A list of puns related to "Parlo"
Am I the only person who tries to sing songs sung in other languages despite not speaking the language whatsoever? I am sure the good people of Italy would be cringing at what is coming out of my mouth. It is my hope that I can go there in person over Xmas to apologize for destroying their language (assuming the world doesn't shut down again...please get vaccinated and wear your masks. This pandemic needs to be done already!)
A quick bit about me 42 years old. No kids. Always looking for any good excuse to go travel somewhere be it flying to some city I've never been to try the local cuisine or heading down to one of the many beautiful hikes in my state to take pictures and get in a day of exercise. Traveling alone can be kind of boring. And hiking alone just sucks. I mean, if a bear or mountain lion came out of the brush, who would I push into its path so I could get away?
I am a former teacher complete with a Masters Degree in Education. I currently work for a company where neither the degree nor the teaching skills are used at all. I would like to get back into education into some capacity, just not in the classroom. I also think I prefer working in the public sector as opposed to private sector. On a different note, one of my biggest accomplishments was getting into better shape and losing a large amount of weight. While I do still struggle with eating and my exercise routine has waned a bit after my recent move to a new place, I am thankfully still at a size where none of my clothing has the letter X in it anywhere. I do need to lay off the candy, chocolate, and ice cream though. Sweets are my nemesis!
Anyway, I know this is a bit disjointed (much like my singing in Italian). But I hope there was a little something in here that may have sparked a small interest. If so, please don't be afraid to write a quick message saying hello. Hope to hear from you soon!
Allora, stavamo un po giocando mentre insultavamo la Francia. Ad un certo punto un mio amico dice "secondo me non dovrebbe stare in quella cartina (indicando la cartina dietro di me) ".Così ho la geniale idea di prendere un pennarello e fargli una x sopra, però tutto apposto poi l'ho levata con l'amuchina, non ci credevo nemmeno io che l'amuchina fosse così utile a pararmi il culo.
Ero ad Abano una cittΓ in Veneto famosa per le terme, ed ero in un ristorante romano, ad un certo punto senza nessuna esitazione e consapevolezza ruttai, e la gente mi guardΓ² male e anche i miei fratelli e i miei zii
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