A dad's reactions to the Horse With No Name song
  1. If you're out in the desert on a horse with no name, you probably have the time to come up with a name for it.

  2. Maybe it's the rider who has no name (and a poor sense of where to locate a subordinate clause): "I, with no name, have been through the desert on a horse."

  3. Or maybe it was the desert that had no name?

  4. What if "No-Name" was some friend who was riding with him?

  5. It's also possible that what he means is that maybe the horse has a name (say, Charley the Horse) but that the horse isn't FAMOUS. He's just ol' Charley the horse, not Secretariat or Trigger or one of those A-list horses with a NAME. This possibility is the saddest, though. Imagine you're the horse, out there in the frickin' DESERT, and some schmoe is making you carry his ass around--and not even for any good reason, right, he's not actually going anywhere, he's totally just taking advantage of your good nature--and all he can do is go on and on about what a nobody of a horse you are.

  6. Even if his name really was Charley, if that were to happen now, everyone on the Internet would start calling that poor horse "Horsey McHorseface."

👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/cja1968
📅︎ Dec 13 2022
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