A list of puns related to "Hanafi"
As it says above
I've noticed that most progressive scholars and people in this subreddit happen to be Malikis. Aren't Hanafis supposed to be the most moderate madhab? I'm pretty sure almost everyone has told me that Hanafis are the most lenient/moderate madhab.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Taliban’s acting government, Abdul Salam Hanafi, rejected a statement made by the World Food Program (WFP) on 14 December, that “8.7 million Afghans were facing famine and nearly 23 million more were starving.”
“I don’t agree with these figures. I believe the people of Afghanistan don’t agree with these figures either. So far, no one has died of starvation,” Hanafi said to Pajhwok Afghan News Agency on 15 December.
According to the World Food Program, “an estimated 98% of Afghans are not eating enough, with seven in 10 families resorting to borrowing food, which pushes them deeper into poverty,” Reuters reported.
“The spiraling economic crisis, the conflict and drought has meant the average family can now barely cope,” Tomson Phiri, global spokesperson for the UN agency said at a briefing in Geneva on 14 December.
“We have a huge amount to do to stop the crisis from becoming a catastrophe,” She added, calling the situation “an avalanche of hunger and destitution”.
Despite rejecting the UN headed World Food Program, Hanafi did raise the concern of poverty and drought in Afghanistan, yet asserted that Afghans will not die of starvation.
He also added that “Muslim countries were duty-bound to help alleviate poverty in Afghanistan”, while also stating that “the economic situation in the country was improving”, Pajhwok Afghan News reported.
The United States has, again, denied the unfreezing of $9.5 billion in Afghan reserves. White House press secretary Jen Psaki stated on 14 December at a press conference that the US does not have plans of unfreezing the funds.
The current Afghan government, as well as China, have demanded that the US release the frozen assets, accusing them of using the reserves as bargaining chips to exert political pressure on the Taliban, and worsening the humanitarian crisis.
On 13 December, World Bank donors approved a transfer of $280 million in humanitarian relief for Afghanistan. The aid is expected to bypass the country’s acting Taliban-led government, and will be transferred to two different aid agencies by the end of the month.
داستان پسر هند مگر نشنیدی
که از او بر سر اولاد پیمبر چه رسید
پدر او لب و دندان پیمبر بشکست
مادر او جگر عم پیمبر بمکید
خود به ناحق حق داماد پیمبر بگرفت
پسر او سر فرزند پیمبر ببرید
بر چنین قوم چرا لعنت و نفرین نکنیم
لعنة الله یزیدا و علی حب یزید
Have you not heard the story of the son of Hind?
That what befell upon the children of the Prophet from him?
His father broke the teeth and burst the lip of the Prophet
His mother ate the liver of Hamza
Himself, without a right, took the right of Ali the Prophet's son in law
His son beheaded the son of the Prophet (Husayn)
Upon such a people why shall we not curse?!
The curse of Allah be upon Yazid and the love of Yazid!
ألم تعلم قصة ابن الهند؟
ما أصاب به على الأولاد النبي
أبوه كسر أسنان و شفة النبي
أمه أكلت كبد عم النبي
نفسه غصب بلا حق حق عریس النبی
إبنه ذبح ولد النبي
فلما لا نرسل اللعنة على هذا القوم؟!
لعن الله يزيدا و على حب يزيد
I am in my mid twenties.i am muslim by birth but was genuinly (real) intrested in islam only recently.i was into selfhelp and doing it for nearly a decade and experimented with everything i can think of and realised that islam is the highest path.now i wanna be an alim or mufti.i am at present looking for a job .i can spend 2 hours everyday learning ilm.so how can i be a mufti/alim.i realise that in the current time i cannot survive from a carrear as an usthad.so i have to do this on free time.also does the daras let me learn on my pace?ie for example will they let me complete a 1 year study materiel in 2/3 years. Also i live in india.where can i look for getting knowledge.it has to be sunni hanafi
الصورة المرفقة: أمام شقة الفيلسوف حسن حنفي
في الطريق الطويل إلى "ابنِ خلدون" ، جلستُ أستظلُّ تحت شجرة "حسن حنفي"
كنت في واحدة من رحلات المشي الصيفية الطويلة بقاهرة المعز حين وجدت نفسي مصادفة أمام شقة الدكتور حسن حنفي، أستاذ الفلسفة وعلوم الحضارة بجامعة القاهرة، وأحد أعلام الفلسفة العربية الإسلامية في القرن العشرين.
الشقة تقع في فيللا كلاسيكية على شكل عمارة جميلة صغيرة من ثلاثة أدوار بشارع لوكاسا بمدينة نصر.
تحدثت مع عم عطا البواب السوهاجي البالغ اللطف، فقال إن الفيلسوف المسن (87 عاماً) مريضٌ ويستحسن أن أحدد معه موعداً لاحقاً للزيارة.
كان في حقيبة الكتف التي لا تفارقني نسخة من كتابي "الحديقة الغدامسية"، فخربشتُ إهداء على أول صفحاتها لخاطر الدكتور حسن، مع أمل باللقاء، وسلمتها لـ عم عطا.
لم يأتني رد من الدكتور الفيلسوف.
بعدها بأسبوعين، يوم الأحد 19 من سبتمبر 2021، كنت قاصداً المثوى الأخير، أو ما قبل الأخير حسب الكتاب المعروف، لفيلسوف الاجتماع العربي عبد الرحمن ابن خلدون (1332 - 1406م) في رحلة مشي من تخوم عشوائية "عزبة الهجانة" في شرق القاهرة المحروسة، إلى مقابر بدر الدين الجمالي المقابلة لبابي النصر والفتوح عند حدود القاهرة الفاطمية.
كنت في الحقيقة أبحث عن شاهد القبر الذي ضَيّعتْ معالمه حملات الإزالة ومشاريع التطوير العمراني.
وكانت المسافة 12 كيلومتراً وسط أحياء القاهرة البالغة الفوضى البصرية، والمفعمة بحميمية لذيذة.
قررت في طريقي أن أمر بشقة الدكتور حسن على موعد إفطاره اليومي المبكر (الذي أسرّ به إليّ العم عطا) على أمل أن أسلّم على الدكتور دون ميعاد. كانت الساعة الثامنة إلا عشر دقائق صباحاً.
قال لي البواب إن الدكتور أبلغهم قبلها بأيام بضرورة التواصل معي لترتيب الزيارة، ولكن حالته الصحية السيئة أربكتهم.
دخلت على الفيلسوف المجهد بأمراض الشيخوخة مستلقياً على سريره في غرفة جانبية صغيرة.
كانت ساقه اليمنى قد بترت تماماً من مضاعفات علة السكري التي هدت حيله.
وهو يتناول إفطاره الصحي المبكر ذي الخضروات الطازجة المتنوعة.
سلمت عليه فقال لي بصوت متعب وواثق في نفس الوقت: "كتابك ده عجيب" (يقصدُ كتاب الحديقة الغدامسية).
وأردفَ: وهو مش بعيد يا إبني عن المشروع اللي أنا أفنيت فيه عمري: أن تنهض حضارتنا الإسلامية الجديدة على الإنسان، الإنسان الذي يصير هو المقصد والسبيل بدل الكتب والمذاهب."
كان مرافقه الصحي "محمود" وسيدة ترعى شؤونه نسيت اسمها، وعطا البواب جالسين معنا في استنفار صحي كامل.
قلت للفيلسوف، وهو أحد أعمدة تيار "اليسار الإسلامي" الذي تأثر بأطروحات الإشتراكية المادية: فأنتَ يا أستاذنا أتيتَ الإنسان من جهة اليسار علك تصل قلبه أولاً (قلب الإنسان يميل تشريحيّاً إلى اليسار، أليس كذلك)؟
قال: نعم، ربما لأن جهة اليمين فسدت وأفسدت الدين والفكر والحضارة.
قلت: ففي اليسار نكوصٌ إلى العالم كما هو، وفهمٌ من
... keep reading on reddit ➡My father and his Long family has roots in Iraq (Baghdad), about 500 years ago, multiple Sufi Saint and their big families moved to Parts of athe Indian subcontinent, my ancestors settled in a fertile Forrested area, off the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra river, it is now in modern day Shirajgonj district in Bangladesh, the converted local hindus, and mixed with them, and built multiple shrines for the saints Graves, and Basically my father is the only and youngest son of a devout Sufi family, who have the blood of saints, he never was that religious, by which I meant he drank, smoked, and all that haram stuff, until recent years when he made a pilgrimage to one of the shrines
My mother is from a chill Moderate muslim family, nobody in her family wore hijabs and all that stuff, she was a daughter of a hardcore Socialist and Secularist politician,
Her more liberal and simple hanafi views and my father's more liberal suffi views, never caused an issue
Untill recent years, when my father lost his job, my mother was sad and went through a depression faze, and which caused her to follow some of those shit Salafist radicalists on Facebook, and slowly became hardcore religious, but she didn't wear hijab nor did she pray 5 times a day, but she started to get BS speaches, she kind of acted like one of those evangelical Christians, (who basically never follow the rules of Christianity but hey mad at gays) and she blamed my father's beliefs in "wrong" Islam (aka Sufism). And said him not getting a good job for 2 years was due to pilgrimage.
Whjch made my father mad, and they have been having fights over faith ever since,
It's annoying, I think Inner-sectial conflict between Muslims will destroy Islam eventually into smaller religions who all claim to be islam.
It's a mess and annoying. Both my parents are trying to make me follow their sect, when I'm already athiest, my father ahs took me to one of hose shrines in his village, and my mother has been forcing me watch those radicalist videos.
Any advice on what is should do, I have been simply saying yes to both of them, and both think I'm their sect, but it getting harder to do this
Asalamu Alaykum brothers. As someone who follows hanafi madhab, I sometimes check islamqa.org/hanafi. I searched up about man-made laws, and came across this:
I have a question:
Mufti Abu Layth said in this video that if the Hanafi school want dogmatised and institutionalise then he would have chosen the Hanafi School. Most Pakistanis(which is my country) follow Deobandi beliefs which has been from Hanafi school.
In the same video he said Imam Abu Hanifa was the voice of reason. So what happened?
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