A list of puns related to "Recorder (judge)"
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot)
> Judge Stephan Futrell sentenced Gavin Stone, the news editor of the Richmond County Daily Journal, to five days in jail before having him handcuffed in court and hauled off to jail.
> Stone, who in January 2020 received a letter from a different judge reprimanding him for taking a photo inside a courtroom, was aware cellphones were prohibited and had been notified at the time that he wasn't allowed to bring a "Cellphone, camera or any other recording device into the courthouse" unless he had a judge's permission.
> A bailiff called him to return to court to speak with the judge and Stone accompanied him back.
> The judge sentenced Stone to five days in jail and fined Sasser $500."I was blown away that the decision was made that fast," Stone said.
> Jonathan Jones, a private attorney in Durham who handles free speech cases, called the judge's decision "Extremely unusual." Jones said an appeals court should find that Stone was wrongfully held in direct criminal contempt since he wasn't the one disrupting court proceedings.
> The newspaper stopped covering the murder trial once Stone was taken into custody, partially out of fear the judge would retaliate.
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