A list of puns related to "Vamoose"
Below are spoilers for the new episode of missing on 9/11 titled Vamoose.
This episode is the longest episode so far with 59 minutes including ads.
I have only listened to the episode once so far, so my apologizes if my notes have any typos or errors.
My Notes:
The episode starts off talking about the post card. The Post card was mailed to post secret in 2005, a year before the famous Sneha article which made her case well known. Sketch was likely made from charcoal.
Dr E again believes she is still alive and that the post secret could be her. Mark Bogatin thinks the idea that she is alive is not feasible and crazy, no evidence of preparation, no transactions, no emails, glasses and all id left at apartment, etc . Richard Stark also thinks it is crazy as she was so close with her mother and wouldnโt just run away. Walczak says itโs nearly impossible to disappear without being caught eventually, but she could have had help with the person she was at on the 10th
A possible sighting of Sneha on Sep 27 2001 by a reverend in Long Island. He said it strongly resembled her but the woman had a strong Indian accident while Sneha didnโt have an accent. Family doesnโt think it was her. On Jan 24 2004, activity connected to Sneha with an address in LA. False alarm, Ron lived there. Ron told LAPD that the phone call at 4am on 9/11 was probably him on accident. Investigators in LA told Ron that they donโt believe Sneha died in 9/11 as no evidence, but Ron assumed she did. Sneha linked to databases after 9/11, one of Snehaโs email addresses linked to a LinkedIn account in the UAE. Profile has no activity and no friends. These connections are most likely database errors according to Walczak.
Walczak interviews an expert on faking death and Pseudo science. Expert says that it would be possible to fake death and not be found, be we donโt know for sure as they donโt come forward. Top motivation for faking death is life insurance fraud, and most people who do it are male (or men get caught more, we donโt know which gender doesnโt get caught more). Women donโt fake their death as much as they have been conditioned as caretakers. Top motive for men is insurance fraud, top motive for women is for more serious reason such as threat of violence, etc. Someone named Frank who helps people disappear, said the top three reasons are money, violence, and love. The people who donโt get caught typically plan heavily. Expert says that Sneha could have done it in the short run, b
... keep reading on reddit โกwhen i started removal, vamoose and removery were two separate businesses. removery had 1 chicago location and vamoose had 4, now removery has 3 (two of which used to be vamoose). removery's website has two new chicago locations that say "formerly vamoose tattoo removal." mods, you can remove if this is irrelevant but i found this interesting and wonder why they rebranded. i've had a couple sessions at the first removery location in schaumburg and am happy with the service there but have considered checking out vamoose (and other clinics) given removery's reputation. what do you guys think this means? would the other locations be worth checking out? any other chicagoans have any input?
The chart for $GBTC first signaled a death cross several days ago and this was confirmed by a serious impulsive break of an 8 month support line
Looks like the Gold Buses don't start leaving until noon, and we'll need to be down in DC by that time. Are the regular Vamoose buses the next best thing? Or should we switch to another line?
Thank you!
My guess?:
A French Quebecer was telling some moose he found on his property to go away.
"Va Moose! Va t'en!"
roughly translates to "Get Moose! Get outta here!"
Tree, va, go!
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