CMA: Je vote pour Fabien Roussel au premier tour


Fabien ROUSSEL est le seul candidat pro nucléaire, provax / science, et antiwork, sur l'échiquier de gauche.

C'est le seul candidat que je vois de passionné. Il a le seum, le CAC 40 nous baise.

P. S: pas de centristes éclairés qui commentent "bArRaGe à l'ExTrEmE dRoItE" merci

👍︎ 419
👤︎ u/K3yz3rS0z3
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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CMA - Commander ses repas sur des applis type Uber, c'est participer à un système esclavagiste

Le terme "esclavagiste" est peut-être un peu tapageur mais quand je regarde de manière un peu plus concrète comment ça se passe, j'ai quand même bien l'impression qu'il n'est pas usurpé et ce pour plusieurs raisons :

  • La toute-puissance de l'algorithme, esclavagiste moderne dans le sens où il ne fait absolument aucun cas de l'humanité de ce (ceux) qui se cache derrière les données qu'il récupère. Pour lui, les livreurs et livreuses ne sont que des données brutes, un peu comme l'était les esclaves dans les champs de coton. Peu importe leurs émotions, sentiments, ce qui priment pour l'esclavagiste/l'algorithme, c'est le rendement/la production.

  • La "rémunération" du travail permet à peine de survivre et est pensée pour permettre aux gens de ne pas mourir pour pouvoir revenir travailler le lendemain mais ça ne va guère au-delà.

  • Les horaires de travail sont éreintantes et continues.

  • Les conditions de travail sont physiques, pénibles et dangereuses (pour les livreurs à vélo en tout cas, j'avoue que ceux à scooter, cet argument tient moins).

  • L'algorithme se moque complètement des contingences de la vie des livreurs et livreuses. S'il y a un souci dans la vie de ses personnes, lui, tout ce qu'il voit, c'est des commandes pas livrées.

  • L'algorithme peut te bannir/t'ostraciser/te punir si ton comportement ne correspond pas à ses attentes (être là aux bonnes heures, effectuer les trajets le plus rapidement possible, satisfaire les clients).

Bref, pour moi le parallèle est assez claire et je pourrais même aller plus en loin si je regarde QUI effectue ce genre de taf :

  • Des personnes souvent issues de l'immigration ou des classes les plus pauvres de la société parfois sans statut légal et donc sans aucune protection en cas d'accident, aucun droit, voire presque aucune existence citoyenne (que ce soit en terme de papier ou en terme de reconnaissance collective). Ces gens n'existent pas au-delà du service qu'ils rendent pour bon nombre de clients de ces plate-formes.

  • Les bénéficiaires qui participent à ce système pourraient totalement s'en passer à de rares exceptions (marcher ou prendre son vélo pour faire entre 500m et 2km pour aller chercher son repas, c'est quand même pas la mort)

  • Les bénéficiaires de ces services ne les utiliseraient pas s'ils étaient plus chers et permettaient de rémunérer les livreurs et livreuses correctement. C'est l'effet d'opportunité (coût faible et confort apporté) qui permet à ce système de vivre.

Alors certes mo

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 293
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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CMA Report findings is an estimate that more than 4,000 people died between August and December 2020 as a result of delayed or cancelled health-care services from hospitals dealing with COVID-19 patients.…
👍︎ 194
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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How do we treat the unvaccinated? CMA opens dialogue as health systems overwhelmed…
👍︎ 43
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Any Canadian docs getting annoyed at the CMA's "wellness" ads everywhere?

Like, thank you CMA for reminding me that I am burnt out. THAT IS WHY I AM PLAYING SCRABBLE NOW KINDLY FUCK OFF!

👍︎ 70
📅︎ Jan 22 2022
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Got a full ride scholarship for my CMA

I am current getting my BSA and MSA as well. While I do plan on also getting my CPA, I currently have too many vision issues to work in the public sector (I physically cannot work over 40 hrs weeks). The professor who nominated me has both certifications and said I should do the same. Only thing is I don’t know if I’ll have my sight in 5 years, so I’m going w the CMA for now. If my MSA doesn’t kill my vision, I’ll get my CPA.

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/bellavmr
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
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CMA for not wanting to move a dryer, throwing a coworker under the bus about an issue that wasn't real, so I could get the customer a check for $1000, just so I could leave their house sooner because I had to poop.

Pretty much this. I told the customer's warranty company the dryer required parts that are no longer available, but pretended the last tech missed it. It was one of those poops that start to sting a little bit, so I needed to act fast. The dryer was pulled out because they had a temporary one for the downtime, and reconnecting vents is a hassle. I really needed to poop, but it's an instant write up if we're caught asking for a bathroom at a call. Choose my alignment.

👍︎ 45
📅︎ Jan 21 2022
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CMA Relevancy

Hi fellow FP&A professionals! I had a question regarding the relevancy of a CMA certification. For context: 25M, SFA in FP&A at a mid-market company, 3 YoE

I’ve been contemplating getting further education/certification relevant to my work for a bit now, whether that be an MBA/CPA/CMA/CFA. However, I went to a small liberal arts college without accounting classes so getting a CPA doesn’t make much sense since I have no interest in going into public accounting and I would have to take lots of pre-reqs to even qualify to sit. Getting an MBA makes a lot of sense but I won’t be in my current city in a few years so I plan on doing that further down the line.

That leaves me at the CMA certificate… Accounting is something I have picked up on the job but I could be stronger in it. It seems like a pretty achievable and relevant cert, so I was wondering if anyone is a CMA. Has it been useful? Was the material on the exam applicable to your career in FP&A?

Just looking for some insight - I think it could be good for my resume when I move in 2 years and have to switch companies. Appreciate it!!

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Jan 22 2022
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CMA: I repeatedly snuck into a Holiday Inn Express for breakfast

Some mornings a while ago, I would wake up early, enter the Holiday Inn Express, and act like a guest while I enjoyed the free hot breakfast. I'd even pack a tupperware box full of mini muffins to take with me for later. I'm not homeless or otherwise in need, I just did it for fun (and free food obvs).

I did this about ten or eleven times before I decided the food wasn't worth the trouble.

👍︎ 79
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Anyone here go to CMA, Caribbean Mountain Academy? What was your experience.

I’m trying to learn more about a program that is centered out of my town, but operating in the Dominican Republic.

It seems like the program uses the same facilities as the Caribe Escuela, which had some really god-awful, heinous, things go on, and when they shut down it looks like they changed hands.

I’ve read the experiences and trauma children experienced at Caribe Escuela, but can’t seem to find anything indicating abuse is still going on under Caribbean Mountain Academy. I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting that Caribbean Mointain Academy is just a reskin of Caribe Escuela, but from what I can tell since it’s changed names, hands, and staff there don’t seem to be any claims of abuse. I’m trying to make sure that’s actually the case.

I’ve seen interviews with kids who say the program is great, but I’m trying to find real people who’ve actually been to the program in the last 10 years to hear what their experience was/is.

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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Tell me you’re upset about not being invited to the CMA’s and your mawmaw babysitting her other grand babies without telling me you’re upset….
👍︎ 162
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
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DONE: CPA+CMA Exams In 9 Months Using Old Textbooks and Ninja

I’ve been putting off this post out of laziness, but I hope it helps people who are starting their journey.

As the title says, I completed the four CPA exams and two CMA exams this year without an expensive review course. I only used old textbooks, the Wiley review books, and Ninja Review Course ($67/mo).

I’m not here to brag, but to give encouragement to those considering this strategy. When I started my CPA journey it was hard finding examples like this, and I felt discouraged at the thought of having to spend thousands of dollars. Hopefully this helps someone standing where I was a year ago.


I’ve always learned well through reading, and I enjoy non-fiction. I was a good student in grade school with occasional bouts of apathy, and I entered college as an honors student and eventually flunked out due to non-attendance. I returned to college in my thirties with better discipline and motivation, and earned all As.

During that second stint I relied on old, used textbooks because I didn’t want to support the textbook racket. I compared editions at Half Price Books stores and realized how little changes between editions. I also developed a strong impatience with bad textbooks (looking at you, McGraw Hill). If a class assigned a crappy textbook, I immediately bought a cheap old copy of the competing publisher’s book.

Fast forward to my CPA decision last year. I read so much about Becker (and Gleim, etc) and how borderline indispensable they are. But knowing how much I hate sitting through video lessons, taking notes, highlighting, etc, I wasn’t sure if it was for me. I decided to try the ‘old-fashioned way’.


Last December 2020 I purchased the Wiley review book for FAR and spent a few weeks going through it. Then in January 2021 I subscribed to Ninja CPA Review to try some MCQs. I realized that I didn’t retain much from the Wiley review book.


So in Feb 2021 I busted out Intermediate Accounting by Kieso (16th Ed.) and worked through it chapter-by-chapter. I worked out the examples on paper while reading, and after each chapter I did the problems (not the ‘Brief Questions’ and not the ‘Exercises’, but the 10-15 general ‘Problems’). After each chapter I then tested myself on the specific topic in Ninja, and suddenly I was doing much better and retaining info. I did the same with relevant chapters of ‘Advanced Accounting’ by Beams.

*Here’s the crazy thing: working through the actual textbooks took as long a

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 51
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
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CMA I "stole" a campaign meme from one of my players

I run a (fairly irregular at the moment) dnd game for a handful of close friends. During a recent session, one of my players made a ninja-edit meme about the ongoing debate for the route the party would travel. Not realizing that he used reddit (I actually still don't know his username), I asked him if he would edit it to make it more widely relatable so that I could post it over in dndmemes. With neither of us thinking it would be much of a big deal, he agreed.

The next day, it had reached the front page of the sub and is now my highest-upvoted post. I feel bad about effectively taking credit for his meme, and have apologized for it.

👍︎ 45
👤︎ u/mcspaddin
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Public Safety Minister calls on Twitter Canada to address 'abusive' tweet directed at CMA president…
👍︎ 32
👤︎ u/IamHongWei
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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CMA: I sneaked into a stranger's house to see if they had received my post, just so I could catch them in a lie if they later denied they had.

I was telling this story recently in the comments of an even worse story and thought it would be of interest to this sub.

My grandmother told me on the phone that she'd sent me £20 in a birthday card, but I had just moved house. I had left a forwarding address but the card hadn't been redirected, so I went back to the old house to ask for it. No-one in. Hang on, I thought. I still have a key. So I let myself in and checked their kitchen bin. Yes, my grandmother's card, opened. There was also a letter in the envelope with some news in it about some relative dying. Who puts that in a birthday card? 'Happy Birthday, Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls, For It Tolls For Your Great Uncle Ted, You Know, The One With The Hair." He was an interesting fellow – he was married for 50 years and when his wife died he immediately got together with his ex from before he met his wife. Had she waited all that time? He did have amazing hair.

Anyway, it was something I would want to know about, as well as wanting my £20, and the guys in the house had binned it. So I left it in the bin and came back later and there were two guys there who said they hadn't seen a card. Well! I said maybe it had been thrown away, could they check their kitchen bin? We went into their kitchen. (Tactically, this was an error on my part, in case a fight broke out, but at the time I thought, there's only two of them, as I used to think I was Conan the Barbarian - whereas realistically I was just a fat D&D nerd who knew some kung fu.) One of them checked the bin and said the card wasn't there.

I said, "I know it's there because I let myself in before you got home. Where's my £20?" He was afronted and told me that I was "a bit cheeky", but he couldn't really claim the high moral ground after stealing my £20 and lying about it. So he gave me the money and I left.

Do tell me my alignment just based on this incident but let me assure you that I would not do this again. I have more respect for people now and for the sanctity of their houses. Also they made me give them the key.

👍︎ 84
👤︎ u/Jonseroo
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
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Hi all, I completed my program for MA 2 years ago. Would I still be eligible to sit for the CMA test to be a certified medical assistant. Or can I find a job that requires without a certification. Thank you so much!
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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CMA debit card limits?

Hello, I'm trying to pick out a new checking account. I was wondering if there is a limit on the number of POS Transactions a card can make per day. The FAQ takes you to a link to login, but I don't have an account yet.


👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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CMA discussion thread. Post here for tonight so we don’t have so many threads unless it’s something worth it’s own post. 🧡
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Nov 10 2021
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CMA certification

Hi everyone! I an thinking to get a CMA instead of CPA. I was in public for two years and 💯 percent know I don’t ever want to end up there again. I am currently in industry and figured a CMA would be more beneficial. Those who have it, how helpful it was ? And what was the path to get it ?

Thank you!

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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Will cash settle faster in the CMA after time?

I'm currently deciding to drop my traditional bank account and start using my Cash Management Account (CMA) for my everyday expenses/bills and have my paycheck go there directly.
I was excited to do this, but have noticed that whenever I add money to the account, it takes a really long time to settle and be available to withdraw. I've added money via EFT, Venmo, and a check so far. Every one of those has taken >7 days to settle and be available to withdraw, which is shockingly slow.

I have two questions from this:

  1. Will the speed of these settlements increase over time as Fidelity trusts me more and there is more history in the account?
  2. What are the fastest ways to transfer money to the CMA and have it available to withdraw? I'm thinking of something like Zelle in regular bank accounts, where I can move money and have it available very quickly from one account (even from a different bank) to another. What would be the closest alternative?
👍︎ 19
👤︎ u/polortiz40
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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CMA - I helped her up and left

I was walking with a friend last week, when this woman walking ahead of us tripped and fell over. I helped her up, accepted her thanks, and continued walking. After we’d gotten out of earshot, my friend said I should’ve asked if she was hurt and helped her. My view is that that’s none of my concern. At least I helped her up. So, Reddit, CMA.

👍︎ 52
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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From CMA to CMA Instructor (Opportunities for growth as a CMA)

Hope this post helps some of you on your journey to becoming a Medical Assistant, continuing your career as an CMA, or taking your healthcare career to the next level overall.

All of my experience comes from working in Houston, Texas. I provided a timeline below for reference, which shows the year, the position I held, the type of place I worked for, the schedule, the pay, etc.

My Time in Healthcare: 2011 - 2021

Summer of 2011: Graduation from MA Program (Certification received from local institution. Completed program in less than 1 yr)

2011 - 2014:

  • Position: Certified Medical Assistant / CMA (also cross trained as a front desk staff member, lab technician, provided assistance to maternity department, and trained other CMAs)
  • Place: A Maternity / Pediatric Community Health Clinic that also offered other health/social services. This was actually the same clinic where I completed my externship (unpaid work hours)
  • Department: Pediatric Urgent Care
  • Focus: Sick / Injured Kids
  • EMR System: Centricity
  • Pay: Started at $11 / hr, ended at $13.75 / hr
  • Work Days: 5 days a week (includes weekends) the days I would work would change often. But I mostly got Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays off.
  • Work Hours: 2pm - 11pm on week days, and/or 9am-6pm on weekends
  • What to Expect: Fast-paced clinical setting. Noisy environment (a lot of crying kids). You’ll be on your feet 90% of the time.
  • Fun Fact: When I started this job, they still used paper charts. The transition to electronic medical records was interesting to experience.
  • Personal / additional responsibilities: Working and going to school full time.

2014 - 2018:

  • Position: Nationally Registered Certified Medical Assistant (NRCMA) / CMA Level 2 - Registration obtained through the National Association for Health Professionals / NAHP which one renews every 5 years (also cross trained in lab processing, and trained other CMAs and RNs)
  • Place: A Maternity / Pediatric Community Health Clinic that also offered other health/social services.
  • Department: Pediatrics
  • Focus: Wellness visits / Physicals , Immunizations, and also attended Sick / Injured Kids
  • EMR System: Epic
  • Pay: Started at $15 / hr, ended at $17.50 / hr
  • Work Days: 3 days a week. I worked the weekend shift, which was Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only.
  • Work Hours: 7am - 7pm
  • What to Expect: Fast-paced clinical setting. Noisy environment (a lot of crying kids). You’ll be on your feet 90% of the time.
  • Fun Fact: I was
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 15
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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What’s your favorite exhibit at CMA?
👍︎ 138
📅︎ Nov 14 2021
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CMA check images

Normally, I get check images within a few hours after midnight, the day after the check hits my CMA, on rare occasions 2 days. My latest check hit the CMA on Thursday, with the correct check number and amount, but I still don't have check images as of Saturday morning. In the past, I've gotten images on Saturday, so it's not just because it's a weekend. Is something going on?

Also, as a side comment, compared to other bank accounts I've had, the quality of the images seems poor, especially the back. It's hard for me to believe these are the same images used to read the checks since it might make that unreliable. I know that the bank is UMB so I guess that's the best they can do.

Update: Check images finally appeared on Wednesday, 6 days after the check posted.

👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/jvk5
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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CMA: A classmate was being transphobic so I blackmailed him

Using a throwaway alt so nobody I know IRL finds out.

Some of my classmates at school created an unofficial Discord server, on which a certain classmate is active, as am I. This classmate has made transphobic remarks on the server towards me, a non-binary person, several times, though each time he has claimed afterwards that he isn't actually transphobic, but that he only said those things to piss me off; he usually claims it was because I'm "annoying" or something to that effect. Reasons he cites for me being annoying include things such as: me calling out how horrible it is to make memes about trans people committing suicide, me making harmless jokes that aren't about trans suicide or at anyone's expense for that matter, and some joking flirtatious comments.

Every time he insulted me, I would compile screenshots of the conversation with him. A few weeks ago, he deleted the entire message history of the server's general channel after a heated conversation in which he continued to make transphobic remarks, but I screenshotted the conversation before he could, and DMed him with an ultimatum: play nice around me or I'll print out the Google doc containing these screenshots and distribute copies schoolwide. Ever since then, his behavior has been much better towards me, and no other incidents have occurred.

Some additional context: Before the blackmailing incident, this classmate had misgendered me and been corrected several times, and sometimes even continued to misgender me seconds after he was corrected. There was also a separate incident over two years ago, before I had even come out, in which he struck me with a chair, which may have caused serious damage had I not blocked it with my arm. This incident resulted in us both getting sent home early and me crying alone in my room and blaming myself for what had occurred. I have also attempted to understand this classmate in some conversations with him, but his way of thinking was simply too foreign to my own; for instance, thinking it's funny when people get mad, even when it's me getting mad at him for being an ass. Finally, just in case it's relevant to the discussion, I'm a high school senior and the student that I blackmailed is a sophomore.

👍︎ 64
📅︎ Dec 07 2021
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CMA coworker lied about positive COVID results and got caught. What would you do?
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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CMA - If someone edits their comment to thank everyone for all the upvotes and / or awards, I change my upvote to a downvote

All in the title. My reasoning is I find those edits annoying.

👍︎ 61
👤︎ u/montodebon
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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What job did you try to use your CMA to get?

In the recent CMA related threads there have been people who have said that their CMA was unhelpful in their job hunt. They say employers and recruiters had no idea what it is.

What positions were you going out for when you came to the conclusion that the CMA isn't worth much?

If you're a recruiter who believes the CMA isn't worth much, what positions do you recruit?

I'm trying to see if there's a commonality here.

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/KodaDX
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
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How to pay credit card statement balance with CMA?

I want to use BillPay to pay for my credit card bills: mostly because I'd rather not send my routing and accnt number out there if unnecessary.

I like having automatic payments, however, and the credit card bill is different each month, so using a fixed amount payment is unideal. Using autopay through the CC company is simple enough, as it just draws whatever it needs to pay the bill each month. Is there a way to achieve the same via BillPay? (i.e. how do I ensure BillPay pays the credit card statment, no more no less, each month?).

Thank you!

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/polortiz40
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Anyone here work at the Cleveland Museum of Art? I got a couple questions

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jan 22 2022
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Starting up with CMA examination, need advice from experienced folks out here

Hello guys, I have graduated in year 2021 and will be preparing for CMA examination, need advice from experienced folks out there on matters such as

  • How to start preparing for this exam
  • Any good coaching institute for the same both online or offline (For offline should be located in Bangalore)
  • How's the level of difficulty of the paper
  • Areas to focus on
  • Which topic require rote learning and which are those which can be done by solving ample amount of questions
  • Your time table during preparing for this examination

F. Y. I. I am a complete rookie in CMA and don't know where to head and what should be mine timeline cause I will be filling form for June term(Intermediate) so any sort of advice regarding this examination is extremely helpful for me, Thank you in advance for your response

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
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CMA US + CPA US + MBA in Finance Will land me a job in core finance fields like investment banking or asset management. Or should I go with just CFA + MBA?
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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CMA to BSN vs CNA to BSN

Hi everyone, I am newly graduated with a bachelors degree in general studies, but I have finished my prereqs for a bsn. I was thinking about getting a certification in either nursing assistance or medical assistance and would like to know which one is better.

The reason why I would like to get into either one is so that I can have an earlier idea of the career before becoming a full blown bsn.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 21 2022
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CMA Results released. Check your emails

Just found out I passed part 1 and I'm incredibly relieved. If any of you didn't pass and want to talk hit me up. Also, if any of you passed part 2, I would love to hear about your experience with it.

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/jbuckets88
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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Time to stop asking nicely: CMA calls for COVID restrictions in SK…
👍︎ 137
👤︎ u/scrlxcl
📅︎ Oct 21 2021
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Are you happy being a CMA/CMA?

Hey yall! I’ve been a ccma for a a little over a year now and I feel like all the time, money and effort I put into becoming a ccma was just not worth it. My program ran be about $20,000 and it took 8 months. I can’t help but think about how far that would have taken me through an associate nursing program…my first job as an MA I was at a family practice making $12/hr. When I got certified it was bumped to $14/hr. I was making more than that as a waiter in hs. The hours were long and the work was hard. I was one of two MAs for 3 providers with a full schedule everyday. Appointment, blood draws, EKGs, injections, Covid swabbing, referrals, med refills, opening and closing the clinic, and so much more. For $14/hr and $20,000 in debt? Meanwhile the phlebotomy tech is making 17+/hr to draw about 10 patients a day and was certified with a program that cost a few hundred bucks…At the moment I work as the laboratory coordinator at the county hospital here in my city. I make way more than I could ever hope to get as an MA for so much less work and stress. And work as a phlebotomy tech in Saturday’s. Do the fellow CCMAs/CMAs in this group feel that they get paid fairly? Are you happy with your job? I just feel like it was all a total waste:(

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Dec 21 2021
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That moment when a CNA/CMA tells you they are a nurse

I’m working in a long term care facility, and it’s my fourth day. I’m mingling with staff and this girl tells me…

CNA - “I’m actually a nurse outside of here but the facility won’t accept my certificates”

Me - “Uh what do you mean?”

CNA - I have all of my certificates but they won’t allow me to be a nurse like I’m certified to be”

Me - “You’re an RN?”

CNA - “No, I’m a certified medical assistant”

Me - “That’s not a nurse”

CNA - “Yes it is”

Me - “Uhm, no it’s not… Did you take your nclex?”

CNA - “No, but I have all of the appropriate certifications that a nurse has, and I did the schooling to get them, and I’m recognized as a nurse and I work as one at my other job”

Me - “That’s impossible. In order to be an LPN, or and RN you have to take and pass the nclex and go to an accredited nursing school. Nurses do not get certificates. They get licensed. You’re not a nurse”

CNA - “No, I’m a nurse and the state of Missouri recognizes that. Just because I haven’t gotten my RN or LPN doesn’t mean I am not a nurse because I am. I am a certified medical assistant”

Me - “Exactly. You just said it yourself. You’re a CERTIFIED medical assistant. You have a certificate. Not a license. You are what you are. You are a CMA, and CNA, but you are not a nurse. I am a nurse. I have a nursing license. I went to a nursing school. I have a job as a nurse. I to have certificates such as ACLS, ENPC, TNCC, NIH, PALS, but they are certificates. They are not a license. I think you’re confused as to what a nurse actually is and what you need to do to become one. You can’t just get a certificate and say you’re a nurse. If you were a nurse then you’d be working and getting paid as one”

CNA - Walks off

Me - Shakes his head

👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Aug 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Public safety minister calls on Twitter Canada to address 'abusive' tweet directed at CMA president…
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Hrmbee
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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CMA (Certified Management Accountant) worth it?

I don't have a CPA, just a bachelor's in accounting. I now have a Senior Accountant title after working for 6 years and switching jobs a couple times... I don't see myself going into Public Accounting so have been looking into getting my CMA instead of CPA to help me move forward in my career. Online it looks great and is advertised as the certification will make me look qualified to employers for Controller positions and greater... wondering if anyone has gotten their CMA instead of CPA and thought it was worth while?

[I don't think I would go for my CPA at this point in my life (29).. I'd have to go back to school to earn the hours to be eligible for the exam. But am open to any and all advise..]

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/HI_surf
📅︎ Dec 31 2021
🚨︎ report
Now its time to get rid of the x-tra cmas punds 😎
👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/fitdudeVIE
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
Morgan Wallen banned from attending the CMA Awards…
👍︎ 691
📅︎ Oct 01 2021
🚨︎ report
In honor of the late Joan Rivers…..let’s have some fun and our own version of the “Fashion Police” GO! ….Stars arrive on the red carpet for the 55th CMA Awards show in Nashville…
👍︎ 15
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
🚨︎ report
which is better to get after CPA, CIA or CMA?

hello, i was wondering which is better for accountant/auditor career and the Resume, CIA with cpa or CMA with cpa?

the thing is CMA have alot of similar materials as the cpa which make it feel like you are restudying the CPA with some twist , while the CIA teaches you different concepts, thats why im leaning toward the CIA with CPA idea more than the CMA+CPA combo.

which is better for the current and future work environment and the CV and which is looked at as more valuable?

👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/Zero-1994
📅︎ Nov 10 2021
🚨︎ report

Here are some pros (+), cons (-), and a few similarities to consider when deciding which of these two professions to choose for your career.


  • Less schooling
  • Less liable
  • Fewer responsibilities
  • Less pay
  • Fewer opportunities for growth
  • Less job security

RN (Registered Nurse)

  • Higher pay
  • More opportunities for growth
  • More job security
  • More schooling
  • More liable
  • More responsibilities


  • Flexible working schedules
  • High demand
  • Travel jobs are available
  • High burnout rates
  • High turnover rates

Advice: When searching for a job, be sure to negotiate your pay and work schedules. Asking whether or not there are any opportunities for growth. Ask about benefits. Some companies even have benefits to help pay for school if you decide to continue your education.

As someone who’s worked as a CMA for 7 yrs, these are all very important things to consider.

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
2021 World Series champ, Freddie Freeman, being ‘mired by his wife, Chelsea Freeman, at the CMA Awards.
👍︎ 169
👤︎ u/amishpapa
📅︎ Nov 29 2021
🚨︎ report

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