Niagara sounds like the antonym of viagra. Now you know why it falls.
👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/tidduu
📅︎ Jun 22 2020
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So I was shopping for cheap antonyms

But they were all expensive

👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/Bagelmeat
📅︎ Apr 03 2019
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What's the antonym to tomato?


👍︎ 10
📅︎ Feb 12 2019
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The words "Up" and "Down" are both antonyms and synonyms

Up and down are opposite directions, and your house can "burn up" as it "burns down". Also as a colloidal invitation, one may say "Hey we're going to a party, you up?" or "Hey we're going to a party, you down?"

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Oct 10 2016
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What does the antonym see when he opens his dresser drawer?


👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/CherchezLV
📅︎ Apr 14 2017
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What's the opposite of cinnamon toast crunch?

Antonym toast crunch

👍︎ 59
👤︎ u/Dark_Devin
📅︎ Jul 20 2017
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