What do you call a team of superhuman pastors?

The A-men

👍︎ 12
📅︎ Sep 20 2021
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In a world where people with superpowers make up 1% of the world population, people with two make up 1% of that 1%. These people born with two superhuman abilities are called squares.

Squares are raised to a second power.

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Guru9224
📅︎ Mar 29 2021
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Frankly speaking
👍︎ 87
📅︎ Mar 26 2020
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So there this kid that really loves tractors...

He has tractors books and toys,tractor wallpaper and pajamas, a tractor lunchbox, you name it.

The kids ambition when he grows up is to drive a tractor.

A few years later and the kid is old enough to drive a tractor for the first time,ends up falling out and breaking his leg. This puts him off tractors for good.

A while later he is out in town and hears screams, "help" comes the screams, "that building is burning,there are people trapped inside,they could die of smoke inhalation" The kid goes up to the building,opens a window and cups his hand like a straw. In one breath he sucks all the smoke out and saves the day.

How did you do that asks the crowd watching,that's superhuman. Oh that's nothing says the kid, I am an ex tractor fan!!!

👍︎ 13
📅︎ Aug 09 2021
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