A list of puns related to "Converso"
Eu não sou o cara mais inteligente do mundo, mas também tô longe de ser o cara mais burro de todos, o problema é a minha comunicação.
A minha comunicação não é uma das melhores, eu tenho problemas de timidez e isso meio que me fez evitar o contato com outras pessoas (fazendo com que eu ficasse mais preso nos livros) durante muito tempo da minha vida.
E agora isso tá afetando diretamente a minha vida. Eu não consigo conversar com pessoas que eu não conheço, independente do assunto, se for algo que eu saiba MUITO, eu até consigo conversar mais de boa, mas mesmo assim eu pareço um idiota quando falo...
It's a cool historical faith community and good for roleplaying. But one of the three traits is Communion. Yet there is no Head of Faith. Thus not allowing any of the Communion benefits, therefore effectively wasting a trait.
Hope Paradox fixes this in a future update because it's a cool thing I'd like to play sometime.
Join the Sephardic Studies Program at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Washington for our next virtual event on Thursday, January 14 @ 5 pm PST:
The Converso's Return: Dalia Kandiyoti in Conversation with Devin E. Naar - REGISTER HERE
Dalia Kandiyoti (College of Staten Island, City University of New York) will discuss her new book “The Converso’s Return: Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture.”
To purchase the book at a discount from Stanford University Press, use code Kandiyoti20.
About the talk
In the fifteenth century, thousands of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula (today’s Spain and Portugal) were forced to convert to Catholicism under threat of death and became known as conversos (literally meaning “the converted”). Five centuries later, their descendants have been uncovering their long-hidden Jewish roots; as these stories come to light, they have taken hold of the literary and popular imagination. This seemingly remote history has inspired a wave of contemporary writing involving hidden artifacts, familial whispers and secrets, and clandestine Jewish ritual practices pointing to a past that had been presumed dead and buried. “The Converso’s Return” explores the cultural politics and literary impact of this reawakened interest in converso and crypto-Jewish history, ancestry, and identity, and asks what this fascination with lost-and-found heritage can tell us about how we relate to and make use of the past.
About the speakers
Dalia Kandiyoti is Professor of English at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. She is the author of “The Converso’s Return: Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture” (Stanford, 2020). Her first book, published by University Press of New England, is called “Migrant Sites: America, Place, and Diaspora Literatures.” She has also published articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes on Sephardi and Latinx writing and co-edited a special journal issue entitled “[Jewish-Muslim Crossings in the Americas](https://go.gale.com/ps/anonymous?id=GALE%7CA453287222&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=02719274&p=L
... keep reading on reddit ➡Aquí 4 de mis conversos favoritos :
Pablo Iglesias con Jorge Verstrynge
Entrevista Sánchez Dragó a Santiago Carrillo (2007)
La Tentación Totalitaria
Pablo Iglesias con Antonio Escohotado
eu não consigo conversar muito com outras pessoas, realmente não consigo falar pra ninguém 1% do que eu penso. Eu só consigo "conversar" comigo mesmo: eu converso sozinho em voz alta, o dia inteiro, as vezes eu me faço uma pergunta e me explico a resposta, as vezes eu chego a ficar puto com alguma resposta minha pra mim mesmo, isso é normal?
I recently caught up with the manga, and I was curious about the 4 conversos. Adriel (Hebrew- עדרי אל, a proposed meaning is “God’s helper”, but translates to “Flock of God”) was the name of a Nobleman which married one of the daughters of Saul in The Book of Samual. Idk how that connects to anything about the character. Emeth is probably “אמת” from Hebrew, which means truth. However, the intent to call him that is probably tied to the myth of the Golem: this word is used to bring a golem to life, according to Jewish Folklore. About the other two: Andomaq isn’t anything in Hebrew, and we can’t count on Sydron’s/Piodon’s name cause he got a lot of these. Anybody got any ideas?
As reported here — https://twitter.com/canadianpolling/status/1162715106876252160?s=21
Manitoba goes to the polls on September 10th.
I noticed on the CK3 wiki that Conversos, a Judaism-Catholicism synthesis from Spain, was listed as a faith. However, there are no Conversos Provences on the map. After finding the event that creates heresy outbreaks in the files, I noticed that it forbids the event from choosing Conversos to offer you. Is there any way to get this faith? Or was it left over from a beta build?
Has anyone played a Conversos character? Does the tenet just do nothing?
So back in the Spanish Inquisition, Jewish people were like public enemy 2#, only taking second place to literally any less advanced tribes of people trying to mind their own business.
So naturally, a lot of Jewish people had to keep their religion on the down low lest they the Spanish Inquisition sets them a ablaze
So they’d become ‘Conversos’ Jews who converted to Christianity. Though a good portion of the ‘converted’ Jewish people practiced Judaism in secret.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/d0Kfp2-Lqh4
In chapter 100 Dragunov tells Seth the story of the conversos and how they stopped the revolt. But the thing that got to me, was how did that feather tree grew. Sorcerers can’t use Fantasia bare handed except Seth and his brothers. That got me thinking, what if piodon grew that tree, what if piodon wanted people to revolt so he could kill them and gain a rank in the inquisition. Maybe Piodon went to jail or got caught on purpose so he could execute his plan.
Olá, eu não sei o que e nem como fazer, conheci uma menina no tinder a 4 anos atrás em seguida que terminei um namoro, até então não era nada demais .. só que o tempo foi passando e a gente não deixou de se falar, mas ela aparentemente começou a levar mais pra amizade, aliás morávamos distante, só que isso foi fazendo com que eu me aproximasse de outra forma, sempre que ela tinha uma namoro com alguém ou estava apenas conhecendo uma pessoa e tudo mais, me contava sobre, eu dava minha opinião, já incentivei muito ela a ficar com tal pessoa e no final acabar vendo que ia dar merda, avisar pra ela e ela não reconhecer, pois dava a merda e ela voltava a falar comigo dizendo que eu estava certo seguindo daí por meses de boa conversando direto, e sempre tivemos um carinho um pelo outro, ela sempre deixo muito bem explícito que a gente só era amigo, mesmo nosso santo batendo tanto, que não sentia e tal, porém ultimamente temos nos aproximado de uma forma diferente, ela inclusive veio me reclamar que não consegue sentir nada por ninguém mais, que não tem vontade de sair e conhecer nenhum cara e eu acabei entrando de novo no assunto, dizendo que sempre estive do lado, ajudando mesmo que de longe, apoiando, empurrando ela pra frente e mostrando o quanto ela é incrível e maravilhosa, daí ela começou a mudar em algumas coisas, disse que sempre gostou da maneira que trato ela, que sempre gostou do jeito que faço pra engrandecer ela e a maneira que vejo ela que nem ela mesmo se enxerga, e começou a soltar frases como " ah se a gente casar e blablabla", eu tenho um cachorro e em um assunto ela falou "mas é danado esse eu meu filho", e acho que estamos prestes a nos conhecer, pois estou de mudança para cidade dela, não sei o que fazer nem o que pensar. Queria uma opinião de alguém, que talvez já tenha passado por isso, ou mulheres que se coloquem talvez no lugar dela e me digam se eu fosse o cara e vocês fosse ela, o que seria ? Eu me apaixonei de verdade por ela.
Até aí tudo bem, mas só que correspondi e de repente virei a pior pessoa do mundo inteiro. Após 8 dias de eu pedindo pro meu pai e da minha mãe, entre agressões físicas e ofensas verbais. Não consigo resultados positivos, medo de ser rejeitado por outras pessoas quando você não socializa com as outras pessoas da equipe.
El coronavirus covid19 está teniendo grandes e inesperados efectos secundarios, sin necesidad de contagio directo los ultraliberales se convierten en keynesianos
Hola a todos.
Nunca hasta hoy había participado en ningún foro, así que no sé muy bien cómo funcionan estas cosas. Pero antes de empezar a participar en otros hilos, me gustaría presentarme.
Me llamo Jorge, tengo 33 años y soy de Burgos. Aunque Podemos haya sacado un escaño (lo cual ha sido increíble para mí), aquí en Burgos no es fácil decir públicamente que te gusta Pablo Iglesias sin que te miren mal. Y menos aún en mi familia. De hecho, hace unas pocas semanas mi padre me dijo textualmente que "le dolía" el hecho de que fuese a votar a Podemos.
Y es que en mi familia se ha votado tradicionalmente al PP. Incluso yo lo he hecho alguna vez (espero que no me echéis del foro por esto...jeje). En mi descargo diré que la mayor parte de las veces he votado en blanco). He crecido en un ambiente en el que la derecha estaba bien vista y yo nunca me había preocupado de preguntarme el por qué. Estaba bien y punto.
En mi analfabetismo político me creía todo lo que decían los medios de comunicación sin plantearme siquiera la posibilidad de que pudiese haber oscuros intereses económicos manejando esos medios. Incluso pensaba que si el PP y el PSOE votaban conjuntamente algo era "porque era bueno para España y los españoles". Inocente de mí...
Afortunadamente, llegó el 15M y empecé a despertar de mi letargo político. Sólo unos meses después conocí a mi novia y, gracias a ella, empecé poco a poco a abrir los ojos, a plantearme las cosas, a dudar de todo lo que viese, leyese u oyese en los mass media, a contrastar la información y a darme cuenta de que mi anterior "ideología política" se reducía a repetir los 4 estereotipos que había escuchado en la tele o, en menor medida, en mi casa (donde nunca se ha hablado demasiado de política).
Aun así, mi despertar fue lento, así que llegaron las elecciones europeas y me abstuve. En ese momento ni siquiera sabía que se presentaba un señor con coleta. Pero después de esas elecciones desperté definitivamente cuando vi con mi novia una entrevista a Pablo Iglesias. Para mí, esa entrevista fue algo parecido a la caída de caballo de San Pablo. Él se convirtió al cristianismo y yo... yo me convertí a la "extrema" izquierda...jejeje.
Desde entonces soy un asiduo seguidor de los programas de debate (antes huía de ellos), me encanta hablar con mi novia de la actualidad política y busco en Internet las intervenciones televisivas de Pablo Iglesias, Íñigo Errejón, Carloina Bescansa, Irene Montero, Pablo Mayoral y compañía. Incluso he i
... keep reading on reddit ➡Join the Sephardic Studies Program at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Washington for our next virtual event on Thursday, January 14 @ 5 pm PST:
The Converso's Return: Dalia Kandiyoti in Conversation with Devin E. Naar - REGISTER HERE
Dalia Kandiyoti (College of Staten Island, City University of New York) will discuss her new book “The Converso’s Return: Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture.”
To purchase the book at a discount from Stanford University Press, use code Kandiyoti20.
About the talk
In the fifteenth century, thousands of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula (today’s Spain and Portugal) were forced to convert to Catholicism under threat of death and became known as conversos (literally meaning “the converted”). Five centuries later, their descendants have been uncovering their long-hidden Jewish roots; as these stories come to light, they have taken hold of the literary and popular imagination. This seemingly remote history has inspired a wave of contemporary writing involving hidden artifacts, familial whispers and secrets, and clandestine Jewish ritual practices pointing to a past that had been presumed dead and buried. “The Converso’s Return” explores the cultural politics and literary impact of this reawakened interest in converso and crypto-Jewish history, ancestry, and identity, and asks what this fascination with lost-and-found heritage can tell us about how we relate to and make use of the past.
About the speakers
Dalia Kandiyoti is Professor of English at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. She is the author of “The Converso’s Return: Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture” (Stanford, 2020). Her first book, published by University Press of New England, is called “Migrant Sites: America, Place, and Diaspora Literatures.” She has also published articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes on Sephardi and Latinx writing and co-edited a special journal issue entitled “[Jewish-Muslim Crossings in the Americas](https://go.gale.com/ps/anonymous?id=GALE%7CA453287222&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=02719274&p=L
... keep reading on reddit ➡Join the Sephardic Studies Program at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Washington for our next virtual event on Thursday, January 14 @ 5 pm PST:
The Converso's Return: Dalia Kandiyoti in Conversation with Devin E. Naar
When: Thursday, January 14, 2021 @ 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST
Where: Zoom! RSVP to receive the link REGISTER HERE
Dalia Kandiyoti (College of Staten Island, City University of New York) will discuss her new book “The Converso’s Return: Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture.”
To purchase the book at a discount from Stanford University Press, use code Kandiyoti20.
About the talk
In the fifteenth century, thousands of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula (today’s Spain and Portugal) were forced to convert to Catholicism under threat of death and became known as conversos (literally meaning “the converted”). Five centuries later, their descendants have been uncovering their long-hidden Jewish roots; as these stories come to light, they have taken hold of the literary and popular imagination. This seemingly remote history has inspired a wave of contemporary writing involving hidden artifacts, familial whispers and secrets, and clandestine Jewish ritual practices pointing to a past that had been presumed dead and buried. “The Converso’s Return” explores the cultural politics and literary impact of this reawakened interest in converso and crypto-Jewish history, ancestry, and identity, and asks what this fascination with lost-and-found heritage can tell us about how we relate to and make use of the past.
About the speakers
Dalia Kandiyoti is Professor of English at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. She is the author of “The Converso’s Return: Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture” (Stanford, 2020). Her first book, published by University Press of New England, is called “Migrant Sites: America, Place, and Diaspora Literatures.” She has also published articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes on Sephardi and Latinx writing and co-edited a special journal issue entitled “[Jewish-Muslim Crossings in the Americas](https://go.gale.com/ps/anonymous?id=GA
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