A list of puns related to "Liam"
She looked at me confused and said "What?"
I said, "I want to know how much that hem is worth."
Apparently his role was taken.
'Taken::::Out of context.'
A group of college kids were having the time of their lives, a few feet away.
They noticed Liam, and how lonely he was.
They start making fun of Liam, about how sad and depressed he looked.
He,liam was too noble for anger, and didn't react.
He just said
All my friends Argon.
You win, McGregor
You get a roll with it.
You got a roll with it
The year is 2045, space travel has finally gotten started.
As major companies scramble to come up with ways to capitalize on this new venture, Nissan decides to end its most popular light truck.
As the last one rolls off the line, they announce: "This is it, folks. This is the Final Frontier."
but all the good ones were taken
I will find you. You have my Word.
Dad moves Microsoft Office off of the home screen
Dad: To whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office, I will find you.
You have my word!
Liam Neeson is a huge movie star. He is so busy filming and traveling that he rarely checks his correspondence. One day, he goes to the post office so he can receive all his letters and a mailman asks him to sign a check out sheet. As Liam reads the paper, he notices something odd: right next to his name, the mailman wrote his name backwards. When asking why, the mailman replies: "it's not your name, sir, it's just that since you rarely come here, you haven't seen your mail before and I just wrote it down as a note".
And he was right, for Liam Neeson had "no seeN maiL".
The end.
Watching the new Liam Neeson trailer with my dad.
Me: I love Liam Neeson, but I feel like all his movies are turning into him saying threatening things into the phone.
Dad: Yeah, he should say other things like: "Is your refrigerator running? Because I'm coming to stop it!"
Because they're miss taken.
Because you got a roll with it.
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