A list of puns related to "Prate"
Eto, naslov sve kaze. Ne razumijem taj fenomen influencera. Svi znamo da ce oni promovirati i zadnje govno ak im to govno da novce ili besplatne stvari. Uopce mi nije jasan mindset ljudi koji neke anonimuse, bez obzira kako oni izgledali, idu "pratiti", citati njihove objave i sl.
Znam da se marketing promijenio, znam da me ocito vrijeme pregazilo, da dolaze novi trendovi, da mladja ekipa ne gleda tv (ne gledam ga ni ja) pa da do njih treba doprijeti na neke druge nacine... ali i dalje ne razumijem zasto bi itko ikoga isao pratiti...
Eto, molio bih objasnjenje primarno od ljudi koji prate te influencere. Kako, zasto... Kako ste uopce poceli i zasto je to tebi, ili bilo kome drugom uopce bitno?
I da preduhitrim zlobne komentare ne, nisam ljubomoran ni zavidan. Nek zaradjuju puste milione 👍. Meni ni iz djepa ni u djep. Ko im zeli, na ovaj ili onaj nacin "dat svoje pare" nek im da. Od mene na bilo koji nacin nece profitirati... Doduse mozda i hoce ako shvatim tu cijelu pricu. Iskreno sumnjam al nikad ne znas...
Na ovo me potkao naslov o smrti neke influercerice (priznajem.otvorio sam clanak da vidim kako zena izgleda) koja je imala preko 2 mil pratitelja... Ajmo rec o mrtvima sve najbolje al da imam i 16 ne bi ju pratio...
Are there any tips or guidelines for when to say "-t" in Norwegian, or when we use "på"?
Is "prate" (talk) the exact same thing as "snakke" (talk)?
Be me: water genasi who is a homebrew class of the dms making to help him test and balance it.
rest of party: goblin monk/rogue, warforged wizard, drow bard, water genasi ranger npc that is my characters twin sister, and half elf npc rogue who seduced my character to steal but I convinced her to help get back what was stole in exchange for protection from the person who hired her.
we are planning an attack on a pirate island
rogue npc goes into scout
I control her since shes kinda my responsibility for bringing her along
she gets through the based and we cut back to the players as she enters a room at the end
we go in after her and the base is completely empty
we get to the room she entered and its a treasure room
we find a ship in a bottle that the DM says would be a bad idea to open indoors
we fight floating swords that activated when we picked up the treasure
I get messed up pretty bad
the pirate captain calls us out of the treasure room and they have blocked off the bay with cannons pointed at us
they want to trade what we grabbed for our companion
one of the ships get attacked from a third party
I use the chaos to grab the npc and dive into the water
out wizard who was holding onto the bottle smashes it on the ground
the ship begins to grow
a harpy pirate captain we've fought before gets pushed underwater then tries to chase after me who is swimming away with our rogue
I use ice knife at 3rd level to slow her down
nat 20
a part of the class is that I pull magic from my surroundings to fuel my spells
the ice knife grows into an ice trident and I one shot harpy and her summoned shark
warforged is reveling in the chaos of the newly freed ship barging its way through the blockade and is at the helm
we escape and I now had to deal with the repercussions of using that much magic
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