross_Ange
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
🚨︎ report
Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
The Cryopod to Hell 328: History And Future

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 1,350,000+ words long! For more information, check out the link below:

What is the Cryopod to Hell?

Join the Cryoverse Discord server!

Here's a list of all Cryopod's chapters, along with an ePub/Mobi/PDF version!

Want to stay up to date on TCTH? Subscribe to Cryopodbot!


(Previous Part)

(Part 001)


Founder Unarin's head administrator, Muuxunuu, spreads her arms out and holds her palms face-up.

"The Kolvaxians are a threat the likes of which our people might not survive. However, if we pool our resources together and follow Founder Unarin's direction, I believe that eventually, we will purge the galaxy of this alien threat."

She lowers her arms and falls silent for a moment before continuing.

"In the eighty-five thousand cycles since the Kolvaxians have appeared, we have lost tens of trillions of fellow Volgrim. Thousands of worlds have fallen. Mighty warriors and elites have perished, never to return. We have increased the speed at which we replicate new Volgrim spawn, and yet, I feel that we have lost something important. Today, countless younger members of our species do not know the glory that once was our empire. They know only the creeping dread of our seemingly unstoppable enemy. Before I discuss the Kolvaxians in greater detail, let me tell you about our people and our rich, storied history."

"Our people evolved on a single backwater world." Muuxunuu states. "Volgarius Prime, the previous homeworld. Over the course of just one hundred thousand short cycles, we became a galaxy-faring species capable of traversing the stars. However, the Seven Great Wars nearly rendered our entire species extinct. It was only due to the guidance of a small group of rebels, those who hated the order of the Old Empire and who sought to reshape it into a unified one, tha

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👍︎ 59
👤︎ u/Klokinator
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
Dropped my best ever dad joke & no one was around to hear it

For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.

I said "hey look, an escaPEA"

No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!

Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂

👍︎ 19k
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
🚨︎ report
What starts with a W and ends with a T

It really does, I swear!

👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
What is a a bisexual person doing when they’re not dating anybody?

They’re on standbi

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
Geddit? No? Only me?
👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/shampy311
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
I wanna hear your best airplane puns.

Pilot on me!!

👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
E or ß?
👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Amazekam
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
No spoilers
👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Onfour
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
🚨︎ report
Halo Infinite: A Look Back At The Major Leaks and Rumours

Halo Infinite. One of the bigger games I have been looking forward to exploring it's pre-release headlines. Arguably the biggest game of not only the year, but depending on who you ask, is the headline game of the generation so far.

The follow up game to 2015's Halo 5: Guardians was always going to be massive. While 343 Industries let down many fans who adore the story these games have offered, the general consensus is that the game's online component was a near must-play experience.

So, where does this journey take us? An interesting toy leak, some "leaked" screenshots, and rumours of a shadow launch dominate the pre-release this time round.

Without further ado, let's jump right in.


June 10, 2018 - Halo Infinite Announced

Here is the gorgeous trailer.

April 7, 2019 - Budget: Infinite?

Xbox Dynasty is our first major source of information for the game, sharing that the game will have a $500 million USD budget! The article is referencing a podcast where game producer Ralf Adam is having a discussion and is asked specifically about the budget, to where he also confirms that the budget is only accounting for development costs - not including any marketing. This was apparently overheard at GDC, which he allegedly triple checked that it was true.

For comparison, Cyberpunk 2077 is officially the most expensive released video game at $173 million, however there are unconfirmed high budgets for other games. Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 comes in at an estimated 200-300 million, Grand Theft Auto V at $265 million, and Square Enix's disappointing Marvel's Avengers at $170 million. So, what does this mean for Infinite?

Nothing. This is all debunked by Frank O'Connor, saying how hearing something at GDC is about as reliable as the claim that your uncle works at Nintendo.

Outcome? Claimed to be false, but is Frank lying?

April 19, 2019 - Infinite to Feature Battle Royale

YouTuber Brad Sams has the next juicy claim for the game, cllaiming that now he has overhead that the game will have a Battle Royale

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 954
👤︎ u/timmmy8
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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This subreddit is 10 years old now.

I'm surprised it hasn't decade.

👍︎ 14k
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Cryopod Refresh 328: History And Future

Founder Unarin's head administrator, Muuxunuu, spreads her arms out and holds her palms face-up.

"The Kolvaxians are a threat the likes of which our people might not survive. However, if we pool our resources together and follow Founder Unarin's direction, I believe that eventually, we will purge the galaxy of this alien threat."

She lowers her arms and falls silent for a moment before continuing.

"In the eighty-five thousand cycles since the Kolvaxians have appeared, we have lost tens of trillions of fellow Volgrim. Thousands of worlds have fallen. Mighty warriors and elites have perished, never to return. We have increased the speed at which we replicate new Volgrim spawn, and yet, I feel that we have lost something important. Today, countless younger members of our species do not know the glory that once was our empire. They know only the creeping dread of our seemingly unstoppable enemy. Before I discuss the Kolvaxians in greater detail, let me tell you about our people and our rich, storied history."

"Our people evolved on a single backwater world." Muuxunuu states. "Volgarius Prime, the previous homeworld. Over the course of just one hundred thousand short cycles, we became a galaxy-faring species capable of traversing the stars. However, the Seven Great Wars nearly rendered our entire species extinct. It was only due to the guidance of a small group of rebels, those who hated the order of the Old Empire and who sought to reshape it into a unified one, that our people eventually ascended to a new plane of existence. Those rebels were our Five Great Founders."

"The Seven Great wars were, in many ways, not exceptionally different from the War we fight now. Brutal. Unending. Seemingly no chance of victory for any side. In the days before Founder Unarin's Enlightenment, when he divined the cause and effect of Order to Chaos, our brothers and sisters ripped each other apart without mercy. So brutal were our tactics that even the species we now refer to as 'mud-dwellers' would look upon us with dismay."

As Muuxunuu talks, Founders Treyza and Cuanali remain silent. However, distinct emotions appear in their eyes as they recall the Founding Eras which eventually led to their complete and total control of Volgrimkind.

"In the First Great War," Muuxunuu says, "The five species warred among themselves. Technopaths fought Technopaths. Psions fought Psions. This was known as the War of Brothers."

"In the Second Great War, the five species began to battle

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👍︎ 41
👤︎ u/Klokinator
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Cryopod Refresh 330: Grand Assembly's Conclusion

Founder Dosena folds her hands behind her back. She levitates a meter above the Founder's Platform and assumes a dignified pose.

[Our species faces multiple existential threats. In addition to the Kolvaxians and the Wordsmith, the First Emperor of Demonkind has also made an appearance, shortly following the conclusion of the Battle for Hell Harbor.]

Dosena pauses to allow the other Volgrim to mentally acknowledge her words before continuing.

[Our galaxy is changing. As Founder Unarin mentioned before, during the battle against the Cherubiim, the demons succeeded in momentarily breaking through the barrier of Demon Emperor. We previously believed this feat impossible, yet it seems the demons are also capable of becoming a Founder-level threat, just like the Wordsmith and the Kolvaxians. We cannot remain complacent or assume the elites of our people will save us all. There are only so many brilliant minds to go around, and far more advancements we must make if we hope to weather this storm.]

Dosena holds up her hand. An object materializes in her grasp, one she takes great care not to touch. A faint but noticeable pressure emanates from it, one which all the Psions can detect, though the other sub-species cannot.

[This is a Heroic Artifact.] Dosena states. [It is Solomon's Crown, previously thought lost during Earth's destruction. It is an artifact capable of toppling empires... and through a stroke of good fortune, it has landed in our hands.]

Solomon's Crown slowly revolves as it hovers above Dosena's palm. She gazes at it for a moment, deliberately drawing attention to its beautiful jewel-encrusted surface, before waving it away, back to an unknown location.

[Unfortunately, according to our informant, Solomon's Crown was already found by the Wordsmith. Due to unknown reasons, it has left his possession, but even so, our informant has confirmed that Jason Hiro was able to utilize its Errant Soul to bolster his mind. King Solomon was a human Hero known for transferring vast amounts of knowledge to select humans capable of inheriting his knowledge. Many famous human inventors became known for their accomplishments, thanks to Solomon's influence. Shortly before the Energy Wars began, during the three-hundred cycle 'Ascension Period' which led to humanity's rise, Solomon was a main player in building up his entire species. The fact that the Wordsmith has obtained his favor likely means he is also a super-intelligent lifeform, one we cannot afford to und

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👍︎ 50
👤︎ u/Klokinator
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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