Me and the boiengs
👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/jebbaok
📅︎ Feb 13 2020
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How do you improve your archery?

With better arrow dynamics.

👍︎ 45
👤︎ u/dothemagic
📅︎ Jul 19 2020
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Did you hear about the Boston Dynamics home-protection robot that failed to stop intruders due to faulty shoulder bolts?

It was easily disarmed.

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/cyphr0st
📅︎ Jul 22 2019
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I was pretty proud
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/justind523
📅︎ Dec 27 2018
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my pun please enjoy it

If you go to New York and punch the Empire State Building, then according to Newton's third law of dynamics...

The Empire strikes back

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Aug 29 2019
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I had a racing snail...

To make him more aero-dynamic I took off its shell. If anything it made him more sluggish

👍︎ 361
👤︎ u/kickypie
📅︎ May 27 2019
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Whats the best instrument to fall on you?

Piano because it's the softest!

👍︎ 18
👤︎ u/shmalden
📅︎ Oct 20 2018
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Stranger at the airport dadjoked my dadjoke.

i was getting off an airplane, and i passed a little boy who was saying "bye, plane!". i, remembering a dadjoke i saw here, said "no, this isn't a biplane" The kid's dad immediately gave me a condescending look and said "you can't tell it's sexual preference based just on how it looks."

👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/jpresken2
📅︎ Jul 23 2014
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