Frais d'immobilisation jamais virés à mon notaire


Mon conjoint et moi sommes actuellement sous compromis de vente de notre appartement. Le délai de rétractation des 10 jours est passé depuis 2 jours, or notre notaire nous a contactés ce soir pour nous dire qu'elle n'avait jamais reçu les frais d'immobilisation.

Il y a un passif assez tendu avec ces acheteurs, on a galéré à trouver une date de signature, on a décalé la date de signature du compromis 2 jours avant pour "raisons personnelles" de leur part, ils n'ont pas voulu mettre la mention de 2 refus de banque dans la clause,... mon conjoint et moi nous sommes toujours pliés à leurs demandes en leur laissant le bénéfice du doute.

Notre notaire a essayé de les joindre et de joindre leur notaire, ils sont tous aux abonnés absents. Bref j'ai assez les boules ! Notre notaire nous conseille de dénoncer le compromis, ce que nous allons faire, mais j'aimerais savoir si ce manquement de leur part peut être assigné en justice.

Merci pour vos conseils !

EDIT : C'est une promesse vente et pas un compromis de vente. La clause est la suivante :

> Le BENEFICIAIRE déposera au moyen d'un virement bancaire et au plus tard dans les dix jours de la signature des présentes, à la comptabilité du notaire rédacteur des présentes, la somme de xxx EUROS (xxx EUR). Il est ici précisé que, dans l'hypothèse où le virement ne serait pas effectif à la date ci-dessus fixée, la présente promesse de vente sera considérée comme caduque, et le BENEFICIAIRE sera déchu du droit de demander la réalisation des présentes, et ce si bon semble au PROMETTANT.

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Dec 16 2021
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What’s your Opinion on collars for spinal immobilisation?
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👤︎ u/sf19ooo
📅︎ Nov 04 2021
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How do you think the show would have gone if it was only one witch, with all three powers of Telekinesis, Molecular Immobilisation, and Premonition (exactly like Melinda Warren).

Would it still have been interesting if it was only one charmed one: a Halliwell witch whose an only child to her divorced parents (Patty and Victor) who has returned back to town with her boyfriend because her Grams passed away? She will have all three powers and could invoke the Power of 3 by herself and will be the one dealing with all the villains by herself. But every other character would remain (like Leo, Andy, guy next door, Cole, Daryl etc). I see it like a modern-day Melinda Warren (an only child who also happens to be a very powerful witch with 3 distinct powers) but with the Charmed storyline and characters.

And which sister would you prefer to play her? I personally would pick Prue because she had more going for her and I think she was a better badass and combatant witch than any of the other sisters.

👍︎ 16
📅︎ Aug 04 2021
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2014 model SIC, immobilisation upgrade
👍︎ 21
📅︎ Oct 25 2021
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What is YOUR opinion on cervical collars and spinal immobilisation? Why do we still use collars even though evidence suggests they are bad?
👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/sf19ooo
📅︎ Nov 04 2021
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Is there anyway to avoid or minimize the effects of opposing players immobilising you? I tend to get stuck and slaughtered a lot in pvp unfortunately. I'd rly appreciate some tips!

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/ixixan
📅︎ Aug 31 2021
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Amber’s gadget idea. This could be a good utility in mid range. High damage opportunity but has a weakness of immobilisation. Do you like it?
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Jun 11 2021
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Pressure immobilisation bandage how to

Hi all

First aid trainer here - a question I always get asked in my training sessions

Pressure immobilisation bandage for snake and spider bites.

If you get bit on the wrist, why would you start th bandage on the bite on the wrist, and go up to the armpit, if the idea is to stop the venom from going up into the abdominal area?

Why wouldn't you start at the armpit and work down to the bite?


👍︎ 4
📅︎ Apr 21 2021
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Boeing 777 en feu aux Etats-Unis : le constructeur demande l’immobilisation au sol de 128 avions…
👍︎ 36
👤︎ u/Arlyss
📅︎ Feb 22 2021
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Complications from immobilisation (splinting)

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced complications from a wrongful diagnosis of an injury that required splinting on an otherwise healthy joint, and is now experiencing chronic pain and long term complications (as well as how did you overcome it?) I had a mild pain in the CMC joint in my wrist which was immediately diagnosed as De quervains tenosynovitis, but after splinting for too long (6 weeks + extended periods of splinting for a week or to, as well as a few weeks of wearing it overrnight) I feel that the physiology of my wrist has become completely fucked :)

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jun 09 2021
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Suspicion of DVT after immobilisation of leg

D-Dimer test got elevated resulsts, i had severe calf pain for over a week, couldnt walk and the area hurt bad when touched and i felt something in my calf that felt like a clumb. Now that i got the results of the D-Dimer test my symptoms almost vanished. My doctor said that no further investigating was needed because of that and sent me home despite these warning signs. Can a blood clot actually desolve that quick in a few days or could that maybe mean, that the clot left that position in my calf and traveled to my lungs? So far i got no PE symptoms. But i seriously dont know what else other than a blood clot could have caused these symptoms. It 100% was not a cramp or pulled muscle, although it sometimes felt similar. Im very worried right now.

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👤︎ u/sabatthor
📅︎ May 11 2021
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Spinal immobilisation?

I am an EMT from germany (got my license a few weeks ago) and learned all the usual stuff. Now,getting more into reddit and the meme-side of things, more advanced providers often frown at spinal immobilisation. especially stiffnecks and headblocks. while i get that when it comes to having patients walk around with an alibi-stiffneck its BS, i dont get the reasoning when it comes to the headblocks for example. It seems to be on the same level as the blood vs pasta water thing. Can someone point me to the evidence saying immobilisation is bad?

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 07 2021
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Do people think a PhD in Waste immobilisation will limit my later choices in the Nuclear Industry?

Hi Guys,

Essentially I've found a really interesting PhD which is, broadly speaking, within nuclear materials and it's looking at improving the preparation of ceramic powder and Pu02 prior to HIP. The project's initial goal is developing a test rig for this process but will go on to the full-scale deployment. My question is I'm worried that after 4 years I won't be able to pursue other areas of nuclear. Do you think the skills learnt from this PhD will be transferable to other sections of nuclear material science?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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👤︎ u/trolkop
📅︎ Sep 10 2020
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Lunar dust is considered the #1 environmental problem on the moon and can cause unpredictable hazards for both robots and humans. The immobilisation of China's little Yutu lunar rover in Jan 2014 was likely caused by lunar dust and a wakeup call was needed... Professor Brian O’Brien…
👍︎ 851
📅︎ Feb 24 2018
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quick little move ... ram + immobilisation on a wall
👍︎ 24
📅︎ Nov 21 2020
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Trois compagnies aériennes réclament des dédommagements à Boeing pour l'immobilisation de leurs 737 MAX depuis le crash d'Ethiopian Airlines…
👍︎ 64
👤︎ u/_red_one_
📅︎ May 22 2019
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Besoin d'aide pour immobilisation administrative véhicule


J'ai besoin de faire le contrôle technique de ma voiture. Pas possible sans la carte grise qu'on m'a volé. Pour avoir le duplicata de ma carte grise il me faut le contrôle technique.

Je ne peux pas non plus demander la fiche d'identification du véhicule afin de faire mon contrôle technique car je fais l'objet d'une immobilisation administrative (ce problème vas mettre des mois avant d'être réglé et je conduit déjà sans contrôle technique depuis un certain temps, et sans contrôle technique, on n'es pas assurés et pas possible d'attendre encore des mois)

Y-at-il un contact qui puisse m'aider avec l'immobilisation administrative ou le contrôle technique ?


👍︎ 5
📅︎ Sep 18 2020
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UK judge has blocked three security researchers from publishing details of how to crack a car immobilisation system…
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jul 29 2013
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Is Telekinesis, Molecular Immobilisation, and Premonition the basic requirements for accessing the Power of 3?

Going by this question, I’ve got two sub questions:

  1. Could Melinda, Dr Williamson, Cryto, The Stillman Sisters, the Source (can’t remember if he succeeded in stealing all three powers, using the Hollow), Zankou, Matthew Tate, The 3 demon slaves (Phoenix, Patra and Pillar) have access to the Power of 3 itself because at one point they had all three powers?

  2. Could TK (like many magical beings have), Molecular Immobilisation (like Zankou naturally possessed), and Premonition (like the Crone, the Seer, Remus, Prophets etc had) be used to access the Power of 3 since they’re technically the same power?

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jul 18 2020
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Proposition de loi (n° 2606) visant l’interdiction des techniques d’immobilisation létales : le décubitus ventral et le pliage ventral - L'état du droit français face à la technique qui a causé la mort de George Floyd aux États-Unis www2.assemblee-nationale.…
👍︎ 56
👤︎ u/GreysLucas
📅︎ Jun 01 2020
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Affaire Chouviat : nous reprenons une proposition de loi déposée il y a 2 ans par le groupe LFI "visant l’interdiction des techniques d’immobilisation létales : le décubitus ventral et le pliage ventral". Je la présenterai en Commission des lois le 26/02.…
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👤︎ u/Stylzzed
📅︎ Jan 24 2020
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PDC Inc. in Australia donated this vehicle to the Zambian Carnivore Programme. It drove over 10000km last year and has become their go-to vehicle for immobilisation and de-snaring.
👍︎ 15
📅︎ Jan 09 2021
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UK government being immobilised by Boris Johnson crisis, say sources…
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👤︎ u/hipcheck23
📅︎ Jan 26 2022
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Is the lockdown now banned? Newest ruleset has it in red highlight, with invalid immobilisation
👍︎ 44
👤︎ u/bozon78_1
📅︎ Jan 27 2020
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Proposition de loi (n° 2606) visant l’interdiction des techniques d’immobilisation létales : le décubitus ventral et le pliage ventral - L'état du droit français face à la technique qui a causé la mort de George Floyd aux États-Unis www2.assemblee-nationale.…
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Jun 01 2020
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Pigg-O-Stat: pediatric immobilisation device designed for positioning infants and young children and keeping then still while taking x-Rays
👍︎ 657
📅︎ Nov 23 2018
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'Warning of Immobilisation' - not clamped, no letters received

Hi, so I've just gone out to my car and found a 'Warning of immobilisation' stuck to the window, from JBW, placed on the 14th.

From a read, they don't seem to enforce magistrates court settlements, so my guess is a fine I got for parking in what the council claimed was a red route, last year.

I appealed it (if I used an address here, it would have been my home address), rejected, then made a postal appeal to London Tribunals, rejected. Since I was staying at my mum's house at the time, I used that as the address, which was referenced by the plaintiffs in their submissions as not matching the address on file, but they stated that if LT were happy, they were too.

I forgot about it a bit, didn't hear anything from my mum about any letters until this. I'll contact TFL in the morning to attempt to come to an arrangement, but my understanding is that this visit will now mean an extra £200 or so will be tacked on. I'll struggle to pay the fine as it is, an extra £200 would mean a month of not paying my rent. I haven't received a single letter to my home address (where the car is parked) about this since beginning the proceedings for London Tribunals. Is the £200 fee going to be valid? Is there any way to just pay TFL directly for the fine amount and deal with the validity of the £200 fee separately? I'm really worried both about the £200 fee as well as the risk of my car being impounded/clamped.

I would really appreciate any help anyone could offer!

EDIT: One note as well - while my car is insured for the price I paid for it (a bit over £2k), a look on autotrader suggests it could arguably now be worth <£1k, and it's fairly essential for my study/work, given the unusual hours I often have to work. I wonder whether this would protect it from being taken into control?

In addition, the specific wording of the notice is 'This is to tell you that I have fitted a device to secure your vehicle(s) / goods and prevent them from being moved' - it doesn't mention anywhere about it being taken into control.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Feb 22 2019
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[PAID] (/u/T_Immobilisation) - (300) (On Time)

Outstanding and hassle-free, as always

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 31 2019
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They snatched up a knife and sawed off my limbs, leaving me immobilised and dying.

“Why do the humans need my fins…” was my last thought before I sank into the depths of unconsciousness.

👍︎ 44
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Marine biologists of Reddit, how would you kill/disarm/immobilise a very pissed off lobster that has somehow gotten hold of a kitchen knife?
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Dec 31 2021
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Immobiliser problems on a 2002 Discovery 2?

Hey guys,

I'm having problems with my immobiliser (I think) on my 2002 TD5 Disco 2. I was having problems with the key turning over on the ignition and the car subsequently seizing up. It's now progressed and the whole car has locked up and I can't get back in to the vehicle at all. Nor will it even respond to the locking fob. Is anyone aware of this as a common problem, common causes and solutions etc? Or anything other possible suggestions?

Thanks a lot gang

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
A High Court judge has blocked three security researchers from publishing details of how to crack a car immobilisation system…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/deepbrown
📅︎ Jul 29 2013
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