Which of the brothers in the Jackson 5 was the most relevant?


👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 20 2018
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I went to a karaoke bar that didn't have any 70s music.

At first I was afraid. I was petrified.

But then I saw they had Michael Jackson. It was a thriller.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ May 12 2021
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Michael Jackson's favorite tank

"Hey Michael Jackson, what's your favorite Japanese tank of World War II?"

"The Chi-HE-HEE!"

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Feb 22 2021
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What do you call a painter who loves running through the grass?

Jackson Frolic

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Aug 07 2020
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There were three guys named Jackson who were all in the clothing business.

Due to lack of real estate options in their city, they all set up shop next door to each other. In order to convince customers to come to their store rather than one of the other Jacksons, they all put up signs to attract customers.

The one on the left puts up a sign that says "Jackson's clothing store (Best prices!)"

Not to be outdone, the one on the right puts up a sign that says "Jackson's clothing store (Best quality!)

The one in the middle thinks about it for a while, and eventually puts up a sign of his own.

"Jackson's clothing store (Main entrance).”

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/tfowler11
📅︎ May 21 2020
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What do you get when you cross a black man with a pig?

Hamuel L Jackson.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/colio33
📅︎ Mar 22 2019
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Which joint of the body can play both Football & Baseball?

elBOw Jackson

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jun 24 2019
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What's a hundred dollars' favorite band.

The Jackson 5

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Feb 08 2019
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An Authentic Dad Joke Story From My Dad This Morning

So we are at breakfast and a guy comes in with a old school red leather Michael Jackson jacket zippers and sequins. As we were leaving I walk by him and we said hi.

I said "when you came in I was going to tell you to "beat it". He said "and I would have lol".

Nope he didn't get it. His wife explained. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂

👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/TrackBear
📅︎ Dec 27 2018
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I just got pulled over by cop

He claimed I didn't stop at a stop sign. He heard me listening to Michael Jackson's PYT. He gave me a big cheesy grin said, "Sure you're not listening to Don't Stop til you get enough?"

After he gave me the warning he suggested I "Beat it".

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Oct 14 2018
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I'm taking an improv class [shaggy dog]

and today, we were playing a game of "Yes, Let's!" If you're unfamiliar, that's a group improv exercise where one person says "Let's do a thing!" and everybody else replies "Yes, let's!" and then proceeds to act out the scene. After acting out said scene, somebody freezes, then everybody freezes, and then someone else starts one.

In this case, it was "Let's go to a Michael Jackson tribute concert!" Now, we'd just been coached to assume distinct roles in an attempt to construct a coherent narrative, and so I, as an awkward, scrawny, blond white man, slipped effortlessly into the role of a shitty Michael Jackson impersonator. And I must have been doing something right, because the rest of the group quickly formed a scene as the audience, security, and crew, and stupidity ensued as I sucked at being Michael Jackson for all I was worth.

A few people started heckling, and then one of the audience members barged past security and mimed punching me in the head, whereupon I dramatically spun and dropped to the floor with a resounding THUD (knowing how to fall is a useful skill). The reaction was about a third laughs, a third stage-gasps, and a third just confusion. But I did get a few compliments after the exercise on my impression and my theatrics.

So I'd say that was a pretty big hit.

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/teuast
📅︎ Jun 29 2017
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My wife hit me with a top-tier dad joke.

Jackson Browne's "Loadout/Stay" was on the radio.

My wife said, "Did he do this song when you saw him in concert?" I replied, "No, actually he didn't do any encore at all." She said, "If I went to a concert and they didn't do an encore, I'd leave."

She immediately started elbowing me in my ribs to make sure I got it. I laughed about it the whole drive home. I'm so proud of her.

👍︎ 41
📅︎ Feb 06 2017
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Fast Foods and Black Dudes

Jum-Bo Jackson

👍︎ 4
📅︎ May 07 2012
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A regular brought her new puppy into work today.

Me: What's his name?

Her: His name is Jackson, I chose it because his dads name is Jack.

I just walk off laughing, It was great.

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/sickladbro
📅︎ Sep 08 2015
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In choir practice

We were singing a piece that was arranged by a person named Micheal Jackson with the middle name that was abbreviated with an "O". Without skipping a beat an older fellow says. "hmmm must be the Irish couter part Micheal O'Jackson", all other dads gave the smile and nod of approval while I cringled to myself.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/neilope
📅︎ Oct 16 2013
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Sitting in dad's truck

When my dad sees a sign for a car show and gets excited.

Brother (being sarcastic): They'll probably close it as soon as you arrive.

Dad: Doesn't matter, im like the Jackson Five.

Brother: How?

Dad: Because I'll be there!

Me: Oh my god, dad...

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Chee-Z
📅︎ Jul 06 2014
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