A list of puns related to "Assignor"
I got the following email and many similar emails for a tournament 90 minutes away. Shit pay, shit times, no hotels provided. And then they say if we don't do this tournament we aren't going to be selected for games during the season that are 20 minutes away? Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Oh and it's also August in Texas. I'm not doing games all day for $45/$25 a game in 105ยฐ heat.
If you have not already been assigned games for this weekend and you would like to work please contact me or (name redacted) ASAP. We will be determining who works this season by who is helping out with the tournaments and communicating with us.
No Regrets Interest Only
I'm a brand new level 1 ref with USAH and have to email local assignors to get games. What information should I include to sound professional?
Seems like they just add an unnecessary lvl of bureaucracy. Obviously there are some high lvl games that need someone deciding which referees are assigned. Outside of these games it seems to me that assignors are just creating work that doesnโt need to exist. In the long run I see them as contributing to the referee shortage because they are taking funds that could be used to recruit more referees or pay the current ones more. Additionally they add human error and bias to a situation that doesnโt need it. Often times they seem to make the process of getting a game assigned more complicated and time consuming while not adding any value. In fact I would posit that more games would be covered without the involvement of human assignors. Lower lvl games should be universally self assigned.
Please PM me if you are a current, 2021 USSF-certified, soccer referee. There is money to be made reffing club soccer in C-U and local towns. Minimum wage is $25/hour, more or less.
I also assign area High School (IHSA) contests. Pay is even better, but must have some previous experience. For an evening's work you can earn minimum $55 up to $105.
I can walk you through the IHSA certification process. Short version: pay $100 fee, take a concussion course and order a shirt, and you can work games while you complete other online requirements.
Happy to answer any questions.
I am a new grassroots referee and i have emailed 2 assignors but none of them responded
Hello all,
I found a place to rent in Toronto - it is being advertised as a lease takeover. The unit is currently occupied by two tenants who are both on the lease; one of them is leaving, & I would be taking over their portion of the lease. The forms that have been signed by all parties and submitted to property management (no landlord) are the following:
I have also e transferred the full amount of the last month's rent deposit to the tenant whose lease I am taking over. These forms were submitted on July 21 - we have not yet received a response from the property management firm on the status of my application.
However, I was just notified yesterday that the tenant no longer wants to leave the unit & plans on staying in it. They are going to ask property management if the lease takeover can be cancelled. Understandably, I am very upset - I need to find a place to live, & I stopped apartment-searching since I thought this would go through. It may be important to note that the tenant staying in the unit is also upset, as they would prefer that the other tenant leave.
What are my options here? Can the assignor cancel the lease takeover & remain in the unit despite A) signing and submitting the appropriate forms B) receiving my last month's rent deposit C) no response from the property management firm yet on my application
I am planning on emailing the property management firm first thing tomorrow to follow up on the status of my application. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Advice request: my assignorโs system allows you to block certain locations for travel. I have blocks on the schools that are more than about 75 miles from my house. Issue isnโt money (league pays for ref travel by the mile) but time.
Assignor scheduled me for 2 games next weekend at a school 100 miles away (4-5 hour drive round trip). I have that location blocked for travel in the system.
Iโm leaning towards 1 of 2 options:
accept the games but tell assignor I will decline future assignments that ignore my travel blocks
decline the games with an explanation email to the assignor
Especially for those who have been assignors, would you have a problem with either option above? If I take option 1, do you think the assignor will honor travel blocks moving forward, or am I opening it up to future cases of them ignoring blocks?
Especially with covid, my adult leagues have been shut down so i can't go around asking people there what they know. I just moved to Florida and dont have a deep network, either. The regional contact for me has still not responded back to my email asking for a list of active assignors so i guess I'll find my info elsewhere. Thanks.
Gonna be cold and raining all day and be miserable. Gives me 3 games at 10, 12, and 2, then not a game until 5 so it's gonna be raining, cold AND dark after I sit there for 2 hours just for one game. Try to turn back the 5 PM game then removes me from all of them. Probably for the best anyway, as I did state cup in similar conditions in January and I told myself I'd never do it again.
This is the only non-self assign assignor I have. Are assignors doing things like this normal for those of you who get assigned?
Iโm moving down to Myrtle near the end of the month and was curious if anyone knew any assignors in the area. Iโve been an official over the last 5 years in West Virginia. Iโve done all three regional events in the East Region over the last three years along with USL 2 and A DA Showcase. I would love to get my foot in the door to start working down there assuming weโll get to have games eventually (thanks corona). Iโm used to traveling 3-4 hours for tournaments on weekends so if anyone has contacts within that distance Iโd greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
It was just formally announced that Dave Augustavo will be the new National Assignor. I figured I would share since some people were wondering about this a few weeks ago.
Hi everyone! My parents owned a restaurant in a leased commercial space in Florida. In December 2017, they sold all the assets/assigned the restaurant lease to a buyer. Yesterday, my parents received a legal letter from the landlordโs attorney stating that my parents owed approximately $10K in unpaid rent and that ultimately it was my parentsโ liability because theyโre the assignor. The rent is approximately 2-3K a month which means the tenant has not been paying rent for 4 months and my parents are now hearing about it. My parents are non-native English speakers so theyโre not the most proficient in English especially when it comes to legal terms. They did not have a personal lawyer during the sale of the business/assignment of the lease but they did have a closing agent which was a law firm who drew up all the legal documents. I took a look at the closing legal documents and the following clause stuck out to me.
The following clause as I interpret is that my parents are liable for the current lease term which was set to end on September 2019 and any subsequent renewal by the tenant. Essentially, does this mean my parents are liable for the tenant defaulting on rent until a new lease is contractually executed between the tenant and the landlord? My parents never knew this was going to happen and it seems crazy that my parents can have a perpetual liability on another personโs business. It sounds like my parents are ultimately responsible for the $10K in rent but is there anyway that they can recoup this cost and also how do they go about terminating the lease? Another important detail is that the current tenant was running their business during these periods of missed rent payments. Additionally, shouldnโt the landlord have notified my parents of missed rent payments a bit earlier and not 4 months of missed payments? Should my parents hire an attorney or is this an open and shut case where my parents have no recourse and have to pay the $10K? If they should hire an attorney, what kind of attorney should it be?
TLDR: Parents sold a restaurant business in 2018. Assignee/Tenant missed several rental payments thus resulting in my parents receiving a legal letter requesting that they pay $10K in unpaid rent because theyโre the assignor.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this. I can provider further detail as necessary.
So I'm still new, so I'd like some advice from you experienced folks on this.
I'm a part of two assignors groups. One is a little farther away, one is literally across the street from me. The farther one tends to assign games a day before the closer one does, but I would much prefer to referee for the closer assignor if given the option between the two. What is the best way to deal with this?
Edit: thank you everyone for your advice so far. Heeding your words, I'll simply accept whichever assignments get pushed to me when they come, and after a few more weeks and I get an idea of time slots each assignor likes to give I may start blocking off specific times for each of them. But everyone here is right, really my best course of action right now would simply be to get game experience and make good impressions.
I recently moved to Arizona and I'm looking to continue my development as a Referee. I worked higher level youth games (U17-U19 league, State Cups) in my home state, and I really don't want to take a huge step back. Does anyone know an assignor near the Phoenix area who could help me get games at this level?
Hi there, I'm looking to chat with referee assignors -- league or tournament. I'd love to get your input on a few things.
Anyone know who the assignor is for the showcases, if assigned locally, anyone know the Cleveland guy?
Good evening gents , I know this is a long shot but I will shoot anyways . I'm from Indio, California . I'm a grade 8 referee with about 3 years of experience. I have done a good fair amount of centers ( U18, U17) and I'm looking to find referee assignor for the Coachella valley area. Being a soccer referee is my biggest passion and I love doing it . I'm hoping one say to become a pro and i want to start dedicating my time to archive this goal, that's why I I to get in contact with the referee assignor so that way I can show him what I am made off! Any help will be highly appreciated it!
Ps: I'm a 24 years old Male , U.S. Marine veteran , hispanic
Our assignor in DC/VA charges fifty cents to every referee for each payout, thereby reducing the pay from what we've been told. So if you did one game with a rate of $35, she pays you $34.50. Is anyone else aware of this practice? If not, what action do you think I should take? I was thinking of emailing the league, since I assume they are under the impression the referees are getting paid what they say they're getting paid.
Edit: to add clarification, she describes this as an "administrative fee for preparing the checks." Even though I get paid electronically and I assume she gets paid by the league to pay us, no?
So, a few months ago, I posted a few pictures from a brochure that was released by Tula State Arms Museum, detailing the curious German SMG from the WW1 era as a Schwarzlose design. This was based on examination of a patent filed in 1920 (DE332625C), which features the SMG. Now, what's to be noted is that this patent came not from Andreas Wilhelm Schwarzlose, but rather from Wilhelm Schwarzlose (whom I'd presume was a son of his). And that patent mostly concerns that of using a spade attachment as a means of supporting a firearm, not so much about the gun itself. I tried looking for more patents relating to this SMG from any of the Schwarzlose family (Andreas, Wilhelm, Maxim, and Christian), but I wasn't able to find anything else that's without-a-doubt related. The closest thing I found was a patent filed in 1917 detailing a short-recoil action (DE308437C). (For the unwary, the Schwarzlose M1907(/12) machine gun uses an unlocked breech (direct blowback) with the utilization of toggle-delay and a heavy bolt to help delay the action long enough for safe operation.)
Rather, just recently and by accident, I discovered multiple patents, filed in multiple patent offices in 1904, from Fried. Krupp Aktiengesellschaft Grusonwerk. The US patents reveal the inventor as a Hermann Lehmann. What's to especially note is that the patents feature a MUCH larger firearm. Something along the lines of an autocannon (maybe akin to the 1-Pounder "Pom-Pom"), which would make sense since Krupp was well-known for producing artillery pieces, explosive ammunition, and components for such. Thus this SMG can potentially be seen as a scaled-down autocannon. Anyways, here's five (mostly) different patents in question. I may be missing some
US857244A (Also published as GB190513089A, DE167815C, AT28924B, FR361021A, and CH34255A.) This is the "most important" patent of the bunch. It details how the feed mechanism functions, featuring the cartridge lifters and the multi-column charger.
... keep reading on reddit โกI recently got certified as a grade 8 USSF ref and am hoping to get a lot of games in my first year as I have a late start compared to others (24 y/o). The local youth season started last week (a few games cancelled for weather) and I unfortunately did not get any assignments for the first two weekends. Thus far I've contacted three assignors, one large club with about 10-15 travel teams and two smaller with about 3-5 each. I'm curious as to how many assignors a ref typically has contact with and if I should find some more local teams if I want to ref games every weekend I'm available.
I'm trying to help a family member with litigation. Because of the cost of hiring a lawyer, this family member asked me to help him with litigation work as an agent. (I'm not a lawyer, but do have some legal experience.) So I'm writing a claim. I believe the assignor is out of business, and assigned a contract to an assignee. Found out later that the terms of the contract and the oral agreement were different. So can I sue the assignee of this contract for the conduct of the assignor?
I just coordinated 2 3-man exhibition games and it took me days to do it and almost all of my phone contacts to find guys for the game.
I can't imagine having to do that for hundreds of games a week for everything from novice to midget and having to find last minute guys for late back outs and no shows.
If anyone here is an assignor, thank you for your work!
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
The nurse asked the rabbit, โwhat is your blood type?โ
โI am probably a type Oโ said the rabbit.
Sorry guys i'm mostly venting because my fiancรฉe doesn't give a damn haha. But anyways, I've given it a full year and I've actually had quite a lot of games, I'm just not sure I enjoy it.
This includes the assigning, and it's fine I know there's an entire world of backstabbing and playing favorites to get the better gigs. But my assignor promised me i would have several games this weekend for ECNL, and the reason was because I decided to take off work on Monday as he was desperate for help. The stipulation I told him, is that I'd need at least 4 games to make it worth taking off work to help. He did, originally. Then the schedule was rearranged and butchered bc of covid and teams with too many injuries dropped, understandable. But he said he would have other games needing covered at another site or have me do standby. When it came time, he said he already covered them.....what?? Alright whatever.
But I told myself, at least at an ECNL event I'll get some mentoring and assessing. That was the main reason I decided to take off work, even if I didn't make as much as I wanted. But nope....I only got 3 games in total(one was center on Sunday so I did it) and not a single ref coach/mentor or assessor to be found.
He knew this is what I needed out of it for me to help him out on a Monday, and I feel pretty shafted. Not good money, and not any feedback or advice. Extremely let down by all of this and has mostly been the story with club level.
As far as club goes, there have been plenty of non eventful games, and of those, most have been extremely boring. I don't really have this problem with High school...the vast majority of games are competitive and go by quickly without many talking points concerning refs. I mean...I do get some jv games haha. Yeah the crowds can get abusive, but I have a few means of stopping it. At club....if the coach doesn't take care of it, or another parent, then you basically take it or abandon the match. The most abusive coaches and parents are at the club games, in my opinion so far.
Anyways after giving it some thought, between assignors pulling fast ones on me(this isn't the first time I've felt screwed over by this assignor) and just overall not enjoying the atmosphere, I think I will quit doing club games entirely. It also just eats up way too much time, man. In the south, the leagues all overlap each other all year long.
Anyone else feel this way? Feel the u.s. needs to re think how club is handled, or at least
... keep reading on reddit โกPlease PM me if you are a current, USSF-certified soccer official. Or if you have been previous and are interested in re-certifying, or certifying for the first time. There is money to be made reffing club soccer in C-U and local towns. Minimum wage is $23/hour, more or less.
I also assign area High School (IHSA) contests. 300+ games running March-June. Pay is even better, but must have previous experience. For an evening's work you get minimum $55 to maximum $105.
Happy to answer any questions.
Please PM me if you are a current, ISRC-certified soccer official. There is money to be made reffing club soccer in C-U and local towns. Minimum wage is $23/hour, more or less. Interested in becoming a patched soccer referee? Comment with questions.
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