A list of puns related to "Porno"
They loved to cook sock.
At first I really didn't get it but in the end it came full circle.
You’ve got a friend in me
The Dictator
It's called Brown Chicken, Brown Cow
It was a real tear jerker!
Me: "Your first one? Yeah, bullshit."
Him: "No really. My god did I ever look young."
They called it "Broke Back Mountin'!"
Some would say I like to come to conclusions.
How young I looked back then.
The first letter.
We were watching the movie and she says "this movie isn't going anywhere", and I sit for a moment before replying, "yeah, 80's comedies were mostly a string of gags" pause for dramatic effect, "coincidentally, so were 80's pornos!"
I proceed to laugh at that for 2 minutes while she roles to her side and ignores me.
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