A list of puns related to "Prester"
My fiance and I have been debating this and I want additional opinions. I have listened to Prester John many times on YouTube and Spotify, but not on any other platforms. There is an obvious reduction in overall volume at the 14 second mark, and I think the volume returns to original levels at the 49 second mark, but it could also be at the 54 second mark, it's hard to tell exactly. I think this was an intentional artistic choice, fiance thinks it's a mixing mistake.
The last week of the year finds ravens alighting from their favoured ledges, their wings carrying them to the peninsula of Feastfires, the mountains of Deep Den, and the hills of Silverhill.
>Lords and Ladies of the West,
>I am delighted to invite you to partake in the conviviality on the first month of this coming year, at Casterly Rock, as we celebrate the union of my cousin, Cleos Lannister, and Lady Mina Lydden.
>A series of duels, jousts and melees shall be hosted after the feast, to mark the day, along with a horse race, and a contest of archery.
>We anticipate your arrival.
>Hear Me Roar,
>Loren Lannister I. King of the Rock and Shield of Lannisport. Defender of the Westerlands and Lord of the Realm.
He has really seemed to like the singles from the previous projects he's reviewed but ended up not enjoying the projects as a whole. I feel like this time around, we might have a Year of the Snitch type situation where every single just doesn't sit well with him but this Time Skiffs ends up being a project that he enjoys as whole (which is very much the case for myself in terms of the wholistic experience).
I know I labeled this as a shitpost but that's mainly because I genuinely think generally he doesnt bring up AC enough. AC seems to be a band that at least deserves a classic review, not to mention a tier list or madness being the cornerstone they are of the 2000s psych underground especially. Idk, just kinda surprised me it wasnt even just a meh track for him, I figured it wasnt going to be love but jesus dude
I wasnโt even sure if it was a bass or a bass plug-in until I came here lol. Now that I got confirmation it may be the most shocked Iโve been about any band member. Not even when Panda was producing a song for Solangeโs album lol
i don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing
So glad the boys are back and this single is wonderful. I'm a newer AnCo fan so it's so fun to hear this and not know what album it's like. It sounds like merriweather a bit but still very unique
Iโm extremely confused. Iโm seeing a lot of praise, but Iโm seeing a lot more hate for Prester John than I thought there would be. Iโm so confused as to why so many fans are not liking this? Maybe itโs a common theme with AnCo fans? I guess people were expecting Avey to scream and have a thousand samples playing in the background, but I love this change in direction. Animal Collective is always an evolving band, this album so far actually reminds me more of their older works so Iโm even more confused now that I think about it. I just donโt understand what you all think is missing.
It has to be done as Ethiopia.
Thankfully I copied my save file before forming it and checking the achievement requirements.
this is a bit chaotic but itโs ruining my brain so i wanna share. every time i think of prester john i start singing the chorus of captain jack but replacing captain jack with prester john. i donโt know why lmao but i keep doing it and iโm not even a fan of captain jack in the first place
All my other music seems to work fine, but for some reason Prester John just won't play. Just checking to see if this is a problem on Apple's end (and/or some weird copyright conflict, somehow) or some bizarre, unknown issue on my end. Thanks and much love!
By the way, this is only an issue on my (Android) phone. PC plays it just fine. I've tried clearing cache and user data, logging in and logging out, uninstalling and reinstalling. How strange. At least we've ruled out that it's an issue on Apple's end.
I'm torn whether I should delete this post now. I want to keep it for the memes in the comments, but delete it because I don't like taking up space on subs like this as it usually results in people attacking me on other subs. I don't see much purpose in keeping this up if I'm the only one facing this issue. This sub isn't made for tech support and all. If you guys want this deleted I'll do it no problem.
##The Wedding
The Flaming Sept, the Sept in the Holdfastโs keep, was a deceptively large room, grand, truly ornate and beautiful, a true testament to the greatness of the Seven. The large statues to each of the seven were finely adorned with gemstones and crystals and behind them were huge stained-glass windows portraying the seven aspects of the Seven-Who-Are-One.
The light that shone through the windows was cast in different colours and shades as it passed through the painted glass. The center of the Sept featured a great pyre, contained within a giant, seven-sided, golden brazier. Each side of the brazier faces one of the roomโs seven sides and mirrors the aspect of the Seven the statue of which it faces.
Septon Julius, the Septon of the Flaming Sept and Septon of the Most Devout, stood in between the statue of the Father and Mother, Ser Cedric beside him, he wore a finely embroidered, deep red doublet and held a cloak bearing his Houseโs colours - red and white - and sigil. He stood awaiting his bride, gazing towards the huge oaken doors from where she would enter.
Cedric would not be more excited. He would marry his true love. Perhaps it was not the most politically ambitious a match but it was one that would make him happy and that was all he could think of in that moment. Alyssa Prester. That would be his wife and she would be beautiful. He was full with anticipation as
At that moment, the wide doors opened.
##The Feast
The great hall of Feastfires was filled with music and laughter. The jovial atmosphere was truly grand. Music from the minstrels entertained the guests, as the servers brought food and drink aplenty. Veal and Beef are served alongside helpings of spiced vegetable, smoked fish and fresh fruit. Cheese, bread, charcuterie and decorated pastries are served over the course of several decadent and luxurious courses, coming together as an extravagant and delightful banquet fit for the royal and noble assembly.
The main dining hall of Feastfireโs keep is a large chamber with banners hanging across its walls bearing the device and colours of House Prester and also the colours and device of House Westerling.
A huge stained glass window depicting the House's founder, The Blessed Ser Prester the Gallant, is set at the back of the hall, light shining through casting coloured light on the hall during daytime. Down the edge of the room stands great, grand pillars and looking over the hall, accessible from the corridor outside the h
... keep reading on reddit โกScript by u/SigIdyll
This service is still free, though please note it may take some time to get to your request. (There have been many.)
Other than some minor errors, this was actually a very solid script. Though, its biggest weakness is that it appeals more to those actually working in hospital settings than the general public. As well, one particular formatting error caused me to believe that this script was not a completely new draft, but rather a vomit draft that had gone through several edits. If this is true, t's important to note that a rewrite is a rewrite and not an edit. Rewrite from scratch.
Something that isn't mentioned in the video:
I recently started an Ethiopia campaign like many others here and formed the chad Aksum assuming I would be able to complete Ethiopia missions since it's essentially the same nation (I stayed coptic). I'm looking at the in game achievements and it appears that the achievement is locked solely to Ethiopia and no end game tags.
Can anyone confirm or deny this? Thanks!
I do suspect that there will be more variety than we may think. I mean, there's no reason to firmly believe otherwise with AC. Take for example their last EP only. Four songs, four moods and palettes considerably distinctive. I don't know, I feel like this one will have a couple of unexpected turns (maybe that's what I want to happen lol). I feel even Avey screams might be back on the menu.
On the other hand, the line up and instrumentation is pretty evident from the shows and from the song, there were no surprises in that matter, to the point that you can just "translate" the Prester John sound to the boots you already heard. What do you think?
For me itโs gonna be forever linked to him now
I was really waiting for this single and now it means even more to me...anco has been helping me through this hard time (if you ever read this guys, thank you for everything!)
He was a good man. And he would have hated your music. But listening to this track means so much to me right now. Thatโs all
Do they come off as "the band's breaking up" lyrics to anyone else?
There had only been moderate feasting on the fifteenth day of celebrations for the evening was set to be lively and with plenty of food and drink such that no proper array of courses was needed. Instead would food be served throughout the Masked Ball. Tables had been pushed to the sides of the main hall and a large space for dancing erected.
Other areas were, of course, open to the guests where they might explore or even seek some privacy.
The only firm rule was that everyone must be masked, a secondary expectation being that due to the presence of children vulgarity would be kept at a minimum, at the very least hidden away.
Food and drinks was served on small platters both dotted around the hall and brought around by servers.
I've finished the first trilogy, The Heart of What was Lost and am almost done Witchwood Crown.
I never really understood why John hated the Sithi so much though. It's kind of addressed in the book, but only vaguely.
It says essentially that when he took the sword Minneyar from the dead Shurukai that he heard faint whispers and felt like he was being watched.
Is it supposed to be implied that he just assumed the invisible whisperers were the Sithi and so decided to genocide them all? He had no real reason for that assumption, unless I missed something.
It never really added up to me.
Also apparently Camaris had some secret relationship with the Sithi and Amerasu that I don't think was addressed.
Thoughts? Correction?
#Feastfires, 6th Moon, 90 Years After the Doom
In a matter of days, Feastfiresโ the number of ships moored at Feastfires had doubled, tripled and doubled again. Every tavern in Feastfires had been packed full of mummers, minstrels, hedge knights and merchants with all manner of wares. Lords and their retinues had flocked in through the port and Dragongate alike, from minor landed knights up to the King of the Rock himself. All the nobility had been offered housing in the keep, their horses cleaned and stabled whilst the guests could enjoy spiced mead and the comfort of a roaring fire - something the keep was in no short supply of.
From the tallest spires of the Lighthouse Tower to the walls of the town below, the harbour and streets were all covered in a fine layer of snow. It was a beautiful sight, the crisp whiteness, at least where it had not turned to ice in the cobbled streets of the busy town.
For the guests, a vast many rooms were prepared in the castle to ensure space would not be of any issue. The rooms were fit to the high standard that would be expected of such a prestigious House and truly no luxury was spared for the provisions therein. Those roaring fires throughout the castle were attended to with diligence by an army of servants, generally well-versed in keeping fires lit considering certain traditions of House Prester.
Down at the Tourney Grounds in the centre of the walled town, though along the road from the Dragongate to the Keep, there was plenty of room for knights and lords to set up their pavilions surrounding the lists in preparation for the Tourney ahead. The sand floor was covered with a dusting of snow that crunched underfoot and, in contrast to many tourneygrounds where the smallfolk needed to stand, a long row of stands with benches were in place, sparing the legs of common folk who might wish to watch.
As the holdfast filled to bursting, the atmosphere and anticipation of what was to come only grew. For most, it was the tourney most were in anticipation of. No tourney in living memory had been a disappointment at Feastfires and this one was unlikely to be any different. With many of Westerosโ greatest warriors competing, the fights looked promising. Ser Lucifer โBreakheartโ Dayne, one of the most skilled and arguably the most experienced knight in all of the continent competed alongside the younger Dornishman, Qhoren Derios Lharose who had also become something of a popular figure in Feastfires considering his somewh
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