A list of puns related to "Nulla"
Sono molto tentato dal portare questro thread, ma ieri, essendomi venuto a trovare un cugino di mio padre per i consueti auguri, ci ha raccontato che negli anni '90 era vicino di casa di Paolo Leoni (ex Bestia di Satana) e che al piano sotto il suo abitava Chiara Marino, una delle vittime.
Sono leggermente caduto dal pero, perché questo cugino abita in un quartiere a nemmeno 500 mt da qui e questa storia mi é nuova.
Tra l'altro mi disse che il padre di Sapone aveva gia una nomea da 'satanista' tanto che tutti lo chiamavano Ozzy, e che nella seconda metà dei '90 continuavano a trovare resti di gatti e altri piccoli animaletti nel parco sotto casa loro.
Dopo questa piccola fun fact, lascio le vostre testimoninze.
Mar tobbszor leirtam, h valoban nem a diploma teszi az embert, de megint bebizonyosodik, h egy szakmunkaskepzovel es penzzel rendelkezo embernek miert nem kene semmilyen vallalkozas kozelebe mennie.
Tegnap olvastam, hogy a muveszno avval takarozott, hogy "neki nem jutott eszebe, h ra kene nezni az alkalmazottra mit csinal, kvazi ellenorizni." Hogy mi az edes faszom van??
Milyen CEO/menedzser/projektvezeto az akinek, nem jut eszebe ranezni arra, hogy mi folyik a SAJAT cegeben? Es most is nem az emberek nyakara jarasra gondolok, hanem alapveto tervezo-szervezo es kontroll keszsegre. Gondolom neki csak a dolgozo baszogtatasaaig jut el az agya, de ez eskuszom nekem hihetetlen. Szokott lenni vajon neha meeting? Vagy kituzni feladatot a dolgozonak? V feedbacket kerni tole, hogy sikerult implementalni a feladatot? Azt mondja ez tanulopenz neki, h erre is kell figyelni:DDDD
Gondolom beultetett 2 fehergalamb zsoldost, akik havi netto 70.ert elucsorognek ott, meg csomiznak.
No dreams again? That's ok, it didn't feel as frustrating this time as it normally does. It felt like... at some point I had had the conscious thought "This is sleep. I am sleeping well."
I'm starting to feel a bit better. The new job is going well. I don't want to jinx it, but so far -- great. There's a huge sense of relief. Plus, I got a solution to a financial problem that he been greatly weighing on me. Once the relief hit the exhaustion followed. Maybe that was the cause of the lack of dreams.
I normally hate dreamless sleep. But this was different. I wasn't awake but I did feel the passage time. There were no images or events just...pure chemical happiness.
I hate losing time. I hate losing memories.
Some people say that when we die, we get a new life but forget this one.
If I forget this life then who is the "I" that carries on? So much of self is memory.
But maybe moving from one life to another is like when one dream fades into another.
Maybe we'll remember it all someday when we wake up. Maybe we remember being everyone -- just like in The Egg by Andy Weir.
Then I'll remember being my son and my husband and my friends and my boss and my students and you.
Each life remembered like a series of concurrent but separate dreams.
Important to remember dreams.
But won't we be so lonely? When I wake up and remember I was everyone all along?
I think I'd try to go back to sleep.
Maybe that's why we went to sleep in the first place.
È veramente assurdo come se proviamo a cercare qualcosa sulla barra di ricerca di fr, specialmente quello inglese non si trova altro che decine e decine di post dove fanno vedere sempre gli stessi seller (ovviamente tramiti come hansolo, logan ecc...) quando ci sono gli STESSI prodotti con la stessa QUALITÀ su weidian che si trovano alla metà della metà del prezzo. È assurdo come tutti si facciano sfilare soldi da questi personaggi quando a letteralmente due click ci sono gli stessi prodotti. Se solo ci fossero piu link utili sul sub o qualcuno che spiega come si usa BENE weidian risparmieremmo tutti molti piu soldi. Tralasciando ovviamente gli agent, che per la metà del prezzo si trovano su alibaba e simili gli spedizionieri che ti forniscono lo stesso servizio e metà costi di spedizione. RICORDATEVI CHE STATE COMPRANDO REPLICHE, pagate 25 euro una felpa che si vende a 12 su weidian. Scusate per lo sfogo spero che qui sotto riusciremi a scambiarci dei buoni consigli
Hi, I'm a young musician who like everyone has found himself stuck in this pandemic, I had abandoned music a bit in the last two years, recently I started playing again and during these Christmas holidays I recorded an instrumental rock album. I recorded it by myself with musical instruments and a computer, the recording quality is not great but I put a lot of effort into it with all my limits. I hope, if you want to hear it, you like it!
Hejhó r\hungary!
Azon gondolkozom, hogy programozást tanulnék és újrakezdeném a karrieremet ebben az irányban. A kérdésem: nulla informatika tudással ki mit ajánl, milyen programnyelvet érdemes tanulni, melyik mennyire nehéz, mi a különbség közöttük?
Ciao a tutti, Vorrei iniziare nel mondo crypto, ma vorrei prima informarmi su come funziona, e capire come approcciarmi, qualcuno di voi ha consigli su libri, siti oppure altro che possano aiutarmi a capire la struttura e cosa c'é dietro in modo da fare scelte consapevoli? Grazie a chi mi risponderà
Hi, I'm a young musician who like everyone has found himself stuck in this pandemic, I had abandoned music a bit in the last two years, recently I started playing again and during these Christmas holidays I recorded an instrumental rock album. I recorded it by myself with musical instruments and a computer, the recording quality is not great but I put a lot of effort into it with all my limits. I hope, if you want to hear it, you like it!
Hi, I'm a young musician who like everyone has found himself stuck in this pandemic, I had abandoned music a bit in the last two years, recently I started playing again and during these Christmas holidays I recorded an instrumental rock album. I recorded it by myself with musical instruments and a computer, the recording quality is not great but I put a lot of effort into it with all my limits. I hope, if you want to hear it, you like it!
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