The United States and Romania will announce today plans to build a “first-of-a-kind” small modular reactor (SMR) plant in Romania in partnership with U.S. NuScale Power, bringing the latest civil nuclear technology to a critical part of Europe…
👍︎ 283
👤︎ u/amiralul
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
🚨︎ report
A strong double-blocking weather pattern is developing over Northern Hemisphere, affecting the jet stream over North America and Europe. The new pattern is expected to hold at least until the end of the year, bringing a higher chance of white Christmas to parts of Europe and the United States.…
👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/imgprojts
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Population of the United States compared with parts of Europe.
👍︎ 262
📅︎ Sep 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Dissolution of the United States of Middle Europe (1962) [FDWWI timeline]
👍︎ 175
👤︎ u/So1ids
📅︎ Oct 08 2021
🚨︎ report
Anonymous purposed flag for the United States of Europe, 1930
👍︎ 501
👤︎ u/Stormspear
📅︎ Sep 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Actual COVID-19 Cases Could Be 6 Times Greater Than Official Figures. A newly modelled estimate from the United States, Australia, Canada, South Korea and 11 countries in Europe suggests official figures could be struggling to capture the full scale of the outbreak.…
👍︎ 39k
📅︎ Nov 19 2020
🚨︎ report
United States of Europe bugs

Hey, I'd just like to know if anyone has ever formed the United States of Europe in the mod and had any problems. I've run into a number of workable bugs like the vote not firing the first attempt, or technology being reset to the stone age. All of these were fixed by a few console commands and some elbow grease. However now I've hit a new bug, my tank battalions have no stats.. like at all. Look.

Determining by flags you can see the save right before I swapped from Spain to my newly formed USE, tank battalions were fine, but loading the subsequent save, those battalions have no stats. I've checked the research and its all there, I have plenty of tanks. They just no work. Additionally SPAT now gives me +37 armor as opposed to the original 3-6 or something. And those are just the battalions I've noticed.

I do have additional mods running, but they are mostly just graphical. Nothing that can discernably effect something like this. To add to that, I just tag switched to another county on the map and their battalions are completely fine. This seems to be an EU issue, or perhaps simply a Spain -> EU issue. Idk. Curious to know what others might have experience. Perhaps there is a work around to this?

TLDR Who has had issued with the United States of Europe? Is this just me?

👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/MattAwsum
📅︎ Oct 30 2021
🚨︎ report
Why Europe was scared of a nuclear audit in the United States…
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/Tirio42
📅︎ Nov 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.
👍︎ 174
👤︎ u/waughandy
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Should the majority of Latin American countries during the Cold War be considered “satellite states” of the United States, just like the majority of Eastern Europe being satellites of the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union under Stalin installed communist governments in Eastern Europe. Khrushchev and Brezhnev made sure they were still communist, but relaxed their restrictions on the states. They did however launch invasions of Hungary, Yugoslavia and Poland when communism or the Warsaw Pact looked to be threatened.

With the CIA manipulating governments and sponsoring coups in Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Argentina etc, should the majority of Latin American states during that period be considered satellites?

👍︎ 119
👤︎ u/Plus-Staff
📅︎ Aug 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Europeans, how would you react to a country named the United States of Europe (not the EU, just one country)?
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Sep 21 2021
🚨︎ report
TIL In 1963 disc jockey Wolfman Jack started broadcasting from a station across the U.S.-Mexico border whose high-powered border blaster signal was picked up across much of the United States and at night as far away as Europe and the Soviet Union.…
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/dremonearm
📅︎ Mar 24 2021
🚨︎ report
"..."authoritarianism," a term and idea of that bourgeois propagandists discovered through focus groups can be used to undermine left projects by mobilizing the sensibilities of the soft, materially corrupted and ngo'd latte left in the United States in Western Europe"
👍︎ 24
📅︎ Jul 18 2021
🚨︎ report
"..."authoritarianism," a term and idea of that bourgeois propagandists discovered through focus groups can be used to undermine left projects by mobilizing the sensibilities of the soft, materially corrupted and ngo'd latte left in the United States in Western Europe"
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Jul 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Stellantis plans to base its EVs on four platforms; targets 2026 for solid-state battery introduction; 70 percent of sales in Europe and over 40 percent in the United States to be low emission vehicle (LEV) by 2030
👍︎ 26
👤︎ u/eff50
📅︎ Jul 08 2021
🚨︎ report
How do the current immigration policies of the United States and the policy ideals of the US Democratic party compare to that of the policies of countries that Democrats/progressives generally praise (Canada, Western Europe, Scandinavia, etc.) in other non-immigration-related areas of policy?

Let me just start off by saying that I don't mean for this to come off as a loaded question, even though below I'll give some background on my reasons for asking this question that might make it seem like that. I'm mostly asking this question to see how far my perception of the situation differs from reality.

From my personal experience, it seems as though left-leaning voters and politicians in America have a tendency--often justifiably, in my opinion--to wax poetic about the policies that a select region of foreign countries (mentioned in title) employ in their domestic societies, ranging from healthcare, gun control, labor rights, social welfare programs, prison reform, etc.

But one of the things that many of those aforementioned countries seem to be conservative on in comparison to the American Left is immigration. Unlike the US, most of them don't have birthright citizenship, and those that do have restrictions on it. Even in a place like Canada, there's a point-based merit system for legal immigration that's supposedly more stringent than America's. Employing such a measure in America seems like it would be a right-wing proposal.

On Reddit, the Mainstream Left of the American political spectrum is commonly derided for not actually being left to the degree of other OECD countries, and actually being right-leaning in comparison (statements like "Bernie Sanders would be center-left at best outside of America" are common refrains). But immigration seems to be one issue where Democrats and progressives in the US are actually more liberal (in the American sense of the word, at least) than their supposed foreign counterparts.

I'm looking for answers mostly in respect to ease of legal immigration and government tolerance towards illegal immigration in terms of deportation policy, pathways to citizenship, etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

👍︎ 33
👤︎ u/JamalBruh
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
🚨︎ report
What is life like as an autistic individual in Europe versus the United States of America?

For the past couple of years, and with the current pandemic as the reason, permanently moving across the Atlantic Ocean has always been a dream of mine. The main reason for deciding to move is to seek a better quality of life as much as possible. But as someone who is diagnosed with autism, my experience with relocating might be different from what a neurotypical person might experience. Knowing Europe is a continent, it would be nice to hear from autistic Europeans and autistic U.S. citizens who are planning to move, in the process of moving, or are already living somewhere in the continent.

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Dragos1605
📅︎ Jul 31 2021
🚨︎ report
JEP study: "In terms of formal institutions, the European Union is not on the verge of becoming a “United States of Europe.” But on multiple fronts, EU economic integration now matches or even beats the equivalent measure for the 50 American states."…
👍︎ 98
📅︎ May 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Where can I buy potted old olive tree online that would ship to Midwest United States? I find they sell them everywhere in Europe and California but they don't ship.
👍︎ 353
📅︎ Oct 05 2021
🚨︎ report
United States of Central Europe (German flag in the style of the United States
👍︎ 37
👤︎ u/Nhukulus
📅︎ Jun 09 2021
🚨︎ report
Why aren't NATO countries (other than the United States) as conservative as the U.S. since they also have the memory of the Cold War and anti-communism? Why isn't accusing the left of socialism or communism as effective in Canada or Europe as it is in the United States?

Welfare policies in the U.S. are often labeled as socialism and, as a result, lose public support. Why isn't this also the case in other NATO countries that also fought communism during the Cold War?

👍︎ 218
📅︎ Dec 06 2020
🚨︎ report
Undermining Trump-Bolton War Narrative, British General Says No Evidence of 'Increased Threat' From Iran. "Intelligence and military officials in Europe as well as in the United States said that over the past year, most aggressive moves have originated not in Tehran, but in Washington."…
👍︎ 49k
👤︎ u/roku44
📅︎ May 15 2019
🚨︎ report
United States of Central Europe (USCE)
👍︎ 169
📅︎ May 25 2021
🚨︎ report
United States Of Europe

Should the EU become its own Sovereign Democratic Country with a federal state system ?

👍︎ 74
📅︎ Mar 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe and future President of United States General Dwight D. Eisenhower, visits Warsaw following the end of World War II (1945)
👍︎ 495
👤︎ u/vaish7848
📅︎ Mar 12 2021
🚨︎ report
Could the United States of America Sucessfully Invade Russia with Zero Allies and no Access to thier Millitary bases in Europe?

USA declares war on Russia, The rest of NATO however remains neutral and forbidd the US to use thier installed bases in EU.

No nukes are allowed for this scenario, the USA is the invader in this scenario and russia the defender, could USA take the majority of siberia and Annex this lands or would russia be able to fend the americans off?

👍︎ 6
📅︎ May 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Exclusive Economic Zones of the Mediterranean Sea, Euxine (Black Sea), West Europe and North Africa as per the United Nations Convention UNCLOS, International Law of the Sea with 168 parties and 157 signatory states.
👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/craoft
📅︎ Feb 12 2021
🚨︎ report
United States of Europe Presidential Elections, 2008-2020
👍︎ 86
👤︎ u/Mak_Life
📅︎ Jan 04 2021
🚨︎ report
Germany on Saturday accused the United States of interfering in its internal affairs, in an increasingly angry spat over Washington's decision to impose sanctions on companies involved with a major project to supply western Europe with Russian gas…
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Dec 23 2019
🚨︎ report
The United States of Europe - What if six European countries combined into one in 1953?
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/SVL0
📅︎ Jul 11 2020
🚨︎ report
What if the United States intervened in the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s?

A better question would be what if the US decided to exert more global power and control in what occurs in Europe? Like supporting the governments or implementing governments to stop fascists? If the US did stop the rise of Fascism what would the next century or so look like?

👍︎ 98
👤︎ u/MDrok6172
📅︎ Feb 15 2021
🚨︎ report
United States of Europe - First map of a timeline I'm creating (USE TL)
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/Thomas1VL
📅︎ Feb 24 2020
🚨︎ report
Most of Europe is a lot poorer than most of the United States…
👍︎ 45
📅︎ Oct 05 2020
🚨︎ report
1945. May 25. The United States Navy stationed in Bermuda celebrated the end of the war in Europe
👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/Giulz
📅︎ Jun 21 2021
🚨︎ report
You will be teleported to a country of your choice. However, you cant’t choose the United States, Canada, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, or any country in Western Europe. What country do you choose?
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Apr 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Table of all the major space laser communication on orbit technology verification programs in the United States, Europe and Japan

Major space laser communication on orbit technology verification programs in the United States, Europe and Japan

State/ organization Terminal name Launch time Major institutions Communication distance Communication wavelength Communication rate
USA GOLD 1995 NASA JPL GEO?GND 830 nm(downlink) 1.024 Mbps@PPM(downlink)
USA GOLD 1995 NASA JPL GEO?GND 514.5 nm(uplink) 1.024 Mbps(uplink)
USA LRO 2013 NASA GSFC Lunar?GND 1064.3 nm(downlink) 300 bps@PPM(downlink)
USA LLCD 2013 NASA GSFC Lunar?GND 1550 nm(downlink)1558 nm(uplink) 622 Mbps@PPM(downlink)
USA LLCD 2013 NASA GSFC Lunar?GND 1550 nm(downlink)1558 nm(uplink) 20 Mbps@PPM(uplink)
USA OPALS 2014 NASA JPL ISS?GND 1550 nm(downlink) 30~50 Mbps@IM/DD(downlink)
USA OCSD?B 2018 NASA LEO?GND 1064 nm(downlink) 50 Mbps/100Mbps@IM/DD(downlink)
USA LCRD 2021 NASA GSFC GEO?GND 1550 nm(duplex) 2.88 Gbps@DPSK(duplex)
USA LCRD 2021 NASA GSFC GEO?GND 1550 nm(duplex) 622 Mbps@PPM(duplex)
USA ILLUMA?T 2022 NASA GSFC LEO?GEO 1550 nm(duplex) 1.244 Gbps@DPSK
USA ILLUMA?T 2022 NASA GSFC LEO?GEO 1550 nm(duplex) (return link)
USA ILLUMA?T 2022 NASA GSFC LEO?GEO 1550 nm(duplex) 51 Mbps(forward link)
USA TBIRD 2022 NASA MIT LEO?GND 1550 nm(downlink) 200 Gbps(downlink)
USA TBIRD 2022 NASA MIT LEO?GND 1550 nm(downlink) 5 kbps@PPM(uplink)
USA O2O 2023 NASA JPL Lunar?GND 1550 nm(downlink) 80 Mbps@PPM(downlink)
USA O2O 2023 NASA JPL Lunar?GND 1550 nm(downlink) 20 Mbps(uplink)
USA DSOC 2022 NASA JPL Mars?GND 1550 nm(downlink)1060 nm(uplink) 264 Mbps@PPM(downlink)
USA DSOC 2022 NASA JPL Mars?GND 1550 nm(downlink)1060 nm(uplink) 2 kbps(uplink)
Europe SILEX 2001 ESA LEO?GEO 847 nm(LEO) 50 Mbps@IM/DD(LEO)
Europe SILEX 2001 ESA GEO?GND 819 nm(GEO) 2 Mbps@PPM(GEO)
Europe TerraSAR?X 2008 DLR LEO?LEO 1064 nm(duplex) 5.6 Gbps@BPSK(duplex)
Europe EDRS?A 2016 ESA GEO?GEO 1064 nm(duplex) 1.8 Gbps@BPSK(duplex)
Europe EDRS?A 2016 ESA GEO?LEO 1064 nm(duplex) 1.8 Gbps@BPSK(duplex)
Europe EDRS?C 2019 ESA GEO?GEO 1064 nm(duplex) 1.8 Gbps@BPSK(duplex)
Europe OPTEL?μ 2018 RUAG LEO?GND 1550 nm 2.5 Gbps@IM/DD(downlink)
Europe OSIRISv3/4 2020 DLR LEO?GND 1500 nm 10 Gbps@IM/DD(downlink)
Europe EDRS?D 2025 ESA GEO?GEO 1064 nm/1550 nm(duplex) 3.6 Gbps~10Gbps@BPSK(duplex)
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
🚨︎ report
Europe is ahead of the United States in the value of commercial real estate transactions…
👍︎ 332
👤︎ u/vortepocis
📅︎ Aug 23 2020
🚨︎ report
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has proposed that Europe should impose a carbon tax on American imports if Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate pact.…
👍︎ 94k
📅︎ Nov 15 2016
🚨︎ report
Thoughts on the United States of Europe?
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Jun 14 2021
🚨︎ report
Why aren't NATO countries (other than the United States) as conservative as the U.S. since they have the memory of the Cold War and anti-communism? Why isn't accusing the left of socialism or communism as effective in Canada or Europe as it is in the United States?
👍︎ 140
📅︎ Dec 06 2020
🚨︎ report

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