A list of puns related to "Endoscopy"
I posted a few days back about my anxiety regarding my follow-up endoscopy. For all the folks out there, it's not worth the anxiety, if you have any. This is a walk in the park.
BUT, from the doc that did the procedure, after a year of GF diet, it looks like I have not healed one bit and that's kind of ruining my mood. I have been on a strict GF diet for a year and celiac is still very active in my intestines besides my antibodies testing negative. I saw on the internet that for young folks like me (27), intestines heal in 3 to 6 months. Cross contamination might fu** me up i don't know.
I had one question and maybe some of you guys are more knowledgeable than me. Let's say you follow a strict GF diet for 10 years and you have one slip up, what happens to your intestines? Does the autoimmune reaction sends you back to square one regarding intestine damage ?
TLDR : don't stress for your endoscopy, it's even quite cool to feel high af. 1 year strict GF at 26 y-o, no intestine healing :(
I’m getting an endoscopy done real soon to see what the problem is with my frequent, everyday acid reflux. I have been taking 40mg of Omeprazole for about 2-3 months now but I still feel acid reflux come up. The medication is better than nothing but the trouble breathing is the worst. Everyday I feel like I can get a satisfying breath, the whole day morning to night. Chest x rays say I’m fine, my heart is fine, blood is good ect. but I know this has to be caused by my GERD. If the endoscopy doesn’t get resolved I’m checking with a lung specialist. During the endoscopy do you think they can find out the issue?
Can anyone tell me what to expect with a capsule endoscopy? I’ve never had one before. Starting prep soon and scared. Keep seeing terrible things about them getting stuck.
Any insight or comforting anecdotes greatly appreciated.
I’ve been doing some digging and I heard that when you get a biopsy to test for h. pylori you need to be off ppi’s or a false negative can occur. I had an endoscopy way back in august and i was never told I had to be off them and I was tested negative for h.pylori. I’ve been much better but I’m not 100% healed and this has just fucked with my brain even more. Should I be worried or not?
I've had on and off reflux for about 6 months. Last time I went to the doctor, at that time I didn't have much symptoms so the doctor ordered a h pylori test and advised me to take over-the-counter antacids as needed. The h pylori test came back negative. Recently I'm getting reflux symptoms again.
Also my mother's had stomach cancer in the past so I'm a little worried that I could be predisposed for stomach cancer too. As I understand the only way to diagnose stomach cancer is an endoscopy.
Do doctor's give referrals for endoscopies easily or do you need strong symptoms? I live in the US. Also in the past even before the recent 6 months period I'd occasionally have reflux symptoms.
18M - I’m having an endoscopy in a couple days and would like to hear your experiences specifically with sedative medications they give you (not anesthetics as they won’t be using that) was it an easy procedure or was it uncomfortable and painful?
Has anyone done this? If so, how was it?
So, my endoscopy and biopsies came back normal. No hernia was mentioned, and all my tissue was fine. My GI does believe my symptoms are real, but she claims that because the PPI hasn't helped, it is not GERD. She also states that LPR is still on the table, but it seems for her that LPR is more neurological than an abnormal gastric content issue. I do have PTSD, so maybe that has some link to heightened or dysfunctional nerves in my esophagus. She is sending me to a speech therapist to do a test concerning the coordination of my upper esophagus and airway, but she expects it will be normal. She reassured me that I will have no permanent long term lung or breathing issues.
My symptoms are pretty much globus (a few different sensations in different places), and lots of phlegm. I only really started feeling burning occasionally after starting the PPI, so I will leave that off the list until I'm out of the rebound stage of coming off it.
I am a bit surprised no PH test was done. I live in Canada, and our Healthcare system can be a little slow and overburdened, so that might be why. It would kind of be nice to know definitely that abnormal levels of reflux of any kind are not the cause of my symptoms. What do I do now? Just go on and get used to it? Am I risking long term damage if I follow the route of my GI?
Additionally, all my symptoms began (or became noticeable) after stopping zoloft after 8 years. Pretty much the moment I weened down to 25mg, this all started. I'm not sure if years of zoloft use affected me this way, or if it had simply been masking the issue.
Hi, everyone. I did a capsule endoscopy yesterday. Usually, the capsule is out of a person's system within 24 hours. It's been over 24 hours, I still haven't seen it in the toilet. Per nurse's instructions, I'd have to wait a week. Yes, I know everyone's digestive system works differently. I am traveling tomorrow via airplane. Has anyone still had their capsule still in them when going through the TSA checks? Did it set up an alarm?
I was diagnosed with LPR two months ago, and am on day 42 of the AWD. I went to an ENT to see how much damage was done to my throat, and besides my vocal chords being smothered in mucus, I’m okay. I however don’t know the root cause of my LPR, and have no idea if my esophagus is okay. Would I see a gastroenterologist for this? Would you recommend doing this?
Finally got the courage to ask for an appointment, i told my symptoms and they said i have to undergo endoscopy. My parents are kinda affraid.
I have severe health anxiety and likely need an endoscopy (being referred to GI so just waiting for them to call) I’m super terrified of the procedure and wonder if anyone else has bad health anxiety and had to get one done? Can they do a stronger sedative so I don’t know what’s going on? Do they offer anything for anxiety?
Wondering if anyone has had an upper GI endoscopy performed in Eugene and if there is a gastroenterologist you’d recommend/not recommend? Thank you!
Hi, so I had a an endoscopy and they found inflammation and recommended taking Pepcid for it and was wondering if anyone else has taken this and what it was like I was told to take 20mg in the morning and 20 at night. How soon should I expect to be feeling better along with diet change :) also any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I am a trauma survivor who is terrified of sedation.
I see tons of posts on the Internet from people who have endoscopies with only throat numbing spray and not sedation.
I had a doctor insist today that it’s just not safe or possible and that I won’t find a Doctor who is willing to do it. She said it would take a “Maverick cowboy“ Doctor who doesn’t care about my safety. This is haunting me because I really want to do this.
I am skeptical of anything she said because she also prescribed me a PPI after I told her that I have a long history of excruciatingly painful adverse reactions to them, and this whole thing kind of makes me want to give up on G.I. Doctors all together. I had the first panic attack that I have had in over a year in the lobby immediately after my appointment. It was that bad...
It looks like throat spray is actually more common in the UK than sedation? I am located in the US. What are your experiences and what country are you in? Is it true that US providers do not do endoscopies with throat spray, and only use sedation?
She said she has never heard of a doctor doing an endoscopy without sedation.
I posted the other day that I finally got an appointment with a gastro doctor and within 10 minutes of talking with me he absolutely wanted to do and endoscopy and said that I have to have gluten for the test to be as accurate as possible, I haven't eaten any gluten in 2 weeks and was just starting to feel a little better in the past 48 hours. So I went ahead and ate some today and within 2 hours immediately started feeling as awful as I did when this all started. I have two and a half weeks to go until my endoscopy and I just don't know how I am going to make it that long feeling this way. Does anyone have any type of recommendations to help with the discomfort until I get it done?
Hey everyone,
I’m a 21 yo woman and I’ve had digestive issues for some time, starting in hs. It was pretty mild though until a few months ago when it got somewhat worse, but not terrible. A few weeks ago I decided to get a blood test for celiac to help figure out what was going on. I tested high for tTG Ab,IgA and not high/too low for anything else (five things tested for). I went gluten free when I saw this just to be safe, until my doctor was free to discuss my results. I asked my doctor when we next spoke if I should continue eating gluten free and she said it was up to me but I needed to see a GI. I made an appointment with a GI and she suggested I get an endoscopy. I set one up and it’s currently in two weeks. I asked if I should make sure to eat gluten beforehand, and she said there was no need if I’m not currently eating gluten. I keep reading that you can get false negatives if you don’t eat gluten beforehand, so I’m wondering why she’s saying it doesn’t matter? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Low key I wanted to eat gluten for these last couple weeks as a last hurrah, and gluten doesn’t make me feel bad/sick so I’m kinda like, damn should I just do it? Thanks for any insight!
I've been under general anesthesia before and twilight sleep. And I tend to get nauseous about 3 to 4 days afterwards from it. And that's with anti-nausea medication. I know you're only out for about 10-15 minutes with an endoscopy, so perhaps the procedure won't be as intense on my system?
I'd love to hear your experiences with endoscopies, and hopefully give me some reassurance!
Hi all! I've probably left this a bit late to ask but I'm having an endoscopy tomorrow (camera down throat) and I'm nervous as hell so opting for sedation.
I just wondered if anyone had any experience of this, and what the sedation is like. Will I be quite out of it and what is the recovery time? I'd love to not have it but I'm too much of a wimp, and everyone has recommended that I do it!
Any stories welcome as long as they're nice haha
After having to reschedule my endoscopy due to COVID exposure last month, I'm finally getting the procedure done this Thursday. But I'm having trouble arranging for transport back home.
My gastroenterology practice doesn't allow patients to use Uber / Lyft or public transportation to get home following the endoscopy. My insurance refuses to cover medical transport. I have a friend who agreed to sign me out of the office, but he may or may not have a car with him on that day. Getting home actually isn't the problem - I live in DC and public transit is abundant, I just can't sign myself out of the office. Has anyone been in a similar situation where a friend signed you out but didn't actually transport you home? Have you ran into any issues? I'm reluctant to call the office about this because I don't want to tip them off that I might have to bend their rules a bit.
Edit: I'm confirming my friend will have his car with him. Thanks for the feedback!
Endoscopy results: My villi were normal, and my extensive Celiac blood panel suggested I am high risk for Celiac but don't have it (yet) but could develop it. Instead I had intraepithelial lymphocytes in my small intestine according to the biopsies which could indicate very early Celiac or a buildup of bacteria from gastroparesis.
My gastroenterologist saw gastroparesis with the scope while he was in there, and upon discussing the results with me and honing in on my symptoms, he is now confident in gastroparesis but more importantly he is sure we need to check my gall bladder to see if that is the culprit. (Gastroparesis is often idiopathic but some of my symptoms sound like textbook gall bladder issues to him.)
It could be gall stones or a dysfunctional gallbladder, in which case it may need to be removed. I am scheduled for more bloodwork and an ultrasound, and for now I am loading up on ginger supplements to promote gut motility.
Thank you, thank you, r/Celiac. I truly appreciate all of you! I have a lot of info and things to watch for now, and more diagnostics coming, and I wouldn't be here without you.
To anyone experiencing any GI symptoms, please please go see a gastroenterology specialist ❤️
I am going to have upper gi endoscopy in about 2-3 hours and i am really really scared after reading how discomforting it will be without sedation! I am from India and most of this procedure is done without sedation and only using throat spray(probably lidocaine). The place i will be going is a clinic rather than hospital, so i really wonder even if I ask for sedation he will do it or not! The doctor who’s looking at me will personally perform the endoscopy..
Also given my history, an ent when put a camera like thing to back of my throat even without touching any muscle inside, i gagged hard and he had to comfort me and then continue, hence i am really worried..
If i get sedated wel and good, otherwise i wanna know how discomforting is it? And how long it takes to get over?
Also please pour some points which will help me to endure this difficult 5 minutes gracefully!
Note: my symptoms are mostly mushy yellow stools, epigastric gnawing(like hunger) sometimes, epigastric burning on empty stomach, eating food resolves the burning though, this burning comes in waves and lasts for very few moment… also nausea was there, it was mostly when i used to sit/lie down and not when i am outside.. for eg when m watching movie in a theatre, if i dnt get anything to eat it becomes simply discomforting, not pain but gas and nausea. Please help me to understand what can this be as i am scared about cancer!
What were the findings? We’re there eosinophils? Did it recover when you stopped?
I'm feeling very good today.
Tomorrow I’m scheduled for both at 8:45 am and I’m so nervous. Mostly nervous about the side effects after.. like a sore throat? I’m fasting this whole day and I just am going to be so sad if my throat hurts too bad to eat tomorrow :(. And the morning after I have to work so I’m thinking what if I still feel groggy in the morning… I’m an overthinker if u can’t tell. Anyways anyone else have both at the same time and how’d u feel? I think I’m getting anesthesia so that’s good.
UPDATE: Reactive gastritis, esophagitis, and a benign stricture! Most of my symptoms have resolved, so good to go! My symptoms were A LOT WORSE than the actual results, so that may be likely for you as well!
I’ll preface with my symptoms. I’ve laid it out here before, but essentially, my esophagus was moving food and drink down too slowly/with the potential of hang ups if it was a particularly dry piece of food. It wasn’t terrible, but felt like it was getting smaller. I’ve had chest pains, stomach burning, sternum burning, and a chronic cough.
The procedure itself was awesome, a walk in the park. I’d go as far as to say I actually enjoyed it. The office I go to is really welcoming and cozy, and the nurses were awesome. We laughed the whole time while prepping and I felt extremely safe in their hands. They took vitals, placed IV, got fluid going. I was wheeled into the warm and dimly lit surgical room and we continued to talk. Dr. L finally appeared and randomly asked if I feel sleepy yet. I was really surprised and as I was turning on my left side I asked, “Why? Should I?” And I literally passed out right after.
Immediately I was in recovery. My clothes are on my body but I don’t remember putting them on, lol. They gave me the briefest of information, said I had ‘really bad reflux’ and that they took a biopsy, but that’s all until my appointment Monday.
I’m less afraid of the procedure than the results, I can tell you that.
Hello! I may need to have an upper endoscopy in the near future and I'm terrified of the sedation because I'm terrified of any drugs that act on the brain/nervous system because of horrible experiences with anti-depressants. And yep, I know it's a totally different class of drug from propofol and benzos but my brain feels really sensitive and the idea of being pumped full of brain drugs just terrifies me. I don't have classic POTS so hydration isn't really an issue, I'm just worried about the effect the sedation could have on my nervous system and brain in general.
They said I could have the normal benzo (Versed) sedation or propofol or if I'm feeling very adventurous I could just have no sedation but tbh that doesn't sound like something I could do...
Any experiences would be appreciated!
i just scheduled my first endoscopy & the doctor told me i’d have to be put under. i’m freaking out, is it really that bad?
The may find was in the stomach: diffuse granularity of mucosa was noted in the antrum.
These finding are compatible with gastritis. Cold forceps biopsies followed up.
I’ve asked the doc and he says he cant tell if its h pylori or sibo induced gastritis? What to mke sense here? Any thoughts?
Did anyone ever had an endoscopy procedure in one of Vancouver’s clinic? My Dr told me I’m going to have a sedation. Would I still have a gagging reflux with this type of sedation? I am really scared of this procedure but have no choice…
I knew it was going to suck but I didn't anticipate throwing up as a violently pee out my butt! I knew a risk was there since half of whatever is wrong with me is throwing up and just not stopping. I'm in the spare bed wishing my wife could cuddle without the chance of me messing on her. I put on Shadowhunters, my comfort show, and I'm trying to relax a bit but I can't stop shivering between all the bathroom time and not having my iron supplement for 7 days. I just hope I finally get answers and that my mom won't do anything toxic since she has to take me instead of my wife
Quick update: I did take my nausea meds and so far it's stayed down so YAY!
Hey there, Just wanted to share and get experiences as I am sure many of you have been in the same place. I am having a follow up endoscopy after requiring it next Wednesday. I am anxious about it and can not seem to figure why. First one went somewhat great but I think I dislike the idea of being put under.
I am not sure what the difference is between general anesthesia and « sedation » which is the term they have used the first time around. I was completely out but for like 10min and actually woke up still in the procedure room. Have you guys had any explanation on that ?
Anyways, I’m in the middle of a bad anxiety/health anxiety period so I’m just thinking of bad stuff happening to me and this does not help.
I have been having what I believe to be GERD symptoms (and pretty bad) for the last couple of years. A lot of what is mentioned on here: shortness of breath, tight chest, lump in throat etc. A couple months ago I got an upper endoscopy that came up completely clean. Has anyone else had a similar result? Could this be something other than GERD? I've also had chest x-rays, barium x-ray, ekg and all have shown nothing problematic.
I have been having acid reflux on going for about a year on and off and the barium I had said hital hernia and mild acid reflux. My doctor sent me to GI doctor for a endsocopy I am a male in my 30's she said my endsocopy showed a small hiatal hernia and she took biopsies and called me back two week later and said it showed thickening but nothing cancerous..Prior to this I also felt like a sticking sensation in my throat and sometimes chest which my doctor said it was anxiety. I saw reviews where people said this dr loves to do unencessary procdures to bill. She told me I felt the feeling of sticking call her back. I am worried if she could have damaged my esophagus and impact some spinchter muscles there, since I have the endsocopy which was two months , sometimes I feel spasm in my chest and feel sensation like if food is stuck in chest and I panic , could this be anxiety or did she damage something to bill me or I am just being paranoid and anxious just never felt this spasm before and sticking feel like this before
So I had a endoscopy done after hpylori treatment it showed mild gastritis in the antrum part of my stomach the dr took a biopsy and results just came back negative for hpylori
I was still taking omeprazole a day before my endoscopy and wasn’t told to stop taking it before the endoscopy I am just wondering if that could produce a false negative
My endoscopy and colonoscopy came back normal but I constantly have a feeling on my back of burning and feeling of warm liquid in my ears and as soon as I eat. The doctor said during the endoscopy that my stomach looks healthy and my colon looks healthy but I am still having symptoms. Could this be gallbladder or pancreas issues?
I'm terrified to be honest. Never been under anesthetic or had any kind of procedure before. I've heard the prep is pretty awful. I'm taking Clenpiq. I'm ready to get to the bottom of my stomach issues. Doc thinks its most likely IBS. But don't know....
31 Female 5’7” 280 lbs Current electronic cigarette smoker
Chronic LUQ pain that started 3 years ago, Fatigue, anal bleeding without pain, no normal bowel movements because they’re always either constipation or diarrhea, mucous in feces
Morbid Obesity, ADD, PCOS, Bipolar 2, Anxiety, Enlarged Spleen, Enlarged liver, Fatty liver, Ulcers and Erosion of the Esophagus
Adderall XR: 30mg per day Metformin: 1000mg per day Abilify: 2mg per day Lamotrigine: 300mg per day Adderall IR: 30mg per day Protonix: 80mg per day Pepcid AC: 20mg per day
I had an endoscopy done two days ago and I was only able to talk to my doctor for a few minutes just after waking up from anesthesia. He said that he found ulcers and erosion in my esophagus and handed me these photos. He took several biopsy’s and I have an appointment with him next week.
Why are two of the images blue? Do you see anything of concern in the photos? How long do biopsy’s typically take to come back.
Thank you!
I’ve only had 1 colonoscopy at this point… my doctor wants to do a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy at the same time, I’m super nervous.
(I live in the US, if that matters)
Do they put something in your mouth to hold your tongue down for the endoscopy?
Are you awake for that part? Do you gag?
Did you throw up when you woke up?
My anxiety is insanely high about this :(
My Dr. Asked me to do a capsule Endoscopy to check where active disease was, since nothing showed up in the colonoscopy.
The capsule got great images of where the disease was, but then got stuck. Which lead to massive pain and vomiting.
End result, 3rd bowel resection in 10 years, remove capsule camera and the portion of diseased bowel.
I'm out of hospital after 10 days, and my Dr. wants to do another capsule Endoscopy follow up in 6 weeks. I'm pretty hesitant to go through that again if it gets stuck.
Has anyone else had a capsule Endoscopy stuck? What was your experience?
Hi guys I am diagnosed with Antral Gastritis with stomach erosions. But the endoscopy report shows no Hernia and The GI Doctor also saw Chest X Ray and said all normal. I know small sliding hernias can be missed in Endoscopy but can these problematic hernias also be missed ?
Has anyone ever had an endoscopy while using kratom? I go in for an endoscopy Friday and I will have about 36 hours of no kratom use… I’m freaking out it will interfere or have an adverse reaction.
I've been under before, and I tend to get n* a day after anesthesia, and then it lasts for about 3 days after that. And that's with anti-n* medicine. I'm super nervous that I'll get n* or v* afterwards with this procedure. I know you're only out for about 10-15 minutes, but it's still making me worried 😟
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