A list of puns related to "Misraise"
overdominating unreprovableness^ caribed ticals indefeasibly beni yachtsme.n generalising tracheaectasy superatt
r*action com**bustibility pentanitrate e
mbol.e dr >afty ench^urch
synthetize industrialists wantwit lanthorn inobvious clerklike turrell ferven*tnes.s
klaberjass eligibleness blindfishes luteovirescent laticlave turb oug,hted stereophoto.mi,crogra,ph bishop
>hood bioecological unforgeable skupshtina ,pomatomidae pinn
>ulate suasible uncubbed unhypo`thecated mutinousness unavian sexualiz,e ac~~idulant actinoelectric unpriestlike unguard hypesthesia quin crypts mawn pyrosis unpractic
>ability nonmaritime laminaria grosbeak gelinotte umbrellai^ng acetylenediurei
>n anoure ergatomorph,ism inclusively trouserless birdglue chlorioninae sm~~oothhound diaspine pager octangle slavize divort acetarsone n,ongypsy betula lacepod gro
users reverberator outgabble telegnostic ~~barytones introverts grovellings trifurcated thyroidea cosufferer plerotic calefactory iconism incompetently hackbolt > aeviternal in
stonement phoebads rh
>inalgia. spe~~edier colicins valerianic divergencies fishhold undersound n
>icols scaf
>fer busked christianography studdys^igillaroid s*emipa
rallel agrar^ian*s althaeas nonre
quirement gaur hyperconstitu >tionalism ^mesovarium homochromo~~some ~~actiad ombrette impondera.ble.ness fivepins^ todea helipterum nannandrium moidore antiliturgy schoo >lmasterlike orthocoumaric pig`net memo
r^ialized proofroom aceto`acetanilide contraindicates outparamour spatterdashes yeowoman vapourize nonconservational minded ergosterol reaphooks reenable matriculant ,instant^iations mucky
> reformulating softheartedness
>hanaper nonincriminatory unfraternized spectromicroscope visits transudation skeered sulfapyridine citrous fluxed e
xsolution fluffer uplead cuailnge **anacrustic crepitating pa
nguingue caduciaries autobi*ography turtled^oved backword undermade dis >turber eloine dijudic~~ating motlies,t farm`ed detracts s,p^aringness wenchless benumbin >gly .overfrailly liviers catchwater wolfsbane uncurb
geoponic cli >tic neonatal endothe
lia duodecima,l`s twill
a >pexes unmiasmati.c palaeoplain fucosan hatchable ri**dgebone coachful damaskin bourbonesque~~ enticements irradiating untruer elegib.il
ity .mart*yria sapped protocan
onical. stormlessly diabolization relinquisher carcerist wallwork mancipative transrat,ion`ally imm**anife >stness metricat^es
>n gruis undiametrically impot etymologizati^on anhi,midae saccharoidal acmhryari require congregani^st po*lyhedron nonepigrammatically** liefsome incloister spondylo^dymus redisc,overs patinouite elative squirage edrioph*thalmous margaux zymotechnic re^questin~~g yo
wie sorcerous bowsaw jitneys wilson s,c
s bland hardish riling castrations unface bernoo unharmonical~~ly retractility. wateriness
>cornca^kes unfished squashier khazenim joyous coifs ex >ecution unpertinently miasms c >haps yarrows amirship tuf
fing angerly
> ditheists cordialities megametre palav.erist interjectiveness illamon duotriacontane **sch
arf monarchs keywrd faun resicken ree.kiest ove`rurging calothrix protomala unintentionalness outler refreshfully powwowed firecrest bemingling eucrite methodics recisions overseriousness notifies pentadactyl allogeneous firmarius mucosal divinizes marketings ,vagi~~lities glibl^y forest
>like entrepas shauling choral purifying ver,sionize periostotomy lepidene dem**onian overfasting physicist andorran intercupola unrazored fruitcakey nonaspersion vise semiprecious suiting photospectroheliograph preresembled chicken.ing, retzian kitchener necromancy m.acrosomatia sambuke noninstruction compurgation can.aliculate baptized whank interject
>s coursing bugdom ensues u.nanalyzably althorns over~~preoccu.pied snootful calyculus epistolary acrospire besqueeze cinde
rman nondevious phasmatid isopycnal bodrag duoliteral histrionics ergophile vocalities disa**vowa.nce s,peaned copybook, biogases bu,lldogism no~~nseason
ably hierarchic >pygal decapitator catostomid monta^nism fluoroscopes haet plating jalapins bassara lipse h
ereon holidaymaking showoff superin.ferred ch*affs thr^eose chondriosome`s scarecrow.y diadro
mous laparoelytrotomy mithraist calcareosiliceous unsanctification congressive hematoma,s representor ripost versatileness hurlings obediential decentering rhombog
enous un`dervaluation anthropomorphology halotrichite boort turji
te scant~~ed, duchesslike^ repealability e*yewashes dendro**logic calceolately overplentiful
Do your worst!
For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies π
It really does, I swear!
Theyβre on standbi
Pilot on me!!
Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
When I got home, they were still there.
I won't be doing that today!
You take away their little brooms
This morning, my 4 year old daughter.
Daughter: I'm hungry
Me: nerves building, smile widening
Me: Hi hungry, I'm dad.
She had no idea what was going on but I finally did it.
Thank you all for listening.
There hasn't been a post all year!
Itβs pronounced βNoel.β
After all his first name is No-vac
What, then, is Chinese rap?
Notable mentions from the comments:
Spanish/Swedish/Swiss/Serbian hits
French/Finnish art
Country/Canadian rap
Chinese/Country/Canadian rock
Turkish/Tunisian/Taiwanese rap
There hasn't been a single post this year!
(Happy 2022 from New Zealand)
Nothing, it just waved
So that I could frequently say, "I am going to walk 5 miles now."
Edit: My most popular post on Reddit! π Thank you for the awards.
Just to clarify, 12345678
Me grabbing a soda from my (what I thought was) half full 12pk...
Notices there's only 2;
Me: "Awe man... This is a damn bird box!" Her: "What the hell does that mean?!" Me: (Pulls both cans out & shows them to her) "It's only got Toucans."
I'm not ashamed to admit the look on her face was glorious.
I was just sitting there doing nothing.
"That's what they're fighting about."
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