A list of puns related to "Illiterate"
She can't spell.
A Ref runned!
Because they spend years at C
“Sighs doesn’t matter, guys!”
Don’t read too much into it.
Have you heard the story about the illiterate comedian!
He couldn’t read the room.
A 100 word essay
None. Based on the preponderance of evidence, the general consensus among historians is that most pirates were illiterate.
I was talking with a friend in a group Hangout, and my wife piped in with an excellent one.
Me: Y'all are nuts
Friend: I'm what, mate?
Me: Illiterate, apparently. Pretty sure that was plain English.
Friend: "Y'all" is debatable in regards to "plain English"
Wife: Well, yaw is part of plane English...
No thanks, we're all illiterate.
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