A list of puns related to "Desert Of Paran"
After a two year break imposed by work and life, I'm picking up Malazan Again. I'd previously made it about halfway into Reaper's Gale before I had to set things down, so I've decided to reread the series from the beginning. I've really enjoyed my reread of Gardens of the Moon so far - it's a much more coherent book when you know who everyone is and what they're doing - and a fair number of things set up here for later jumped out. Something jumped out at me in particular though as I was reading.
After Paran gets stabbed / killed in Gardens of the Moon and ends up in front of Hood's Gate, he encounters Oponn. A deal is struck between Oponn and Hood's envoy to return Paran to life / not have him go through Hood's Gate, but it's agreed that "someone close to you shall walk through Death's Gates... in your place."
Anyone else know if / think this was setting of Felisin's arc to follow, or was there someone else that he was close to that died instead? The obvious choice in the book is Sail, but they weren't close yet and it's arguable that she never went through Hood's Gate, and the only person I can recall that he was expressed as being close to was Felisin (i.e. Tavor commenting that she'd be happy to see him earlier in the book).
I was just doing a reread for the 4th time...well actually this time is an audio book, but I tend to switch it up to keep it fresh. I noticed a line from Topper to Paran that made me connect it to a book way down the line. In GoTM, when Topper is investigating Sorry (Apsalar) he is relaying the information to Paran, who will soon be assigned to the BB. He mentions that he has information that is about a week old, as he has bern trying to track Paran down for over a week. He says, "Tracking someone at sea is a task few with magic could manage." Just thought about how Ganoes is riding around on his boat when he is still feeling out his power as MotD, and can't help but think he remembered this line.
It's things like this that make me love this series...even if there's not a connection, I love how much it makes you think. I've never found a series quite like it, and the world buidling through both SEs & ICEs books is astounding.
On my first reread, MOI. When the Grey Swords ask Paran’s permission to retrieve the prisoner Anaster, and he replies “with my blessing”, where there any consequences to that? Likewise, what other effects does his blessing have? Beyond the Bridge Burners ascension.
Quiero comprar y no puedo porque siguen subiendo
I have been giving this a lot of thought and I can't decide on what actors to choose.
Hey all. So I just finished reading Gardens of the Moon and loved it! As a newcomer to the series, I am still confused about some of the characters and such, but I’m sure I’ll learn more as I go further in the series. That said, I have a question that’s been bugging me. In the prologue, Ganoes Paran meets Whiskeyjack for the first time and they chat about Paran wanting to be in the military. Later when Paran is sent to be captain of the Bridge Burners, I was really excited for them to meet again. However we never got to hear anything about either of them remembering each other. So is this something I missed? Or is there a reason for this? It might seem like a small detail, but I’m curious none the less.
So I am on my first re-read of Book of the Fallen, particularly Deadhouse Gates right now and a seen has me thinking.
When Felisin begins to take on the mantle of Sha'ik, and Leoman asks her who shall speak for the orphans and she immediately says she will, etc
This is the first time we see Felisin think of anyone outside of herself, truly, and if I remember she at least attempts to make good on this as the story goes on. Anyway I am rambling and not getting to the point.
There is so little we know about their family, were they all orphaned at one point? Left to carry on the family, the pressure and all.
Or am I forgetting a later moment that says all of this flat out? I am stoned.
Yo que no sabía nada de Venezuela, ya me he ido informando y voy viendo que antes de Chávez la vida era peor para la mayoría. Veo que el FMI presionó para aplicar unos recortes que perjudicaron a los más débiles. Veo que los líderes opositores son los dueños de todo, una oligarquía. Que antes de Chávez muchos ciudadanos no existían, no estaban censados, no tenían ningún servicio social ni podían votar. Veo que el índice de desarrollo humano tras Chávez sitúa al país entre los mejores de continente. Veo que las elecciones que se han celebrado son justas porque han estado controladas por supervisores internacionales. Veo claramente que Venezuela no es en nada peor que Colombia o México sin embargo EEUU la considera una amenaza. Veo que la detención del opositor, se critica encarecidamente en el parlamento Europeo habiendo en el mundo cosas muchísimo más graves que esa.
Lo siento pero desde la lógica no es comprensible la saña con la que desde los medios y organizaciones internacionales se critica a Venezuela.
Aquí hay gato encerrado.
Que bien se llevaban dicen y que forma los medios de chaperos y meretrices de manipular la opinión de la gente; que forma de blanquear la imagen del PP, otra vez con encuestas amañadas que ni hacen.
De verdad que vergüenza de periodistas, la sexta y su imagen "progre" todos en el mismo enjuague; lo dije hace tiempo, le han perdido el respeto a Podemos y yo desde luego actuaria demostrandoles que sabemos que son el enemigo hostil, por que no hacen lo mismo con Llamazares? Porque no les es " rentable" y porque el enemigo a batir es Podemos.
Luego claro pasa dentro lo que pasa, alguno se sale del tiesto y se va por libre a jugar sus cartas pero por supuesto no se va del todo ni en silencio; lo habitual en los que actuan así, echar un pulso creyendose alguien es lo que tiene, que te sobrevaloras.
Un país que da asco, es duro decirlo, un país de patanes; un rebaño de ovejas estabuladas en su redil, un país fracasado camino del lodazal, podeis disfrutar. De el mientras dure la fiesta claro.
Avoid that area since traffic is backed up for miles due to a major accident that occurred. Currently 3 lanes blocked.
So I’ve read the series quite a few times. What is the moment Tavore is referring to when she says “ When House Paran list it’s only son.” When he “left” the empire? When he committed to the Claw under Lorn? Or when he took over the Host and fully became a son of Kellanved, and forsook his house. Or did her father forsake the Talon. Anyone know?
organizaciones tienen apenas credibilidad y han perdido poder de convocatoria, son las plataformas ciudadanas los que están encabezando las protestas ... las mujeres y los jubilados así los confirmaron estas ultimas semanas .. ahora les toca a un colectivo que son los jóvenes menores de 30 años con el 36% en paro y mas del 30% con contratos basura, ellos necesitan organizase para salir a las calles para gritar muy fuerte que son la juventud con menos futuro de Europa .... creo que los sindicatos tienen tal vez la ultima oportunidad de recuperar esa credibilidad perdida ... pangasen al frente de ese colectivo señores secretarios generales dejen de ser negociadores frustrado........
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