A list of puns related to "Parapsychological"
You kindly received my last article about remote viewing a prop for a tabletop roleplaying game.
I thought you might also enjoy this retelling of an ancient tale of parapsychology, examined through the framework of modern remote viewing protocol.
Remote viewing is not a specific psychic skill, nor is it a particular methodology (although those exist and are taught, such as the CRV method used in the military program). Remote viewing requires four elements making a protocol. Although the protocol was developed in the 1970s, an ancient Greek historian provided an account that meets the modern criteria. By examining this episode, we discuss what is and isn't remote viewing.
Link: https://medium.com/remote-viewing-community-magazine/the-first-remote-viewer-b45c3955b49f
Alternative Link (if paywall): https://medium.com/remote-viewing-community-magazine/the-first-remote-viewer-b45c3955b49f?sk=84c4589d4f0e663a2f0b29632320a5dc
We are all at different stages of this UFO journey, and inherently our positions are severely compromised by a mass pool of charlatanism, intelligence service disinfo, false reports, and the evasive nature of the phenomena itself etc. But what has always been most interesting to me is the interaction between the UFO and what we used to call metaphysical, spiritual, occult, psychic etc. With enough research, one simply cannot escape the fact that there is something much more going on than just "ET Flying here FTL from Alpha Centari". If you think we are dealing simply with Greys from galaxy X, you must read more and not rely on reddit. Its just not the case.
I want to point to everyone's attention research performed by Steve Mera and Barry Fitzgerald, two parapsychologists from the UK has come to some profound conclusions about the overlap between traditional parapsychological phenomena and the UFO. There is simply too much to ignore, from abductees, to "beings appearing in ones room", paralysis during abduction and the confusion over "beings of love and light" vs "evil lizards and greys" (who in many abductee cases are found together....). Ever heard the rumours of "the elites" performing occult rituals and sacrificing kids to "gods" in pagan ceremonies? This practice is ancient and found right across the planet....why?
What are we to make of the fact that the bledsoes insist that they are being visited by angels who TOLD THEM that they are servants of god who are here to help? Why do people who perform Greer style CE5s insist this is all about love and light of the ET, while we have cases like in Brazil where people were seriously injured and killed, or the cattle mutilations on many farms across the planet (and human mutilations which get MUCH less press....)?
.....Steve and Barry are slowly putting the pieces together and i seriously recommend watching their lectures from the last year, and musing on the "non-position" that we need to start from with regards to intent of these others.
These conclusions that "They have always been here, and wear
... keep reading on reddit โกHello everyone,
I am a PhD student with a side interest in parapsychology. One of my supervisors, to whom parapsychology is a primary research area, is currently working towards the end of a multi-stage project surrounding medium-ship and psychic ability, and has asked me for some help with recruitment. For this current stage, he needs to conduct interviews with people who 1) exhibit some form of psychic ability, and 2) utilise this ability in some form of practise. These interviews will converge upon the individual's capabilities and how they apply them.
The researchers are interested in medium-ship and the individual differences between people i.e. what makes them able to do what they do. This project is purely for research purposes, and aims to explore and understand, rather than attempt to debunk, these fascinating anomalous areas.
Interviews will most likely be conducted via Skype or some form of messaging, so if anyone wishes to participate in this study feel free to message me directly and I shall get you in touch with the lead researcher.
Many thanks
Hey, guys! I just want to ask you this simple question. I hope you answer it. I know that I've always had precognitive dreams, but right now I feel like I've only dreamt of senseless and meaningless dreams. Most of them contain weird stuff like seeing my developed photos on the wall of the restroom. I just want to know how I can get back to dreaming the things I had before which were less symbolic, but rather realistic in real life. What are your tips and recommendations that I should follow? Is listening to hemi-sync vibrations a great help?Thanks!
(TLDR for people who want to skip a technical and boring post: All our best science is telling us that our notions of a physical world outside of perception are deeply wrong, and that we should re-evaluate them.
This does not constrain us to solipsism. There is an objective reality out there, but that reality is not made up of physical parameters.
Instead, that reality is the only reality we've ever been acquainted with: mind.)
Theories such as physicalism, panpsychism, ORCH-OR and others are based on our intuitions of what is 'physical'.
We imagine that the world of tables and chairs, particles and fields is there when we are not looking. And yet, our experiences of the world are unlike inanimate matter. We assume that there are non-experiential aspects to reality, such as a 'physical' world out there outside of experience, and then experience.
Many metaphysical approaches try to make sense of the world with this starting, albeit unexamined, assumption in mind.
A physicalist starts with their experience, postulates a world outside of experience (constituted of mass, space-time position, charge, spin, fields, et cetera), and attempts to reduce our world of qualities into this imagined world of quantities.
This does not work, of course, because it's like drawing a map of a country and then trying to pull the tangible country out of its map. We start with our experiences, and then try to reduce our experiences to descriptive parameters of our experiences.
It is exactly the same as trying to pull the territory out of the map.
A panpsychist would recognize the obviously failed and illogical approach of the physicalist, and thus postulates consciousness as a fundamental entity while still ascribing reality to the map.
Is this coherent? Well, conceptually, not very. But what does our best science tell us on this matter?
Does the map we've made of our experiences, IE this supposed physical world, actually exist outside of our experience? Does the map precede the territory?
The answer is a plain no.
If evolution by natural selection was true, objective reality is not physical.
[Local realism, the idea that there is a world made out of separate objects and defined physical entities, has been experimentally debunked in quantum mechanics.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283294903_Quantum_physics_Dea
... keep reading on reddit โกPlease note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Click here for more information.