Where does the definition of solvable in group theory come from?
πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Illyve
πŸ“…︎ Nov 17 2021
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IsItBullshit: Do people really β€œdisappear and start a new life” with enough frequency for police to put this idea forth as a reasonable possibility when someone goes missing? Or is it just an excuse to ignore people from marginalized groups or prioritize their efforts on more solvable cases?

I listen to a lot a True Crime podcasts and I’m always amazed at the number of cases involving someone reported missing and the police offer some variation of β€œhe/she probably skipped town.”

Edit #1- I should add that in all of the cases, the missing people end up being dead, of course. No one would make a podcast of someone that runs off for 2 weeks or whatever. That’s why I asked the question - are the cases of people who disappear without foul play so common that it’s a reasonable assumption for police to make, and the family’s/community’s concern of foul play simply a hyped up fear stoked by tv and movies?

Edit #2: For people who are upset I used the term β€œmarginalized” I was simply expressing my own perception (real or imagined) that money/status seems to me to have a lot to do with whether a case gets a lot of attention with bonus points if you’re handsome/beautiful. Lots of the cases where victims are found dead years later without much help from law enforcement/media are sex workers, rural dwellers, from poor families, etc.

πŸ‘︎ 4k
πŸ‘€︎ u/yikeswhathappened
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2019
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What's the name for the corresponding "composition series" in a solvable group?

A chain of subgroups satisfying a certain set of properties is called a "composition series".

If a group is solvable it also has a chain of subgroups satisfying different properties. Does this chain have its own name? I'm reading the Dummit and Foote text and doesn't seem to give this chain or its factors a name.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/AddemF
πŸ“…︎ Aug 16 2020
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Because groups can be solvable? C'mon I'm funny damnit.
πŸ‘︎ 16
πŸ“…︎ Nov 17 2018
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[Group Theory][Chp- Solvable Group]

I seem to be stucked in the proof of Schreier's Refinement theorem. Here is the proof http://imgur.com/gallery/ZkdE9bI

Specially equations 3 and 4. How are those considered?And also equation 5.

Thank you :)

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πŸ‘€︎ u/rishi71
πŸ“…︎ Dec 13 2018
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[Advanced Algebra] Soluble/solvable groups

Hi, hope someone can help with this. The reason is eluding me right now.

So I have the following: G is a group. I know that if G is soluble then all the subgroups of G are soluble from a theorem we learnt. However what I'm failing to see is why the opposite is true, that is why is it true that if all subgroups of G are soluble then G is soluble? How can we determine that there is a normal series for G based on the solubility of the subgroups?

I'm sure the answer is simple, just can't seem to grasp it.

EDIT: I think I figured it out. It's because G is a subgroup of itself hence the implication is automatic.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/AntiPhat
πŸ“…︎ Jul 17 2018
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A group of order pq is solvable

I think I understand the proof of it, but there's something bugging me. Lets say p=3, q=2 then (n_2, n_3 is the Sylow 2,3-subgroups)

  • n_2 | 3 & n_2 = 1 mod 2 => n_2 =1,3
  • n_3 | 2 & n_3 = 1 mod 3 => n_3=1,2

Clearly from the second we see that n_3=1 and so it is normal. But n_2 can take the value 3, how exactly does we know that these groups are normal?

Thanks in advance.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Tier1Shitposter
πŸ“…︎ Oct 04 2016
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[Group theory] Quotient group is solvable when...

If we have a group G, and a (EDIT: finite) set of normal subgroups K_i such that each quotient group G/K_i is solvable, then the quotient group G/K is solvable, where K is the intersection of the K_i.

So here's my attempt. We have that each G/K_i is solvable, and so each derived series terminates at K_i/K_i for each i.

Lemma: When K is a normal subgroup of G', we have that G'/K = (G/K)', where G' = [G,G] is the derived subgroup of G. Proof: an element x in G is in G'/K iff

[;x = (\prod_i[g_i,h_i])K = \prod_i ([g_iK,h_iK]) \in (G/K)';]

for some g_i,h_i \in G. (Note: this feels like a super illegitimate lemma. Please point out anything wrong.)

Using this, we see that the factors for each derived series are in fact [;\frac{(G/K_i)^{(i)}}{(G/K_i)^{(i+1)}} = \frac{G^{(i)}/K_i}{G^{(i+1)}/K_i} \cong G^{(i)}/G^{(i+1)};] by the 3rd isomorphism theorem (up to the point where K_i is no longer a normal subgroup of [;G^{(i)};]), where [;G^{(k)};] is the kth derived subgroup of G.

So I also know that the derived series for G/K is going to have these factors (up to some point), and I'd love to show that, say, n = max_i(n_i) will be the length of this series, where n_i is the length of the series for G/K_i. I'm just pretty sure that that doesn't cut it.

What should I do? I'll probably need to use the intersection explicitly, but I don't see how. Is there some map I'm failing to see? Any help would be appreciated.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/f_of_g
πŸ“…︎ Dec 05 2014
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Solvable Groups

Hi all,

I'm having a hard time solving some problems involving solvable groups (composition series in general get my head spinning). Some help would be much appreciated.

I: Let H and K be subgroups of G with K normal in G. Show that if H and K are solvable, then HK is solvable.

II: Show that if G is a group of order (p^2)q, where p and q are primes, then G is solvable.

III: Show that if G is a group of order 280, then G is solvable.

Note: We are not allowed to use Burnside's Theorem, Hall's Theorem, or the Feit-Thompson Odd Order Theorem.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/INeedMathHelp
πŸ“…︎ Nov 26 2012
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[Abstract Algebra] Direct product of solvable groups is solvable.

[; G \cong H\times K ;] where G, H, and K are all groups. I need to prove that G is solvable if, and only if, both H and K are solvable. As in most cases, one direction is much easier. We already proved that if G is solvable, and a function f:G--L is a surjective homomorphism, then L is also solvable. So if we assume G is solvable to begin with, I can just refer to this theorem that guarantees HxK is solvable.

Now I assume HxK is solvable. Here is where I am having some trouble (or missing something) with the isomorphism theorems, especially with respect to quotient group. If HxK is solvable, we can construct a solvable series [; \{e\} = H_0 \times K_0 \lhd H_1 \times K_1 \lhd \cdots \lhd H_n \times K_n = H \times K ;] where the successive quotient groups [; H_{i+1}\times K_{i+1} / H_i \times K_i ;] are abelian. [; G \cong H\times K ;], so we know a bijective homomorphism exists; call it [;\phi : G\rightarrow H\times K ;]. I know the fundamental theorem of group isomorphisms says that if [; G_i \lhd G_{i+1} ;] inside G, then [; \phi(G_i) \lhd \phi(G_{i+1}) ;] But do we have the property for the other direction? [; \phi^{-1} ;] ? And what can we say about the quotient groups, knowing [; H_{i+1}\times K_{i+1} / H_i \times K_i ;] is abelian how can I show that congruent quotients exist in G and are abelian?

Thanks in advance. I would also appreciate some help on how to input latex commands with the greasemonkey plugin, as I know this is going to be a horrible mess when I post it initially.

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πŸ“…︎ Oct 28 2012
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why are nilpotent groups solvable

If we define nilpotent groups using the upper central series, why is C_i normal in G? Can anyone give me more insight on the upper central series?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Neutralobservor
πŸ“…︎ Dec 02 2011
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ELI5: what do Galois groups actually prove about solvability?

Context: I started learning calculus (with some linear algebra which I'm better at) and found out about Galois theory, and I obsess over things I don't understand. I've lost a lot of sleep trying to understand even the "simplest" concepts in Galois theory, without any progress.

All the explanations I've read so far talk about how the algebraic expression of the roots have to belong to the same field (Galois field) to be solvable, but how is that actually determined and why does it prove anything about solvability, especially since most of what they express is (theoretically) already covered by the algebraic expressions themselves?

For example, the image on the Wikipedia page for Galois theory (can't copy the link fsr) shows sqrt(2), sqrt(6), and sqrt(3) so my guess is that because the operation of roots is division, the Galois field and Q need the containing the dividend over one of those roots that gives the other root as a quotient to adjoin Q and Gal - but I'm guessing that's wildly off-base given how complex a subject it's supposed to be.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Emotional_Writer
πŸ“…︎ Jul 02 2021
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I’m out.

Last night I was held at gunpoint, over a fucking $20 bill. Ive had my window smashed out, twice, in the past 6 weeks, for nothing, in a fucking parking garage mind you. And about 3 months ago, a vagrant drug addict took a 2x4 to my entire (brand new) car for no reason as well.

Over $3k in repairs and when I called the police, like usual, they tell me to file a report online.

My lease is up in May and I am fucking OUT. I am done acting like it’s a solvable problem. I’m done waiting for proper leadership. I’m done forking over thousands of dollars so crackheads can have fun in the night.

Yet I’m the asshole for not using the proper term for a homeless person. Laughable bullshit.

Edit: The amount of comments berating me or laughing about my situation really surprise me. Not what I’d expect from such loving citizens of the most progressive city in America. Though these things have happened to me, I do absolutely love it here. My friend group is the most solid it’s ever been, my job is amazing and treats me well, and I love the food and nightlife of this city, I just do not feel safe living here anymore, and I’m sorry if that upsets you or somehow doesn’t align with your views. I understand that any city has its problems, but if you truly believe that the problems here are universal, you are sadly mistaken. Be safe.

Edit 2: RIP my inbox. For the numerous people asking.

  1. My apartment and parking structure are close to the Lloyd center. Yes I am aware that there is more crime around there at night.

  2. I was held at gunpoint on the corner of 12th Ave and NE Irving street, just before the bridge. It was a few guys in a car, but was only assaulted by one.

  3. To those asking to see pictures or proof, I owe you nothing. I’ve been more than descriptive about the incidents over numerous comments and have zero desire to reveal my identity.

πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Juanbond622
πŸ“…︎ Dec 27 2021
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Confirmation regarding the purpose of Lie Groups/Algebras

Is it accurate to say that Lie Groups are the differential equations analogue to Galois Groups for algebraic equations?

I have been struggling to understand why I should care about Lie groups/algebras and imagining how they would be useful to me. The go to explanation seems to be that they are related to continuous symmetries or something about them being a differeniable manifold, yet this sort of framework did not make things click.

However, recently, I have came across various texts related to symmetry methods for ODEs which address Lie Groups/Algebras. At this point, it appeared that everything clicked:

Just like a Galois group theoretic approach exploits symmetries to reveal underlying information about algebraic equations in an effort to pursue a solution, a Lie group theoretic approach exploits symmetries to reveal underlying information about differential equations in an effort to puruse a solution.

I wanted to confrim if this idea is accurate. This link between differential equations and lie groups/algebras appears to not be the go-to explanation regarding lie groups/algebras so I have my doubts about this connection.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/lguy4
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2022
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The secret origin of the Cobalt Blue Indiana Glass Hen.

OK, I'm hoping this one is very solvable, because I truly believe the answer is out there and possibly could be found with deep enough digging in the right place, maybe on the Wayback Machine.

A brief background

The Indiana Glass Company operated out of Dunkirk, Indiana from 1907 to 2002. During that time, they produced millions of pieces of glassware, which have become collectible today. And perhaps no item they made is more prolific and collectible than the Glass Hen on Nest Covered Dish.

Indiana Glass Hens can be found in flea markets, antique stores, estate sales, and anywhere else where vintage items can be found. The market is absolutely flooded with them. Literally millions were made and sold during their heyday (mostly the 70s thru 90s.) Today they have a very active collector's community, and you can see them selling every day on sites like ebay, etsy, mercari, and many others.

Different colors are more scarce than others, and fetch a higher price. That being said, even the harder to find colors typically don't go for very much. With one exception.

The curious case of the Cobalt Blue Indiana Hen

Indiana Hen collectors are aware of an anomaly: there exists a Cobalt Blue Indiana Hen, which has odd traits, that is exceptionally scarce compared to the other colors. Considered a "Holy Grail" item, they always fetch an absurd price on ebay, typically going for $1,000 or more. People have described to me that they've collected these for 25+ years and never seen a cobalt in person.

So, what's the mystery here?

If all there was to this was being a hard to find item, it would require no further thought. The true mystery here is that the Cobalt Blue Indiana Hen is different than every other Indiana Glass Hen. Author Shirley Smith describes this in her Glass Hen on Nests Covered Dishes Identification Guide book:

> May or may not have circle on the back. No small bumps on back end of comb. Rumored to be slightly larger than other Indiana Hens

In addition to this, those lucky enough to find one have noted that it appears crudely made, and full of flaws.

It's well established in the community that these descriptions hold true. Here is a picture of one, with the differences highlighted

The mysterious thing here is that the Indiana Hen is a factory mass-produced item, made from a mold. So

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πŸ‘︎ 4k
πŸ‘€︎ u/IndyHen
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
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What is it about equations of degree 5 or higher that leads to the Abel-Ruffini theorem?

Why does the quadratic, cubic, and quartic formula work, while no quintic formula can exist?

πŸ‘︎ 137
πŸ‘€︎ u/Thomaswiththecru
πŸ“…︎ Dec 19 2021
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The theory of Anarchism

I really want to talk a bit about Anarchism. Mostly because I get the feeling that a lot of people do not quite understand what Anarchism actually means.

If you take a look at the Solarpunk Manifesto, you will find the following sentence:

>At its core, Solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.

β€œPost hierarchy” as in β€œno more hierarchies” as in Anarchy. Because counter to what you might have learned in school or from the media, Anarchism is not about the abolition of rules, but about the abolition of hierarchies.

Hierarchy comes from the greek hierarkhia, translating to β€œrule of the priests”. The same arkhia root you will find in words like democracy (rule of the people), oligarchy (rule of the few) and monarchy (rule of the one). Anarchy hence translates to β€œno one's rule”.

This leads to many having the wrong idea, that anarchism basically means post apocalyptic chaos, with houses burning and whatnot. Because they wrongfully assume, that β€œno one's rule” equates to β€œno rules”. But the truth is, that it actually equates to β€œno hierarchies”. Anarchism wants to get rid of hierarchies – or at least those hierarchies, that the parties in question do not agree with and that do not serve the parties in question.

In our society we have lots of hierarchies. Parents and teachers rule over children and youth. Employers rule over their employees. Politicians rule over the rest of the country. Police rules over the people. And obviously the people with big capital rule over everyone else.

The last thing is why actual anarchism tends to lean communist. (Anarcho-Capitalism works under the wrong assumption that anarchism is about eliminating rules – which it is not, I cannot stress that enough!)

Now one of the questions that people tend to ask is: β€œBut if there are no politicians, then who makes the rules?” The answer is: Everybody does. Rules under anarchism are set by the people they affect. Mostly anarchism is also about decentralization, so people in communities will make their rules for their community. And everybody gets to make their input and then gets a vote on the decision for the rule.

Like let's take a village based around agriculture as a simple example, where the fields are co-owned by everyone. So everyone

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πŸ‘︎ 471
πŸ‘€︎ u/RunnerPakhet
πŸ“…︎ Dec 26 2021
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What do you think about this quote in the context of Asheville: "homeless people are not the problem, homelessness is the problem"?

I'm listening the Neighborhood Advisory Committee Meeting, and this quote was cited as an example of an 'opinion' that wasn't a 'fact.' This quote is from a neighborhood newsletter endorsed by the city that was put out. You can read it here:


In this hyper-politicized time, a lot of facts are considered opinions.

In my opinion, it is a fact. If we are saying that homeless people are problematic, it makes sense to link the problem to their homelessness, otherwise we would use some other label to group problematic people. (Right r/Asheville? Right?) So if homeless people are the problem, the root of the problem still lies in their homelessness.


Second point that was brought up. In the same piece, the City writes that: "Homelessness is a solvable problem."

According to the same member of the committee, this may not be true, based on a Wall Street Journal article (I've been unable to find which one way they were referring to), and cannot be considered 'fact' either.

The city's statement is admittedly vague, but I completely disagree that the city should not operate with the intention of eradicating homelessness. Like any issue, the city should move toward difficult goals (which is all the bullet was suggesting), and whether or not we reach them will always depend on future national and local actions.

The idea that there is no United States without homeless, and that we must accept homelessness as de facto part of American life, is the same as accepting we will never cure cancer, or make sure no one goes hungry. As Americans, we are founded on exceptional and still-unattainable ideals. There is nothing wrong with adding another to the list.


Link to pertinent part of the meeting: https://youtu.be/EkaWBaf-pc4?t=4226

I'd love to hear some other perspectives; please make an effort to engage with the question, not just whatever your opinion is on Asheville's approach to homelessness or your perspective on the homeless experience.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Kenilwort
πŸ“…︎ Jan 24 2022
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Can we please acknowledge how little we actually know about this game? The meta is not fact, it's trends.

This is gonna get more than a little rant-y:

So I just got done watching Milk's latest YouTube video, Double Up with Mortdog. In it, they discus a number of things, specifically Fiora carry to counter Cho'Gath and Akali. Milk says the strategy Mortdog recommends, specifically 6 challenger with Deathblade, IE, LW is garbage and that Fiora needs healing. Mortdog points out Fiora has healing on her ult which surprises Milk, who admits he doesn't know how much healing is on it, then admits he doesn't know what Leona does. Mort says most players only know what 10-15 champions do, a point that really stuck with me.

Milk then goes on to play Fiora carry with Deathblade, IE, LW, but with 3 socialite instead of 6 challenger and continues complaining when he's only winning some rounds, asking what Fiora's even doing literally as she kills the Cho on Mortdog's board, because he cleared his own board and was strong enough to clear his ally's board also. Milk eventually pivots to Clapio and loses basically every round after.

Constantly, I see discussion about how only 3-4 comps are viable now, about how (Insert Champion) is broken without any counterplay, but so few people think beyond what is already common trying to look for solutions. 6 challenger Fiora isn't the most common comp in the game, but there's nothing wrong with it in concept. Then we have a top player dismissing it outright, not actually playing it, then insisting the carry is bad after not actually playing the suggested comp. And it's a comp suggested by the guy whose literal job is to look at the data to balance the game.

Remember how people talked about Akali in last patch? People insisted she was unplayable garbage and did nothing. Now she's broken and the best 5 cost, often worth pivoting your entire comp if you see her at level 7. I've heard arguement that there's no counterplay to her at all in twitch chat as I watch the streamer playing her hit a 4 loss streak because she couldn't deal with Mundo, Tahm, or Cho easily. Her aggro dropping ability, a very common citation about how impossible she is to kill, was the same last patch, when she was still "unplayable". Her damage buff didn't change this, and she still clears boards slower than the likes of Yone, Lux, etc. Her mechanics, not her stats, are the same, but some people found good comps for her, so now people say she's too strong citing the unchanged mechanics.

The point I'm trying to get at is that this game is incredibly complicated, bu

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πŸ‘︎ 858
πŸ‘€︎ u/TeamAwesome4
πŸ“…︎ Dec 12 2021
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An in depth response that analyzes the draw behind PUA/TRP and even incel communities and why criticisms of them often miss their mark.

EDIT: TRP means The Red Pill and PUA means Pick up artist

So. I'm back with another round of "I found a comment elsewhere I want to share"

The following is from /u/radioactive-subjects answering the notion of "dating has no quick fixes like this nonsense pickup artist bullshit" and to ensure that there's no confusion. I'll put in some extra effort to both divide out and bold my own words so that credit goes where credit is due

I think this exact attitude is part of the problem. Of course there's no quick way to a meaningful and complete relationship, that takes time and commitment from both parties. But there are clearly discrete and solvable hangups for many men that do have quick fixes, or at least can be addressed directly and don't mean we're implying relationships are easy.

Here's one example: I, like a lot of men (this is a common complaint) have a specific issue with the process of asking women out. I know how to talk to women, I've got women who are dear friends, but the overall gist of what I've internalized means that I have a hard time explicitly making the step from "talking about interesting things" to "asking for a number/asking out on a date".

Social anxieties play a part, societal narratives play a part, but the crux of the issue is basically a 5-10 minute period of very specific interactions again and again. Breaking down this period of time, figuring out appropriate reactions to common scenarios ahead of time, and practicing them could fundamentally alter how difficult that is for me.

I've had a hard time fixing this myself partially because of how incredibly confusing the overall narrative is right now. Lots of discussions where mutually exclusive levels of forwardness are suggested as the only non-threatening non problematic way to approach, ranging from "treat her like one of the guys / use no specific filters / be totally forward" to "please just don't we don't want to be approached at all". One of the real powerful things that pickup artist snake oil provides which isn't a lie is specific guidance on moments like that, as well as instruction on how to practice those situations. Of course the RP/PUA approach is to just disregard the counterparty in the discussion and be maximally selfish, so that is right out as far as I'm concerned.

I'd love a general consensus approach to about how much and how soon it is okay to ask for a number, socially acceptable ways to practice this without being problematic, etc. Havi

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πŸ‘︎ 75
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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ELI5: Why are there no finite algebraic solutions to polynomials of a degree higher than 5?

I was just kind of wondering why it's possible to purely use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and n-th roots in a finite way for polynomials up to degree 4 but not higher. Why? What changes when the degree is 5 compared to a degree of 4?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/arturo211234
πŸ“…︎ Dec 04 2021
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SERIOUS: This subreddit needs to understand what a "dad joke" really means.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.

Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.

πŸ‘︎ 17k
πŸ‘€︎ u/anywhereiroa
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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Group question: The question this afternoon has to do with the phenomenon of the visitation of a third-density human being by a negatively oriented entity or energy that is sent from another third-density human being practicing what is usually called the black magical arts.

What is the best attitude, actions, and principles that need to be considered when dealing with negatively oriented attacks?

Q'uo: Greetings in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We are honored to have the privilege of being called to your group to speak of negative entities among your own people and to speak also of those non-physical principles and entities which may be called upon by those within your density who are polarizing upon the path of service to self or negativity.

Let us first define the term, black arts or black magical art. The metaphysical work both of the service-to-others path and the service-to-self path is that which takes place upon a field which appears to be dark. The background of metaphysical work for both polarities is a metaphysical environment of darkness, for the metaphysical consciousness of the living spirit within the third-density illusion is hidden within the deep and unlit roots of mind.

Consequently, both those who seek the darkness and those who seek the light begin in a common ground of darkness, the darkness of that which is not known. Upon this level of seeking for energy or power the search for truth is conducted in night conditions. The moon’s dimmest light is the brightest illumination as one seeks spiritually.

It is extremely subtle and difficult work to distinguish truth from illusion or outright falsity, to distinguish the positive leaning towards the love of the Infinite One in service to others from the same activity which may seek service to self. Many metaphysical seekers expect that the seeking towards the positive truth will be done in noonday sun, metaphysically speaking.

This is untrue. The metaphysical search is not clear, obvious, or simple.

Each of you here who listens to this voice speaking our thoughts knows of the ease of mistaking apparent truth for truth, and each can recall instances where that which one thought to be a shining light was, instead, relatively valueless and not filled with light or power.

In the dim moonlight shadows can be deceiving. The metaphysical search, then, is one in which faith is the great illuminator, that faith which cannot be given by one to another, that fai

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πŸ‘︎ 58
πŸ‘€︎ u/IRaBN
πŸ“…︎ Jan 08 2022
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Pathfinder WOTR Puzzle Logics guide (Enigma and Mystery )

It seems like a lot of people find the puzzle in this game confusing, and the fact that many guide only focus on the solution only worsen the situation. During my playthrough I enjoyed the puzzle a lot, so I'm writing this up for people who would like to give those puzzle a try with hint and logic, rather than a straight up solution to the puzzle.

In this post I will only focus on the Enigma pyramid and the "Secret of Creation" puzzle chain. I didn't think I would be writing up something like this at the start of my playthrough so I didn't take a lot of screenshot. If people enjoy these kind of hint/logic type of guide I'm more than happy to write up a full documentation of all the puzzles inside WOTR with hint, logic, steps to solution, and final solution. Though being a student means I have less free time so if I decide to do a document it will have to be during summer.

Disclaimer: I played with the Chinese language, so the text I'm referring to in game will not be exact but the meaning should be enough for you to understand


First, the Enigma

There is no wrong order of doing this in Enigma, since this guide serve to help people solve the problem by themselves, it is not a walkthrough of Enigma, such walkthrough can be easily found online.

There are three type of Puzzle in the Enigma


Theres only two gumoku puzzle, and they are 5x5 and 5x7. On the wall next to the 5x5 puzzle it states that "no more than three in a row". So you just need to make sure that any horizontal, vertical or diagonal line have no more than three of the same color adjacent to each other.

The logic to solve this puzzle follows directly from Gomuku. You first identify existing three in a row, than you block them off with the other color. It will take some trail and error but should be solvable rather quickly if you have pen and paper nearby.


These puzzle are identified by its 4x4 shape, you just need to click on tiles that have the same symbol right after each other. Easily solved by clicking each tile once and jotting down what symbol and color they are and click them by pairs


There is again only two arrow puzzle in the Enigma, identified by its 3x3 shape and have 12 arrow on the other edge. Again on the wall next to the first arrow puzzle (North east in Enigma) it states that "The quantity are hidden numbers". Through out the Enigma, up to this point, there are

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πŸ‘︎ 29
πŸ‘€︎ u/Malpacash
πŸ“…︎ Jan 28 2022
🚨︎ report
Just because it's a joke, doesn't mean it's a dad joke

Alot of great jokes get posted here! However just because you have a joke, doesn't mean it's a dad joke.


Try telling these sexual jokes that get posted here, to your kid and see how your spouse likes it.. if that goes well, Try telling one of your friends kid about your sex life being like Coca cola, first it was normal, than light and now zero , and see if the parents are OK with you telling their kid the "dad joke"

I'm not even referencing the NSFW, I'm saying Dad jokes are corny, and sometimes painful, not sexual

So check out r/jokes for all types of jokes

r/unclejokes for dirty jokes

r/3amjokes for real weird and alot of OC

r/cleandadjokes If your really sick of seeing not dad jokes in r/dadjokes

Punchline !

Edit: this is not a post about NSFW , This is about jokes, knock knock jokes, blonde jokes, political jokes etc being posted in a dad joke sub

Edit 2: don't touch the thermostat

πŸ‘︎ 6k
πŸ‘€︎ u/CzarcasmRules
πŸ“…︎ Jan 23 2022
🚨︎ report
Human Question Pt4

Human Question Pt 3

Official Report: Matthew McTavish

Position: Professor of Philosophy

Standard Date: 22.48.612

Well, this is my first official report. As there seemed to be no format for me to follow so I will just put it on my own words as more of a style of a daily log with my thoughts. I am not fully aware why they want this but Xenos maybe want to learn some more. I think I may request from my friends back on earth to see if we can prepare mobile training and education teams if they would like Philosophy courses at their other academies. I have great hopes as many of the students and staff seem to be really applying their new skills to their studies.

0800 ST: Called to Dean of Xeno Science

The meeting was about the disturbance that had happened in the dining hall the other night. Apparently Pod was not available to be part of discussion and was busy with other duties. Which was sad as I see much potential and plan to find him later. It was the first real conversation in a long time. I also plan to put a request for him and his offspring to come to Earth or Mars universities under a grant to further their whole family education as people with exemplified gifts.

The meeting was mostly about equipment that I had ordered and discussion about keeping instruction in the classroom. Then they are moving my class to a new classroom that will be more suited for teaching with a staff of medical personnel that will be in attendance. While this seems a bit stifling it could be really a great chance as the new room would allow for more students and medical staff could also learn while attending the class.

What was a tad unusual is there would be an Inquisitor would be in attendance. I was explained that they are assigned to find the truth for the queen. In my dealing with Dean B11735 this seemed to be very automated and stiff while explaining the situation. He may not be feeling well from vomiting the other night as I really do not know much about xeno biology.

1000-1230 ST: Class 154799

154799, This class has a close place in my heart as they are the first one to reach each lesson. Also it is the one that the staff always seem to attend. Not sure if it is the time or just they are excited to learn.

As I look out to all the students in the new room I see many of the same faces. Two things stick out to me, first that Pod and offspring were not in attendance.

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πŸ‘︎ 337
πŸ‘€︎ u/Ourcraft78
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
I’ve got this disease where I can’t stop making airport puns.

The doctor says it terminal.

πŸ‘︎ 8k
πŸ‘€︎ u/xIR0NPULSE
πŸ“…︎ Jan 28 2022
🚨︎ report
Problems with the writing in season 2 (long, spoilers for the whole season, no relation to books or games, show focused)

This post is not another it was different in the books! pitchfork waving. It was inspired by u/Freman747, u/k995 and countless other colleagues on reddit who point out there's a lot of shallow criticism of season 2 as a tv show. Thank you for pushing for quality discussions.

I'll try to keep it show-only with no reference to other material. Call me out if i bend it too much.

I'll avoid using trope names. An example of a named trope is 'idiot plot', pointed out to wider audience by Roger Ebert - a situation that would be easily solvable if only the characters weren't idiots out of a sudden. I encourage you to drop down the rabbit hole of TV Tropes, maybe starting with what they have on the Witcher show.

Spoilers for the show.


Nightmare of the Wolf establishes there were only five witchers at the end, and season 2 of the main show confirms that the ways of making new witchers are lost. Over a dozen new witchers are added for the show, ramping their numbers to 'about 20'. We know from the show they couldn't have been created recently, so it's safe to assume they were created soon after Geralt or came from other places (and didn't bring any new methods of creation with them). This makes all of the presented witchers at least 60-year-old, mutated, trained elite monster hunters, experienced in their craft if they survived for so long.

We're shown a band of incompetent nincompoops. They risk exposing Kaer Morhen to outsiders by having a party - it's explained with the plan to wipe out memories of all outsiders, a decent wave of hand, but the risk is their home and very existence. They survived for so long, in part thanks to the secrecy of Kaer Morhen after the events of NotW, and now they risk it all for an orgy. It would be better if the orgy part happened in a nearby town, but (1) there really isn't any, Kaer Morhen being a remote ruin, and (2) the writers wanted to show more of Kaer Morhen, whatever the cost to character integrity.

In the last episodes, it gets worse. There's a powerful ancient entity showing up at Kaer Morhen and just murdering witchers in their sleep. There are no guards. No one senses anything, no medallion goes crazy (they did vibrate during Eskel/leshy events, but not now). Voleth Meir's plot armour is extremely thick at the expense of witchers.

The fight with

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πŸ‘︎ 93
πŸ‘€︎ u/dr4kun
πŸ“…︎ Dec 24 2021
🚨︎ report
Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

πŸ‘︎ 5k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Leckzsluthor
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
Passed FE Mechanical

Hi everyone. I joined this group about a month ago and kept checking in to see the best tips to pass as I was nervous about the exam. I ended up taking the FE mechanical exam and passing it!!!! I'm very happy about that so I want to thank everyone for their tips. I also wanted to share some methods that worked really well for me. I was really stressed about the exam and wanted to know as much information as possible, so I want to help people who feel that way too. For reference, I graduated from an ABET accredited school last May and have been in graduate school since.

I used the Lindeburg practice book, NCEES Practice Exam, and PrepFE. In the Lindeburg book, I did as many topics as I could. I had about a month to fully commit to studying for my January exam. I tried PrepFE over the last winter (2020-2021) and over the summer (2021) and thought it was good practice as a refresher and a start. I did eventually stop studying until this December.

PrepFE was a great start to studying but was on the easier side. Some of the questions seemed out of bounds for the FE so I didn't really rely too much on the extra hard topics. A month's subscription of PrepFE while allotting two months to study the Lindeburg practice book would be the best way to study. You can do both at the same time to get more practice. In December, I just stuck to the Lindeburg book. I did about 3-4 topics each day and I thought this was definitely harder than the exam. I didn't have much else going on so I had 3-4 hours of studying each day continuously. I did notice that the Lindeburg book sometimes had questions that weren't solvable by using the reference guide or were much longer than expected. However, I think it's pretty good to get a lot of questions for similar concepts so no matter how they ask it, you'll know the steps. Lindeburg does a great job with this so if you struggle in one topic, all the questions in that topic are similar or rely on the same equations. That way, you can sharpen your skills. Do as many practice problems as you can so you have a great range of potential problems. And you don't have to do all the topics in the Lindeburg book. I had to basically force myself to be okay with not knowing all the problems in the book. This is fine because you won't be expected to know everything on the exam and it's okay.

I did the NCEES practice exam about a week before my exam date. I know you're supposed to do it in one 6 hour sitting but I timed myself and separated the

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πŸ‘︎ 27
πŸ‘€︎ u/Angle_Calm
πŸ“…︎ Jan 19 2022
🚨︎ report
I heard that by law you have to turn on your headlights when it’s raining in Sweden.

How the hell am I suppose to know when it’s raining in Sweden?

πŸ‘︎ 10k
πŸ‘€︎ u/justshtmypnts
πŸ“…︎ Jan 25 2022
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Puns make me numb

Mathematical puns makes me number

πŸ‘︎ 9k
πŸ‘€︎ u/tadashi4
πŸ“…︎ Jan 26 2022
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Petition to ban rants from this sub

Ants don’t even have the concept fathers, let alone a good dad joke. Keep r/ants out of my r/dadjokes.

But no, seriously. I understand rule 7 is great to have intelligent discussion, but sometimes it feels like 1 in 10 posts here is someone getting upset about the jokes on this sub. Let the mods deal with it, they regulate the sub.

πŸ‘︎ 8k
πŸ‘€︎ u/drak0ni
πŸ“…︎ Jan 24 2022
🚨︎ report
So my mom is getting her foot cut off today.. (really)

We told her she can lean on us for support. Although, we are going to have to change her driver's license, her height is going down by a foot. I don't want to go too far out on a limb here but it better not be a hack job.

πŸ‘︎ 4k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Slimybirch
πŸ“…︎ Jan 27 2022
🚨︎ report
French fries weren’t cooked in France.

They were cooked in Greece.

πŸ‘︎ 9k
πŸ“…︎ Jan 20 2022
🚨︎ report
This subreddit is 10 years old now.

I'm surprised it hasn't decade.

πŸ‘︎ 14k
πŸ‘€︎ u/frexyincdude
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Why Childe is Actually a Really Strong Pickup: A Very Detailed Character Review on Genshin's first 3rd Rerun

I've wanted to cover Childe for a long time now, but got held up by IRL stuff and of course, the release of Raiden and Kokomi. When leaks confirmed his rerun in 2.2, I was sure that waiting was the correct move. If all goes well, this will have been posted before his banner drops in US servers. I also am working on my writing, I think my last post on Kokomi came off as too condescending or even narcissistic. That wasn't intentional- I was writing the post really defensively. I'm posting to Genshin subreddit. People here are ruthless. But it was still my mistake, so I hope to fix that.


Tl;DR; Childe has many selling points that make him strong; he enables Xiangling, he has quadratic scaling, accessible nuking/frontloaded damage, and his hydro application is very very strong. Reverse-Vape Xiangling comps are very good. He also frees up Xingqiu for the other half of abyss, which matters a lot for f2ps who don't have Hydro units. But, if you don't need to free up Xingqiu, you really shouldn't feel pressured into rolling for him. Childe rotations are hard but rewarding. Polar Star is super okay, and his constellations are weak.

Childe's banner is obviously met with a lot of controversy. I won't deny that other characters are all in desperation for their own reruns. With the announcement of Ittou, it is now guaranteed that either Ganyu or Albedo specifically will have to wait over a year for their own banner to return. This is frustrating for most players. I won't argue against that. But blaming Childe here is wrong too. He is definitely a really powerful unit and it is absolutely worth considering picking him up while the opportunity is on the table. He isn't for everyone, though, so I'll do my best to show his true strengths and weaknesses to help players make an educated and informed choice on whether or not he's right for your account.

Defining Childe's Role in Genshin Impact:
A lot of players have major misconceptions about what it is that Childe wants to accomplish in a team. You've probably heard terms like "enabler" or "driver" thrown around, or are stuck trying to make him a hyper-carry like Diluc or Xiao. I'll be very clear: Childe is, for most team comps, an Enabler. The best way to think about what this means is by comparing it to a traditional carry.


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πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/PartyConfetti
πŸ“…︎ Oct 14 2021
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Why does Spider-Man's calendar only have 11 months?

He lost May

πŸ‘︎ 8k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Toku-Nation
πŸ“…︎ Jan 26 2022
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When I was a single man, I had loads of free time.

Now that I listen to albums, I hardly ever leave the house.

πŸ‘︎ 7k
πŸ‘€︎ u/porichoygupto
πŸ“…︎ Jan 25 2022
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