A list of puns related to "Prover"
Hi all! Ive just joined this community and I have a question to ask you. I got a present this cnc and I never have used a cnc before. I do have a 3d printed and I used to design and export the .dwg into .stl and then this to .gcode in Cura. I really dont know yet if I can do the same with this cnc. I mean design models with Autocad and follow same steps or get into another software like 360 fusion
Anders is HoTT theorem prover based on: classical MLTT-80 with 0, 1, 2, W types; CCHM in CHM flavour as cubical type system with hcomp/trans Kan operations; HTS sctrict equality on pretypes; de Rham stack modality primitives. We tend not to touch general recursive higher inductive schemes yet, instead we will try to express as much HIT as possible through W, Coequlizer and HubSpokes Disc in the style of HoTT/Coq homotopy library and Three-HIT theorem.
Written in OCaml https://github.com/groupoid/anders
I'm finding 1/8 inch vbits to be a bit limiting in terms of the size of features they can carve e.g. thicker text. I know these machines are not the most powerful but with patience do you think they can drive a 1/4 inch head, 1/8 shank bit through wood. I'm thinking pine or poplar. Thanks.
Has anyone else set up this machine? Does the program come with in the USB device or do I need to buy it separately?
Also- It’s originally a router but wondering if it’s possible to put a laser in it for engraving?
Any further suggestions or advice about use? Please share
I just got my first CNC (3018 Sainsmart PROver), and I wondered what upgrades y'all would recommend. I mainly want to work with wood and aluminum.
I don't have high expectations for the CNC. I mainly want to tinker with it to learn as much as possible. Would.
I read about stability being an important issue. How should I go about improving the X and Z axis before getting a new spindle? I saw some upgraded linear rails for sale on Etsy, would those be good?
I'm noob at selling tokens.
Is it really better to have it on BNB/<Token>?Than a stable BUSD/<Token>?
The reason i ask is to avoid Impermanent loss on BNB/Token.
Like wanted to have a BUSD to be more non volatile price.
I just got a 3018 ProVER and I’m trying to cnc some 3D models into an oak plank by importing them to fusion, generating G code, and using easel to run the program. I’ve tried quite a few things but I keep running into issues like the feed rate seeming too high and the bit seeming to go too deep. I tried using the sd card plugged into the offline controller but then I don’t know how to zero it to start. What I’d really like to try and see is a working nc file that I could use. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Because they keep trying to show everyone their Coq.
Eu (H 24) sempre fui de mimar muito, amo o sentimento de realização da minha companheira, faço o possível e impossível para que ela tenha tudo do melhor, até que eu comecei a faculdade e fiquei sem dinheiro.
Antes saíamos todos os finais de semana TODOS, sem exceção, sempre buscava um lugar diferente para irmos...adorávamos assistir aqueles filmes cults no cinema aonde não tem ninguém na sala, ir para restaurantes comer comida que jamais sequer ouvimos falar.
Ai chegou a pandemia e ficamos presos em casa e eu cada vez mais sem um dinheiro no bolso, todo meu salário vai para a faculdade, contava as moedas do bilhete único para ir até o apartamento dela e sempre que posso compro algo no caminho que ela gosta.
Teve um dia que ela queria muito sair para comer alguma coisa.. e passear no parque sei lá.. mas ambos não tínhamos dinheiro, eu tinha dinheiro somente para a passagem de volta pra casa
Recentemente fui visitá-la e quando cheguei lá ela conversando com a amiga dela na mesa e tomando um vinho, eu achei estranho pois ela sempre me avisa quando alguma amiga dela vá visitá-la, cumprimentei as duas e fui tomar um banho. Quando eu sai do banho a amiga dela já havia ido embora e sentamos na mesa como de costume e começamos a contar o que aconteceu no dia de trabalho, até que ela diz: "Precisamos conversar, eu ia deixar para amanhã mas acho melhor hoje", começamos a conversar... e beem resumidamente ela diz que estamos em caminhos diferentes.. que ela não se sente livre comigo (sou a pessoa mais de boa que existe, jamais privei ela de nada, esse não é nem meu papel) que não sente mais vontade de transar comigo... e que o sentimento que ela tem por mim agora é de amizade.
Nesse momento eu senti que o chão estava desmoronando, um relacionamento de 4 anos indo embora assim, teve um momento que eu disse pra ela: "Eu tenho certeza que se eu tivesse um emprego melhor e um carro isso não teria acontecido, eu sei que você não está gostando da rotina de termos que ficar em casa todo o final de semana e não termos dinheiro para sair"... Ai ela ficou pistola e aumentou o tom de voz: "Eu não preciso de homem nenhum pra isso"
No fim eu chorei muito, demais demais, e ela começou a me tratar com ignorância, sendo grossa comigo sabe, "Não chora na minha frente não!". No fim isso já era quase 1 da manhã, eu peguei minha mochila e como não tinha mais ônibus acabei pagando 75 reais de uber pra voltar pra casa..
Isso já faz pouco mais de 3 semanas e eu não sei mai
... keep reading on reddit ➡Dear fellow Mac users, what is your workflow to design toolpaths, generate gcode, and push the code to your 3018 machines? I just bought and assembled a Genmitsu 3018 Prover, however when I went to install the Candle control software I discovered that it apparently will not work on the latest versions of MacOS. I plan to design in Carbide Create and/or Fusion 360, but are there any good Candle alternatives (free or inexpensive, non-subscription) for Big Sur to control the machine and push gcode?
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R1CS (Rank-1 Constraint Systems) are used to express computations in zero knowledge proof applications. However, it is hard to determine whether an R1CS is correct.
In this talk, speakers from Kestrel Institute Eric McCarthy, Alessandro Coglio and Eric Smith will discuss their work on developing and using tools and libraries for proving correctness of R1CS gadgets with respect to formal specifications.
This is an education talk about Lean at the Seminar that I co-organize.
Abstract: Have you heard of automated and interactive theorem provers? Did you know that American mathematician Alex Kontorovich predicts that the Lean Interactive Theorem Prover will be so widely used that it will be as necessary as LaTex in doing mathematics? This seminar series will take you on a journey, using Lean to give you insights on how to go about proving, which route to choose, how to check for errors, and how to verify a computation or a proof. Particularly, you will be learning to use Lean by playing a number game. Come join us and have some fun!
Speaker: Kitty Yan, Japleen Anand, and Logan Murphy
For Zoom link access, click here: https://researchseminars.org/seminar/UndergraduateSeminar
I am trying to make some decentralized games and want to prove to the players that I as the owner do not know any more data about the games than they do.
I need a tool to make some parts for a furniture project, getting the parts milled professionally is coming out a little too expensive. So I'm looking at the, Sainsmart 2018 PROver. Would this machine be able to make a good job of it?
We have the following suggestion on the Windows Insider Program:
I am a student of Pure Mathematics. And as such, I am very interested in theorem provers and functional programming languages.
Would it be possible to make the Lean Theorem Prover, which developed by Microsoft Research, easy to install on Windows computers?
Let's upvote it? https://aka.ms/AAdy5b0
Pior que nem corro perigo de ficar desempregado, nem ganho mal. Pelo contrário, mantenho as despesas todas com 50% do meu salário e tenho moral no trampo.
Mas não é algo racional. De vez em quando esse medo bate e é difícil de me desvencilhar. Alguns filmes que brincam com esse cenário (como "As aventuras de Dick e Jane") me enchem de ansiedade.
Sou privilegiado em muitos sentidos e não corro risco algum. Mas é fato que isso acontece e é bem recorrente.
Anders is HoTT theorem prover based on: classical MLTT-80 with 0, 1, 2, W types; CCHM in CHM flavour as cubical type system with hcomp/trans Kan operations; HTS sctrict equality on pretypes; de Rham stack modality primitives. We tend not to touch general recursive higher inductive schemes yet, instead we will try to express as much HIT as possible through W, Coequlizer and HubSpokes Disc in the style of HoTT/Coq homotopy library and Three-HIT theorem.
Written in OCaml https://github.com/groupoid/anders
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