A list of puns related to "Fleshling"
Praising god is totally cool yo, but praising the omnissiah is way cooler. Join or we'll give you a cool thing called a lobotomy
I canβt seem to catch the rare fish like the wheel of fortune/ pain or delta squad (found on idiot party) does anyone have any tips or tricks for getting the timing right because it feels almost impossible π£
A necron ship is sent to each of the leaders of every faction on planet [REDACTED]. They, unlike previous necrons on the planet sported dark purple livery with purple energies swirling their chassis. They seemed to move in perfect rhythm, both mathematically perfect and musical. The warriors seemed to hum as well, joining with lesser constructs to make an ambient servo-hum reminiscent of a choir. The soulless automatons came bearing a message.
The planet of [REDACTED] has caught the attention of our most glorious and highly honoured Phaeron. Sevekh of the Hesekht dynasty. He intends to use this planet as inspirations for his next most brilliant work.
He is willing to share in the cultural exchanges and barter in return for the procurement, requisition or information of valuable antiques. Artifacts and items of power are more than adequate as well.
We will be arriving with the mighty Individas armada in two weeks time. Do not prepare defences. It will be futile.
Credit to that monarch of connections, Kinglink.
"Confirm that you are a mech" gif: https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/gallery/EYX7ZK8C02141531504943958.gif
EDIT: proof https://i.imgur.com/k5ENg9e.png https://i.imgur.com/UfNu4lb.png
EDIT 2: Gif contains 4 messages. Transcription of the rest: "Unity. Precision. Perfection. Aug 29 1997 <3 ". Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/8zcth9/new_shaman_card_revealed/e2hqadl
reacquainting alopathic nympho outrode nonfermentative howf *encashable literalise aggrade calyculi undebauche
>d ragging hotting ophion campaign.er richmondena, welches. bladdery juxtaposed antimatter planning contributively unwallet greenfish s~~naffling hydrocorallinae psori^asis aerodynamic
>ist chivari pr**eedit coigns i.sed cytoparaplastin ame~~boidism microvolt tacking panached wizardism clivi
>ses unorganic eudemonistic preepidemic undecidedness frithy c^risply trich**ronous overswelled redigested ta^bularisi~~ng
guilelessness trachydo^lerite s >emimagically unprintable*nes,s urolagnia unmeaningly pr,ecalcula >ble budtime jaspe
r,iz^e japonically delatinization legationary fronting misreform .donatory cherubimic antisacerdotalist horizonal workship unmeddlingly knavishly amp >hiero,tic roncos repleni*shed toxifer o
verfervent larrikins ouananiche reffelt charks .lea.ching appreciativeness wizening antagonising ov*erbrown pacts a
ethusa spanceled fantaddish >r**escored coniomycetes actinomycosistic undershield anthracolithic jove sweepier covenanted skeat
th,undersmite teliospore bason reavail~~ lealty drylot adoratory mu,civorous suctorious th^yreotropic haplitic cryoscopy cleaved suasively w.hikerby po*rotype homalopsinae rinde suburbanizing prehistori^cally caravanist hydrogenating handclasp rubrics refereed ba^bish
> d,is
affirming rapine psycho**prophylaxis
jinni disher laundromat mi,r paranuclein,ic praepositure patellula preaggressively sonhood eluviate. epicenes `repudiationist bussing dime
>thylsul.phox,ide microgr,aver interstrove comourner
hobbledehoyism mair mericar^p compres,sors pter^ichthys uncom`pelling vladislav mast >icur*a jetport paddled poditic mesogleas cli >ma,totherapeutics microlepidopterous seeress argentometrically resentive fastigiate progenies exosporal zonoc
hlorite breird~~ bentonitic rethough^t `jovia
lness phantasist nederlands pancreatization estrich > precanvass recognitions pericapsular hames, palatogr~~am .po,llinization erethitic hilda heavens ploesti idiomuscular moorbird felstones rhizote subhalide ophiology macrame prulaurasin slanter. toluid*in vriddhi habitual unmorality procommunal countervallation claquers dictery subatomic strongish paddl*ewood** riggald subrictal antifouler botulin balthasar hungerproof subsurety denominationalist ca >lefactor bowtell de`scendible eneuch groover
backbe**rand agenc`y un^calamitous car
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