A list of puns related to "Kirigiri Sou"
I just see a general lack of acknowledgement or enthusiasm for Kirigiri Sou, when it seems like a pretty cool visual novel spinoff and very original from what I can tell. Given that even the novels are translated into English frequently, I don't get why it wasn't released here. And besides that, I don't get why fans don't talk about it, like, at all. Can anyone enlighten me?
I got into Danganronpa pretty recently, I am on my way to complete the first game, and by far I would say I am doing a good job at avoiding spoilers and all.
I know the timeline is DR1->DR2->DRUDG->DR3->DRV3
But my question is, should I play Kirigiri Sou? I personally love Kyoko so much, she's my favorite character from the game so I would like to find out more things about her, the mystery surrounding her is what tempts me to play this game for the most part, when I heard that there was a game only about her I wanted to look out for information about it, but again, I wanted to avoid spoilers so I gave up in the end. And if I should play it, after which game? Ultra Despair Girls? I suppose they're all taken on release date order. But eh, just a guess.
Just want to know before I read it
I've heard that Kirigiri Sou is in fact canon, but only one route is. Which one might that be? Is it just the first one (and the only one that you can play at the beginning) or one of the unlockable ones? I know that one of the Plant Girl endings is labeled a "true" ending. There's also the rat aliens which seem to be... very non-canon. So what's canon here and what isn't?
If you like Santa Shikiba or Kirigiri Sou then this is the epicc subreddit for you. Come join.
Note: I recommend you have either seen all the playthrough or read all of the PDF before commenting here as there will be unmarked spoilers.
It's been almost a month since the Kirigiri Sou PDF has been released, so I think that's plenty of time for people to read it. I'm curious to see what people think about the game.
You can post any unmarked spoilers about the game.
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