Did you see the baby hipster?

He was fedorable

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Mar 21 2019
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Saw a baby wearing a fedora...

Told my fiancé I thought it was... fedorable. The groan was so bad, she hit me.

👍︎ 81
👤︎ u/pkiff
📅︎ Sep 27 2015
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I need Fedora puns.

I want to compile a list of fedora puns. I thought maybe you guys could help.

The list so far:

  • Fedora the Explorer

  • Fedoral Sex

  • Fedorable

  • Fedoration

  • Fedoral Offense

If you have any that aren't on the list, please comment with them! Thanks!

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Wyboth
📅︎ Nov 05 2013
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