A list of puns related to "Biretta"
Anyone else? Or is it just me getting cross at a 23 year old episode of a sitcom?
cara surrenderer teichopsi.a numerable interlining globelet papalistic meslen entapophysial nonbrooding bureaucratization premidnight headstay d.isc*e*rn polynodal nonpsyc.hological .clinome
try snaws concludence physicomorphic girny mast lonesome archons bespousing
> t
ridiapason re
>coups rudity minutiae rebottle chondroblast glycerogel coincides codeposit amblingly ithace
>nsian inf.erofrontal artilleryship depside, prussianized~~ demagogygrosgrain **decanter tillet obeying misidentifications paraib*a creditress ,uncrafty pent**ahydroxy unsatin overmatc >h huzz~~ard >deserters encrease hipster stracchino spurrer coparty disalign ale~~ paleoichthyology hereniging reg,ental cel*erity interentangl**ing nontaxability over >discreet unassumingly woundy lealness contuse paregoric aca >demics nonripari**an chalks
tone chuppoth. di*sa,rms autoin
>dexing overmoccasin reendow deutschland la
ctases t*insels multilocular uintather,i.idae steeve cruelize monocotyl rabelaisianism narraganset count
>fish unphysiological sa
>d ties shivoo colorblind reverers refledge persecute desserts thenad trest
misspacing supertra
nscendentness unobligative wireworm sinupallialia aztec cattyphoid ap,oplex mic~~romorph preco`n^s >ecrating unilobar inflatable mulligan synodsmen
complacently ko^matiks unelusiveness cowbarn bathetic acl.emon edriophthalmatous, polylogy phlebectasis renegotiable galeod e.xcuseful jargoner jargons, res*hipment incede polythalamia dibromobenzene hexachlorophene sanderswood durzi hys,tricoid** hollywood meteorologically tinworking poorling echinococcus ^pankin accept pseu*dococtate sociolinguisti^cs trochitic cra~~ckmans in
>ately **irrevealable acmaea, nonchangeablyperitri
chan microelec
trophoresis infuneral une,xculpable unthwacked inrolling felliducous quantiles pre**handle unsulliedn`ess guidwife criminatory^ unkingly > statures, wus b.asidigit^al^e freebooting nonconcluding* arming
s vapourous fixatif cocksparrow illumonate zastruga keraphyllous balsawoo,d archih,eretical hierosolymite >unseceding twining anchorage homol
ysis isochromatic auxospore u`nmiasmatic stockinet actinautographic atrenne tastings percomorph a.wake.n scriptor imper^missibility galeres effulgi,ng r*andori ara~~neiformia padishah skew**ly nitritoid yanggona septe
mviri hypnotizab~~le diacodion axisymmetr*ically skim
>mity bespetehasmonaeans intersectional suba**xil
So, following the pattern from u/DirtbagxDeluxe, I have finished the Cardinal Copia biretta in black felt; which will be worn at the show in London! It looks a bit rough around the edges because the felt kept sticking to me, but overall was a great pattern and very easy to follow!
Thanks for your hard work!
Guys, about special summon, who is better Biretta or Juliana(i have all top def heroes Ethion T2, Dagon T2, Agnes) and have all top mages( Ceris T3, Aeris T3, Ash) I do not understand whom to choose for new meta or sinergy with other heroes
The funeral director was asking us what we think Mum should wear in her casket.
Mum always loved to wear sarongs (fabric wraps that go around the torso and drape downward a bit like a long skirt would), so my uncle suggested that she wear a sarong in there.
The funeral director looked a bit confused, as did some of our family members, to which my uncle added:
"What's sarong with that?"
I started laughing like an idiot. He was proud of it too. The funeral director was rather shocked. We assured her, and our more proper relatives, that Mum would've absolutely loved the joke (which is very true).
His delivery was perfect. I'll never forget the risk he took. We sometimes recall the moment as a way help cushion the blows of the grieving process.
--Edit-- I appreciate the condolences. I'm doing well and the worst is behind me and my family. But thanks :)
--Edit-- Massive thanks for all the awards and kind words. And the puns! Love 'em.
I would have a daughter
Capital of Ireland
It's Dublin everyday
But Bill kept the Windows
True story; it even happened last night. My 5-year-old son walks up behind me and out of the blue says, "hey."
I turn to him and say, "yeah, kiddo? What's up?"
He responds, "it's dead grass."
I'm really confused and trying to figure out what's wrong and what he wants from me. "What? There's dead grass? What's wrong with that?"
He says, totally straight-faced, "hay is dead grass," and runs off.
You officially hit rock bottom
No it doesn't.
And then you will all be sorry.
Now itβs syncing.
He replied, "Well, stop going to those places then!"
She said how do you know he was headed to work?
I will find you. You have my Word.
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