A list of puns related to "Tediousness"
He came of age among this suffering and at 21 was finally able to legally change his name. He arrived at the government office where he presented himself:
-I'm James Fart and I want to legally change my name!
Of course they laughed at him (everybody did) but eventually they all settled and came around to the situation.
-Ok, so... your current name is.. Β·chucklesΒ· James Fart... I'm sorry, I just...
-I know, everybody has been laughing at my name since as long as I can remember.
After a long and tedious process, everything is ready.
-Very well, sorry for the delays but you know how hard this protocols are. The good news: you are no longer "James Fart", what name do you want instead?
-Charles Fart.
I'm a lawyer who clerks for a judge. We had a long, tedious day of jury selection, a process known as voir dire (pronounced vwar-deer). After 6 hours of work, I looked at him and said "after this voir dire, I could sure use a voir beer!"
Roommate "I have been studying these three pages of notes on geological formations. It's so tedious."
Me "Yes, but, would you say that the information is rock solid?"
My girlfriend was visibly upset.
We were on homework time, but I didn't have any to do. As such, I whipped out the school library's copy of Les Miserables I was tediously working my way through. He noticed this.
Him: Oh? Did you hear there's a sequel?
Me: Really?
Him: Yep. It's called More Miserables.
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