Post-ejaculatory symptoms of pudendal neuralgia?

Hi Reddit!

I (22M) am writing this because for a number of years I have been occasionally experiencing pain and irritation in the nethers after masturbation. I don't know the exact cause, nor have I found a definitive explanation/condition which fits my case, and I hope that you might be able to help me.

Sometimes when I masturbate more frequently than usual my nethers flare up. Basically, I get sharp pain and/or itchiness in the meatus and anus (also in the testicles if it's really severe), as well as an inflamed feeling in the perineum area. I say occasionally because while it happens because of excessive mastubation, it is not a regular occurence/respone to it. The symptoms disappear after one or two days of rest depending on the severity of the particular case.

Some previous digging and questions on reddit have lead me to believe that it is some kind of pudendal nerualgia. Basically, I believe that the pudendal/perineum nerve package gets entrapped, irritated or otherwise disturbed from masturbation or maybe more particularly ejaculation. I should add that while I do spend a lot of time sitting, my current flare-up occured after masturbation in bed. While I have spent a lot of time sitting down I have spent an arguably longer time laying/sitting down in bed (I have been sick and recovering, mostly in bed). In contrast, I have had several similar "binges" or mastubatory periods where I am sitting and no flare-ups occur.

The lack of consistency confuses me and my lack of medical knowledge/experience doesn't help much. I don't get inhibited much from the symptoms: it can be hard to tell when I need to pee due to the irritation, and there is a degree of numbness (I think it's better described as swelling or soreness) of the perineum which makes the "front" part of the anus a little desensitized when pooping. The pain dissipates after a day or two of rest and simple paracetamol relieves the pain, so I don't feel much urgency from the situation.

Do you have any explanation or insight into my problem? I appreciate any tips or similar cases that could shed some light into this. I do realize that I would probably never experience this with some moderation of my carnal desires, but I would prefer understanding the problem since it does not seem like a normal thing from lack of search results/desirable answers.

Thanks for taking your time to read this!

Edit: Changed the word scrotum to perineum as I confused the two

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πŸ‘€︎ u/DrownedEagle
πŸ“…︎ Jan 26 2022
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Vestibulodynia/Vulvodynia/Pudendal Neuralgia after nightmare surgery

First time posting, but I’ve been checking this forum quite often for help. My story is a bit complex, but it has turned into a nightmare. I am 24/female, and have always had pain with sex. It was always around my vaginal entrance and vestibule area, and it was a burning, sandpaper, acid-like feeling. I thought this was normal, and always just tried my best to ignore the pain. I never had any vulvar pain outside of sexual intercourse. So I didn’t worry about it too much, and just learned to live with the pain during sex.

Fast forward to when I was 23, I went to a gynecologist because I was starting to have pretty bad irritation that came with this condition called labial hypertrophy (basically β€œlarger-than-average” labia minora.) My labia would rub together so badly during exercise and would bust holes in my underwear and just caused general discomfort. The gynecologist suggested a labiaplasty, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I went into the surgery not informed of any of the potential risks or loss of function. I woke up with the majority of my labia minora cut off, especially down near my vaginal entrance. Basically all that is left down there is vestibular tissue. It was beyond traumatizing. My incisions became infected which required antibiotics right after surgery, which led to a six month battle with nonstop yeast and bacterial infections. I had never had either before. They finally subsided with lots of boric acid suppositories, but I am left with a constant burning pain around my vagina and I have been negative for infections for the last few months. The gynecologists I’ve gone to don’t know what’s going on anymore.

I only got the labiaplasty in hopes to ease my chaffing problem, but what it led to was extensive nerve damage, months of infections that burned my vestibule and turned my vestibulodynia into a chronic 24/7 burning pain, and a loss of genital sensation. It’s been so traumatizing and I lost my relationship because of what happened. Sex is out of the question now, and I have turned into a shell of my former self because I’m terrified to ever get into a relationship while dealing with this. I feel like everyone will just leave eventually like my ex did.

It’s been 10 months since this surgery. After the infections finally clearing up, I have persistent burning vaginal pain. There is some redness in the lower vestibule area, and I was prescribed various steroid creams that did nothing. The burning pain became generalized after

... keep reading on reddit ➑

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πŸ‘€︎ u/cheesewheeze123
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2021
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Cpps or muscle imbalance or pudendal neuralgia ? Any hope

I am having a sharp dull pain around the muscle/ligament (don't know what it is:exact location around the start of bum crack )attached to the tailbone if I clench my buttock muscle ( like one does in ejaculation) for the past 3 months.This gets relieved on lying down with legs spread out and gentle massage of the area by hand .

I get morning wood almost like (4 times a week ) and am able to get erect while laying legs spread out but find difficult to get erection while sitting and standing.Am unable to sustain erection for longer time without constant simulation and need vigorous simulation to get erect and loose erection fast in like 30-40 sec.Earlier used to have blood flow into the penis and able to move it like throbbing without touching which now feels almost impossible to do.There are sometimes sharp spasms in my thighs too .Kind of lost my libido

*Recently, developed a kind of constant weird sensation of feeling blood flowing in the bum area majorly along butt crack and in perineum which is position dependent. These symptoms are really making me paranoid and would greatly appreciate if someone out there helps me in directionally moving *Reading on the internet points out to pudendal entrapment/prostatis like various symptoms ? Or is it me being stressed? . Is there a hope that I can be cured back ? Apologies for the long post

Used to be a smoker .10 Cigs a day Had quit 6 months back . Also used to masturbate high on weed for last couple of years majorly in mansplaing position.Quit it . Male 28 ,5'10",71kg

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πŸ‘€︎ u/jcudrow
πŸ“…︎ Jan 24 2022
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6 days into switching from 40mg amitriptyline to 50mg nortriptyline (for pudendal neuralgia / nerve pain)

I’m six days into my switch. After the first dose I felt a bit groggy, felt fine days 2 3 4 but yesterday and today I’ve felt weird. I thought I was gonna get constipated, I didn’t for the first couple days to my surprise and I felt fine and thought it was mad I wasn’t affected by the switch. It also doesn’t make me tired which I thought was gonna happen. Yesterday and today I’ve had a constant headache, dehydrated, nausea but hungry and almost like constipation / indigestion but I can still go in small amounts. Did anyone else experience this during their switch? It’s nothing I can’t handle as long as this cures my pain and side effects subside at some point but I’m just curious to know if this is normal?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/blondeey_98
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
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how to get a proper diagnosis for pudendal neuralgia, levator ani syndrome

Hi Everyone!

I was wondering what tests can be done to rule out pudendal neuralgia, levator ani syndrome, or nerve entrapment? Female 26 btw.

Thank you

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πŸ‘€︎ u/SanaaBhatt95
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2022
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Pudendal Nerve Scans, Pudendal Nerve Entrapment

Has anyone possibly had an ultrasound or MRI(or EMG) to specifically show the pudendal nerve and check for some form of entrapment. I have no idea if this is any kind of cause, I am just throwing out suggestions and trying to investigate all potential avenues. I've been doing physical therapy for over a year, stretches, and had trigger point injections intrarectally into the pelvic floor muscles without much success or relief(I probably am worse). I also have certain symptoms that would seem to point to a neurological dysfunction of some kind like intense tingling down the legs and in the feet which is correlatively triggered when having bowel movement especially, but sometimes just sitting. From a paper published in April of this year on 'Pudendal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome' in the NCBI journal:

"Anatomy of the Pudendal Nerve:

The pudendal nerve emerges from the S2, S3, and S4 roots' ventral rami of the sacral plexus. It carries sensory, motor, and autonomic fibers; however, an injury to the pudendal nerve causes sensory deficits more than motor. It courses between two muscles, the piriformis and coccygeus muscles. It departs the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen ventral to the sacrotuberous ligament. It passes medial to and under the sacrospinous ligament at the ischial spine level to re-enter the pelvic cavity through a lesser sciatic foramen. The pudendal nerve then courses in the pudendal canal, which is also called the Alcock canal. The three last branches of the pudendal nerve terminate in the ischioanal fossa. These are the inferior rectal branch, perineal branch, and dorsal sensory nerve of the penis or clitoris. However, there are case reports which have shown variability in the anatomy of the pudendal nerve.[2][3]"

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πŸ‘€︎ u/forestofdoom19999
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2021
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Has anyone with pudendal neuralgia/PGAD like symptoms seen success with IV Ketamine?
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πŸ‘€︎ u/SpeedLimitsSuck89
πŸ“…︎ Jan 19 2022
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Experiences with pudendal nerve blocks?

I've been diagnosed and un-diagnosed with IC for years, but my main symptoms are intense urethral burning, painful pressure points in my vagina, bladder stinging/burning sensations, issues wearing tight underwear or pants, and lots of urethral pain during penetration. I've done pelvic floor PT and I take 300 mg of gabapentin daily.

I recently saw a new urogynecologist who wants me to do pudendal nerve blocks. She wants to do the injections through the vaginal wall 1x per week for 6 weeks. Never been diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia, but I'm desperate to feel better. It's been years.

Anyone have experience with transvaginal pudendal nerve blocks? How's the recovery? Does it help with urethral pain and penetration? Do you lose clitoris sensation? I can't find good answers online anywhere!

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πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
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Pudendal neuralgia and suicide thoughts

Perineum pain, defectaion pain, burning pain in penis, ED, .... Stupid treatments that not work, lot of time and money waste. More than 2 years now. Im 30 and not to continue with my life. I thinked that hanging is the best mothod for suicide in countries where not have access to firearms. My life is a real doom, i only want peace.

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πŸ“…︎ Dec 11 2021
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Pudendal neuralgia - spinal cord stimulation?

Hey guys, wondering if anyone here has had spinal cord stimulation implanted, and how well that has helped their pain?

I’ve had pudendal neuralgia confirmed as a diagnosis with a nerve block and radiofrequency, however it hasn’t seemed to help so far (2 weeks in).

Also alternatively if anyone has had a successful pudendal nerve decompression surgery done?

Thanks in advance.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/natur3ify
πŸ“…︎ Dec 23 2021
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Acoustic Shockwave Therapy Cured My Pudendal Neuralgia

Hi everyone,

After seeing about ten specialists, I finally decided to give acoustic shockwave therapy a try out of pure desperation. They treated my left pudendal nerve, in the perineum area, especially near to the sit bone where I experienced burning and snagging sensations.

After the first treatment, which was three months ago, I've never had those symptoms again. I have been sitting down all day, exercising, everything, and it has not returned. I used to have to deal with it daily. The clinician said that essentially what it does is break down the scar tissue/fascia build up irritating the pathway of the nerve.

I'm still shocked that it worked, and I'm even more amazed that hardly anyone is talking about this. Acoustic and focused shockwaves break down plaque/scar tissue/fascia without harming nerves, and they do so extremely effectively.

I still feel some residual tension along the left side of my dick (had it for years), which he did not treat, which I plan to treat myself. I just ordered an at home acoustic shockwave device to do so.

For those skeptical as I was, acoustic shockwave therapy has been around for many years to treat all kinds of conditions, it's only recently that people have realized it can permanently treat pelvic pain and erectile issues by causing deep tissue repair.

Just sharing the good news! Thank God for technological progress!


I don't think that acoustic shockwave therapy will resolve the original cause of my pudendal neuralgia.

I still no longer have the acute burning sensations, but there is still muscle imbalance in my left adductor hip. After further inspection, I think I have the left AIC pattern, which I am now trying to resolve.

So yes the acoustic shockwave helped resolve the acute weird nerve sensations in my pelvis, but did not solve the root source of the issues.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/HickorySocks
πŸ“…︎ Nov 10 2021
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Erectile dysfunction, pelvic pain, rectal ball sensation, anyone else? Pudendal Neuralgia?


Anyone else? Pudendal Neuralgia? Need dΓ©compression surgery for pudendal neuralgia ? Advices please

My symptoms: Erectile dysfunction, pelvic pain, burns, rectal ball sensation, no morning Wood, my dick seems dead and cold.

Please help me. Thanks

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πŸ“…︎ Nov 20 2021
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Can CPPS cause Pudendal Neuralgia?

So after reading up on the condition itself and going through this stuff the second time I know for a fact that I have CPPS. I have typical problems related to hypertonic pelvic floor. The first time it happened in the extreme stress period. After brutal battle I recovered. A month or two ago after being relatively free of this stuff for 4 months it occurred again under extreme stress. However I am worried that it caused irreversible damage to my pudendal nerve.

Symptoms (1st time) :

  • Constipation (pushing against the wall)

  • Urinary frequency

  • Penis tip irritation

  • Hard flaccid (cold feeling)

  • Painful ejaculation

  • Pain bellow belly button

  • Stomach gurgling

  • Twitches all over the body

Symptoms (this time):

  • Constipation (much less)

  • Urinary frequency

  • Slight irritation at the tip

  • Occasional pain below belly button

  • Stomach gurgling

  • Twitches

  • Reduced sensation when masturbating and orgasm

Reduced sensation worries me a lot. I am worried that my Pudendal Nerve got damaged from muscle tension in Pelvic Floor. If yes, can this nerve recover? The first time I experienced pain when ejaculating but that at least means that nerve is working but now sensation is muted.

Can anyone clarify?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Ambush995
πŸ“…︎ Nov 22 2021
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Is this prostatis is or pudendal nerve ?

I had chlamydia back in February burning sensations went away . But weeks later I started getting these sharp deviating burning pains down the middle of my penis that would come and go randomly maybe last 2 secs. I was put on more antibiotics. Symptoms went away 2 weeks later they came back. This went on for 3 months . Now I haven’t had these pains for the last 4 months but I have had chronic testicle pain what could this be ?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Small-Sound4355
πŸ“…︎ Nov 17 2021
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Worried about Pudendal Nerve Entrapment or neuralgia

Long story short, about almost 6 months ago now I think I hurt my penis somehow, or masturbated in an odd way that set off some sort of nerve issues within my penis. There is a lack of sensation and sometimes there were pains in the penis.

As time went on, usually after I masturbate or even now when I don’t, I am getting bad pains in my tail bone, or thereabouts. Also hurts to sit and even stand and sometimes just about anything, around the anal region and levator ani, I believe.

The pain kind of travels, sometimes my buttocks feels super sensitive and painful, almost like mini spasms? It’s causing me distress and I’m taking close to 1200 mg of ibuprofen a day. What should I do?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/sirk1894
πŸ“…︎ Oct 22 2021
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Not pudendal nerve entrapment, but yes pudendal neuralgia...

Nerve suffer becouse muscles tigh or similar?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/cuervo_13
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
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Questions about Pudendal Neuralgia

Unfortunately, I'm suffering from pudendal neuralgia. I've been trying to find ways to ease the pain (i'm standing up 90% of the time, I do some stretches before going to bed, I don't do intense physical activity). I've also tried to stop any sexual activity (noticing that masturbation was sometimes painful to the nerve)... but my body doesn't seem to want to let it go. Indeed, I've been getting a lot of nocturnal emissions lately (something like once a week). Most of the times, it wakes me up with a burning sensation. Thus, I'm wondering if me stopping my sexual life is even worth it since I get these nocturnal emissions anyway ? This is like getting double the punishment : I'm still getting pain but I'm not even getting pleasure from the act since it happens in my sleep.

Thank you for your answers in advance !

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πŸ‘€︎ u/TheAzurOne
πŸ“…︎ Nov 29 2021
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Software Engineers with Prostatitis/Pudendal Neuralgia?How do you cope

Especially those with problems sitting. Im a CS undergrad who just developedthis condition

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Few_Visual_4518
πŸ“…︎ Nov 24 2021
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Is it possible to get irreversible nerve damage WITHOUT ever experiencing severe nerve pain from sudden injury, but rather jusr going 3-5 years with mild pudendal nerve and pelvic floor irritation from sitting a lot?

I have had mild ED and perineum and sciatica irritation for 3-5 years from sitting too much, but never once experienced a sudden injury or excruciating pain that people talk about, just pudendal discomfort that gradually worsened over the years to the point where the pain is now moderate and goes along with tingling and occasional spasms. Can **permanent** nerve death ONLY happen from a sudden severe injury, or can it even happen from extended irritation for many years? I don't know how nerve work and always assumed a nerve would have to be suddenly and violently injured to cause any amount of irriversible nerve death, but my nurse told me its possible for long term nerve strangulation to cause some permanent nerve death even if there was never excruciating pain or sudden blunt injury.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/ipooinyourshoe
πŸ“…︎ Nov 22 2021
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What possible treatments are there for penis desensitization? Would it be stimulating the pudendal nerve or platelet rich plasma therapy or something else? Thanks in advance
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πŸ“…︎ Nov 01 2021
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Internal Pudendal Artery and Pudendal Nerve
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πŸ‘€︎ u/sirk1894
πŸ“…︎ Nov 21 2021
🚨︎ report
Do you have a tight perineum that spasms, pudendal nerve pain, and ED? Worried that your muscles are too strong from constipation? Don't. Constipation does NOT strengthen muscles, and kegels will help.

Do you have a bulging perineum, issues with your pudendal nerve, mild perineum and penis spasms, or at least weakness and ED? You may mistakenly think that because your perineum is hard and bulges out, that it has too much muscle tone from constipation, or other straining. This is not true. It looks hard because it is too tight, and it looks big because the muscle has dropped, NOT because the muscle is too strong. Straining does not strengthen anything. Straining and constipation is a RESULT of a weak pelvic floor, and kegels can help with constipation and ED, in addition to breathing exercises and hip, core, and glute strengthening.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Ipooinursoup
πŸ“…︎ Sep 30 2021
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My pudendal nerve is so pinched and prone to spasms that I can't do rehabilitative exercises. Any lesser known tips for calming down the pelvic floor apart from breath work and child pose position?

My PT said it may be a couple months before my nerve becomes loose enough for PT exercises and I should only stretch right now, but stretching and breath work alone isn't calming down my nerve fast enough. How can I relax and loosen the pelvic floor while also giving the pudendal nerve proper rest and nutrition to heal once it becomes less tight?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Ipooinursoup
πŸ“…︎ Oct 30 2021
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Pudendal nerve entrapment causes weak erections. But does it also cause frequent erections?

I notice I've been getting 20-40 boners a day the past 6 months. Any image of attractive women of Facebook, messages I get, or brief thoughts, anything will instantly make me erect. It's bad because it stresses the nerve and makes the ED worse. I need to just relax the nerve for 6 months with no stimulation and continue pelvic floor stretches. On the other hand, maybe I've always gotten frequent erections, and its just more noticeable now because it causes discomfort? Is 20-40 times a day average for a guy in his 20s? (apart from the fact that they're soft and hard to maintain because of the trapped nerve. But its not "hard flaccid". It is a true erection, but doesn't maintain or feel as rigid). Any tips for avoiding sexual stimulation?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Ipooinursoup
πŸ“…︎ Oct 28 2021
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Question about the Alcock's Canal: does it matter where the pudendal nerve is trapped? Pelvic floor relaxation is recommended for most of us, but I recently found out that there are 3 different places where the pudendal nerve can get trapped. Does it matter where?

The reason why this is so important is many physical therapists have said that nerve entrapment in the Alcock's Canal is similar to other areas of entrapment, but can have different symptoms and can be harder to rehabilitate vs other areas where the pudendal nerve can be entrapped. So I'm wondering if different exercises or stretches are necessary vs other types of nerve entrapment?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Ipooinursoup
πŸ“…︎ Oct 27 2021
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Pudendal irritation in skinny people who sit all day

I saw another doctor, this time colorectal, and he explained pudendal irritation is more common in skinny people who sit all day as a result of their profession or other reasons and because there is less cushion to protect the pudendal nerve if you are skinny, you are sitting right on the nerve. I find this to be my case and it progressed over the course of 2020 while working from home. Also when I was younger, I often felt like I was sitting right on the sitz bone because there's no cushion there.

I'm trying to avoid sitting as much as possible and doing physical therapy exercises to strengthen the surrounding area. Does anyone else find this to be the case for them?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/vanderpyyy
πŸ“…︎ Oct 02 2021
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[35M] Possible compression of sciatic and pudendal nerves, causing pain and discomfort.

35 yo white male. Dx/ persistent depressive disorder, GAD, ADHD. Rx: Lexapro 20 mg 1x/daily, Adderall XR 10 mg 1x/daily, meloxicam 1x/daily 30 days, Cyclobenzaprine PRN. No surgeries, hospitalizations, or injuries in the last 10 years.

Prior to spring 2019, I exercised 3-5 times per week, usually weight lifting and low impact cardio exercise. I’ve always avoided cycling because that motion causes an uncomfortable sensation of something rolling over and popping on my hip joints (more the right than the left). My job involved (and still involves) a lot of sitting. In spring 2019 I started to notice a dull, aching pain in my hip joints, made worse by prolonged sitting. I moved to a new city and new job, and noticed the hip pain and discomfort worsening over the next few months.

I began to notice more lower back pain, discomfort in my right hip and leg when lying down, and a really bothersome issue: the area between my testicles and anus felt tense, like an overworked muscle, and my penis (especially along the underside, frenulum, and glans) felt significantly more sensitive than normal. Not painful, just more sensitive; if 0 is normal sensation, -10 is complete numbness, and +10 is unbearably heightened sensitivity, I was sitting at about a +6. This made sexual activity uncomfortable at times, as pleasurable sensations were almost uncomfortable, and my orgasm control was nearly gone.

Over the course of the following year, I began to notice first a dull ache radiating up the back of my right leg, from my calf to my buttock. This worsened over time, to the point that I’d experience tingling and numbness along the back of my right leg, made worse by prolonged sitting or walking. Still experiencing the heightened sensitivity in my pelvic area and genitals (although this has improved overall, and comes and goes), and still the tight, dull painful feeling in my hips. I also feel a dull achy pain in the arch of my right foot.

I saw a chiropractor for two months with little improvement. I then saw an orthopedist who ordered X-rays and MRIs of my hips; no abnormal results. I saw an electrophysiologist who said he was β€œ99% sure” I have piriformis syndrome.

Since then, the only thing I have found that improves the pain and discomfort in my hips, pelvis, genitals, and leg is deep tissue massage of my right leg.

Any ideas on what this all is? How to treat it?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/nefutrell
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
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Did my CBP lead to pudendal neuralgia or just pelvic floor issue IM FRUSTRATED

So back in may i had slept with a girl and shortly i started having irritation and transparent discharge and then i visited a uro judging by the symptoms he told me it could be chlamydia or gonorrhea i panicked and later the swab test showed that its acinetobacter lwoffi apparently its a rare bacteria and he prescribed me azithromycin for 3 days and extended for 3 more didn’t work and i didn’t visit hospital for another month waited to see it could resolve by time and then i visited another uro showed him the reports and explained everything and he prescribed me with levo for 14 days helped me but not completely and he prescribed me azithromycin for 3 days and then again 2-0-2 for another 3 days then i got a fever and a coldsore on the corner of my lip visited the same doc again he did some blood tests and ultrasound everything(bladder and prostate) was normal and it wasn’t acute prostatitis either he prescribed me cefuroxime helped me again but still a 10% and between every visit the infection grew back and again i ate some levo still not working realizing that its chronic did psa test to see for any tissue damage and the result came out <0.4 and again everything is normal and then for the last time he prescribed combination of azithro and cefixime and then i personally didn’t feel it worked 100% i took levo and cefixime for another 2 weeks along with strict diet, stretching and sitting in hot water to increase blood flow to prostate and masturbation every 2 days to flush out bacteria it finally helped after ruining my body for 3 months of antibiotics i started having urinary frequency low stream of urine rest of the issues resolved burning pee and prostate nerve irritation but i had trouble starting to pee i thought pregablin could help me i took for once in a week helped me with starting to pee but back to urine frequency and whenever i masturbate or have sex i get the seminal fluid(clear fluid) as soon as i have an erection and since i took the pregablin also i started vaping /drinking/smokin weed and my nerves around anus and pelvic floor floor burn and feel heavy whenever i wanna pee or have an wrection and as soon as i pee i feel relieved and it repeats also i am still suffering with urinary problems not to forget i have also taken betmega for OAB for 20 days also been taking tamsulosin since beginning of visiting the 2nd doc(end of july)along with pumpkin seed oil extract for inflammation of prostate what could be my issue pls help

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πŸ“…︎ Nov 17 2021
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β€œStudies show pudendal nerve decompression is bullshit with low success”

Can any of you provide me with these studies because try as I may I just can’t find them, but I’d really like to read them.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/trav5270
πŸ“…︎ Jul 29 2021
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Pudendal nerve entrapment

So I have been diagnosed with pudendal nerve entrapment. Now the question is does this have a solution? From what I read it looks quite bleak, but I don't know much. Thanks for any info or experience. Hugs to all. This s*** is tough.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/what_now_2021
πŸ“…︎ Sep 14 2021
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Diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia?

21M saw a PFPt over a video visit told me since most of my symptoms are in the genitals groin lower abdomen I’m having front pelvic floor issues with pudendal neuralgia. She didn’t answer all my questions. Is there a good recovery for it? Will I have to abstain from sex/masturbation till it does? I’ve been made aware that strengthening the front core is key to long term success but strengthening also comes with soreness in the core/pelvis. Is that normal?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/fadedguy41
πŸ“…︎ Sep 02 2021
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CPPS or Pudendal Neuralgia?

Hey all, I’m just trying to gain clarity on Pudendal Neuralgia and what the symptoms look like as opposed to CPPS.

Currently I’m going through a variety of different symptoms such as: pelvic pain, slightly frequent urination, dribbling after finishing urination, erectile dysfunction issues (sometimes numbness and coldness feeling in the glans)

I’ve been also having significant pain when I sit down near my tailbone if I sit for too long, and pain that hits in my lower left back right near the glute, I’ve read some details about how the pudendal nerve when it’s damaged can cause symptoms like this.

I was wondering if anyone here knew about pudendal neuralgia and how to treat it, and if it ties into CPPS?

I’m going to consult my doctor to figure out more about my symptoms too.

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/Honest-Ad-5828
πŸ“…︎ Nov 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Gabapentin for pudendal nerve neuralgia ? Anyone take this drug before? What to expect?

I am a 23 F who developed pudendal neuralgia after getting married. I am currently being seen at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago for this condition at their speciality vulvar clinic. While waiting to be evaluated for other treatment options, I was prescribed gabapentin 100mg (I have a tapering up schedule ).

I am a little worried to take the drug and was curious what I should expect and if anyone found relief from their pelvic nerve pain with this drug? I have been struggling for several months with this and would appreciate any advice a great deal.

I just want my life back.

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/CeceNaoma
πŸ“…︎ Oct 16 2021
🚨︎ report
pudendal neuralgia

How do you know if you have this? I just spend a few hour researching it and I am scared i have it Bc most of my pain is on one side and i experience thigh and leg pain as well. Is it treatable? I read some horror stories of it and slowly losing all hope

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Life_Ad584
πŸ“…︎ Oct 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Question for people who have had pudendal nerve blocks on both sides of their butt (injection in each butt cheek)or people who know a lot about it!

I posted several months ago about the pros and cons of getting a pudendal nerve block for interstitial cystitis/vulvodynia after my uro gyn suggested it (with imaging) and people were very helpful! So I got the procedure done almost 3 days ago and I don’t feel any improvement at all (but the doctor said I may not feel any improvement for 3-6 weeks), but my main concern is: how long is it normal for my butt cheeks to be very sore after the injections? Additionally, my physical therapist told me that if my genital area and vagina didn’t feel numb right after the procedure, then that means either that the procedure wasn’t done in the right place or it rules out that the pudendal nerve block plays a role in my pain. I was not at all numb in the area after the procedure. Also, what does nerve damage feel like? Since the procedure I’ve been feeling tiny second-long pinches/stings on my limbs and wondering if that’s just me being scared or actually something? What are you thoughts?? All welcome

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ“…︎ Sep 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Anyone heard of pudendal neuralgia?
πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/jlongv
πŸ“…︎ Jan 24 2022
🚨︎ report
Does any one had similar symptoms ?Need consultation advice ?/Worried about Pudendal entrapment

I am having a sharp dull pain around the muscle/ligament (don't know what it is:exact location around the start of bum crack )attached to the tailbone if I clench my buttock muscle ( like one does in ejaculation) for the past 3 months.This gets relieved on lying down with legs spread out and gentle massage of the area by hand and gets aggravated on sitting with legs spread out(like mansplaining position) .

I get morning wood almost like (4 times a week ) and am able to get erect while laying legs spread out but find difficult to get erection while sitting and standing.Post the onset of the pain around bum ; am unable to sustain erection for longer time without constant simulation and need vigorous simulation to get erect and loose erection fast in like 30-40 sec.Earlier used to have blood flow into the penis and able to move it like throbbing without touching which now feels almost impossible to do.

I have mild discomfort pain like sensation on the tip of the penis sometimes and also achy sensation in balls, penile shaft intermittently.On hard pressing the sit bones area with fingers I also feel prickly sensation which goes away as soon as finger goes away . Also,started to feel very mild prickly sensation around the anus after sitting . Recently, developed a weird sensation of feeling blood flowing in the bum area .These symptoms are really making me paranoid and would greatly appreciate if someone out there helps me. Reading on the internet points out to pudendal entrapment like symptoms . Went to two Drs who don't have any clue around it .Can anyone suggest whom to consult urologist/sexologist/neurologist or physical therapy guys ?? Apologies on for the long post Male 28 ,5'10",71kgs

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πŸ‘€︎ u/jcudrow
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
Six days into my switch from 40mg amitriptyline to 50mg nortriptyline for pudendal neuralgia / nerve pain / IC

I’m six days into my switch. After the first dose I felt a bit groggy, felt fine days 2 3 4 but yesterday and today I’ve felt weird. I thought I was gonna get constipated, I didn’t for the first couple days to my surprise and I felt fine and thought it was mad I wasn’t affected by the switch. It also doesn’t make me tired which I thought was gonna happen. Yesterday and today I’ve had a consistent headache, dehydrated, nausea but hungry and almost like constipation / indigestion but I can still go in small amounts. Did anyone else experience this during their switch? It’s nothing I can’t handle as long as this cures my pain and side effects subside at some point but I’m just curious to know if this is normal?

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/blondeey_98
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Can anyone relate to the symptoms ? Distressed ,Is it non curable pudendal entrapment?

I am having a sharp dull pain around the muscle/ligament (don't know what it is:exact location around the start of bum crack )attached to the tailbone if I clench my buttock muscle ( like one does in ejaculation) for the past 3 months.This gets relieved on lying down with legs spread out and gentle massage of the area by hand and gets aggravated on sitting with legs spread out(like mansplaining position) .

I get morning wood almost like (4 times a week ) and am able to get erect while laying legs spread out but find difficult to get erection while sitting and standing.Post the onset of the pain around bum ; am unable to sustain erection for longer time without constant simulation and need vigorous simulation to get erect and loose erection fast in like 30-40 sec.Earlier used to have blood flow into the penis and able to move it like throbbing without touching which now feels almost impossible to do.There are sometimes sharp spasms in my thighs too

I have mild discomfort pain like sensation on the tip of the penis sometimes and also achy sensation in balls, penile shaft intermittently.On very hard pressing the sit bones area with fingers I also feel slight prickly sensation which goes away as soon as finger goes away . Also,started to feel very mild on off prickly sensation around the anus after sitting . Recently, developed a weird sensation of feeling blood flowing in the bum area .These symptoms are really making me paranoid and would greatly appreciate if someone out there helps me. Reading on the internet points out to pudendal entrapment like symptoms Scared . Went to two Drs who don't have any clue around it .Can anyone suggest whom to consult urologist/sexologist/neurologist or physical therapy guys ??Is there any hope or am I doomed Apologies on for the long post Male 28 ,5'10",71kg; Developed after masturbating on πŸͺ‘ in spread eagle position

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/jcudrow
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
6 days into my switch from 40mg amitriptyline to 50mg nortriptyline for pudendal neuralgia / nerve pain

I’m six days into my switch. After the first dose I felt a bit groggy, felt fine days 2 3 4 but yesterday and today I’ve felt weird. I thought I was gonna get constipated, I didn’t for the first couple days to my surprise and I felt fine and thought it was mad I wasn’t affected by the switch. It also doesn’t make me tired which I thought was gonna happen. Yesterday and today I’ve had a consistent headache, dehydrated, nausea but hungry and almost like constipation / indigestion but I can still go in small amounts. Did anyone else experience this during their switch? It’s nothing I can’t handle as long as this cures my pain and side effects subside at some point but I’m just curious to know if this is normal?

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/blondeey_98
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
My pudendal nerve is so pinched and prone to spasms that I can't do rehabilitative exercises. Any lesser known tips tips for calming down the pelvic floor apart from breathing and child pose exercises?

My PT said it may be a couple months before my nerve becomes loose enough for PT exercises and I should only stretch right now, but stretching and breath work alone isn't calming down my nerve fast enough.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Ipooinursoup
πŸ“…︎ Oct 30 2021
🚨︎ report

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