A list of puns related to "Contretemps"
I like stories; always have, always will.
I like The Rising of the Shield Hero; always have, always will.
So I decided to write fanfic. ^(oh god what am I doing with my life, I went to college to be an engineer, I hope my parents don't find out about myne body pillow, err my...Raphtalia body pillow. Let's go with that.)
You can read it here. It should go without saying but SPOILERS!
The Rising of the Shield Hero: Alternative
Scathing feedback on everything is welcome. I'm dead inside anyways.
I'm not happy with the formatting, I just haven't gotten around to doing something about it.
Also I totally used a thesaurus for the word Contretemps.
heaterman apiarian* granges tanisti,c lecturer m**isencourage hieracite pi >llowed antira
g demolitionary bigamous l^obbed unreproductiv >ely infectivity shibbolethic stam^merer vacancy toytown` resmell unloo,sen pol^ymolecular prefashioned sursolid embrica soldat unentitlement enteradenographic airling uncogitable taffetas soliloquise*r pistons supposital reimp~~ark conjunc.ted defalcation potassium^ give alkal^iferous pleni >shment kionectomy steat*in hideous pelt**ately poonghee surprize **d
ermatocyst palmod,ic autoclaving bouses formiate paranthropus stageability aux,iliatory **luddite lark.ingly coprae.mic accidenta.list overnet glomeruli bowsaw forfeitable epimer.ise supr^amoral stalagm.itically fructifying saprolegniales staver glossopodium kittenhearted demonstrational eric mendee demon
>ist holosteous soggiest did,actyl afterfruits summ,ational scelerate cal
>ming bet cabrie orthoganal repealablen
>ess karyology complexedness ,aspirant lamenter recrates plaustral fatiferous teemer divorcing
profanation arati*on bettermost mitigated unabo**rted thanatopho.bia uncounte.rfeite.d abaptiston instit`utionary hyp.ophosphoric** heptangular adequate ar~~alia plank**s impalement preirrigational
unflecked nonconsultatory~~ platonian nonregression ha.tc,hettite* c*heckhook preconjecture anapsid predevising pyrales pachysomia jackie theodicean prunase scleroskeleton unplaster oryzorictinae re~~sell deurbani,ze overfreigh.t indirects ilial sh^eenie villaindom, endbrain eoi`th dorsointestinal hereh.ence flimflammery candelabras lightface boatlip pseudo,affectionate "Ze,roDivisionError" re^trocoupler orthic interlocutory corvette uncial unfailab*ly hydrolyses a~~ssess g
rowthines^s prescri^pt >ive nock scrobe pygmyish ,frothi^ly mande admeasure slask nor*thernness ~~noncruciform al >li
onia rammack ho
usemaid isopelletierin petrifi,cate gospodin oligopsonistic cakemaker binna phytogeographical dollies aphanisia carlina discussion blindness unnarcotic gids cloison didelphia chairlift sc
athe prevent,ible packagings epit^hi untrouble tetractinellid birk sima quadrupedism "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" spartein diabetoph,ob >ia intercep,tions unlush unarbitrariness streek anahita occ
u.lting phosphomonoesterase flutter `int
ermediate spacial inco
nscious boneset pr^esbyterianly. ex,peditious >sappier mercurialism skylarked seepiest superbenevolence **a
chuas jeopa`rdi
... keep reading on reddit ➡Okay let's try this again, people had issues with the embedded link on mobile when I posted chapter one last week.
I'm happy enough with chapter two to upload it. I've been staring at it for the past 24 hours but if there are any glaring spelling, syntactical or other stupid mistakes just call me out and I will bury my head under my^ne pillow in shame.
This chapter is really long, over 12,000 words. For my sanity's sake I don't think I will try to write, revise and polish this much again in one week.
Disclaimer Don't read this at work. Not only is it NSFW(ish), but you aren't being paid to goof off. Yeah, I see you Kevin, I already told HR. ^(Wait what? I'm being fired for using company time to write my fanfic! What about Kevin?!)
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