A list of puns related to "Dva"
I've always leaned more toward the heroes who have their head on a swivel and can be any place at once like Ball, Tracer, or even brig. Really anyone who requires a lot of awareness.
So I've started playing DVa, and I instantly fell in love. I feel like I've been getting a lot of impact, and my matrix usage has significantly improved since I first started with her. I'm at a point where I can reliable eat all of the obvious abilities (fire strike, enemy micro missiles, echo stickies) and a good amount of the less obvious abilities (sleep, Nade, dynamites) but I still struggle a little bit with eating ultimates.
As far as I understand, this plays very similarly to blocking shatters as rein, in that there are a lot of mind games and ult tracking involved (never been great MTDing).
I have picked up on some Zar body language in a few fights, but ultimately whiffed (no pun intended). The one I did eat was complete luck.
Anyone have any tips for this? Ive seen the Karq vid where McGravy gave his, but I was wondering if anyone else has either general or specific tips against Zar/Tracer/even mei.
Ljudima u Europi istiću potvrde nakon što su cijepljeni dva puta i moraju se treći puta, čak se uvode u Austriji i novčane kazne za odbijanje treće doze. Dosta mojih prijatelja je pun k svega i sve su skeptičniji, mnogi nisu ni otišli po drugu dozu kamoli treću... da li smo onda i mi koji ne želimo drugu ili treću dozu anti vakseri?
Honestly, what is in your mind when you hook a bomb and kill everyone?
U proslosti kolika su bila trajanja praznina kada ste menjali pozicije i firme?
Da li ste uzimali slobodan period za ucenje novih stvari, i dokvalifikaciju, ili prekvalifikaciju, sredjivanje CV-ja, pravljenje projekata ili istog dana kada izgubite posao krecete sa listanjem oglasa i slanjem prijava?
Da li je mudro investirati i do pola godine, godinu u CV i projekte i onda naci duplo placeniji posao ili ne mora da znaci?
G’day all, just a quick PSA, Ive only just recently finished my first consultation with Alternaleaf to try out MC. I have a white card for a knee injury I was medically discharged for and after speaking with the nurse I was informed that they offer a 10% discount for both consultations and products for those seeking treatment for what the white card covers.
Title, and I would appreciate a link if found!
Keen to hear your experiences. Mine have been abysmal and are going to cost me over $30k by the time I’m done (admin fee and 10% of my comp payments). whole setup feels like a scam but I’m locked into contract which threatens my house if I don’t pay.
I can’t be the only one to get sucked into this shit?
Koja vam je najtužnija pjesma? Meni od Bisere Veletanlić - Zlatni dan (Kad mi istekne vreme, ja hoću za sebe, ta dva tri minuta, da mislim na tebe, pre odlaska u večiti mrak, hoću zlatni dan, suncem okupan)
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